You play a marshmallow whom a lightning bolt has given sentience. (That may be the best sentence I've written all week.) After making a stirring speech, you fall into a diabolical gravity machine, from which you must escape to save your delicious, delicious kin. To do so, you use either [WASD] or the arrow keys to move, plus [space] bar to jump. Your goal is to make it to the portal at the end of each level to proceed, which is a simple task at first. But add in platforms that swap your gravity around and before you know it you're running on the ceiling, trying to find a way back down, trying to avoid spikes and other pitfalls that would put an end to your crusade.
The controls may be a little bit too responsive in this game. I frequently thought I was just tapping a key and ended up sailing my marshmallow man into a pit of acid, whereupon he exploded into little sticky bits and the level reset. The other main drawback of the game is that there's no level menu. You can't replay a favorite level; you have to go straight through. That said, for fans of the genre it's a must-play, and the quirky-cute story and art might draw in even non-fans. The gravity mechanic isn't terribly new or groundbreaking anymore, but there's still room in it for creativity, and That Gravity Game (yeah, that one!) is a simple but fun experience to put a bit of squishy enjoyment in your day.
"You play a marshmallow whom a lightning bolt has given sentience. (That may be the best sentence I've written all week.)"
hahaha, that made me laugh so much :')
anyway, I dont like when your rolling and you jump, it goes back to him standing while in the air.
just a small thing, but it somewhat annoys me
I half expected this to be another generic gravity game that I would give up within the first few minutes. HOWEVER, extremely smooth controls and at least a little twist kept me interested enough. Nothing special, though.
Much fun, stage 27 is rough, but fair. I missed the drink in stage 29 and I'm not up for doing it all again, yet... One of the better gravity platformers IMHO, awaiting a sequel.
A small glitch
if you jump right as the marshmallow spawns in th beginning, you get an uber-jump.
Currently level twelve is trying to throttle me.. no amount of 'jumping there' gets me high enough. -_-;
Anyone gotten past 17 yet. I can't seem to keep from dying.
Haydn: Level 12, try going at it from a different direction. (If that is the one I'm thinking of)
you have to go up over the starting place on the left and run on the bottom and jump into the arrows just so. if timed right and aimed diagonally, you make it to the exit
So many gravity games
All so easy, yet so frustrating... =(
Yeah, timing was the painful part of it.. made it through the whole game now.
I only found two achievements, I ate something early on and then found a juicebox at the end of the game, were there any more?
I didn't especially love the level design.
I can't figure out the trick to level 24.
seventeen is a killer
you have to get between the blue and second red panels. Let yourself fall almost to the lava then move to the blue. When it sling shots you up, move to the right to the goal.
Thank you, phdavoid... Level 12 was irritating me, until I realized thanks to you that I needed to
jump into the gravity-changer, rather than just walk/run into it.
Death box, oh death box, how I hate you so.
Can I have some help with stage 27 please, I just can't seem to get past it -.-
Level 24. Getting to the center upward grav bar is easy. Position yourself at the left most portion of that field and then hit the Left, Up and space keys at the same time.
Stuck on level 12. can't get high enough. Diffrent section confuses me cuz i'm only 8. can you help
Level 12
Set the two t's at the bottom then stack two pieces on top then use the other two to cross hope this helps
Don't know why but i'm sorta stuck on level 16. i just can't do it without hitting either of the spikes!!!!! :O SO ANNOYING SO MUCH to me!!!!!! Please leave a spolier I NEED IT
What are you saying about level 12? I don't get your comment.
"Level 12
Set the two t's at the bottom then stack two pieces on top then use the other two to cross hope this helps"
Well not being mean or anything but no this dosn't help. Im not trying to be mean but im sorry but that is nowhere near help. Please try to explain your comments more clear.
Happy gaming!
P.S. I wasn't trying to be mean but that makes no sense! Im only saying to explain your comments more clear thats all. Not in a mean way like
(caps lock) Try to make your comments more clear! (caps lock)
Im just saying like
(small) Try to make your comments more clear. (small)
Ok? Thanks (also explains why I didn't put a "!" at the end to).