An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Weekday Escape N°59

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Weekday Escape

elleThis is going to be hard to hear, so it's better if I come straight out and say it. So, you know, get prepared. Just squeeze eyes shut, focus mind on a happy place, and look away as the bandage's ripped off in one swoop. It's for the good—it's only by knowing the truth, and confronting the reality of it, that any positive progress can be made toward a solution. So...ready? It is Wednesday already! I mean, sheesh! We're already three weeks into 2015 and time continues rolling on as if ignoring our efforts to, like, hang onto precious moments and all that like. Alright. I didn't surprise you at all. Did I? Yeah, I can see that by how you're rolling your eyes and clucking your tongue. And I bet you think you know which three new escape games are spilling out of the Weekday Escape inbox on my desk, too? Ah, fine then. I won't be rambling on with details, repeating myself and having you think: "Here she goes on about that again." We'll just get directly to the matter at hand. Have a look...

Monster HouseMonster House - Yonashi continues to prove talent for infusing cartoonish personality into all their escape games as the artful design entertains through a happy use of animation and playful surprises. In this case, such a quality not only adds to the puzzle aspects of the game, it supersedes them. Well, that can happen: sometimes the creative concept for a puzzle will seem right, but it doesn't always work in the execution. Did that happen here? Maybe. Just don't count too quickly or start thinking you need to understand Japanese vocabulary; go a little beyond intuitive answers and I think you'll puzzle your way through these monsters' abode just fine. You might be out quickly, or maybe it'll while away half the afternoon. Who's to judge your speed? Not me! The cuteness at the end is a fun reward for however much time it takes to get through.

Girl's Room No.1: LipstickGirl's Room No.1: Lipstick - FunkyLand has returned from a short hiatus with a brand new series full of feminine frills, cosmetics and silly pink things. I will admit I was expecting this to take place inside a Sephora, was even a tad miffed it doesn't. I can't stay mad at FunkyLand, though—the winks of whimsy are too irresistibly smile-inducing. Instead of looking for things you'd put in your mouth, you're looking for something to put on your mouth: five tubes of pink lipstick. Even if you're not all that into makeup, if you like FunkyLand, you will like this game, too—there's not much that's different from candy rooms or fruit kitchens in terms of style and mechanics. Good, right? Because no one likes when somebody changes a formula that works...or discontinues your favorite shade of eyeliner (yes, that means you, Urban Decay).

Find the Escape-Men 134: The Forest RestuarantFind the Escape-Men 134: The Forest Restuarant - For more hide-n-seek fun with our favorite running mini green dudes, No1Game is taking us out to dinner. The catch is, the venue is some trendy "do it yourself" establishment and no one is eating until you get to work making some delicious stew. Find and pick-up ten escape-men to help you do it. As you do, not only will you encounter No1Game's usual tricks of not-so-obvious active areas and easily missed hotspots, you'll discover three ways to end the game as well. The puzzles aren't hard once you have clues in hand, but the stew can be rather finicky in its preparation. There are also some particularly sneaky green guys who, I'm guessing, will be overlooked by a lot of you out there.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Girl's Room No.1 Lipstick Walkthrough

A new series from Funkyland: Girl's Room. As the title implies, it's all very girly-girly. The first installment is rather short and standard, there are no surprises - I miss the quirkyness of some of Funkyland's earlier offerings. But it might work as a gentle introduction to escape games for someone new to the genre.

The goal is to find five lipsticks.

Lipstick #1

Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the picture to the left of the door.
Take the pink lipstick from the top of the picture frame.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #2

Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the bed.
Click on the pillow on the left to lift it.
There's a key below it - take it.
Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the right hand wall.
Zoom in on the cupboard with the tall mirror.
Use the key on the lock on the right hand side.
Click the mirror to open the cupboard.
There is an orange lipstick on the inside of the door.
Zoom in and take it.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #3

Zoom in on the right hand wall.
Zoom in on the side table.
Open the right hand drawer.
Take the green lipstick.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #4

Zoom in on the right hand wall.
Zoom in on the cupboard with the tall mirror.
Open it (see Lipstick #2)
Zoom in on the Girl's Room book in the cupboard.
Open the book and take note of the clues on the four pages.
There are four objects, each with a hare in a different position:

Gift box: bottom left.
Shoe: top right.
Heart: bottom right.
Ring: top left.

Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the frame above the bed.
Click the buttons until you see the item corresponding to the position of the button (top left, etc.)
Click OK.
Take the small key.
Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the table in the foreground.
Zoom in on the box on the chair.
Place the small key on the front of the box.
Click the key to turn it. The box opens.
Take the blue lipstick.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #5

Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the signature frog.
Take the hand mirror from the tray it is holding.
Zoom out.
Zoom in on the rear leg of the bed.
There is a digit 6 on it, but it looks like it is only part of a larger number.

Use the hand mirror to see the entire number: 3526.

Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the table in the foreground.
Zoom in on the box to the left of the table.
Zoom in on the number lock.
Enter the code you got from the bed.

The code was 3526.

Click OK. The box unlocks.
Zoom out, then open the box.
Lift the cover inside the box.
Take the candy from the box.
Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the left hand wall, then on the frog.
Place the candy on the frog's tray.
The compartment below the tray opens.
Take the purple lipstick.
Zoom all the way out.


When you have found all five lipsticks, they will magically be tranformed into a key.
Take the key.
Go to the door.
Use the key on the door. It unlocks.
Go through the door.

Monster House Walkthrough

Exploring the house
First room

Pick up the brown bowl and take the ORANGE.

Gray monster room (through the door with the blue stripe)

Aw, the poor gray monster looks sick. I wonder what will help.

The closet door is locked with a code, with the clue "3 1 6 56 4" printed above five buttons that can each be set to a letter or pair of letters.

Pink monster room (to the left of the start room)

The pink monster has a clue for you: "natto anko daikon kinako isobe."

The left door of the brown cabinet wants a code consisting of upward- and downward-pointing triangles in some sequence.

Open the right door of the brown cabinet and take the CODED TUBE, which wants a code consisting of the numbers 0-3.

Back room (through the bead curtain in the pink monster room)

There's a locked door here for which you need a key.

The picture on the wall contains the letter "i", five icons that seem to represent monsters, and an arrow that wants us to consider the icons from left to right.

Brown monster room (to the left of the pink monster room)

The brown monster moves to this room after you pick up the orange and move to any other room.

When you click on him, he takes a shower. O-kay then.

Red monster room (though the door with the pink stripe in the brown monster room)

There's a banner on the table with some stylized printing: "MONSTAR.CON"

The gray cabinet is locked and has three holes on its door.

Opening doors and using items
The closet code in the gray monster room

The clue for this code was given to you by the pink monster.

How can you relate those five words to the numbers on the code panel?

Use the nth letter(s) of each word.


There's a yellow monster here, and a TRIDENT that you can take.

The cabinet in the red monster room

Use the TRIDENT to open the door.

The red monster's body emerges from the cabinet, his head hops on top of it, and there's a safe with four orange buttons.

The safe in the red monster room

The clue for the safe is in this room, but you'll need to leave and come back.

When you do so, you'll find that the red monster has put scrunchies in her hair.

The number of hair tufts in each scrunchy represents the order in which you should press the buttons on the safe.

4-2-1-3. Click "OK" and take the TEA KETTLE.

The coded tube

The clue for this lock is the picture in the back room.

Could the letter "i" in that picture have a double meaning?

Count the number of "i's" (eyes!) on each of the five monsters indicated by the icons, from left to right.

1-3-0-2-10. Take the CHILI PEPPER.

The cabinet in the pink monster room

Have you seen symbols like these anywhere else?

Click the buttons in the order that the symbols appear on the "MONSTAR.CON" banner in the red monster room.

Up, down, up, up, down, up, up, down. Take the INSTANT SOUP.

Making soup

Looks like you need some hot water, but cold water will do for now.

You can get some water from the shower in the brown monster room, but you'll need to get him to move first.

Maybe he's hungry?

Place the ORANGE on the "pedestal" on top of the brown cabinet, and leave the room to give the monster some privacy.

When you come back, place the TEA KETTLE on the floor next to the monster, then click on him. He'll activate the shower, and you can take back the TEA KETTLE, which is now full of water.

Now, how can you make this water hot? Maybe one of the other monsters can help.

Wouldn't you know it: the monster you need is the one who's under the weather.

If the pattern on his bedspread is any indication, he's rather fond of chili peppers.

Give the CHILI PEPPER to the gray monster and witness its awesome rejuvenatory powers!

Now give the TEA KETTLE to the monster, and he'll heat it right up for you with his flame breath.

Click the INSTANT SOUP in your inventory, add the hot water from the TEA KETTLE, and wait a moment for your hot soup.

Click the INSTANT SOUP to eat it, then look inside the empty cup. Wow, a KEY!

Use the KEY to exit through the door in the back room.

Find the Escape-Men 134 Walkthrough

Outside the restaurant

Click the sign describing the restaurant. Get ESCAPE MAN 1.

On the left side, get the MUSHROOMS. Get ESCAPE MAN 2.

On the right side, get the LAUREL LEAF from the tree. (Click all you want, there's no EM hiding in the tree.)

But click on the LAUREL LEAF to get ESCAPE MAN 3.

There's a safe that needs a key.

Inside the restaurant

There's 6 tables. Click on each one to see its number.

On table 6, click on the bottom plate to get a KEY. Click under the top plate to get ESCAPE MAN 4. Also get the MEASURING CUP from the table.

In the kitchen

Get the MEAT, BUTTER, and MILK from the top part of the fridge.

There's a 6-number puzzle on the bottom part of the fridge.

There's a tap, but we can't turn it on.

There's a circle puzzle under the sink.

Get ESCAPE MAN 5 from the burner under the pot. Looks like we can't turn on the burner yet.

There's a recipe on the wall for a delicious stew.

Click the corners of the recipe to get ESCAPE MAN 6.

One more place to look

On the ceiling in the restaurant.

Try to take the escape man. Oops, he fell!

There's a 5-bladed fan with numbers on the blades. One blade is yellow.

After leaving the fan, get ESCAPE MAN 7 from the floor.


Opening the cupboard under the sink.

Use the clue from the fan to get the order to click on the circle. If we think of the yellow circle as a head, click

Right arm, Left leg, Left arm, Right leg, Head.


Now that the cupboard is open, we can enable the tap to be turned on.

Turn on the tap and put the MEASURING CUP in the sink to fill it with water.

Opening the bottom part of the fridge

Use the key on the safe to the right of the house. Get the SECRET SAUCE and ESCAPE MAN 9.

There's a diagram that matches the positions of the tables, with a line saying how to navigate them.

Using the diagram and the numbers from the tables, we can solve the puzzle for the fridge.

Let's try the obvious solution

The table numbers are
1 4
2 5
3 6

Try 3 6 2 5 1 4

Nope. Well, ok, that would be too easy.

The tables are not square. They seem to be pointing down.

Maybe we should think of them as pointing up.

Flip the table numbers vertically:
3 6
2 5
1 4

Try 1 4 2 5 3 6

Still not right. Hmm.

Oh. The tables aren't all the same size. The 3 2 1 ones on the left are bigger. And the boxes in the diagram aren't all the same size either.

The diagram says to start with the smaller tables.

Flip the table numbers horizontally?
6 3
5 2
4 1

Try 4 1 5 2 6 3

Finally! Get ESCAPE MAN 10 and the vegetables.

Now that we have all the escape men, we can make the stew

Light the stove

Look closely at the escape man.

His arm is a bit strange. Click it - apparently he's also a lighter. Use him to light the stove.

Follow the recipe to make the stew


Each mushroom leads to a different ending. The game lets you restart from the beginning of the recipe to try all different recipes.

Just remember that we just grabbed these mushrooms off the ground in the forest. Are we experts in mushroom safety? I don't think so ...


Remove the LAUREL and add the SECRET SAUCE and the MILK.

Mmm! or Urgghhgg!

Just the locations of the escape men:

1. On the restaurant sign.
2. In the forest under the mushrooms.
3. Under the laurel.
4. Under the plate.
5. On the stove burner.
6. On the recipe.
7. From the fan.
8. Under the sink.
9. In the safe.
10. Bottom part of fridge.


hans.vogelaar January 21, 2015 1:49 AM

Girl's Room No.1 Lipstick Walkthrough

A new series from Funkyland: Girl's Room. As the title implies, it's all very girly-girly. The first installment is rather short and standard, there are no surprises - I miss the quirkyness of some of Funkyland's earlier offerings. But it might work as a gentle introduction to escape games for someone new to the genre.

The goal is to find five lipsticks.

Lipstick #1

Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the picture to the left of the door.
Take the pink lipstick from the top of the picture frame.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #2

Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the bed.
Click on the pillow on the left to lift it.
There's a key below it - take it.
Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the right hand wall.
Zoom in on the cupboard with the tall mirror.
Use the key on the lock on the right hand side.
Click the mirror to open the cupboard.
There is an orange lipstick on the inside of the door.
Zoom in and take it.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #3

Zoom in on the right hand wall.
Zoom in on the side table.
Open the right hand drawer.
Take the green lipstick.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #4

Zoom in on the right hand wall.
Zoom in on the cupboard with the tall mirror.
Open it (see Lipstick #2)
Zoom in on the Girl's Room book in the cupboard.
Open the book and take note of the clues on the four pages.
There are four objects, each with a hare in a different position:

Gift box: bottom left.
Shoe: top right.
Heart: bottom right.
Ring: top left.

Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the frame above the bed.
Click the buttons until you see the item corresponding to the position of the button (top left, etc.)
Click OK.
Take the small key.
Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the table in the foreground.
Zoom in on the box on the chair.
Place the small key on the front of the box.
Click the key to turn it. The box opens.
Take the blue lipstick.
Zoom all the way out.

Lipstick #5

Zoom in on the left hand wall.
Zoom in on the signature frog.
Take the hand mirror from the tray it is holding.
Zoom out.
Zoom in on the rear leg of the bed.
There is a digit 6 on it, but it looks like it is only part of a larger number.

Use the hand mirror to see the entire number: 3526.

Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the table in the foreground.
Zoom in on the box to the left of the table.
Zoom in on the number lock.
Enter the code you got from the bed.

The code was 3526.

Click OK. The box unlocks.
Zoom out, then open the box.
Lift the cover inside the box.
Take the candy from the box.
Zoom all the way out.
Zoom in on the left hand wall, then on the frog.
Place the candy on the frog's tray.
The compartment below the tray opens.
Take the purple lipstick.
Zoom all the way out.


When you have found all five lipsticks, they will magically be tranformed into a key.
Take the key.
Go to the door.
Use the key on the door. It unlocks.
Go through the door.

baileydonk January 21, 2015 2:47 AM

Stuck in Monster House. Can't figure out how to

heat up the kettle of water.


@ baileydonk

Find someplace to use...

the red pepper.

You need to give it to one of the monsters...

the sick one.


Monster House: hoping for PoP here, but I can't figure out

the 0-1-2-3 code. I think the clue is

the "i" poster, which wants me to count

the number of "eyes" on those monsters from left to right, for which I get

1 for yellow, 3 for red, 0 (or 4 but there is no 4) for brown, 2 for gray, and either 2 or 10 for pink, but neither "13022" or "130210" seems to work.

Right track/wrong train? Or is it something else entirely?


Okay, so it was

130210 after all...which I could swear I tried several times, then clicked the end of the tube, but it finally worked. Weird.


Monster House Walkthrough

Exploring the house
First room

Pick up the brown bowl and take the ORANGE.

Gray monster room (through the door with the blue stripe)

Aw, the poor gray monster looks sick. I wonder what will help.

The closet door is locked with a code, with the clue "3 1 6 56 4" printed above five buttons that can each be set to a letter or pair of letters.

Pink monster room (to the left of the start room)

The pink monster has a clue for you: "natto anko daikon kinako isobe."

The left door of the brown cabinet wants a code consisting of upward- and downward-pointing triangles in some sequence.

Open the right door of the brown cabinet and take the CODED TUBE, which wants a code consisting of the numbers 0-3.

Back room (through the bead curtain in the pink monster room)

There's a locked door here for which you need a key.

The picture on the wall contains the letter "i", five icons that seem to represent monsters, and an arrow that wants us to consider the icons from left to right.

Brown monster room (to the left of the pink monster room)

The brown monster moves to this room after you pick up the orange and move to any other room.

When you click on him, he takes a shower. O-kay then.

Red monster room (though the door with the pink stripe in the brown monster room)

There's a banner on the table with some stylized printing: "MONSTAR.CON"

The gray cabinet is locked and has three holes on its door.

Opening doors and using items
The closet code in the gray monster room

The clue for this code was given to you by the pink monster.

How can you relate those five words to the numbers on the code panel?

Use the nth letter(s) of each word.


There's a yellow monster here, and a TRIDENT that you can take.

The cabinet in the red monster room

Use the TRIDENT to open the door.

The red monster's body emerges from the cabinet, his head hops on top of it, and there's a safe with four orange buttons.

The safe in the red monster room

The clue for the safe is in this room, but you'll need to leave and come back.

When you do so, you'll find that the red monster has put scrunchies in her hair.

The number of hair tufts in each scrunchy represents the order in which you should press the buttons on the safe.

4-2-1-3. Click "OK" and take the TEA KETTLE.

The coded tube

The clue for this lock is the picture in the back room.

Could the letter "i" in that picture have a double meaning?

Count the number of "i's" (eyes!) on each of the five monsters indicated by the icons, from left to right.

1-3-0-2-10. Take the CHILI PEPPER.

The cabinet in the pink monster room

Have you seen symbols like these anywhere else?

Click the buttons in the order that the symbols appear on the "MONSTAR.CON" banner in the red monster room.

Up, down, up, up, down, up, up, down. Take the INSTANT SOUP.

Making soup

Looks like you need some hot water, but cold water will do for now.

You can get some water from the shower in the brown monster room, but you'll need to get him to move first.

Maybe he's hungry?

Place the ORANGE on the "pedestal" on top of the brown cabinet, and leave the room to give the monster some privacy.

When you come back, place the TEA KETTLE on the floor next to the monster, then click on him. He'll activate the shower, and you can take back the TEA KETTLE, which is now full of water.

Now, how can you make this water hot? Maybe one of the other monsters can help.

Wouldn't you know it: the monster you need is the one who's under the weather.

If the pattern on his bedspread is any indication, he's rather fond of chili peppers.

Give the CHILI PEPPER to the gray monster and witness its awesome rejuvenatory powers!

Now give the TEA KETTLE to the monster, and he'll heat it right up for you with his flame breath.

Click the INSTANT SOUP in your inventory, add the hot water from the TEA KETTLE, and wait a moment for your hot soup.

Click the INSTANT SOUP to eat it, then look inside the empty cup. Wow, a KEY!

Use the KEY to exit through the door in the back room.


Find the Escape-Men 134 Walkthrough

Outside the restaurant

Click the sign describing the restaurant. Get ESCAPE MAN 1.

On the left side, get the MUSHROOMS. Get ESCAPE MAN 2.

On the right side, get the LAUREL LEAF from the tree. (Click all you want, there's no EM hiding in the tree.)

But click on the LAUREL LEAF to get ESCAPE MAN 3.

There's a safe that needs a key.

Inside the restaurant

There's 6 tables. Click on each one to see its number.

On table 6, click on the bottom plate to get a KEY. Click under the top plate to get ESCAPE MAN 4. Also get the MEASURING CUP from the table.

In the kitchen

Get the MEAT, BUTTER, and MILK from the top part of the fridge.

There's a 6-number puzzle on the bottom part of the fridge.

There's a tap, but we can't turn it on.

There's a circle puzzle under the sink.

Get ESCAPE MAN 5 from the burner under the pot. Looks like we can't turn on the burner yet.

There's a recipe on the wall for a delicious stew.

Click the corners of the recipe to get ESCAPE MAN 6.

One more place to look

On the ceiling in the restaurant.

Try to take the escape man. Oops, he fell!

There's a 5-bladed fan with numbers on the blades. One blade is yellow.

After leaving the fan, get ESCAPE MAN 7 from the floor.


Opening the cupboard under the sink.

Use the clue from the fan to get the order to click on the circle. If we think of the yellow circle as a head, click

Right arm, Left leg, Left arm, Right leg, Head.


Now that the cupboard is open, we can enable the tap to be turned on.

Turn on the tap and put the MEASURING CUP in the sink to fill it with water.

Opening the bottom part of the fridge

Use the key on the safe to the right of the house. Get the SECRET SAUCE and ESCAPE MAN 9.

There's a diagram that matches the positions of the tables, with a line saying how to navigate them.

Using the diagram and the numbers from the tables, we can solve the puzzle for the fridge.

Let's try the obvious solution

The table numbers are
1 4
2 5
3 6

Try 3 6 2 5 1 4

Nope. Well, ok, that would be too easy.

The tables are not square. They seem to be pointing down.

Maybe we should think of them as pointing up.

Flip the table numbers vertically:
3 6
2 5
1 4

Try 1 4 2 5 3 6

Still not right. Hmm.

Oh. The tables aren't all the same size. The 3 2 1 ones on the left are bigger. And the boxes in the diagram aren't all the same size either.

The diagram says to start with the smaller tables.

Flip the table numbers horizontally?
6 3
5 2
4 1

Try 4 1 5 2 6 3

Finally! Get ESCAPE MAN 10 and the vegetables.

Now that we have all the escape men, we can make the stew

Light the stove

Look closely at the escape man.

His arm is a bit strange. Click it - apparently he's also a lighter. Use him to light the stove.

Follow the recipe to make the stew


Each mushroom leads to a different ending. The game lets you restart from the beginning of the recipe to try all different recipes.

Just remember that we just grabbed these mushrooms off the ground in the forest. Are we experts in mushroom safety? I don't think so ...


Remove the LAUREL and add the SECRET SAUCE and the MILK.

Mmm! or Urgghhgg!


Just the locations of the escape men:

1. On the restaurant sign.
2. In the forest under the mushrooms.
3. Under the laurel.
4. Under the plate.
5. On the stove burner.
6. On the recipe.
7. From the fan.
8. Under the sink.
9. In the safe.
10. Bottom part of fridge.


You're so guarded in your praise of Monster House! I thought it was cute and fun. Don't think the concept really overtook the puzzles at all. Only annoying bit was probably

having to leave and return to get the clue for the safe once you've gotten the head on the dress


@jayisgames, I think you should consider adding Esklavos (Federico Rutenberg) games to the Weekday Escape lineup.


@abfdrumz, Great walkthrough.

Patreon VIP abfdrumz January 22, 2015 3:08 PM replied to Indie Gee

Thanks, Indie Gee. Fun game, so I had the urge.


Monster House was a nice game - the only problem I had was that I didn't look closely enough at that brown monster.

When a character has only two white spots on his body, I tend to assume those are eyes. They're his teeth!


Don't forget Escape Men has three endings. Very cute.


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