Miniature white gnomes have been spotted all over the city for half a year now, and their number only appears to grow. Their presence seems permanent, and there is no apparent end to them.
It all started on February 5th, when well-known artist Mile Godnia was heading for the grocery store to buy some milk and dog biscuits for her pets, and spotted a small white gnome sitting on a rooftop. She thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she saw it again on the way back.
"It was the strangest thing you'd ever seen," Godnia told the press. "It didn't do anything, and it just turned its head when it noticed me. Then it was there again several minutes later, in exactly the same place."
Discussion with her neighbors revealed that other people had seen the gnome as well. It had turned up all over the rooftops, in ten different places. In fact, there appeared to be ten different gnomes.

"It's the darndest thing," businessman Matthew Mothball commented. "They don't do anything but loaf there, but they're driving me nuts! It's ruining my concentration just thinking about them!"
"We'd like to classify them as pests," city official Myrtle Auggh explained, "but they don't do anything. All they do is sit around. They don't spread disease, they don't steal anything, they don't even make noise. They don't fit the definition of a pest, end of story."
Whether or not the gnomes will ever go away, or whether their behavior will become any peskier, both remain to be seen.
In the meantime,
The Helium Atom: An Autobiography by Kara Knott
How to Teach Your Pet Hamster to Scuba-Dive by Stu Roids
Infinite Rooms by Dee Lupe
you just made my day with this description o_0
I know Jay Is Games is primarily concerned with games and game-related stories, but I think it's really great when the blog can take time out to inform us about important issues such as these. Peskiness is a growing threat to productivity and productivity-related pursuits, so raising awareness about possible sources of peskiness is a valuable public service. Thank you, SonicLover, for bringing this matter to our attention.
Even though I didn't finish, I really liked this game. It was fun to explore what I assume to be a real location.
Love the humor articles! This one came out of nowhere in an awesome direction!
btw, any chance of Nitrome's new game getting a review?
Hello from Texas, Mr. Skutnik! :-)
SonicLover does it again! Thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when this loaded up, or I'd be using up a lot of towels right now...
Got in early!
Unfortunately I'm little help to anyone, because I'm so turned around from the interior. Hint:
Find the one from outlying views first, in case you're turned around inside (from center view.)
I liked last month's Solitude setting better, but this month's game is plenty more fun.
Of course they will. They review every Nitrome game without fail, no matter how boring, repetitive, and slow paced it is.
*stares pointedly at Small Fry*
Anyway, putting my dislike of some recent Nitrome games aside, good article, Soniclover, very entertaining. Keep it up! =D
Gah I only found six. This is definitely one of the tougher ones. I did find a blackened troll though. The article doesn't mention any trolls. Could this perhaps be the new scourge of our black-and-white neighborhoods?
Hue...I've only found three before time ran out.
I wonder if the scenery is based on reality or clever design?(smile)
Great article! I've never played the games *dodges thrown items*, but I could still appreciate the humor :)
I like the ten gnomes series, I think foggy flat was my favorite though. I hope they come up with another series soon though.
I hope they never go away. Can't wait to try #8.
I found all ten and the troll on the second time through, but I'll agree that it's easy to get turned around.
It's my first walkthrough, so please be nice :) Plus, I've never worked on a water forge....
There are three main entrances from the main screen
Left House
No Gnomes
Right House
Click to the right of the fence where the grass and fence meet
Center Bridge
Gnome seeker beware - it's easy to get lost! Click twice to get in. Then click bottom to go back, right or left.
From Center Bridge, click right and click down the hall/bridge
Click to the right of the anvil screen to see the bridge and lots of machinery
Click box by handrail of bridge to see engine with chains
Click long metal tube (like polio machine)
By foot of machine, where the pile of something is
See the tip of his hat?
Go back to scene with machinery and chains. Click to the right
Dive in to the water to look at the bridge
See that area where there is bridge, grass, and stones all meeting? Click it
Click back to where you can see the bridge, go down the bridge to go back to main bridge
Click to the right twice
Scan to right and click pliers twice
Click back out twice and scroll to right to click the canisters
Click canister handle
And then click the connecting hole/hanging thing
Click back out twice and to the right twice to see the water wheel
Click the little roof twice
Click back out twice and then click bottom right of wheel
Venture forth into that dark area between the wall and the wood
Click to the right of the wheel and go down that bridge
Click on the tools hanging from the wall
Look at the ones on the left
Click back out twice
click square metal pan/pot thing in the middle of the room twice
Between the metal pan and the shelf with tools is a tall, dark box thing. Click that
Click the gears
Go back to the scene which is to the right of the anvil scene where you'll see machinery, the bridge, and the handrail
Just to the left of the handrail are two long stick-like things. Click to the left of the top of those
On the rod above the chain is the little black troll
He giggles
I really liked this one. It was a little bit harder than a couple of the previous ones, I had to come back a few times to be able to finish.
The scenes look great, too, makes one want to go out and explore abandoned places.
The first one I didn't find all, only 7 (and a troll). It is nice there is more challenge =)