Color Pic-a-Pix Light
Need a dash of rainbow splashed across your logic puzzles? Conceptis delivers a cacophony of colorful curiosities with Color Pic-a-Pix Light, the latest addition in their Conceptis Light series. You might be familiar with Pic-a-Pix puzzles from their previous selection, or perhaps you've tried Picross puzzles elsewhere. This new batch adds the twist of color, meaning the logic gets more twisted, and the solutions more dazzling!
If you're familiar with black-and-white Pic-a-Pix puzzles, you know the goal of each puzzle is to form a picture within the grid, using the numbers along the left and top of the grid as clues. The numbers tell you how many consecutive filled blocks appear along that row/column, with at least one space in between each string. However, unlike strictly black-and-white puzzles, color Pic-a-Pix puzzles add one tweak to this rule. While there still has to be one empty space between consecutive strings of the same color, there doesn't have to be a space between consecutive strings of different colors. Thus, a string of four red blocks can bump up against a string of two blue blocks if need be. By combining the horizontal and vertical clues to deduce where colored blocks must go, you can produce a picture that indicates you've solved the puzzle.
This puzzle pack comes with thirty puzzles, ten each of three different sizes. Perhaps surprisingly, this puzzle pack holds a very broad range of difficulties, ranging from solvable in twenty seconds (like the smaller 5x5 puzzles) to fifteen minutes (the larger 15x15 puzzles... although I must concede it's possible that I'm just a slow solver in some instances). Whatever your level of expertise, Conceptis once again brings a handful of puzzles perfect for familiarizing yourself or re-embracing the world of color Pic-a-Pix.
Walkthrough Guide
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Color Pic-a-Pix Light Solutions
Level 1 (5x5)
Puzzle 1:
Screen shot
Puzzle 2:
Screen shot
Puzzle 3:
Screen shot
Puzzle 4:
Screen shot
Puzzle 5:
Screen shot
Puzzle 6:
Screen shot
Puzzle 7:
Screen shot
Puzzle 8:
Screen shot
Puzzle 9:
Screen shot
Puzzle 10:
Screen shot
Level 2 (10x10)
Puzzle 1:
Screen shot
Puzzle 2:
Screen shot
Puzzle 3:
Screen shot
Puzzle 4:
Screen shot
Puzzle 5:
Screen shot
Puzzle 6:
Screen shot
Puzzle 7:
Screen shot
Puzzle 8:
Screen shot
Puzzle 9:
Screen shot
Puzzle 10:
Screen shot
Level 3 (15x15)
Puzzle 1:
Screen shot
Puzzle 2:
Screen shot
Puzzle 3:
Screen shot
Puzzle 4:
Screen shot
Puzzle 5:
Screen shot
Puzzle 6:
Screen shot
Puzzle 7:
Screen shot
Puzzle 8:
Screen shot
Puzzle 9:
Screen shot
Puzzle 10:
Screen shot
Posted by: Steve
January 26, 2012 11:24 AM