The [WASD] or [arrow] keys move your energetic elephant (usually) and all you have to to win fame, glory, and fake riches is to hit the red button and leave via the orange pipe on the right side of the screen. Hmmm... it's so simple it's amazing nobody's done this before! There couldn't possibly be anything beyond that pipe. If you needed some more oompah-oompah music in your day, and we think that you did, then This is the Only Level TOO is here to brighten your day with its deceptively simple premise and colourful landscape littered with elephant corpses. I can't believe nobody's made a children's television show about this yet.
Of course, it's best to think of TOO as an expansion pack to the original since the core gameplay is unchanged. But if you've had a hankering for more blue elephant and pernicious puzzles, your day is about to be made. With more achievements to unlock and playable characters to discover based on how quickly you dominate the game and unravel your tricksy surroundings, This is the Only Level TOO is enough to keep the dedicated elephant enthusiast busy for an hour or so. We know you're out there. (Weirdo.)
Walkthrough Guide
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Here's a walkthrough for those that are having trouble on levels 1-15. The rest coming up. =D
Stage 1: Arrow Keys Required
Just use the arrow keys to navigate your elephant to the red button, then through the tunnel.
*Note-The name is kind of a lie. You can actually substitute A/W/D for left/up/right.
Stage 2: Hop, Skip & A Jump
You only get three jumps with this level. Use them to jump from the floor onto the first small platform, then the one to it's right, then the one with the button. From there, use the arrow keys to carefully make your way to the exit.
Stage 3: Peek-A-Boo
On this level, there is no need to hit the button. When you're facing away from the green gate, it will lower itself. To get through it, walk until you're right up against it, move left quickly (so you're facing away from it), and quickly move to the right again. This may take a few tries.
Stage 4: Anti-Gravity
Once you hit the button, you'll be pulled towards the ceiling (as though the gravity has been flipped). In order to avoid being stuck or killed, jump to the right of the button before pressing, then hold in the right arrow so that you're under the platform to your right. Then, jump to below the platform holding the button, then jump from there into the cross, then the other side of the cross, then the tunnel area. It'll make more sense once you try it.
Stage 5: Red Light!
Don't move for 5 seconds, and the gate will open.
Stage 6: Throught The Tunnel
Once you fall out of the entrance tunnel, move directly to your right, into the wall. You will walk through a tunnel that will drop you out of the top of the screen. Try not to die in the spikes. From there, you can hit the button and go through the exit.
Stage 7: Back Where You Started
The objective now is to get into the entrance tunnel (the one you come out of in the beginning, located at the top of the screen). No need for the button this round.
Stage 8: Drag And Drop
The button is useless. Bring your elephant to the gate, then click-and-drag the gate downwards. You will have to hold down the mouse button in order to keep the gate down, and you may have to jump a bit to get over it.
Stage 9: Run Donkey Run
There seems to be no trick to this level whatsoever. Unless, you know, you count the replacement of the elephant with an equally dense red donkey. Do the usual--hit the button and leave.
Stage 10: Circle The Wagon
Just press the arrow keys in a circle. (Up-Right-Down-Left) to move the elephant in the correct direction.
Stage 11: World 1-2
Ignore the button. Jump up the the highest point possible and jump again, knocking a brick or two out of the ceiling. Jump up so that you're on top of the ceiling, and move right until you reach a new "world". Pick a tunnel and go!
Stage 12: Flip It
Pretty obvious once you look at it. The entire level is flipped upside down. Ignore the button--you don't need it, and it will likely get you killed several times (perhaps 9? Just a suggestion...) before you realize that you don't need it. Jump over the spikes at the bottom and go in the tunnel.
Stage 13: Sticky Keys
Press the "shift" button 5 times. You don't need to actually enable sticky keys to unlock the level.
Stage 14: The Sky Is Falling
This level is all about speed. A set of large purple spikes will begin descending from the sky in an attempt to kill you. Hit the button and get to the exit. Fast.
Stage 15: Stuck?
Click the in-game walkthrough button. Go back. Gate's unlocked.
Posted by: niinjaa
February 18, 2010 6:45 PM
Here's 16-31, just as promised!
Stage 16: Sliding Portcullis
Each jump on the button will bring the gate up a bit, after which it will begin to slide down. Jump on the button several times (aboout 5 times oughta do it) and then run before it closes.
Stage 17: Left IS Right
Move left into the spikes. You'll come out by the tunnel on the other side.
Stage 18: Fingerpainting
Nothing tricky here, just a cute version of the level. Do the usual!
Stage 19: The Alphabet
Type the alphabet on your keyboard. This will unlock the gate.
Stage 20: Amazeing
This is a difficult level. Basically, you're in an invisible maze, meaning most paths are blocked off. I made a screenshot and marked the path that worked for me--perhaps not the quickest, but still. It's located here. It will get you to the button, and then follow it in reverse until you're by the tunnel.
Stage 21: Schizophrenic
In this level, the elephant changes every second (from blue to red and back again). When he's blue, controls are normal. When he's red, they're backwards (left=right and right=left). I find it easiest to just move when he's blue, but if you want to work the backwards/forwards/backwards controls, go for it!
Stage 22: What's On The Menu?
The button in this level is a decoy. To find the real button, go the main page. Where it says "Fresh Elephants", there should be a blue elephant. You can move him. Take him up the stairs, and to the red button in the top-right corner. Go to "Start/Continue Level" and the gate is open.
Stage 23: Deaf, Dumb, & Blind
You can't see the level, so remember it from past levels (move right until you're blocked, then jump up/left to get to the first platform, then up/right to get to the second. From there, hold in the right button to move until you're directly by the gate. Turn the sound off (the in-game mute button, not your computer's) to open it.
Stage 24: On Ice
Once you press an arrow key, you will continue to move until you hit a wall. Spikes don't hurt you, they just erase when you go over them. Here's the order to hit the keys (once again, not promising that this is the fastest way): Right-Up-Right-Up-Right-Down-Left-Up-Left-Up-Right-Down-Left-Down-Right
Stage 25: Death From Above (And Below)
On this stage, the spikes on the floor and ceiling will fly out at you when you move under them, so make sure you're under (or over) a platform when going under/over the spikes, so you have a shield. To get the button, jump from the nearest platform, and run as quickly as possible over the button and to safety.
Stage 26: X-Axis Pull
Basically, however fall you fall/jump is how far you will bounce around in both directions (example, you jump three blocks, you will now move up three boxes from the center, then down three, then up, etc, bouncing up and down). You still have control of your left/right movements, however. Use your momentum to get to the button, where you can walk across, then jump onto the button, then the next platform up/right (the sideways-L), then get to the highest point on that one. From there, jump up so you touch the ceiling and thus fall all the way to the bottom, where you hold in the right button to get into the tunnel room. This involves some maneuvering and patience.
Stage 27: D34TH 15 2AD
On this level, you have to run into the spikes. I included another picture (aren't I kind?) to show the order. Supposedly the numbers in the title tell you what order to hit the spikes in, but I see no correlation. If you can tell me how they relate, that'd be great! Please note that the numbers in the picture are the order you hit them in, NOT the way they're numbered in the titled. So hit "1" first, not "3".
Stage 28: Surface Painting
Paint 50 blocks pink (they turn pink when you touch them).
Stage 29: Freefalling
EVIL LEVEL!! When you hit the ground, you come out through the ceiling, continuously falling. Not much help I can give you, except to tell you to plan your moves so that you don't come out on top of spikes you can't dodge.
Stage 30: Corpse Shot
The button has to be held down in order to hold the gate up. Kill yourself on the spikes over the button to use your dead elephant to hold it down. Remember, corpses only last so long. I've also found a glitch with this level where you can get stuck in the gate, having to use the panic button.
And that's the end!
Posted by: niinjaa
February 18, 2010 7:54 PM