Sneak Thief uses the standard point-and-click controls. Use your mouse to pick up items, use items with objects on screen or manipulate your environment to solve puzzles. To look around the room just click to far left or right side of the screen depending on which way you want to go.
The first thing you'll notice about Sneak Thief is that it looks awesome. The titular thief looks like he could be the character in a sixties cartoon as he flies to the tower on his handheld chopper. The environment is a mixture between the mundane lovingly and uniquely drawn and set pieces that are heavily stylized. Almost everything is bathed in blue which adds to the mood. The sound is great as well; the music is simple and repetitive, but it fits so well and is so catchy that you're more likely to find yourself grooving to it then right clicking to turn it off.
Play the entire Sneak Thief series:
The gameplay doesn't offer much length or challenge but it is fun. You won't have to do any pixel hunting or desperately try to use an item on everything. The solutions to all the puzzles are intuitive and, in a few cases, almost too easy. The ease does make you feel like a master of thievery with the way the game flows. That's not to say that the game doesn't require any thought, you just won't be claimed by fits of hair-pulling with this one.
As mentioned before, the game is pretty short. The good news is that Pastel Games is apparently making four more in the series so we can collect the rest of Professor Bellamy's inventions. Until then enjoy this gorgeous looking and fun adventure.
Walkthrough Guide
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Grab screwdriver
Click to the right to turn toward the grate
Use screwdriver on grate
Get piece of paper
Click the bottom of the screen, then go left
Click the desk, then click the bottom of the screen
Click the tubelick the circular object, enter the code from the paper you just got. When the draw opens click inside to grab the fish net
Click the top of the screen twice, then go left
Click the TV screen, notice how the monkeys are positioned
Go right one screen, click on the desk
Make the monkeys match those on the TV
Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil
Click the tube, then click the newly added blueprint in your inventory to view it
Click the top of the screen twice, then go to the right twice
Grab the drinking glass
Go to the right
Grab the knife embedded in the book on the left
Click the lampshade, grab the lightbulb
Click the fishbowl, use the fishnet on the fishbowl, click the fishbowl
Go back, go to the right
Click the phone
Use knife on the wire, grab wire, go back
Go to the right, click the clock
Set the minute hand at 12 and the hour hand at 5, click the device
Go back, click the chair
Use knife of the chair, grab gem
Go back, go two screens to the right
Use the device and the light bulb on the coat rack.
Use the fish bowl on the space right next to the coat rack.
Use the wire on the space in between the coat rack and the fish bowl.
Use the gem on the device
Sorry, this is my first time putting a walkthrough together. I hope it was coherent and useful.
UPDATE: The errors in the walkthrough have (finally) been corrected.
Posted by: Brad
September 10, 2010 8:33 PM