Wielding the mouse as your do-all, find-all, examine-all tool, simply slide the cursor around and look for hotspots where you can zoom in or items you can pick up. The arrows at the bottom of the screen let you navigate the livingroom. Objects you grab are stored in your inventory as bubbles at the top of the screen. To use them together, just click one, move it to the other object, and click again.
A great visual style is the perfect hook for The Great Living Room Escape, and the animations are fluid and packed with charm. The only real drawback is its length: five to ten minutes, tops. There are only a few screens to explore and half a dozen items to collect. Escaping the room is a simple matter of gathering everything and using it in the right combination (accomplished by a quick bout with Mr. Trial-and-Error).
It may be fleeting, but The Great Living Room Escape is a great casual gaming diversion.
Walkthrough Guide
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Open bottom drawer, take rubberband from underwear.
One screen right, zoom in on the glasses, click on the right half to take it.
Same screen, zoom in on the glass, click on the end of the straw to take it.
Click on the straw in your inventory and combine it with the glasses to make a diving mask.
One screen right click on the globe and take the steroids out of it.
Screen with the globe, click the curtain rope to take it.
One screen right, click on the umbrella to take it.
Click on the hamster to take him.
Use steroids on the Hamster.
Use diving mask on Hamster to make a diver.
Use rope on umbrella to make a fishing rod rod.
Use fishing rod on Hamster.
On the screen with fishbowl, zoom in on the fishbowl and use your diver on the bowl.
Don't be scared, the piranha won't eat your diver because it's on steroids.
Click on the key to make the hamster grab it.
Click on the key again to take it.
Zoom out, go to the scene with the door, and use the key on the door. Voila!
Posted by: Maqrkk
April 14, 2008 5:57 PM