After three years, the next installment in the beloved creepy-cool point-and-click adventure series by veteran developer Mateusz Skutnik has finally arrived. As you venture beyond the walls of the town, are you prepared to handle the mysteries of the Sea of Smoke and the surreal puzzles within?
You're lost, but don't be afraid. With Mateusz Skutnik to lead you, you know the journey is always going to be great... even if it's juuuust a little creepy. Go on a puzzle platforming adventure in search of music and a way home in this stunning game set in the Daymare world.
The revered series continues directly after your flight in the air balloon from Daymare Town 2. Later you find yourself in a hospital and must get out. New features include a new cursor to show places that you can move, translations and thoughts, and dialogue via pictures. What are you waiting for?! Go play it now!
Daymare Town 2 returns you to the daytime nightmare of a place complete with new puzzles to solve, new characters to meet, more creepy creatures peering at you around corners, and more items to find. You can't help but enter this freaky town, but can you escape from it?
DayMare Town is a strange and oddly deserted town that gives the unsettling feeling that eyes are peering from around corners. It is drab and dreary, not a very pleasant place to be. But now you're stuck, and you'll do anything you can to leave.
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