An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Rating: 4.7/5 (241 votes)
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sphere1.jpgJohnBSphere is a great-looking room escape by Japanese developer neutral. The visuals have a wonderful polished 3D appearance that seem a bit surreal at times, almost as if you were inside a doll house. The challenge level is an almost perfect mix of vague clues and helpful hints that keep you interested without frustrating you.

As the usual story goes, you're trapped in a room and need to find a way to get out. Navigate using the mouse and the arrows that appear on the sides of the screen. Search for items in every corner of the room, including beneath the furniture and in-between objects. A single click lets you pick up items and store them in your inventory. Some items can be combined, so experiment with everything you grab to see what turns up.

Analysis: Sphere isn't too difficult and the puzzles don't involve a lot of random clicking. The clues you'll stumble across do a great job of guiding you to the goal without being overtly obvious. A handy save feature lets you stop and resume at any point in the game.

Sphere is definitely one of the best-looking room escape games on the web, right up there with Il Destino and the stylish O Quarto. The gameplay is smooth and the puzzles are just right, making it a great experience on every front.

Play Sphere

Cheers to Sean, Amy, Jan.jan, Alex, Arturo and Msimperfect for sending this one in!

Like point-and-click room escape games? Find dozens more in our archives!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Sphere Walkthrough

Starting Out, at the Desk

You start out facing the desk; click it to get a closer view:

  1. First note the three books, stacked one on top of the other. Each contains useful clues so carefully click on the edge of the one you want to view:

    • Blue Book - Frog in mud is washed by water.

    • Green Book - Poke holes in a box, put box on light.

    • Pink Book - The pages are torn out! Make plans to come back to this book later.

  2. Trying the top drawer with the blue handle, you assure yourself that it is indeed locked. You tell yourself to keep an eye out for a blue key.

  3. Same is true for the green-handled drawer; a green key should open it.

  4. While the yellow drawer opens, it's empty, thus useless to you.

  5. As luck would have it, though, not only does the orange drawer open, it contains a handy looking box:

    • But until you can make sense of this 3x3 grid of buttons, your curiosity about what's inside the box will have to wait.

  6. Just because you can, have a look under the desk. Nope. Nada. Why the light, though?

  7. Finally, you might as well check out the side of the desk--click on the right side while facing it...

    • Well what do you know?! A WAD OF PAPER is shoved into the cord slot...pull it out and straighten it out:

    • The drawing depicts a 3x3 grid;
      it also appears to be torn from a book...
      ...keep that in mind so you can properly turn the page to get the answer:


  8. Now you know how to open that box in the orange drawer (yay!)

The Box in the Orange Drawer & Opening the Green Drawer

  1. Use the clue found on the Wad of Paper (found on right side of desk). It is:

  2. X-O-X

    Click the buttons represented by "X" so that they're darkened.

    Press the bar on the top edge of the box to open it.

    • Inside you find a GREEN KEY!

  3. Now you know what you can open next... The green-handled drawer:

    • Aha, the requisite tool for all escapers: a SCREWDRIVER.

  4. Let's find something to unscrew, shall we?

Secrets of the Pink Wall

Turn to face the pink wall and you'll see a big palm plant in the left corner...zoom in for a better look at it:

  1. Hardly visible in the palm fronds is a:

    • GREEN MARBLE. Take it!

  2. See that little MOUND OF MUD in the planter? Grab it. It's vaguely frog-shaped; thinking about the pictures in the blue book, you wonder where you can get some water. Well, that's for later. For now...

  3. Click the left side of the planter to go in even closer; there's two things to note here: first off, there's something smugged on the side of the planter. But rubbing it bare-handed doesn't remove it.

  4. Second, and more important at the moment, there is an extremely interesting vent back there (yes, vents are interesting!). Have a look...

    • Hmmm..there's a WHITE MARBLE just sitting there...might as well pick it up, too.

    • Also, some screws just begging to be handled by that lovely screwdriver of yours...give it a go.

      • Woot! A KEY! What did I tell you? Vents are always interesting.

    • It probably isn't good to just leave TWO SCREWS lying around (my dad always saved these in a big mason jar). Anyhow, pick them up and let's back out. These tight spaces are claustrophobic.

Also, the Sofa . . .

  1. Before checking out that comfy sofa, your eyes are drawn to the light under the end table, right? Getting down next to the end table, you see something stuck underneath:

    • A very cute KITTEN PHOTO!

    • At this time, I'd like to direct your attention to the frame around this kitten portrait.

    • What color is it?

    • The color of the kitten photo frame is different every time you play this sweet little game (which is cruelly unfair to those with colorblindness). So I can't help you much here except to say, "Make a note: kitten + color." It will come in handy later.

  2. While under that end table, almost hiding is a BLACK MARBLE next to the far sofa leg.

  3. Now back away from the end table and take a look at the sofa, you might find some change stuck between the cushions. Or maybe just...

    • A long POLE WITH A HOOK at the end of it.

    • and another WHITE MARBLE.

    Take them both then get down low again to find...

    • A red PENCIL under the sofa. That'll come in handy.

    Alright, before giving up, let's sleuth around on the right side of the sofa; there's more goodies to be had...

    • A white BOX.


  4. Odd that someone would just leave an empty box sitting there. Maybe there is something in it; let's inspect it more closely. Oops, careful with your poking around!

  5. Well, come to think of it...didn't the green book have an illustration about this?

The White Box and the Small Stand

  1. According to the green book, you should put holes in your white box.

    • Bring the box up from your inventory by clicking the "magnifying glass" icon.

    • Click on the very top of the box to make a hole there.

    • Then turn the box over and click on the bottom to make another hole.

  2. The green book also shows a light; looking for a light to stick the box on, you head back to the one under the desk...Place the box on the light:

    • A silhouette is projected on the underside of the desk:

    • It's of a BUTTERFLY!

    • Once again, you need to remember the color of the butterfly. If you do not have a photographic memory, it may help to write these things down.

  3. Time to use that key you found in the vent. Go over to the small wooden stand in the corner of the green wall.

    • There's another WHITE MARBLE on the floor, right side of the stand. Get it.

  4. Open the bottom, unlocked drawer:

    • A GLASS.

  5. Use the silver key to open the top drawer:

    • Some kind of balance. It's broken at the moment, keep a lookout for the other piece.

    • A....Bunny? Or something.

    • (Whatever it is, make note of the color.)

Opening the Hidden Panel

On the blue wall, just right of the hanging plant, there is a hidden panel:

  1. There are four colored buttons; on each button is several symbols:

    • By following the walkthrough, you've already found three.

  2. Go back to the books on the desk and see if you can get more answers...

  3. Inside the pink book you can barely see an impression of what was written on the other page:

    • Use the red pencil to see the image of a flower.

    • Notice the square with an arrow pointing at the flower? It's the color you need to keep in mind as you find that flower in the hidden panel's four symbol code.

  4. Now you have four symbols associated with colors from your search around the room:

  5. Cat -- from the kitten photo found under the end table.

    Butterfly -- from putting the hole-filled box on the light under the desk.

    Flower -- from the pencil rubbing in the pink book.

    Bunny??? -- from the scrap of paper found in the drawer of the small stand.

  6. Go over the panel and put in your symbols respective of the colors they fit with... Yet nothing appears when you press the little button?

    • That is not a bunny. Instead, the drawing on the little scrap of paper looks exactly like the duck symbol on the buttons.

    • So input the colors for your CAT, BUTTERFLY, FLOWER and DUCK. (See the spoiler directly above for where to find those colors around the room.)

  7. With the correct code entered, the tray of the hidden panel will contain a...

  8. KEY -- to the door!

  9. Go use the key on the door...

In the Bathroom

  1. Inside the bathroom, grab a bunch of useful items:

    • A GLASS OF WATER (turn on faucet, put glass under water til full).

    • A piece of TOILET PAPER (from the TP dispenser).

    • BLACK MARBLE (on the far side of the counter).

    • Part of the BALANCE (on the far side of the counter).

    • GREEN MARBLE (hidden in the plant on the counter).

  2. There's also a LOCKBOX with a number code...and I know just where to find those numbers:

    • Wet the Toilet Paper under the faucet.

    • Go back to the smudge on the side of the big palm plant's pot... Use the Wet Toilet Paper on the smudge to reveal a four digit number:

    • 3675

    • Return to the lockbox in the bathroom and input those numbers (shown in spoiler above) to get:

    • PINK MARBLE and

      BLUE KEY

  3. Go back to the're almost ready to escape.

Blue Drawer, Frog and Balanced Marbles

  1. Use the blue key to open the top drawer of the desk; inside is a blue book:

    • A picture of balancing marbles.

    • A drawing telling you to use the hook on the plant. Use the hook on the plant to get another:


  2. Now put the little frog-shaped mound of mud into the glass of water (click the inspect icon of the water glass; while it's in close view, select the muddy frog and click the glass again). Put the water away for a bit.

  3. Go over to the small stand and open the drawer with the broken balance.

    • Zoom in for a closer look at the balance.

    • Place the part on the right end of the beam.

    • Click the base of the balance to turn it over.

    • Use the screws to secure the part to the balance then turn it back over.

    • With the balance fixed, you can get started "weighing" those marbles. Chances are good that knowing what each weighs will soon prove useful.

  4. Time for the FROG:

    • Dump out the water into the sink.

    • A FROG will be left behind in the glass. Pick it up.

    • Looking over the frog, you notice its red feet. What else in the room looks like those red feet?

    • There is a picture on the green wall with two flowers shaped like the frog's feet...

      Stick the frog on the picture then....

      Click on the picture to open another hidden panel.

  5. This is the last puzzle. You'll need all your marbles for this one.

The Last Equation (Equals Your Escape)

  1. You need fit each marble into the equation. You should have:

    • 3 white marbles.

    • 3 green marbles.

    • 2 pink marbles.

    • 2 black marbles.

    If you don't have those, search around the room and go through the walkthrough to make sure you've completed all puzzles.

  2. Knowing the weight of each marble in relationship to the others is also necessary to solve the puzzle. If you're not sure, go back to the balance in the small stand's top drawer or....look at this spoiler for a hint:

  3. Pink is the lightest, white is heavier than pink, green is heavier than white, and black is the heaviest.

  4. Place each marble in the equation according to the equation so each set is equal in weight.

  5. Here's the answer:

    pink = pink
    black = white plus green
    two whites = green plus pink
    two greens plus black = white plus gold

  6. The correct equation causes the panel to close. Back out and look up.

    • Use the blue pole again to hook the latch on that trap door...

    • Climb the ladder and escape!

Congratulations on your blue skies ahead! :-)


Ms.Imperfect March 18, 2007 2:11 PM

Yayyy...finally a game that i suggested... :-)

Its an amazing game!! :-)


That was kind of neat.

Too bad I couldn't get through the last bit without a walkthrough. :D


Hooray for humorous translations! I was hooked from the intro. It's visually well done, and doesn't have any "2x2 white pixels on a grey background" type of pixel click.

(I also like the "You found something" music)

By the way, there are three books on the desk: you can click on all of them for three picture-hints.


i have most of the items, i just dont know what to do with everything! can someone help me i have

perhaps this is a spoiler

3 gray balls
red ball
black ball
2 green balls
photo of kittens
bunny drwaing
code paper
brown thing?

im stuck at the weird looking balance in the drawer

lonetrombone March 18, 2007 2:27 PM

I found the

teeter totter thing

now what?


After punching holes into the box, Setting it over the light under the coffee table next to the plant yields nothing

Is it a bug?


I have found lots of stuff, no idea what to do with them though.


Have you

used the pencil in the book with the torn page?


linda: I couldn't put it there, but it worked on the other light.

I've got as far as

Opening the bathroom, using the frog on the picture, building the balance, and now appear to be missing a ball (at least, don't have enough to fill all the holes in the panel with the = signs on.

lonetrombone March 18, 2007 2:54 PM

Never mind got the

teeter totter thingy


is there anwhere else you can try?



The balance needs another piece and screws before you can use it. You need to get the other piece from behind the locked bathroom door.


Guys where is this

teeter totter thing?


The Brown thing is a frog


yeah, brute forcing it works too. Thanks lone trom (T.T)

I've advanced to the picture of flowers, found the strange addiction.. i mean addition panel. yellow sphere? don't have that...

laptopdude March 18, 2007 3:11 PM

i could use a hint. i have:

3 white balls, gray ball, 2 green balls, red ball, cup, brown thing, pencil, cube with hole, hook, cat picture, and box code paper


What am I missing? How do I open the bathroom?


Have you got the

key for the door



Yes I beat it!!!

Here's a hint:

Notice the Smudge on the Large Plant's Pot? I wonder if it can be cleaned off...


Aha! Solved it. Nice puzzle at the end.


Oops, meant to put a spoiler tag on that question...

Anyway, I have no

door key

And what the heck does that

butterfly image



Not to mention the

flower drawing

... That has me baffled as well.


Dan Someone

I guess you have yet to find the panel on the blue wall just below the hanging plant.


Dan Someone

This is the part where you get to click furiously in order to find a secret panel.


That frog seems strangely cheerful considering it has no forelimbs.

laptopdude March 18, 2007 3:27 PM

jan.jan, i do not yet have a key.


I really need help

What is the wet paper used for?

OpenTheGait March 18, 2007 3:33 PM

I found 13 items

3 white, 2 green, one red, and one gray sphere, the mud covered frog, a cane, a box, and a red pencil, and the picture of the kitties

and two secrets-one is the contents of the red book and the other is

the butterfly

does someone have more?

Sluglove March 18, 2007 3:35 PM

where is the pencil?

I have the missing teeter totter piece as well as the screws, but I can't put it together, what do I do?

laptopdude March 18, 2007 3:37 PM


i opened the safe in the drawer and found the balance in the other drawer. now what?


I have the

other piece to the balance and the screws,

but I can't figure out

how to assemble the balance!!


Got it. Thanks. Now...

I can't seem to attach the piece to the balance, no matter how I try to use the screws or screwdriver. Any help?


I've seen the butterfly and flower, but what/where are the other to parts for that hidden panel? How do I open the box in the drawer?


Never mind, I figured that out. But...

What do I do with my melted frog? Or have I completely blown it by putting the frog in the water?

Lion Nyne March 18, 2007 3:50 PM

I'm really close to completing the game, but I can't figure something out.

The puzzle that was behind the flower picture with all the balls and equal signs. What do I do? I'm stumped!

Regy Rusty March 18, 2007 3:52 PM

On the hidden panel:

Two of the images (the green and the blue) have already been revealed, so read earlier comments if you can't figure them out. As for the other two...
Yellow: Just look for the color yellow among things you've collected.
Red: There's a famous optical illusion involved in this one. Try looking at one of your collected items in a different way...

Chrysanthemum March 18, 2007 3:52 PM


Butterfly??? Where is it? I've found the panel, and I thought I knew the right colors for everything but the butterfly, but then I went and entered them in on the panel and nothing happens when I press the button that makes the tray slide out.


This game reminds me alot of The Crimson Room

Chrysanthemum March 18, 2007 3:53 PM

Also. With the box --

how do I punch holes in it?


Gah, I'm so bad at these.

I got the scrap of paper with the keypad combination and inputted it in the box, but the box won't open! I have gray ball, 3 white balls, green ball, mud, blue hook, red pencil, empty mug.


Made it with no hints!
Two places that got me stuck for a long time: (I'm including the problem and the solution as different spoilers, so you can see if you want the hint or not)

  1. Problem:

    Attaching the platform to the balance.


    Once you've rested the platform on the arm, you have to click the base of the balance to put the skrews in the bottom

  2. Problem:

    Getting the toilet paper wet.


    You can't use the glass full of water. Just go stick the paper straight under the tap.

Ms.Imperfect March 18, 2007 4:03 PM

About the frog :

Use the cleaned frog on the flower painting on the wall


As for the colored boxes with the symbols on them (butterfly, rabbit, duck, flower, dog, cat, etc)--

Remember those optical illusions that can be more then one picture in one, depending on the way you look at it?

I need help as well. How do I get the yellow ball from the wall?


Need help with the hidden panel icons:

Orange: Butterfly, from the projection
Green: Bunny, from the drawing
Red: Flower, from the book scribbling
Blue: Cat, from the border of the cat picture
Yet it doesn't work. Why?

Regy Rusty March 18, 2007 4:12 PM

Alas! In my previous post I made a terrible mistake.

The colors change each time! Therefore, the colors I mentioned are not necessarily the same ones that anyone else will have. I apologize if I confused anyone.



you sure that it's a rabbit?


How do I get into the


And also:

I know three of the codes for the wall panel, but what is the other?
I have:
Green Bunny
Red Flower
and Orange Butterfly
I think the last one is blue kitten, but it doesn't work
(the colors do change of the pictures, btw)



It's not actually a bunny. Look at it another way

Ms.Imperfect March 18, 2007 4:16 PM


Look @ the picture of the it really a bunny?

It looks like a duck to me :P


The colours change each time you play. Also, are you sure you've got it right for the green one?

Chrysanthemum March 18, 2007 4:18 PM


Note that the bunny also looks like a duck...

I'm not actually sure whether that's it or not, as I can't get that darn thing to work for me either (and a couple of my colors are changed from yours -- for instance, the border is orange for me).

Becca Boo March 18, 2007 4:19 PM

Usually I dislike 'escape the room' type games because of the frustrating pixel hunting, but this game only has one of those puzzles.

Right now I am stuck at the wall panel, the one with the yellow ball. Can anyone gie me a hint?


Help please, how do I get anything fform the box? i try clicking on it on top of the lights on the floor, but nothing happens.



The keypad code - the piece of paper with the code on it looks as though its been torn out of somehing, right?


i have

3 white balls, 2 black, 2 green, 2 red.

Am I missing a ball?


What have you collected/done so far?

OpenTheGait March 18, 2007 4:21 PM

for the = panel i have


where am i wrong?


Have you found the




Ooh, that is sneaky. Thanks.


I have a green picture of a rabbit, in side profile. I see an icon of what looks like a rabbit, with two big tall ears. I'm as sure as I can be, a lot more sure than I am about the blue cat.
Icon 1:
The box on the light shows me a picture of an orange butterfly. So I figure that the butterfly icon is a safe bet for the orange square.
Icon 2:
Green bunny, see above.
Icon 3:
The red book, used with the red crayon, reveals that the red box with an arrow is pointing to a flower. So I figure the red flower icon is a safe bet.
Icon 4:
The picture of kitties in a bathtub has a blue border around it - that's the only clue I have to go on for the blue icon. That's the one I'm most worried about.
So you tell me straight, have any of my methods been wrong?


I have 3 white balls, 2 green balls, i gray ball, the dirt frog like thing, cane, red pen, box with whole punched out, glass, red ball, screwdriver, screws, cat picture, torn page with code for safe box, and paper with rabbi on it.

help por favor


I just played this last night over on Nordinho. Here are two major end game spoiler links from there:

Some math to help you with the wood scale:
First Hint

And if you still can't solve it check out the third hint in this link for a

MsImperfect March 18, 2007 4:29 PM


Is it a rabbit or is it a duck? :P


I opened the box Is that drawing a rabbit or a bird? for the red do I use the cat from the cat picture with the pink border? Or the red flower drawing?

Chrysanthemum March 18, 2007 4:31 PM

jan.jan -- Yep, I have. And I have used it

in the book with the torn-out page. It showed me the flower

Is there somewhere else I'm supposed to use it?



Try looking at your drawing of a rabbit from a slightly different perspective. It's actually a fairly well-known optical illusion/ambiguity....


Wow, the thing with the marbles really had me stumped until...

I assigned them numbers and wrote it down on paper: give the lightest one "1" and see what equals two or three of them. That should turn it from trial-and-error algebra into simple addition.

Oh, and it turns out there are a couple of places you have to click that aren't readily apparent. Whoops.


Okay, I succeeded :D
Great game.

Chrysanthemum March 18, 2007 4:37 PM


I have all of the color/animal combinations but ONE. For SURE, I have them right. But I entered those on the hidden panel, and then tried EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL on the fourth button, and NOTHING happened when I pressed the button that made the tray slide out. Is it refusing to let me get what I need to just because I haven't found the stupid clue to the fourth animal? Because if it is, that is really dumb.

Chrysanthemum March 18, 2007 4:40 PM

Never mind, I'm giving up. This game is too frustrating and I'm supposed to be writing a paper anyway... ;)


So we're supposed to find a


ball somewhere?


On the blue wall...

I have found all the clues for the pictures. I changed the pictures orange cat, green flower, red bunny,blue butterfly, and I pressed the button. Shouldn't it do something?

Salamand March 18, 2007 4:46 PM

Can anyone tell me where i can find



Where/what are the clues?



The cat is whatever the colour of the border is.

Salamand March 18, 2007 4:48 PM

never mind, i just missed a view of the desk



What looks like a bunny is actually a bird. Stupid, isn't it?

koalabrigade March 18, 2007 4:51 PM

where is the

box with holes in it?


Got it ! Thanks to Wir.


Thank Nod


i am lost.i have 3 white spheres,1 green,1 grey,red pencil,cane,screws,screwdriver,brown thing,empty glass,cat pic,bunny thing and the box code.wat am i missin nd wat do i have 2 do.


The flower was orange not red >_

This game is not color blind friendly. Although I'm not color blind but I found it hard to distinguish colors.


After finishing this game, I come to the conclusion that that I have NOT YET played an escape-the-room game where things actually made sense.

sstteevvee March 18, 2007 5:19 PM

what do i do with the box with a hole in it? I try to put it over both the floor lights, but it wont go. :(


wow, that was cool. first room escape game i've ever played that i didn't need hints or a walkthrough for. most of them have me slamming my head against the wall in frustration, but this one was easy enough to get through without being so easy it wasn't satisfying.


i'm not able to find the butterfly, i have the box and have punched a hole in the top...there is already a larger hole in the bottom, i have no idea where to go from here....can someone please help me out i'm getting so frustrated

sstteevvee March 18, 2007 5:30 PM

nevermind, i "worked out" the box thing after much clicking and i eventually managed to

poke a hole in the top of it as well as the bottom, using the cane thing, though it might have worked without i was trying everything at the time.


Did you have a look at all three books on the desk? They have some hints in them.


Where do you find the second red ball?

koalabrigade March 18, 2007 5:58 PM

Can anyone help me on the

marble puzzle with the = signs. I know it is something with addition, but how are you supposed to assign number values to each marble? Is it random, or am i missing a clue? I have all the colored marbles, I just need help in figuring out where to put them

please!! i've been playing this game for hours now and im starting to go quite insane.


the part I actually hated the most was

finding the "secret panel"

which to me was totally non-intuitive as I can't see anything on the blue wall. I ended up just blind clicking everywhere. The rest wasn't too bad.
And nod, in case you're still wondering

there is no yellow ball.

You just have to figure out the rest and the balls left is your answer

And after finishing the game, I had no clue what people were talking about when referring to the

bunny vs. duck? those animals did not appear in my game at all


Yay!! I beat it!!


I can't for the life of me find the box. Where haven't I looked?


UM. I seem to have cheated this game twice. I never found a blue for the fourth, blue symbol on the blue wall (I just guessed); and I never used the balance level. I just used that hint that slgalt had (not the picture). By the way, this game had really nice 3d graphics.


Thanks Nod


You have to use what you find in the locked top drawer of the two-drawer thing.


On the floor to the right of the couch.


where do I find the box with hole in it?


Sorry for the double post but I found the box

right hand side of the couch

I don't understand the numbers on the

plant pot. All I can understand is 3,6,and 5. There is another number, but I don't understand what it is. Also, where is the red ball?


I cannot seem to find the red balls... not even one of them! Please help someone.. my graphics are all pixel-ated or something from my accelerator...

Lemonbasil March 18, 2007 9:02 PM

Alright, first post here... I love these escape the room type games and I usually lurk around the comments, but I cannot for the life of me find the

hook for the hanging plant. I'm assuming that's what I need for the missing spheres? I'm missing two...


Its a


Sam and Aloloo
There is a red ball

in the hanging plant pot.


Can someone please explain the balance thing??? That and what do do with the muddy (frog?) are the only 2 things i havent figured out yet...


I just found out about 'escapers' by accident, but now I'm
hooked on 'em and I'm anxious to play more! How long have these games been around?



Grynn - 'escape-the-room' games have been around for several years, and there are a lot of them published on the Web. However, not all of them are worth playing.

Be sure to check out this list of some of the best escape games available:


I am missing

1 green marble.

Can anyone tell me all the places to find them?


Here is what i used to solved the color combinations for the marbles:

I used the scale and messed around with various marbles and found the following. 2G = 3W
2G = 1B + 1R
1B = 2R + 1G
2W = 1G + 1R
3w = 1B + 1R
1B = 1G + 1W
2R = 1W
Then letting R have a value of 1, the values are:
R = 1
W = 2
G = 3
B = 5
O = 9

Next i found that with 1 marble being equal to 1 marble and a green marble, the only combination for that is 1B = 1W + 1G . Then just guessing for the otheres xD


I had trouble finding my last green marble also.

Look at the plant hanging from the ceiling for the first one, and then at the plant in the bathroom.


HELP! I can't get the marbles

into the box

How is it done? I tried all

the combinations for the pink character on the wall,

but none work. I guess I have to pass by this step to have access.


Spent 15 minutes till the very last step and... Why I just can't wet the paper in glass? Took me two hours to just randomly wet it with the tap. Nice game though.


finally got out after around 3 hours. thanks for all the hints and the walkthrus.


I cant put the marbles into the box. Is it the white box you punch the holes into?

florence July 10, 2009 3:08 AM

i finished the game! thanks too Alex Chellew (marbles)

florence July 10, 2009 3:09 AM

@Joseph the answer is yes

Anonymous July 17, 2009 6:57 AM

okay, i know it sounds silly. but, where is the GRATE????


How do you get the balls on to the box? I've been clicking on the box with the balls in hand, and I've been clicking on the balls with the box in hand, but I still don't know how! I've even tried tragging....

Wahh.... help SVP!! Pwease?


Here is the marble solution

pink=pink (or red..whatever)


Help!!! I can't put the box down to poke hoes in it. Please help I'm getting really fustrated!!!!!!


To everyone complaining about the "secret" panel: It's not such a secret if you pay attention. When you click on the hanging potted plant on the blue wall, you can see the top of the outline of the panel. You can't see it from the full room view, but that doesn't make it invisible!

Great game. Thanks for the walkthrough, the hints were very helpful.


If anyone is wondering how to solve

the marble "=" puzzle,

you may need to use

algebra and the use of variables

to solve it.

CAROLINE March 1, 2010 3:00 PM

I'm stuck?! i have even read the walkthrough and I can't get the marbles into the box like it says? What am i doing wrong?

Anonymous April 24, 2010 9:13 PM

I'm missing 2 marbles please help! (P.S. I do not know what colors I'm missing!)

please please please help!

I like using spoilers, sorry!

nerdypants May 24, 2010 11:44 PM

Number of marbles you should have to solve the last puzzle:

3 green balls
3 white balls
2 black balls
2 red balls

For a total of 10 balls

Location of all marbles:

Green ball, in the leaves of the potted plant by the couch.

White ball, by the vent to the left of the potted plant by the couch.

Black ball, under the table by the couch.

White ball, under the left couch cushion.

Green ball, to the right of the couch.

White ball, to the right of the small table with the scales.

Red ball, in the hanging plant (click the plant with the long pole a few times and the ball will show up).

Green ball, in the little plant in the bathroom.

Black ball, on one of the shelves under the plant in the bathroom.

Red ball, in the number box in the bathroom.

Tattiana Monique Decan June 12, 2010 10:29 PM

damn when i opened the door

i was like omg yes im free! its only the bathroom. -.-



I'm stuck on putting the white and green marbles on the box... how do you do it?!?!


for equals sign puzzle, try assigning a number to each color. the colors i used are

and Gold-9 as shown in the picture;one pink/red, one green and one black is equal to gold. (as a math problem: 1[red]+3[green]+5[black]=9[gold]) therefore, white and gold equals 11


Can't figure out the code for the bathroom box! I wiped the smudge away and I got 3 numbers and a kind of square thing. Help?


The code from the bathroombox is



How do you PUT the marbles in the holes punched in the box!?!?


Hey...i have

the box, the cane and the marbles

but how do I

make the holes in the box?!?!


Okay, I have no idea what to do.

I've found the panel, and I have a hook, 3white balls, 2 green balls, a pencil, one gray ball, the box with the holes, a glass, one red ball and some brown thing from the plant.
The kitty picture had a blue border
The flower in the book had an orange box pointing to it
The butterfly was green
No idea what to put for the red so I tried everything but nothing came out of the panel.

I have no idea why everyone is talking about an optical illusion

I am obviously missing some integral clue here because I'm just beyond stuck. I need the last hint for the panel or the code for that safey thing.
And where's this optical illusion?!

Ohhh dear, someone pleeeeeeease help!!!!

analoxx June 9, 2011 10:48 AM

what the heck is the key for the box in the toilet?! i saw it was 3675 but it doesnt work!! -_- i need help! for this!


i'm trying to

get poke holes in the cube

but i can't set it down. HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?!

Lucy Loo June 11, 2011 6:59 AM

For the panel with the animals on them see the picture of the rabbit? Look at it differently its a duck so its orange cat because of the border on the kitty picture green butterfly red flower and blue duck then you'll find a key


Hi okay so how do I put the balls on top and under the box? So so so lost. help would be awesome

lahdeedah.22 June 13, 2011 2:25 AM

ive been trying to get the toilet paper we for a long time, & its not working. im running it under the tap, but when i go to clean the plantpot, it isnt working..

help me..?

Anonymous June 13, 2011 3:30 PM

where is the grate i'm supposed to open with the screwdriver?!

Brianna June 13, 2011 3:49 PM

How do I

put the marbles in the box.???? they won't go

Tiffany June 13, 2011 7:25 PM

I can't seem to

get the screws into the balance. I've turn it upside down and now I'm trying to get the screws to go in.

Have I done something wrong?


This may sound stupid but how do I get the marbles into the box once I have the holes punched in..???


I have punched the holes in the box but how do I get the marbles in it??


you don't put the marbles in the box. its just a mix up in the walk through.
you can poke a hole in the box with almost any of the sharp objects in your inventory.
the pencil, screw driver, long thingy...whatever

Anonymous June 19, 2011 11:39 PM

how do you put the frog on the picture ? i click the frog and then the picture and it doesnt do anything.



Is the frog washed? You should be able to turn it over in item-closeup and see its red feet. Otherwise, not sure.


You guys are interpreting the animal's colors wrong.

Blue Kitty = The photo with the kittens has a blue border.

Red Butterfly = After poking holes into the box and placing it on top of the light, a red butterfly illuminates above.

Green Duck = The paper is a picture of a green "bunny", but if you look at it closely, it is also a duck. Imagine the ears as the beak. That's what the "illusion" is.

Orange Flower = Although you shaded it in red inside the book, there's an orange box above pointing to it, meaning that the flower is actually orange.


muffins June 27, 2011 9:49 PM

i need help its not letting me put the white cube above the light help please!

hotbuns July 14, 2011 7:59 PM

How do I open the box in the last drawer?! The Code won't work D:


I have done everything, but the code will not work on the number box, someone please help game is getting on my nerves..

Anonymous July 20, 2011 2:12 PM

where is the piece of paper on the desk? i cant find it!


The code i have isn't working :(


I don't know how to put the balls in the box....


having some trouble.

How do you rotate the paper with the code?


xemily91 -

It is the bottom right corner ripped from a piece of paper, so turn it so the straight edge is on the left and bottom.
The code you end up with is:

Paige Marie January 2, 2012 4:24 PM

I cant figure out

How to put the marbles in the box after punching the holes in it.


That walkthrough as posted isn't exactly least not for the game as I played it.

After punching holes in the box, put the box on the light under the desk.

By this time you should have used the red pencil in the book where the torn-out page was. Since the square is green, that's part of the clue.

Plus, you should have a scrap of paper that looks like a pink bunny but is actually a pink duck.

And somewhere in the room is an orange cat...

That means the code for the panel hidden in the wall next to the plant is:

orange cat - green flower - pink duck - blue butterfly

Enter the code and press the button... get the key.



Solution to Last Puzzle
Once you get the top drawer of the small wooden end table open, and put together the balance (use screws from the vent), you can weigh out the marbles.

In case you need it, here's the answer to the "equations":

pink = pink
black = white plus green
two whites = green plus pink
two greens plus black = white and yellow


Sphere Walkthrough

Starting Out, at the Desk

You start out facing the desk; click it to get a closer view:

  1. First note the three books, stacked one on top of the other. Each contains useful clues so carefully click on the edge of the one you want to view:

    • Blue Book - Frog in mud is washed by water.

    • Green Book - Poke holes in a box, put box on light.

    • Pink Book - The pages are torn out! Make plans to come back to this book later.

  2. Trying the top drawer with the blue handle, you assure yourself that it is indeed locked. You tell yourself to keep an eye out for a blue key.

  3. Same is true for the green-handled drawer; a green key should open it.

  4. While the yellow drawer opens, it's empty, thus useless to you.

  5. As luck would have it, though, not only does the orange drawer open, it contains a handy looking box:

    • But until you can make sense of this 3x3 grid of buttons, your curiosity about what's inside the box will have to wait.

  6. Just because you can, have a look under the desk. Nope. Nada. Why the light, though?

  7. Finally, you might as well check out the side of the desk--click on the right side while facing it...

    • Well what do you know?! A WAD OF PAPER is shoved into the cord slot...pull it out and straighten it out:

    • The drawing depicts a 3x3 grid;
      it also appears to be torn from a book...
      ...keep that in mind so you can properly turn the page to get the answer:


  8. Now you know how to open that box in the orange drawer (yay!)

The Box in the Orange Drawer & Opening the Green Drawer

  1. Use the clue found on the Wad of Paper (found on right side of desk). It is:

  2. X-O-X

    Click the buttons represented by "X" so that they're darkened.

    Press the bar on the top edge of the box to open it.

    • Inside you find a GREEN KEY!

  3. Now you know what you can open next... The green-handled drawer:

    • Aha, the requisite tool for all escapers: a SCREWDRIVER.

  4. Let's find something to unscrew, shall we?

Secrets of the Pink Wall

Turn to face the pink wall and you'll see a big palm plant in the left corner...zoom in for a better look at it:

  1. Hardly visible in the palm fronds is a:

    • GREEN MARBLE. Take it!

  2. See that little MOUND OF MUD in the planter? Grab it. It's vaguely frog-shaped; thinking about the pictures in the blue book, you wonder where you can get some water. Well, that's for later. For now...

  3. Click the left side of the planter to go in even closer; there's two things to note here: first off, there's something smugged on the side of the planter. But rubbing it bare-handed doesn't remove it.

  4. Second, and more important at the moment, there is an extremely interesting vent back there (yes, vents are interesting!). Have a look...

    • Hmmm..there's a WHITE MARBLE just sitting there...might as well pick it up, too.

    • Also, some screws just begging to be handled by that lovely screwdriver of yours...give it a go.

      • Woot! A KEY! What did I tell you? Vents are always interesting.

    • It probably isn't good to just leave TWO SCREWS lying around (my dad always saved these in a big mason jar). Anyhow, pick them up and let's back out. These tight spaces are claustrophobic.

Also, the Sofa . . .

  1. Before checking out that comfy sofa, your eyes are drawn to the light under the end table, right? Getting down next to the end table, you see something stuck underneath:

    • A very cute KITTEN PHOTO!

    • At this time, I'd like to direct your attention to the frame around this kitten portrait.

    • What color is it?

    • The color of the kitten photo frame is different every time you play this sweet little game (which is cruelly unfair to those with colorblindness). So I can't help you much here except to say, "Make a note: kitten + color." It will come in handy later.

  2. While under that end table, almost hiding is a BLACK MARBLE next to the far sofa leg.

  3. Now back away from the end table and take a look at the sofa, you might find some change stuck between the cushions. Or maybe just...

    • A long POLE WITH A HOOK at the end of it.

    • and another WHITE MARBLE.

    Take them both then get down low again to find...

    • A red PENCIL under the sofa. That'll come in handy.

    Alright, before giving up, let's sleuth around on the right side of the sofa; there's more goodies to be had...

    • A white BOX.


  4. Odd that someone would just leave an empty box sitting there. Maybe there is something in it; let's inspect it more closely. Oops, careful with your poking around!

  5. Well, come to think of it...didn't the green book have an illustration about this?

The White Box and the Small Stand

  1. According to the green book, you should put holes in your white box.

    • Bring the box up from your inventory by clicking the "magnifying glass" icon.

    • Click on the very top of the box to make a hole there.

    • Then turn the box over and click on the bottom to make another hole.

  2. The green book also shows a light; looking for a light to stick the box on, you head back to the one under the desk...Place the box on the light:

    • A silhouette is projected on the underside of the desk:

    • It's of a BUTTERFLY!

    • Once again, you need to remember the color of the butterfly. If you do not have a photographic memory, it may help to write these things down.

  3. Time to use that key you found in the vent. Go over to the small wooden stand in the corner of the green wall.

    • There's another WHITE MARBLE on the floor, right side of the stand. Get it.

  4. Open the bottom, unlocked drawer:

    • A GLASS.

  5. Use the silver key to open the top drawer:

    • Some kind of balance. It's broken at the moment, keep a lookout for the other piece.

    • A....Bunny? Or something.

    • (Whatever it is, make note of the color.)

Opening the Hidden Panel

On the blue wall, just right of the hanging plant, there is a hidden panel:

  1. There are four colored buttons; on each button is several symbols:

    • By following the walkthrough, you've already found three.

  2. Go back to the books on the desk and see if you can get more answers...

  3. Inside the pink book you can barely see an impression of what was written on the other page:

    • Use the red pencil to see the image of a flower.

    • Notice the square with an arrow pointing at the flower? It's the color you need to keep in mind as you find that flower in the hidden panel's four symbol code.

  4. Now you have four symbols associated with colors from your search around the room:

  5. Cat -- from the kitten photo found under the end table.

    Butterfly -- from putting the hole-filled box on the light under the desk.

    Flower -- from the pencil rubbing in the pink book.

    Bunny??? -- from the scrap of paper found in the drawer of the small stand.

  6. Go over the panel and put in your symbols respective of the colors they fit with... Yet nothing appears when you press the little button?

    • That is not a bunny. Instead, the drawing on the little scrap of paper looks exactly like the duck symbol on the buttons.

    • So input the colors for your CAT, BUTTERFLY, FLOWER and DUCK. (See the spoiler directly above for where to find those colors around the room.)

  7. With the correct code entered, the tray of the hidden panel will contain a...

  8. KEY -- to the door!

  9. Go use the key on the door...

In the Bathroom

  1. Inside the bathroom, grab a bunch of useful items:

    • A GLASS OF WATER (turn on faucet, put glass under water til full).

    • A piece of TOILET PAPER (from the TP dispenser).

    • BLACK MARBLE (on the far side of the counter).

    • Part of the BALANCE (on the far side of the counter).

    • GREEN MARBLE (hidden in the plant on the counter).

  2. There's also a LOCKBOX with a number code...and I know just where to find those numbers:

    • Wet the Toilet Paper under the faucet.

    • Go back to the smudge on the side of the big palm plant's pot... Use the Wet Toilet Paper on the smudge to reveal a four digit number:

    • 3675

    • Return to the lockbox in the bathroom and input those numbers (shown in spoiler above) to get:

    • PINK MARBLE and

      BLUE KEY

  3. Go back to the're almost ready to escape.

Blue Drawer, Frog and Balanced Marbles

  1. Use the blue key to open the top drawer of the desk; inside is a blue book:

    • A picture of balancing marbles.

    • A drawing telling you to use the hook on the plant. Use the hook on the plant to get another:


  2. Now put the little frog-shaped mound of mud into the glass of water (click the inspect icon of the water glass; while it's in close view, select the muddy frog and click the glass again). Put the water away for a bit.

  3. Go over to the small stand and open the drawer with the broken balance.

    • Zoom in for a closer look at the balance.

    • Place the part on the right end of the beam.

    • Click the base of the balance to turn it over.

    • Use the screws to secure the part to the balance then turn it back over.

    • With the balance fixed, you can get started "weighing" those marbles. Chances are good that knowing what each weighs will soon prove useful.

  4. Time for the FROG:

    • Dump out the water into the sink.

    • A FROG will be left behind in the glass. Pick it up.

    • Looking over the frog, you notice its red feet. What else in the room looks like those red feet?

    • There is a picture on the green wall with two flowers shaped like the frog's feet...

      Stick the frog on the picture then....

      Click on the picture to open another hidden panel.

  5. This is the last puzzle. You'll need all your marbles for this one.

The Last Equation (Equals Your Escape)

  1. You need fit each marble into the equation. You should have:

    • 3 white marbles.

    • 3 green marbles.

    • 2 pink marbles.

    • 2 black marbles.

    If you don't have those, search around the room and go through the walkthrough to make sure you've completed all puzzles.

  2. Knowing the weight of each marble in relationship to the others is also necessary to solve the puzzle. If you're not sure, go back to the balance in the small stand's top drawer or....look at this spoiler for a hint:

  3. Pink is the lightest, white is heavier than pink, green is heavier than white, and black is the heaviest.

  4. Place each marble in the equation according to the equation so each set is equal in weight.

  5. Here's the answer:

    pink = pink
    black = white plus green
    two whites = green plus pink
    two greens plus black = white plus gold

  6. The correct equation causes the panel to close. Back out and look up.

    • Use the blue pole again to hook the latch on that trap door...

    • Climb the ladder and escape!

Congratulations on your blue skies ahead! :-)

alexknudsen214 August 23, 2012 3:53 AM

i wanted to know...

how to get the frog clean. I've tried running him under the sink, putting him in the cup, and using the clod of wet toilet paper. Nothing seems to work. and i need him clean.. i think.

alexknudsen214 August 23, 2012 3:57 AM

never mind my previous comment

I've got my frog in the cup... now how do i get him out?

alexknudsen214 August 23, 2012 4:01 AM

again dismiss my last comment, i've figured that out. what i'd like to know now is..

what do you do with the frog?


I'v always struggled with weights when they are not based on actual mathematical numbers. So I did a little weighing to work out a way to transfer the marble colours into numbers.

Pink = 1
White = 2
Green = 3
Black = 5
Gold = 9

From there I was able to do the wall puzzle more like a maths puzzle than the more complicated way.


I'v always struggled with weights when they are not based on actual mathematical numbers. So I did a little weighing to work out a way to transfer the marble colours into numbers.

Pink = 1
White = 2
Green = 3
Black = 5
Gold = 9

From there I was able to do the wall puzzle more like a maths puzzle than the more complicated way.


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