An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Daymare Town 4

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Daymare Town 4

DoraIt's finally happened. You've gone beyond the walls of Daymare Town. But what waits for you in the eerie silence of the Sea of Smoke... and beyond? Mateusz Skutnik delivers another creepy-cool yet imaginative point-and-click adventure game with the long awaited Daymare Town 4. After three years, your chance to explore more of the beloved world has arrived. Just click around to navigate and interact, using the changing cursor as your guide. There is a lot to find and gather up, and not all of it is useful, so make sure to make use of places to store items, or keep your eyes peeled for a backpack to allow you to carry even more.

Daymare Town 4Chances are if you saw this title and started doing a little squirmy happy dance in your seat, you're already familiar with its signature brand of surreal, disorienting environments and odd puzzles. In which case, the biggest difficulty you might encounter is navigation, since it's easy to completely miss a lot of area transitions that aren't visually indicated onscreen unless you sweep your cursor over them. Chances are if you get stuck, it's mostly because you didn't think to try to zoom in on a seemingly innocuous area, or to sweep your cursor along the edges of the screen to see if you could turn around or go another way not indicated. It's a game that needs you to explore every nook and cranny, to keep your eyes open for clues and try everything. It's also, as you might expect, absolutely gorgeous, although perhaps with a more unnerving art style to its denizens than before.

Sensitive players also might want to be warned, however, that there is a brief implication of suicide which might be upsetting to some. There's an overall bleakness to this installment that somehow makes it more unsettling than its predecessors, a grimmer vibe than the Moomin-esque feel it had prior. Daymare Town 4 offers a lot to explore, and continues the series' tradition of red herrings, allowing you to use some items in the places they don't really belong to mislead you. (Although as a general rule, in most cases if you've put an item in the proper place, you won't be able to move it again.) It's a game that sets out to make you feel lost and bewildered and it definitely succeeds. What's waiting for you out there beyond the Resin Gate, Seaweed Fossil Chasm, and beyond? Only one way to find out. It's a massive game well worth your time... and if you enjoy it, consider picking up the fullscreen HD version for $5.00USD to support the developer who's given us so much for so long for free.

Play Daymare Town 4

Thanks to Jode for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

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Daymare Town 4 Walkthrough

  • Check back soon for additional information, items, achievements, etc. that will be added to the guide!

Part 1

Sea of Smoke

  1. You start the game in the middle of a desert. Click the right side of the area to turn right.

  2. Now you should see a cave on the left and a row of stairs on the right. Click the stairs to walk towards them.

  3. From there, go down through the arch way at the middle of the stairs to enter a building which contains a smaller staircase.

  4. Go down these stairs to a small room with five pegs on the wall.

    • Pick up the COG WHEEL (1) on the right side of the floor.

  5. Go back up the stairs to exit the building, then move back twice to return to the starting zone.

  6. Now click the left side of the desert area to turn towards a hill with a forked road.

  7. Follow the path on the right and continue to move right until you reach the Resin Gate.

Resin Gate

  1. Once you reach the gate, move right one more time to find a makeshift bridge.

    • Click the bottom of the shadowy area underneath the bridge to zoom in.

    • Pick up the COG WHEEL (2) from the ground, then click the top of the scene to zoom back out.

  2. Move left four times to return to the fork in the road.

  3. This time, take the left path up the stairs. Climb up until you reach the entrance to the House of the Dragon.

House of the Dragon

  1. Click the bottom of the tower to enter the base floor of the building.

    • In the middle of the wall under the stairs, you'll see a Wall Safe which may contain some junk items.

  2. Click the bottom of the screen to turn around towards the back wall.

    • Take the BACKPACK hanging from the left hook on the wall.

      • You can click the BACKPACK in your inventory to open it. Simply click other items to switch them between the backpack or your inventory.

      • This is the most convenient way to store any objects, especially junk items. Note that an item cannot be used while it is in your backpack, it must be switched back into an empty space in your inventory before you can use it again.

  3. Turn back around and go up the stairs to the second floor. Click the ladder once to climb to the middle.

    • Examine the window at the middle of the tower.

    • Take the CRANK on the windowsill.

  4. Move back and continue up the ladder to the top of the tower.

  5. Click the bottom of the floor to turn around towards the other side of the room.

  6. Press the button at the center of the circular window on the wall to open it, revealing a mechanism.

    • Place the two COG WHEELS on the round pegs of the window mechanism.

  7. Click the sofa to move it aside, which will uncover a socket at the middle of the floor.

    • Insert the CRANK into the socket, then click the crank to operate the mechanism - this will open the Resin Gate you passed by earlier.

  8. Exit the tower and go all the way back to the fork in the road, then follow the right path until you return to the Resin Gate.

Resin Gate

  1. Click the open gate to enter the tunnel.

  2. There's an object in the middle of the floor "encased in resin," use the HAMMER four times on the resin to break it.

    • Take the freed BELL from the broken resin on the ground.

  3. Move back once to exit the gate, then walk left three times and back twice to return to the starting scene of the game in the Sea of Smoke.

Sea of Smoke

  1. From the starting scene, walk right twice to return to the large stairway.

  2. Click the column on the left side of the top of the stairs to approach it.

    • Now click the top of the column to zoom in and find a BULB FUSE.

  3. Back up twice, then move towards the archway atop the right side of the stairs.

    • Attach the BELL to the end of the rope hanging from the archway.

    • Hit the BELL with the HAMMER to call for the elevator.

  4. Enter the elevator, then push the lower button to ride it down to the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

Part 2

Seaweed Fossil Chasm

  1. Back up twice to exit the elevator. Walk left across the bridge to face the chasm, then walk right to reach the stacked houses.

  2. First enter the middle house by clicking the doorway directly above the sword and shield.

    • The broken switch at the middle of the wall has a bulb on its left side, but the one on the right is missing.

    • Place the BULB FUSE (from the column at the Sea of Smoke) into the empty socket on the right side of the switch to repair it.

    • Click the switch to pull it down. It should now stay locked into the lower position.

    • Move back to exit the room.

  3. Next, click the lowest doorway that's to the right of the building you just left.

    • Pull the handle that's hanging from the ceiling to open the door to a different building outside.

    • Since you pulled the switch in the other room, the hatch in the middle of the floor should be open.

    • Go down into the hatch to find a FUSE (1) at the bottom.

    • Climb back up and move back once to exit.

  4. The door to the upper left building should now be open since you pulled the handle. Click the open door to enter the kitchen.

    • Take the FOSSILIZED BREAD ROLL on the floor at the rear left corner of the room.

    • Back up to exit the building.

  5. Move right once to reach a new area with a stone outcropping hanging over the edge of the cliff.

  6. There are two small caves here in the rock wall, click the right cave to move towards it.

    • You should see a figure here with outstretched arms who says it "cannot... reach... stone..."

    • Give it the FOSSILIZED BREAD ROLL. In exchange, it will leave you a CONTROL WHEEL.

  7. Move back, then walk right twice. Continue right through the small tunnel in the wall until you reach a cavern on the other side.

    • At the right side of the cavern is an oil pump mechanism.

      • Open the small door at the front of the mechanism and place the FUSE (the one from the bottom of the hatch, not the bulb fuse) inside the empty compartment to power the machine.

  8. Walk left four times. You should now be standing at the top of a sandy hill (going down it leads to a spikey gate) and a single doorway in front of you with a ladder leading up to it. Go through the doorway to enter the room.

    • Move towards the right side of the room to find another set of machinery. You should also see an oil gauge on the wall with a bar that is nearly full, since we already powered the oil pump.

    • Put the CONTROL WHEEL into the dome shape at the top of the machine.

      • Click the handle at the upper left section of the wheel to turn it.

      • The bars at the right side of the machine should now be lined up and the gate outside should now be open.

  9. Go left once and back once to leave the room. Now that the gate is open, you can move back two more times to walk down the sandy hill and into the Deep Fog Trench.

Deep Fog Trench

  1. Once you reach the bottom of the hill after the animation, click the right side of the screen to turn right towards the fence.

    • Take the STEEL PIPE sticking up from the middle of the fence, just a bit to the left of the large cross-shape.

  2. Take one more step to the right to follow the fence a little further.

  3. Click the area between the two middle posts of the fence to move towards the desert behind it.

    • Pick up the CRYSTAL BALL lying in the sand.

  4. Back up to return to the fence, then walk right twice to find two little men. From here, turn right to face the desert horizon.

    • Examine the skull lying in the sand at the left side of the scene.

      • Look inside the skull's mouth to find a CHARON COIN (1).

    • Move back three times to return to the two men.

  5. In the distance, you can see three faded structures. Click the left area of the screen to walk towards the towers, then approach the left building of the Fog Folk Hive.

Fog Folk Hive

  1. Click the doorway of the left tower to zoom in.

    • The entrance is boarded up, but you can break it open by hitting each of the boards with the HAMMER.

  2. Enter the left tower and go up the stairs into the attic.

    • Pick up the KNIFE lying on the right side of the floor.

    • Go back downstairs, then exit the building.

  3. Move towards the large structure in the middle next.

    • There are three doorways at the bottom of the tower that each lead to a different series of tunnels. Enter the middle doorway first.

  4. Click the opening at the top of the tunnel to reach the horn room.

    • Attach the STEEL PIPE (from the middle of the fence at the Deep Fog Trench) to the end of the horn.

  5. Exit the room and go out the tunnel to return to the view of the three doorways. Enter the doorway on the right next.

    • This series of tunnels stretches out over multiple scenes. Follow the tunnel up, right, and then to the upper right.

  6. Click the small entrance from the path branching out of the side of the tunnel to enter the statue room.

    • Look inside the statue's mouth to find another CHARON COIN (2).

  7. Leave the tunnels and return to the front of the tower. Walk back three times and then left three times to go back to the bottom of the sandy hill at the Deep Fog Trench.

Deep Fog Trench

  1. Click the left side of the scene to turn left towards the odd, tree-shaped structures.

  2. Continue to the left, then walk forward to find a dead monster lying on the ground. Turn right to face it.

    • Click the monster's mouth to zoom in and take a CHARON COIN (3).

    • Next, examine the horns on top of the monster's head. Remove the CHAKRA, which looks like an oval gem between the two horns.

  3. Move to the right to view the other end of the monster.

    • Cut open the monster's stomach with the KNIFE (from the floor in the attic of the left tower at the Fog Folk Hive).

    • Pick up the FUSE (2) that falls out of the monster's stomach and on to the ground.

    • Move left once and then back once to step away from the monster.

  4. Walk forward once. You should see two hooks hanging from the sky. Click the faded structure to the right to discover an oil pump machine.

    • Open the door at the front of the machine and insert the FUSE from the monster's stomach to power the machine.

  5. Go back four times and then turn right to face the hill again. Climb up the hill to return to the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

Seaweed Fossil Chasm

  1. Go up the hill and walk left twice to view the stacked buildings.

  2. Enter the fortune teller's room through the bottom door on the far left side.

    • Place the CRYSTAL BALL on top of the pedestal.

  3. Click the ball to travel to the fortune teller.

    • Pick up the TAROT CARD on the right side of the floor.

    • Return to the other room by clicking the crystal ball again, then move back to exit the building.

  4. Enter the farthest right building next.

    • Place the CHAKRA (from the dead monster's forehead at the Deep Fog Trench) into the hole at the middle of the room.

      • This will create a Seaweed Newborn, which appears beside the right wall. Click the creature to speak with it.

    • After your conversation, pick up the SEAWEED ANTENNAE that the creature drops onto the floor.

    • Move back to exit the building.

  5. Walk right twice and back twice to go down the hill to the Deep Fog Trench once again.

Deep Fog Trench

  1. Turn left once to face the tree-shaped objects. Straight ahead you should see a post with a pulley mechanism at the top of it.

    • Click the post to walk towards it, where you'll find the start of two railroad tracks.

    • Don't follow the tracks just yet. Instead, click the upper left section of the screen to follow the wall to the left where you'll see a painting of Charon behind a row of candles and spotted pebbles.

  2. Move left two more times until you reach a staff with three U-shaped prongs at the top of it.

    • Place the three CHARON COINS into each of the prongs.

      • The first CHARON COIN was from the skull's mouth in the desert area of the Deep Fog Trench.

      • The second CHARON COIN was also in the Deep Fog Trench, but this one was found in the mouth of the dead monster.

      • The third CHARON COIN was from the statue's mouth which was located in the side room of the right tunnels at the Fog Folk Hive tower.

  3. Walk right once towards the rows of archways.

    • Now that you've placed the Charon coins, the dome that was previously on the ground has been lifted, revealing another FUSE (3) on the floor.

  4. Move right twice to return to the start of the two railroad tracks.

    • Click the lower left corner of the screen to view the middle of the two tracks.

  5. Follow the bottom track all the way to the end where you'll find a closed door.

    • Insert the TAROT CARD into the card slot that's just to the right of the door to open it.

  6. Continue through the open door into the Fog Dust Processing Plant.

Fog Dust Processing Plant

  1. Follow the slide down to the lower left two times to reach the base of the plant.

  2. Walk left once to find another oil pump machine.

    • Open the panel at the front of the machine and put in the FUSE (from under the dome connected to the Charon coins) to start the machine.

  3. Go out the way you came to leave the processing plant. Walk right seven times to go all the way back to the sandy hill at the entrance to the Deep Fog Trench.

  • From there, walk right four times and forward once to return to the three tall structures. Approach the middle tower to return to the Fog Folk Hive.

Fog Folk Hive

  1. Click the doorway on the left to enter the left series of tunnels.

  2. Go all the way up to the end of the tunnel. Open the door and enter the top room.

    • Attach the SEAWEED ANTENNAE to the left side of the machine next to the man who says "I cannot fit that fuse in there..."

    • Pick up the FUSE he drops on to the ground.

  3. Exit the tunnel and step away from the tower to go back to the view of all three structures from the Deep Fog Trench.

Deep Fog Trench

  1. Approach the tall stone structure on the right.

    • At the right side of the scene you should see another tall, faded object in the distance.

  2. Click the upper right corner of the screen to move towards it - it's another oil pump machine!

    • Open the small door at the front of the machine. Insert the fuse to power the oil pump.

  3. Go back twice, then return to the entrance of the Fog Folk Hive tower.

Part 3

Fog Folk Hive

  1. Enter the doorway on the left once again to go inside the tunnel.

  2. At the start of the tunnel, click the upper left door to open it and enter the room.

    • Turn the valve at the middle of the room.

      • This will allow you to use the horn in the other tunnel (but only if you remembered to attach the STEEL PIPE to it, as instructed earlier in the walkthrough!)

    • Exit the tunnel to return to the front of the tower.

  3. Go through the middle doorway and out the end of the tunnel to return to the horn room.

    • Pull the handle hanging down from the left side of the horn to blow it.

    • Now you will be able to locate the skeleton of the sand giant.

  4. Go all the way back out to the Deep Fog Trench once again.

Deep Fog Trench

  1. Move back twice and left three times to reach the sandy hill. Turn left twice and walk forward once to return to the corpse of the dead monster.

  2. From this point, walk forward once, then click the dome sticking out of the sand to move towards it.

  3. Click the right side of the dome to face the front of it, you'll see now that it's in fact a sand giant skull.

Sand Giant

  1. Enter the skull and go down the hole into the throat. Continue down to the pit of the stomach.

  2. Click the MIGDULA lying on the middle of the ground in the giant's stomach to eat it. Now you have the power to see through the fog.

  3. Go up twice and forward once to leave the sand giant's skeleton and go out to the Deep Fog Trench.

Deep Fog Trench

  1. Click the left side of the screen to return to the back view of the skull. Walk back four times and turn right to arrive once again at the sandy hill.

    • Now walk right four times and then forward once to the view of the three tall structures.

    • This time, follow the power lines that lead to the right.

    • Walk forward once so that you see a figure on the hill to your right and, now that you've eaten the migdula, a giant ravine on the left.

  2. Click the ravine twice to enter The Tear.

  3. Climb up the ladder two times to reach the top of The Cliff.

The Cliff

  • Follow the road at the upper right side of the scene.

  • Continue along the path until you reach a hooded figure next to a horse and carriage.

  • Click the hooded figure to speak with them.

  • Achievements

    Tidy Man

    1. First, you will need to locate 5 Cog Wheels.

      • Take the first Cog Wheel from the upper alcove on the right wall inside the kitchen. The kitchen is located at the upper left building of the stacked houses in the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

      • Pick up the second Cog Wheel on the floor partially concealed by the pile of wood inside the parrot's room. The parrot's room is found inside the upper left doorway at the start of the right tunnel of the Fog Folk Hive.

      • Find the remaining three Cog Wheels in the various random containers scattered around the game. It's possible to find more, but you only need a total of five.

    2. Take the elevator up to the Sea of Smoke. Walk back twice, then go into the building under the large stairs. Head down the small stairway into the room at the bottom.

    3. Place all five Cog Wheels on to the five pegs on the wall.

    Bone Fisher

    1. To make a fishing rod, you'll need three parts - a line, a rod, and a hook.

      • The fishing line is located inside the Resin Gate.

        • Go to the end of the solidified resin river, then take the Fishing Line hanging from a nail at the vertical part of the resin stream.

      • The fishing rod is found at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

        • At the stacked buildings, enter the room at the middle (the one with the longest ladder) that contains the pull switch.

        • You'll find the Rod leaning against the pile of debris at the left side of the room.

          • The Hook is also at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

            • Move one screen to the right of the stacked buildings, to the scene with the rock outcropping at the edge of the cliff.

            • Look inside the left shadowy area where you'll find a pair of eyes that close when you move your cursor over them.

            • On the far right side of the rock above these eyes is the Hook.

          • Attach the Hook to the Fishing Line in your inventory, then combine that with the Rod to complete the Fishing Rod.

          • Go one screen right and then move back once to reach the gate blocking the sand hill.

            • at the bottom of the gate you'll see a pile of bones and skulls.

          • Use the Fishing Rod to reel in the bone between the two middle wheels on the gate.

    The Gardener

    1. Go to the Fog Dust Processing Plant and walk all the way left to the end of the room.

      • Take the MAST leaning against the side of the wall.

    2. Now go all the way back to the Resin Gate. Move two screens to the left so that you're at the middle of the stairway.

      • Sticking out of the side of the wall, you'll see a pole with three masts sticking out of it and a space at the middle for one more.

      • Put the MAST from your inventory into that space.

      • Take the WALL FLOWER SEED from the flower that appears to the left of the pole.

    3. Next, go to the scene with the "jumper" at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm. Move one screen to the right.

      • Plant the WALL FLOWER SEED in the hole surrounded by a ring of lines at the top of the wall to grow a star tree.

    Saint George

    1. Go to the entrance of the Fog Dust Processing Plant.

      • Open the small doors below the platform under the mine car to find an ANCIENT SHIELD.

    2. Now go to the stacked houses at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

      • Place the ANCIENT SHIELD on top of the sword and shield at the side of the middle building to reveal a hidden door.

    3. Go through the door to enter the secret room, where you'll find the GRUS sword hanging on the wall.

    4. Next, go up to the House of the Dragon. Climb up the stairs to the middle of the tower.

      • Use GRUS on the belly of the dragon coming into the tower through the window to slay it.

    Friend of Cat

    1. Go to the bottom of the sandy hill at the entrance to the Deep Fog Trench. Walk right twice to reach the middle of the fence.

    2. Click the area between the two bars on the right, then walk forward to find the well.

      • Look inside the well and take the one VINYL record at the bottom that isn't cracked or broken.

    3. Move back three times and left three times to return to the hill. From there, go left twice and forward twice until you reach the two hooks hanging from the sky.

    4. Click the oil pump in the distance at the right side of the screen, then click the two left posts behind the oil pump to find a single hook hanging from the sky.

    5. Walk forward twice and you'll find a screen of empty desert and fog. Wait here for a few seconds, and Cat will appear.

      • Give Cat the VINYL you took from the well.

    • This guide is still a work in progress - more coming very soon! Please refresh the page in order to see any changes.


    Nooooooooo I had plans! *vibrates* *cancels*


    To clarify the comment about suicide in the review

    at one point you come across someone sitting on the edge of the cliff called "Jumper" staring down at the rocks. If you talk to him, he tells you that you can't talk him out of it and there's nothing you can do.

    Potentially nothing to some players, but also something I thought worth bringing up in case that's a sensitive issue for some of you.


    This is AWESOME!!!


    Hardest to find areas. You can climb and reach more than seems possible.


    One hour in and already stuck!

    Anyone figure out the

    fishbowl or thing in the fishbowl room



    @wafflem Yeah, I overthought that. If you mean the room with the small furnace.

    Just... forget inventory

    grab it.


    I need

    a crystal/silver ball

    apparently. Not too proud to cheat at this point.


    I got it Shudog... I'll be willing to trade it for the info on where it is needed... :D



    It's apparently for the man with the hat and the cards in the round window -- second house from left, ground floor, seaweed fossil chasm neighborhood.


    If I remember it correctly...

    ...the crystal ball should be walking down that slope of spilled something (the one where you get the little animation), then to the right, one more screen following the tube/rail, then clicking right on the middle of it.


    Good luck whoever is going to write a walkthrough... this game is huge!


    So, what do I to do to something 'encased in resin'? Or picture? -_-'


    For the object encased in resin,

    Break it free with the hammer.


    I did a silent shriek when I saw this post. I can't wait to get home so I can play!


    Anyone found a way to get

    the fuse from the odd looking guy, standing next to a machine. The one saying he cannot fit it into that machine

    I have found one already

    inside the monster's belly. But you need a


    to get it


    Steamfly, there is one somewhere... can't quite remember where.

    I didn't find that thing that's inside the other thing you mentioned, though..


    Got it! But how did you know

    there was a fuse inside the monster's belly? I have two knifes I found somewhere, along with a lot of forks and spoons... I think inside the fog people hideout (if that's what it was called). It's near that building with 3 entrances.


    @Voodoo Smile

    I thought

    there might be something in there as it looked a bit too swollen! I only got 1 knife and 1 spoon. Where you got the rest of the cutlery?
    If you remember where was the other fuse let me know!


    I think they were spread through a lot of boxes around the game...

    Also, it's not so much as I though, so far I have 3 forks, 1 spoon and 2 knifes.

    About the other thing,

    the fuses, I found one on the bottom of a hole inside one of those little stacked houses... I had to pull a switch somewhere before to open the latch to the hole. And I used it nearby. Now I got this other one and used it nearby too. It seems, there's 2 or 3 more to find.


    Power of posting.

    Got the

    fuse that the guy was holding!

    It's a long way...
    I used the antenna (I got from the newborn something inside one of the stacked houses, after using a gem-sort of thing I got from the monster's head) on the device in front of the guy holding the fuse, and he dropped it :D


    to get the fuse out of his hands you will need

    antenna. to get antenna you will need



    @Voodoo Smile @Diego SimsFreeplay San

    Thanks got it!
    And also got the last one. You need

    3 charon coins. The go into a holder which is a bit hard to reach. Go the the view where the rail tracks start and click to the left several time

    AutomneLiza September 10, 2013 2:01 PM

    Well I HAD a to do list today... So excited for the fourth installment!


    Okay, three questions about things I can't find that everyone else already seems to know about.

    First, where is this

    train track/rail/area

    that everyone is talking about?


    when people talk of getting a fuse from a dragon/beast's stomach, do they mean in the 'dragon house' tower thing, or is there another dragon I don't know about? My knife won't cut any part of the 'dragon house' dragon's stomach.


    does anyone know where I can find some fishermen?


    @ maryam1to2


    down the lane with the animation, left, center of the screen.


    it's actually more like an iguana to me, it's not the one in the Dragon's House. This one is dead and it's also down that same lane, to the left and then somewhere to the left again, I think.


    around that same area, there are some fishing hooks hanging from the sky... maybe there's a way up there, I don't know...



    Couldn't find it.
    I keep going left but only get to

    a closed door with nothing clickable.


    it is all in the same location

    to the left from the 'sand river'


    i have only 2 coins. where is the third one can be..


    Voodoo Smile,

    Follow left along the wall, not the rails. You should be able to find it if you go to the point where the rails start, then click around the upper left corner.


    Ooo, got an achievement!

    You get a "Tidy Man" achievement if you put 5 cog wheels on the pegs inside the building that's underneath the platform where you rung the bell.

    Also, clue I should have realized before regarding the "monster"

    It must be the same one that the man in the tunnels of the fog folk hive mentioned: "Yes, I have seen a sand giant. He is buried behind the fishers (the two hooks, I'm guessing). Please do not go there, Sir."


    I need some guidance on where to put this extra fuse I have.

    I've put one in the machine past the fishers and one to the right of the hive building.


    Thanks guys. After playing for hours, only once I ask my questions do I immediately stumble upon my answers.

    Anybody know what's up with

    the hungry looking dude in the box? When you see the log hive thing in the distance to your left, and then you go right twice, there's a box with a man inside with seemingly no clickable hotspots.


    Feeling stupid, but where can I find the third oil well thingy?
    I already found

    the one behind the hive and the one by the hooks.


    Ah, people who are looking for the third fuse machine,

    I found it in the place behind the door at the end of the train tracks. It's a few clicks to the left.

    niarabarbosa42 September 10, 2013 3:20 PM

    @maryam1to2 how do i open it?



    you need

    a card

    a tarot card

    niarabarbosa42 September 10, 2013 3:30 PM

    Stuck again,

    ive already activated the three oil machines, but the giant, and put the pipe, but the telescope (?) didn`t worked. help!


    Does anybody know where i can find the 3rd fuse. I already have the one from the dragon and the one you can find in the first section in the game.


    stuck and stuck!
    have lots of items, found how to use some of them, like

    the girl from Daymare Cat came out and took my vinyl :)
    but it didnt do anything for me
    also i have: wrench, fishing rod, shield, mast, and more..
    got the machine to work - nothing changed.
    and a man in the box

    going around, smashing things with my hammer now..



    you have to

    spin the wheel you find in one of those hive places (should be in one of those you access from the entrance to the left) before pulling the handle to blow the horn (not a telescope) you find in the middle entrance


    @Julian Becker

    check few comments above it seems you�re missing

    the fuse that the guy in the hive is holding

    to get it you need to

    give him an antenna

    you can get it from

    one of those robot in the village

    to get the robot to give you the antenna you need a gemstone from the dragon�s head

    and you need to put it

    in that sort of "hole" in in one of those box shaped hut in the village


    I got out with 189 pebbles although I know more is definately possible.

    Probably to max pebbles: don't buy candy or postcards or nails or cogs and sell everything at the end. I can't remember using any items i bought in a store.

    I don't know if

    planting the wallflower seed or giving away the fine wine did anything useful

    Also, I don't know

    if eating the giant mygdala made anything else appear rather than the tear

    All I know is

    pulling the lever by the giant horn once all the power outlets are on worked


    I can't find the handle (or pipe) needed to use the 'telescope'.
    Where is it?


    Second that.


    all three fuse-things working, got the sword, killed the dragon (don't know what for), planted the wallflower... now what?


    @ kainfury

    The telescope is actually a

    foghorn. The bent pipe you need for it is on this pipe construction leading to the hive.

    all three oil pumps (?) must be working.

    Then you have to spin the wheel in the second room on the left in the hive.


    Does anybody know where I can find the


    I'm playing for the second time and can't remember where I found it the first time...


    Btw, where can I find this

    dragon? I guess killing it is

    what makes Saint George proud (achievements)...



    The dragon is the one that's rolled around the tower...


    I did all the

    horn blowing, migdula eating... but then what?


    @ Voodoo Smile

    I'm not at that point again yet so I don't know if I remember correctly but

    there is this guy somwhere in the deep fog trench looking in the distance. I think this is where you have to go now.


    Yup :D

    202 peebles. Bought almost everything, sold everything.


    @ Ve Mari

    Backpack is in the house of the dragon. Click on the boards beneath the stairs to get to the closet

    I'm stuck at the first part of the game. I have so found so far...

    7 small pebbles, and counting
    small vase
    two spoons
    1 bulb fuse
    two cogs

    So far I have seen/done...

    two clock-like cog-like machines, neither interactable so far
    invaded the home-hole, twice
    talked to the guy who looks a lot like Morpheus from the Sandman books
    Put both cogs on the pegs in the ruins
    several pouches in inconvenient areas. Why would I put things there?
    A stand-alone gate of two pillars with rope hanging from it.(in the ruins)
    Three extra rooms of the dragon house
    The Resin Gate
    A strange hole in the ground that could be an archway or alcove if it were vertical and/or clickable.
    An unopenable box in the Dragon house, second floor
    And nevermind, I'm no longer stuck... Found place to use crank.

    Nevermind. Unstuck myself by trying to describe every single place I went to. Found a place to use one of the objects.


    Daymare Town 4 Walkthrough

    • Check back soon for additional information, items, achievements, etc. that will be added to the guide!

    Part 1

    Sea of Smoke

    1. You start the game in the middle of a desert. Click the right side of the area to turn right.

    2. Now you should see a cave on the left and a row of stairs on the right. Click the stairs to walk towards them.

    3. From there, go down through the arch way at the middle of the stairs to enter a building which contains a smaller staircase.

    4. Go down these stairs to a small room with five pegs on the wall.

      • Pick up the COG WHEEL (1) on the right side of the floor.

    5. Go back up the stairs to exit the building, then move back twice to return to the starting zone.

    6. Now click the left side of the desert area to turn towards a hill with a forked road.

    7. Follow the path on the right and continue to move right until you reach the Resin Gate.

    Resin Gate

    1. Once you reach the gate, move right one more time to find a makeshift bridge.

      • Click the bottom of the shadowy area underneath the bridge to zoom in.

      • Pick up the COG WHEEL (2) from the ground, then click the top of the scene to zoom back out.

    2. Move left four times to return to the fork in the road.

    3. This time, take the left path up the stairs. Climb up until you reach the entrance to the House of the Dragon.

    House of the Dragon

    1. Click the bottom of the tower to enter the base floor of the building.

      • In the middle of the wall under the stairs, you'll see a Wall Safe which may contain some junk items.

    2. Click the bottom of the screen to turn around towards the back wall.

      • Take the BACKPACK hanging from the left hook on the wall.

        • You can click the BACKPACK in your inventory to open it. Simply click other items to switch them between the backpack or your inventory.

        • This is the most convenient way to store any objects, especially junk items. Note that an item cannot be used while it is in your backpack, it must be switched back into an empty space in your inventory before you can use it again.

    3. Turn back around and go up the stairs to the second floor. Click the ladder once to climb to the middle.

      • Examine the window at the middle of the tower.

      • Take the CRANK on the windowsill.

    4. Move back and continue up the ladder to the top of the tower.

    5. Click the bottom of the floor to turn around towards the other side of the room.

    6. Press the button at the center of the circular window on the wall to open it, revealing a mechanism.

      • Place the two COG WHEELS on the round pegs of the window mechanism.

    7. Click the sofa to move it aside, which will uncover a socket at the middle of the floor.

      • Insert the CRANK into the socket, then click the crank to operate the mechanism - this will open the Resin Gate you passed by earlier.

    8. Exit the tower and go all the way back to the fork in the road, then follow the right path until you return to the Resin Gate.

    Resin Gate

    1. Click the open gate to enter the tunnel.

    2. There's an object in the middle of the floor "encased in resin," use the HAMMER four times on the resin to break it.

      • Take the freed BELL from the broken resin on the ground.

    3. Move back once to exit the gate, then walk left three times and back twice to return to the starting scene of the game in the Sea of Smoke.

    Sea of Smoke

    1. From the starting scene, walk right twice to return to the large stairway.

    2. Click the column on the left side of the top of the stairs to approach it.

      • Now click the top of the column to zoom in and find a BULB FUSE.

    3. Back up twice, then move towards the archway atop the right side of the stairs.

      • Attach the BELL to the end of the rope hanging from the archway.

      • Hit the BELL with the HAMMER to call for the elevator.

    4. Enter the elevator, then push the lower button to ride it down to the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

    Part 2

    Seaweed Fossil Chasm

    1. Back up twice to exit the elevator. Walk left across the bridge to face the chasm, then walk right to reach the stacked houses.

    2. First enter the middle house by clicking the doorway directly above the sword and shield.

      • The broken switch at the middle of the wall has a bulb on its left side, but the one on the right is missing.

      • Place the BULB FUSE (from the column at the Sea of Smoke) into the empty socket on the right side of the switch to repair it.

      • Click the switch to pull it down. It should now stay locked into the lower position.

      • Move back to exit the room.

    3. Next, click the lowest doorway that's to the right of the building you just left.

      • Pull the handle that's hanging from the ceiling to open the door to a different building outside.

      • Since you pulled the switch in the other room, the hatch in the middle of the floor should be open.

      • Go down into the hatch to find a FUSE (1) at the bottom.

      • Climb back up and move back once to exit.

    4. The door to the upper left building should now be open since you pulled the handle. Click the open door to enter the kitchen.

      • Take the FOSSILIZED BREAD ROLL on the floor at the rear left corner of the room.

      • Back up to exit the building.

    5. Move right once to reach a new area with a stone outcropping hanging over the edge of the cliff.

    6. There are two small caves here in the rock wall, click the right cave to move towards it.

      • You should see a figure here with outstretched arms who says it "cannot... reach... stone..."

      • Give it the FOSSILIZED BREAD ROLL. In exchange, it will leave you a CONTROL WHEEL.

    7. Move back, then walk right twice. Continue right through the small tunnel in the wall until you reach a cavern on the other side.

      • At the right side of the cavern is an oil pump mechanism.

        • Open the small door at the front of the mechanism and place the FUSE (the one from the bottom of the hatch, not the bulb fuse) inside the empty compartment to power the machine.

    8. Walk left four times. You should now be standing at the top of a sandy hill (going down it leads to a spikey gate) and a single doorway in front of you with a ladder leading up to it. Go through the doorway to enter the room.

      • Move towards the right side of the room to find another set of machinery. You should also see an oil gauge on the wall with a bar that is nearly full, since we already powered the oil pump.

      • Put the CONTROL WHEEL into the dome shape at the top of the machine.

        • Click the handle at the upper left section of the wheel to turn it.

        • The bars at the right side of the machine should now be lined up and the gate outside should now be open.

    9. Go left once and back once to leave the room. Now that the gate is open, you can move back two more times to walk down the sandy hill and into the Deep Fog Trench.

    Deep Fog Trench

    1. Once you reach the bottom of the hill after the animation, click the right side of the screen to turn right towards the fence.

      • Take the STEEL PIPE sticking up from the middle of the fence, just a bit to the left of the large cross-shape.

    2. Take one more step to the right to follow the fence a little further.

    3. Click the area between the two middle posts of the fence to move towards the desert behind it.

      • Pick up the CRYSTAL BALL lying in the sand.

    4. Back up to return to the fence, then walk right twice to find two little men. From here, turn right to face the desert horizon.

      • Examine the skull lying in the sand at the left side of the scene.

        • Look inside the skull's mouth to find a CHARON COIN (1).

      • Move back three times to return to the two men.

    5. In the distance, you can see three faded structures. Click the left area of the screen to walk towards the towers, then approach the left building of the Fog Folk Hive.

    Fog Folk Hive

    1. Click the doorway of the left tower to zoom in.

      • The entrance is boarded up, but you can break it open by hitting each of the boards with the HAMMER.

    2. Enter the left tower and go up the stairs into the attic.

      • Pick up the KNIFE lying on the right side of the floor.

      • Go back downstairs, then exit the building.

    3. Move towards the large structure in the middle next.

      • There are three doorways at the bottom of the tower that each lead to a different series of tunnels. Enter the middle doorway first.

    4. Click the opening at the top of the tunnel to reach the horn room.

      • Attach the STEEL PIPE (from the middle of the fence at the Deep Fog Trench) to the end of the horn.

    5. Exit the room and go out the tunnel to return to the view of the three doorways. Enter the doorway on the right next.

      • This series of tunnels stretches out over multiple scenes. Follow the tunnel up, right, and then to the upper right.

    6. Click the small entrance from the path branching out of the side of the tunnel to enter the statue room.

      • Look inside the statue's mouth to find another CHARON COIN (2).

    7. Leave the tunnels and return to the front of the tower. Walk back three times and then left three times to go back to the bottom of the sandy hill at the Deep Fog Trench.

    Deep Fog Trench

    1. Click the left side of the scene to turn left towards the odd, tree-shaped structures.

    2. Continue to the left, then walk forward to find a dead monster lying on the ground. Turn right to face it.

      • Click the monster's mouth to zoom in and take a CHARON COIN (3).

      • Next, examine the horns on top of the monster's head. Remove the CHAKRA, which looks like an oval gem between the two horns.

    3. Move to the right to view the other end of the monster.

      • Cut open the monster's stomach with the KNIFE (from the floor in the attic of the left tower at the Fog Folk Hive).

      • Pick up the FUSE (2) that falls out of the monster's stomach and on to the ground.

      • Move left once and then back once to step away from the monster.

    4. Walk forward once. You should see two hooks hanging from the sky. Click the faded structure to the right to discover an oil pump machine.

      • Open the door at the front of the machine and insert the FUSE from the monster's stomach to power the machine.

    5. Go back four times and then turn right to face the hill again. Climb up the hill to return to the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

    Seaweed Fossil Chasm

    1. Go up the hill and walk left twice to view the stacked buildings.

    2. Enter the fortune teller's room through the bottom door on the far left side.

      • Place the CRYSTAL BALL on top of the pedestal.

    3. Click the ball to travel to the fortune teller.

      • Pick up the TAROT CARD on the right side of the floor.

      • Return to the other room by clicking the crystal ball again, then move back to exit the building.

    4. Enter the farthest right building next.

      • Place the CHAKRA (from the dead monster's forehead at the Deep Fog Trench) into the hole at the middle of the room.

        • This will create a Seaweed Newborn, which appears beside the right wall. Click the creature to speak with it.

      • After your conversation, pick up the SEAWEED ANTENNAE that the creature drops onto the floor.

      • Move back to exit the building.

    5. Walk right twice and back twice to go down the hill to the Deep Fog Trench once again.

    Deep Fog Trench

    1. Turn left once to face the tree-shaped objects. Straight ahead you should see a post with a pulley mechanism at the top of it.

      • Click the post to walk towards it, where you'll find the start of two railroad tracks.

      • Don't follow the tracks just yet. Instead, click the upper left section of the screen to follow the wall to the left where you'll see a painting of Charon behind a row of candles and spotted pebbles.

    2. Move left two more times until you reach a staff with three U-shaped prongs at the top of it.

      • Place the three CHARON COINS into each of the prongs.

        • The first CHARON COIN was from the skull's mouth in the desert area of the Deep Fog Trench.

        • The second CHARON COIN was also in the Deep Fog Trench, but this one was found in the mouth of the dead monster.

        • The third CHARON COIN was from the statue's mouth which was located in the side room of the right tunnels at the Fog Folk Hive tower.

    3. Walk right once towards the rows of archways.

      • Now that you've placed the Charon coins, the dome that was previously on the ground has been lifted, revealing another FUSE (3) on the floor.

    4. Move right twice to return to the start of the two railroad tracks.

      • Click the lower left corner of the screen to view the middle of the two tracks.

    5. Follow the bottom track all the way to the end where you'll find a closed door.

      • Insert the TAROT CARD into the card slot that's just to the right of the door to open it.

    6. Continue through the open door into the Fog Dust Processing Plant.

    Fog Dust Processing Plant

    1. Follow the slide down to the lower left two times to reach the base of the plant.

    2. Walk left once to find another oil pump machine.

      • Open the panel at the front of the machine and put in the FUSE (from under the dome connected to the Charon coins) to start the machine.

    3. Go out the way you came to leave the processing plant. Walk right seven times to go all the way back to the sandy hill at the entrance to the Deep Fog Trench.

    • From there, walk right four times and forward once to return to the three tall structures. Approach the middle tower to return to the Fog Folk Hive.

    Fog Folk Hive

    1. Click the doorway on the left to enter the left series of tunnels.

    2. Go all the way up to the end of the tunnel. Open the door and enter the top room.

      • Attach the SEAWEED ANTENNAE to the left side of the machine next to the man who says "I cannot fit that fuse in there..."

      • Pick up the FUSE he drops on to the ground.

    3. Exit the tunnel and step away from the tower to go back to the view of all three structures from the Deep Fog Trench.

    Deep Fog Trench

    1. Approach the tall stone structure on the right.

      • At the right side of the scene you should see another tall, faded object in the distance.

    2. Click the upper right corner of the screen to move towards it - it's another oil pump machine!

      • Open the small door at the front of the machine. Insert the fuse to power the oil pump.

    3. Go back twice, then return to the entrance of the Fog Folk Hive tower.

    Part 3

    Fog Folk Hive

    1. Enter the doorway on the left once again to go inside the tunnel.

    2. At the start of the tunnel, click the upper left door to open it and enter the room.

      • Turn the valve at the middle of the room.

        • This will allow you to use the horn in the other tunnel (but only if you remembered to attach the STEEL PIPE to it, as instructed earlier in the walkthrough!)

      • Exit the tunnel to return to the front of the tower.

    3. Go through the middle doorway and out the end of the tunnel to return to the horn room.

      • Pull the handle hanging down from the left side of the horn to blow it.

      • Now you will be able to locate the skeleton of the sand giant.

    4. Go all the way back out to the Deep Fog Trench once again.

    Deep Fog Trench

    1. Move back twice and left three times to reach the sandy hill. Turn left twice and walk forward once to return to the corpse of the dead monster.

    2. From this point, walk forward once, then click the dome sticking out of the sand to move towards it.

    3. Click the right side of the dome to face the front of it, you'll see now that it's in fact a sand giant skull.

    Sand Giant

    1. Enter the skull and go down the hole into the throat. Continue down to the pit of the stomach.

    2. Click the MIGDULA lying on the middle of the ground in the giant's stomach to eat it. Now you have the power to see through the fog.

    3. Go up twice and forward once to leave the sand giant's skeleton and go out to the Deep Fog Trench.

    Deep Fog Trench

    1. Click the left side of the screen to return to the back view of the skull. Walk back four times and turn right to arrive once again at the sandy hill.

      • Now walk right four times and then forward once to the view of the three tall structures.

      • This time, follow the power lines that lead to the right.

      • Walk forward once so that you see a figure on the hill to your right and, now that you've eaten the migdula, a giant ravine on the left.

    2. Click the ravine twice to enter The Tear.

    3. Climb up the ladder two times to reach the top of The Cliff.

    The Cliff

  • Follow the road at the upper right side of the scene.

  • Continue along the path until you reach a hooded figure next to a horse and carriage.

  • Click the hooded figure to speak with them.

  • Achievements

    Tidy Man

    1. First, you will need to locate 5 Cog Wheels.

      • Take the first Cog Wheel from the upper alcove on the right wall inside the kitchen. The kitchen is located at the upper left building of the stacked houses in the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

      • Pick up the second Cog Wheel on the floor partially concealed by the pile of wood inside the parrot's room. The parrot's room is found inside the upper left doorway at the start of the right tunnel of the Fog Folk Hive.

      • Find the remaining three Cog Wheels in the various random containers scattered around the game. It's possible to find more, but you only need a total of five.

    2. Take the elevator up to the Sea of Smoke. Walk back twice, then go into the building under the large stairs. Head down the small stairway into the room at the bottom.

    3. Place all five Cog Wheels on to the five pegs on the wall.

    Bone Fisher

    1. To make a fishing rod, you'll need three parts - a line, a rod, and a hook.

      • The fishing line is located inside the Resin Gate.

        • Go to the end of the solidified resin river, then take the Fishing Line hanging from a nail at the vertical part of the resin stream.

      • The fishing rod is found at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

        • At the stacked buildings, enter the room at the middle (the one with the longest ladder) that contains the pull switch.

        • You'll find the Rod leaning against the pile of debris at the left side of the room.

          • The Hook is also at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

            • Move one screen to the right of the stacked buildings, to the scene with the rock outcropping at the edge of the cliff.

            • Look inside the left shadowy area where you'll find a pair of eyes that close when you move your cursor over them.

            • On the far right side of the rock above these eyes is the Hook.

          • Attach the Hook to the Fishing Line in your inventory, then combine that with the Rod to complete the Fishing Rod.

          • Go one screen right and then move back once to reach the gate blocking the sand hill.

            • at the bottom of the gate you'll see a pile of bones and skulls.

          • Use the Fishing Rod to reel in the bone between the two middle wheels on the gate.

    The Gardener

    1. Go to the Fog Dust Processing Plant and walk all the way left to the end of the room.

      • Take the MAST leaning against the side of the wall.

    2. Now go all the way back to the Resin Gate. Move two screens to the left so that you're at the middle of the stairway.

      • Sticking out of the side of the wall, you'll see a pole with three masts sticking out of it and a space at the middle for one more.

      • Put the MAST from your inventory into that space.

      • Take the WALL FLOWER SEED from the flower that appears to the left of the pole.

    3. Next, go to the scene with the "jumper" at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm. Move one screen to the right.

      • Plant the WALL FLOWER SEED in the hole surrounded by a ring of lines at the top of the wall to grow a star tree.

    Saint George

    1. Go to the entrance of the Fog Dust Processing Plant.

      • Open the small doors below the platform under the mine car to find an ANCIENT SHIELD.

    2. Now go to the stacked houses at the Seaweed Fossil Chasm.

      • Place the ANCIENT SHIELD on top of the sword and shield at the side of the middle building to reveal a hidden door.

    3. Go through the door to enter the secret room, where you'll find the GRUS sword hanging on the wall.

    4. Next, go up to the House of the Dragon. Climb up the stairs to the middle of the tower.

      • Use GRUS on the belly of the dragon coming into the tower through the window to slay it.

    Friend of Cat

    1. Go to the bottom of the sandy hill at the entrance to the Deep Fog Trench. Walk right twice to reach the middle of the fence.

    2. Click the area between the two bars on the right, then walk forward to find the well.

      • Look inside the well and take the one VINYL record at the bottom that isn't cracked or broken.

    3. Move back three times and left three times to return to the hill. From there, go left twice and forward twice until you reach the two hooks hanging from the sky.

    4. Click the oil pump in the distance at the right side of the screen, then click the two left posts behind the oil pump to find a single hook hanging from the sky.

    5. Walk forward twice and you'll find a screen of empty desert and fog. Wait here for a few seconds, and Cat will appear.

      • Give Cat the VINYL you took from the well.

    • This guide is still a work in progress - more coming very soon! Please refresh the page in order to see any changes.


    Ended with 219 pebbles! bought nothing sold everything, but killed dragon so could have sold that instead.

    kitchengarden September 11, 2013 2:53 AM

    killed the dragon??? what with?


    Where do you

    meet the daymare cat girl?


    I still have not found any use for

    sword (grus)
    garden gnome
    clay mug
    small vase
    snail shells
    money bag

    (everything can be sold, but I'm wondering about other uses)


    @JODE @ecru I'll trade you info if you tell me

    Where do you get a bone? I have a tooth....

    Eh, here's how.

    Obtain the sword

    There's a ground floor house in the main seaweed neighborhood with what looks like shapes on the side of it? Those shapes are sword and shield. Put Ancient Shield into the shield bit, and that door will open.

    Go to the Dragon House

    Halfway up the stairs, stab one of the bumpy bits. Admire your murderous handiwork.


    I'm sorry, one of my spoiler tags was eaten. Back to @JODE

    First you need to find the well.

    In the middle of the crusty pipeline view, there's a couple of ways to walk into the horizon. I believe it's on the right-side horizon. You'll find a well. In the well is the object you need.

    Then wait for the girl to emerge from the fog.

    Go beyond the last fisher. There's that weird bit of horizon that looks like it's just engulfed by mist. Go forward as far as you can then wait there for a while. Eventually the Daymare Cat girl will show up. Give her your item.

    Apparently there is an audio cookie at the very beginning of the game, but since I have no audio I cannot confirm / explain it. Might be of great interest to fans.



    If you go fishing in the room below the resin stream hole, but do it before you turn on the resin stream, you can get a bone. (It's the room above the transition to the deep fog trench.)


    Sweet, thanks!

    By the way, I'm still waiting for someone to find an activation of the large thingy in Daymare Town 3.


    Found a use for

    the rag, you can put it over the window in the hive building to the left of the main fog folk hive. Doesn't seem to do anything though.



    I don't have the game open right now, but try the leech on the bloodstain on the floor. We were clued into what WAS in the boxes, and that building is so obviously there....

    Does anyone know what to do with those markings? No, not those markings. The ones you can zoom into.


    aasdlkjfsal I am so close to getting through this without a walkthrough but I'm completely stuck. I've got a ton of items and no where to put them and I've been walking in circles for an age.


    How do you get the

    feed the pet

    achievement? I have:

    the leach and sweets and I've tried feeding the parrot

    and has anyone found a use for the


    I paid for the HD version- well worth it and happy to support this developer.



    From where the game started, going left, forward and then downwards once, you see a branch overhead with similar masts where you place "the mast", which gives you the wall flower seed. I haven't found any use for it though...



    In the scene to the right of the jumper, there's a hole at the top of the rock wall with a bunch of lines around it. If you put the seed in there, you'll receive "The Gardener" achievement (although I think the actual achievement notification only exists in the HD version).


    Has anyone found a use for the Matches yet?



    Fellow HD player here. For the

    Feed the Pet achievement, take the leech to the platform under the jumper (after he's jumped)


    put the leech on the bloodstain.


    put the leech back where you found it.

    Going nuts trying to figure out three final achievements:

    The Return (reverse entropy), Iron Man (welder melter) and have only found 8/10 things to smash with the hammer.



    To feed the leech, you need to go to the ledge right outside the furnace/fish bowl room once the Jumper has disappeared. There's a smear of blood near the tooth (it's probably best not to dwell on how the tooth came to be there), on which the leech will happily feast. Just remember to pop it back in the bowl afterwards.


    You can use the matches to light the furnace in the room with the leech, which is useful because:

    you can then throw your money in and melt the coins into a silver ball. Not only will this give you the iron man achievement, but you can also flog it to bump up your pebble count. If it has any use beyond this I have yet to discover it.

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 2:45 PM

    Azhdarcho - would you mind putting a list of what you've smashed so far? I can't remember what I've smashed but maybe if you put a list I could point out some you've missed and vice versa? I have no idea about the entropy achievement either!

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 2:55 PM

    Sorry! I think it was Amysss who said they'd smashed 8/10 things. I think I've smashed 9 but I can't remember which ones!



    Things I've found to smash so far:

    1. In the first world, one of the weird plants on the side of the stairs on the screen right before you get to the Dragon House

    2. In the second part, the lightbulb in first house (above the meteorite)

    3. Ceiling thing(?) in house with the dude saying "No"

    4. Round thing on floor in the room with the first oil machine (seaweed fossil chasm; where you get the bottle)

    5. Top of the bulb-like tree right before the screen with the dead monster

    6. The weird thing with the small triangle two screens into following the TOP train tracks

    7. Screen with close-up of one of the overturned mine carts; smash one of the wheels

    8. Painting on floor in hive, in one of the rooms in the far left entrance

    Not sure if breaking the bell out of the resin counts as one?

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 3:06 PM

    Thank you!

    You can also...

    ...smash the one of the vinyl records in the well :)


    There is also

    the lighbulb in the room below the one you access through the crystal ball (where the bunny is).

    That makes 10/10, but I still got no achievement...


    Ahh, thanks! I tried that before but apparently missed the smashable one.

    Still no achievement registering, so there must be one more...


    @Jose Francisco S?ez P?rez

    You're right! I forgot to list that one but I've smashed it, so not sure why I don't have the achievement either.

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 3:17 PM

    I've remembered the last one!!

    The screen before the guy who can't believe his eyes (to the right before the close up of the hive) there is a power line support structure with two round fixings on the top - you can smash the right hand one :D



    SUCCESS! Thank you. I'd say I could go back to being productive now but there's still that pesky "reverse entropy" thing to figure out. ARGH.


    I got the achievement but I had to break 11 things, so one of them must not work. I'm guessing that the Vinyl doesn't count, since it's used for a different achievement.

    Breakable things:

    1. The right bulb on top of the nearest power line one screen past the fog folk hive
    2. The portrait of "Big Momma"
    3. The bulb at the top of the stalk
    4. The switch at the middle of the upper rail
    5. The dome on the floor of the cavern that contains the first oil pump - you'll also reveal the Bottle by breaking it.
    6. The spine hanging from the ceiling beside the seaweed creature who says "No."
    7. The lightbulb in the ceiling above the teleportation pyramid.
    8. The spine at the top of the stairs leading up to the house of the dragon.
    9. The lightbulb in the cellar of the fortune teller's room (through the crystal ball)
    10. The left wheel of the overturned mine car at the end of the top track.

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 3:38 PM

    I think it's the...

    ...dome you have to smash to reveal the bottle that doesn't count. That reveals something and I think it's only mindless destruction that unlocks the achievement. Also the vinyl that you smash in the well isn't the same one that you can pick up for your inventory...

    ...that's my theory anyway.

    Oh dear god my kingdom for a clue about the entropy achievement!


    Thanks :) Where are

    the matches?



    At the top of the House of the Dragon, on the side of the room where you used the 2 cog wheels. There's a ledge that goes around the ceiling, if you look at the right side of that ledge you can see the corner of the box sticking out.

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 3:47 PM

    Regarding the Entropy achievement, I have a theory about what location might be relevant...

    The room in the hive with the parrot in it - it's a total mess and has that weird fixture in the ceiling that looks like it might do something

    Been trying things for ages though and no progress so I guess I'm wrong :(


    Are you sure, caroline?

    I was only able to break the solid vinyl record when testing it - now I can't take it or any other record.

    Anywho, gonna add the achievements I do know for certain to the walkthrough shortly. Thanks to everyone who helped me find a few! :)


    Ha ha...beside the fag ends- thanks Trinn


    I'm trying to think of things that could be a "reserve" or a "return" so I wonder if

    the girl in the woods at the very end (if you go left once you climb up the Tear)? She is saying something similar as the guy below so maybe there's something you're supposed to give her?


    Something you build that you can then dismantle, or giving back something you've taken from someone. No luck with anything I've tried though.


    Hello! Newbie here! Well, not completely new, but I never get in on the new releases, so this is exciting. :-)

    I found

    If you place the bottle under the spigot that's down in the old mine you access with the tarot card, it gives you fine wine.

    Not sure what to do with it yet.


    Oh! Nevermind.

    Gave it to the guy in the top of the right-hand side of the hive tower who says he's trying to eat.

    I don't have the HD version (dead broke) so I'm not sure if it gives an achievement or not.

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 5:16 PM

    There are lots of things you can do outside of the main story - you can still do them without the full HD version, the only potentially frustrating thing for you will be that you won't know if they are part of the main game plot or not!

    The good news is that you don't need any of the items for multiple things, so if you use something and you don't know if it was a side achievement or plot progression, it doesn't really matter.

    In other news, I solved the last achievement!!!!!! So happy. I was going a bit mad with it for a while there...

    The trick is, you need to be familiar with the developers other games. If you are, then you might suddenly see one of the items that you have in your inventory in a different light...

    beavinator1 September 11, 2013 7:02 PM


    I can only assume you mean the

    garden gnome

    but I'll be darned if I can figure out what to do with it

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 7:10 PM


    Everyone seems to find this the hardest puzzle, (I know I did!!) so I don't want to ruin it for you. But that is exactly what I meant.

    Subtle hint:

    Rather than find it (you already have done) you have to hide it somewhere

    More detailed hint:

    It is somewhere very very VERY near the end. After you've hidden it a tiny bit will still be visible.

    Good luck and don't give up!!



    I put the pyramid things on the pedestals before I got the

    crystal ball

    , now I can't figure out how to get to the

    fortune teller

    I'm not stuck, am I?

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 7:51 PM

    No! It's not possible to get stuck really, so don't panic :)

    Do you have...

    the crystal ball your inventory?

    If you do, the place you put it is...

    in one of those box rooms, beneath the picture of the tarot card reader

    If you don't, you need to get it from...

    one of the sections beneath/behind the pipe in the deep fog trench that leads the way to the hive



    Finally! Got that last achievement- thanks Caroline! 158 pebbles.


    I've found 2 "I would not do that if I were you" spots. Anyone know... what not to do? So to speak.

    caroline.osborn September 11, 2013 8:55 PM

    @ Shudog

    You can complete the game and all 11 achievements without doing anything in those spots...but that doesn't mean that nothing would happen if we did the right thing I suppose! I haven't found anything that can be done there though.


    By the way, there IS a clue in case you're flailing around and can't find the far left area access.

    Look deep into a window...

    in a house. With that man holding the cards...

    The card in his hand says...


    ID? An... ID... card... ID card!

    So just figure out where one needs an ID card.

    beavinator1 September 11, 2013 9:33 PM

    Thanks caroline, I figured it out.

    So how is everybody doing on the quest for the highest score? I just finished with 357 pebbles. I know I could have had 358, because

    I traded the mast for the wall flower seed. The mast would have sold for 2, the seed only sold for 1.

    Has anyone done better than 358? I'm sure I must have missed a few here or there.


    Figured out what to do with the...

    vinyl record...

    get to the spot with the single fishing line in deep fog trench and click on the second tree in the horizon and then...

    move ahead once more by clicking in the white space on the horizon and then you will end up in a vast area with nowhere to go. Finally...

    just wait (or click around) about a minute or so and a blonde girl will arrive, you may recognize her from another game. Give her the record - she leaves. I'm not sure what the achievement is called; if anyone finds out let me know :)


    gammasoft, it's called "Friend of Cat"



    It's called "Friend of Cat"


    Alright, about the gnome and vinyl, since everyone are confused about it.


    You can either break it, either take it. But some say that you can do both. The trick is, that after taking it you can hammer the place where it was lying. A vinyl will appear out of nowhere and break :)


    I wont give the exact location. Make sure to read caroline comment, it helps a lot. And also do everything else before going for this one. Also, last hint: look for something unusual close to end.

    bernardwrightlaflamme September 13, 2013 1:29 PM

    Bone worth more than fishing stick

    bernardwrightlaflamme September 13, 2013 1:38 PM

    Finished with 372
    Bone worth more than fishing stick
    Lechee full of blood worth few pebbles more
    Bottle full of wine of course

    sunshinebunnygirl September 13, 2013 9:43 PM

    I loved this game, it had so much to explore and you can tell Mateusz took time with the drawings! Although I found it easier then the other Daymare games and not as creepy, It will still stay at the top of my list for games :)



    So, I got a triangle stone and used it... But the room I get is empty and locked.

    Any help?


    I figured out how to make

    the man dining in log folk hive smile!

    you need to give him a bottle of good wine


    Finished with all the Achievements! Fantastic game, as ever with Mateusz
    But I wonder whether anyone found a use for:-

    Silver ball ( a reward for an achievement)
    Small Vase

    Also I found a couple of weird things-

    If you use the pyramids you can transport to a third area which has a door that I at least can't open. Anyone find a way to get out?
    And in the hive room with the guy eating which has two paintings, you can click on one painting and it links to the other...any significance?

    beavinator1 September 15, 2013 8:15 PM

    That door can be opened from the other side. Look around in the Fog Folk Hive.

    So it looks like two people got 372 pebbles. I wonder where the 14 I missed were...


    Thanks beavinator! I thought I'd clicked everywhere around that spot, but clearly not!


    How do you save your game ?


    For the vandalissimus achievement, I got everything else but I've been really stuck on this one:

    Which "bulb tree" do I hammer?




    Got out without the help of a walkthrough! And I went back a second time and got out with 311 spotted stones!!!!! :D The first time I got out with 74 spotted stones XP

    Such a great game and TOTALLY worth the wait.

    fixedfutility September 23, 2013 10:25 PM

    how about the body...

    in the crate?

    Does anyone have any idea what up with it?


    I just finished the game with 319 pebbles and I'm curious how to get more.
    Did you found out what to do with
    - the grandpa waiting for a call?
    - the parrot?
    - the bone, tooth, snail shells, nails, cup?
    - the girl in on the hill at the end?

    I figured out where to put the gnome. It's hard as hell.

    After you get up the tear and go on a path to the city, turn right and look for the other gnomes' hats

    And one more thing about the fishing rod.

    You cannot use it after you activate a "sand machine"


    Oh jee... I have to start all over again as the game doesn't save. I totally love the game, but how do I save the game?? I have no time to play for hours on end... Please, help.

    Bettina Nerd September 29, 2013 1:31 PM

    @seaflower Support Mateusz w/$5 and buy the game. ;) Austosaves on closing.


    @Bettina. Thanks for your answer! I bought the game this evening and just finished playing.:))


    I completed all achievements except the gnome one (the return). I haven't played 10 gnome games, so I don't quite understand what Karina Jarzy?ska meant by "where to PUT the gnome". Do we give some item to

    Gnomes near the end on the right? Nothing happens even if I click triangles which I guess Gnome's hats or click and drag items there like snail shells, silver balls, etc, etc...

    psychsomaesprit October 30, 2013 11:48 AM

    Something very interesting and I haven't seen a comment about it, is the fact that each time you start a new game, it keeps me coming back to play new games. Also, there have been a couple times when I've clicked on a box, It also happened I double check boxes now and it doesn't happen often. I think there is a lot more to the game than what we see on the surface.

    psychsomaesprit October 30, 2013 11:55 AM

    Wow. The comments are very entertaining and useful. I've gotten over 350 pebbles when I sell everything, but what fun is that? Oops! I am a novice with HTML tags, so let me re-post correctly. My post above doesn't make sense, so here goes: Something very interesting and I haven't seen a comment about it, is the fact that each time you start a new game,

    the items in the boxes and pouches change. Sometimes there is nothing. Other times, lots of pebbles, or just a nail...

    it keeps me coming back to play new games. Also, there have been a couple times when I've clicked on a box,

    like the one near the wine container, and at first it will be empty. Then,going back to it later, stuff will be in it!

    It also happened, unless I am mistaken

    in the overhead loft after descending in the elevator. There are two boxes up there.

    I double check boxes now and it doesn't happen often. I think there is a lot more to the game than what we see on the surface. I am enjoying this game, but Daymare 2 is still my favorite!

    h.proksch November 2, 2013 8:09 PM

    Loved the game! Had lots of levels that really made me think. Wasn't a big fan of that most of the stuff blended in with the background and made it hard for me to find objects, but was a real brain teaser. I have a couple of questions though...

    So I lit the stove in the little hole house in Seaweed Chasm with the fish bowl using

    matches found in the top floor of the tower with the snake-dragon thing. You find them in the armchair view and click along the top right; look for a white triangle, which is probably the corner of the match book.

    I would like to know what to do with it, and all the sea shells I've collected. I also notice that when you click to the left of the Deep Fog Trench, their is a tree you can click on that gives you a close up of it. Any ideas?

    P.S. What do I do with the silverware I have?


    ~Trinn~ I've been pulling my hair out for ages trying to get the Bone Fisher achievement going by your directions. Your last three points, after assembling the

    Fishing Rod,

    aren't accurate and as a result I just can't find this "pile of bones and skulls" that you are referring to. You also describe the "gate blocking the sand hill". Are you talking about the wheels embedded in the sand at the bottom of the sand hill?



    If you're only seeing the wheels, then you've already busted open the gate. You must go down to fish before the gate is open, when it's a dead end. So to speak.


    I DID IT!!! I discovered the use of the friggin Garden Gnome!...and thus, unlocking the Achievement "The Return".
    When you have completed everything else and have eaten the Migdula of the Giant,

    The Tear appears. After you have

    climbed up the tall ladder in The Tear and have reached the top of The Cliff, you come to a road which comes from the left and curves straight ahead. Move directly ahead one screen and then look to your right. You will see a dark field with trees blowing to the left. Notice the "points" on the horizon, (which just HAPPEN to look like Gnome hats). This is where you RETURN the Garden Gnome.

    Patreon Donator Infant Tyrone January 7, 2014 7:42 PM

    So my question is this:

    Is this the end of the Daymare Town games? Our Hero has escaped, walked off smiling into a not-quite-as-crazy town... Will we get to visit again? Please say yes.

    Also curious about:

    Were the Daymare Town games ever tied into the Submachine world? Skutnik fans may remember that the Covert Front games seemed to end where Submachine starts; is there a connection here too? Not that it really affects my massive enjoyment of the games...


    So after (was it really only two days ago??) playing Daymare Cat, I decided I would give the original Daymare Town title another try, having previously found the first installment of the series too hard and too jump-scare-y.

    It should be obvious by now that I'm commenting on DMT4 today because this time around, I got bit by the Daymare Town bug (only metaphorically, thankfully!) and have made my way through parts 1, 2 and 3. (I resorted to the various walkthroughs a few times, but far less than I would have expected; I guess in the intervening years I've gained a better feel for how Mr. Skutnik crafts puzzles?) I'm still not all the way through part 4, but I've perused many of the comments -- partly wondering, as several others have, whether

    there's anything that can be done with the crate-chap

    other than opening the crate up

    (and unless I missed something, there doesn't seem to be)

    and also whether

    doing what narration warns "I wouldn't do that if I were you" about

    in either location -- I've found two so far,

    in the chasm the mine-cart tracks cross over, and

    deeper inside the open end of the pipe / railing / aqueduct thing

    -- would force me to start the game over, not be able to get an achievement, or otherwise have some setback-type result...
    Going by what others have said and what I found myself, there doesn't seem to be any, at least so long as

    the "that" you're doing is just clicking.

    I didn't try clicking with any items in either place, however.

    ...Anyway, I think I've stumbled across something no one else has mentioned, though it seems it may be just another red herring:

    In the Deep Fog Trench area,

    along the railing / pipeline, when you get to the far / open / unburied end,

    you can see two small rocks on the dune past / above & to the right of the pipe / rail...

    The cursor changes when you mouse over them, and,

    if you click them,

    each one lifts up into the air briefly, leaving and then being reunited with its shadow in a neat little bit of animation.

    Even if it does turn out to be just another bit of atmosphere with no relevance to completing either the game or any achievements, at least now I think that, once I do finish this game, I'll be able to feel I've left no stone unturned...


    About the suicide jumper

    the suicide jumper does actually jump and must of hit the platform below because near the end on the game you see blood on the platform and even find a tooth


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