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Weekday Escape N° 14

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Weekday Escape

elleEvery now and then it's good to contemplate firsts, to marvel at that feeling of newness, thinking back on that past moment to remember what was going on in your head the first time you tried such and such or met so and so. Somehow that moment connected to others and led to this: you being in this place, here and now. For example, do you remember the first time you played Submachine? Or your first browser game, whatever it was? In the meantime, make yourself at home, pick a room to unwind in and enjoy this week's selection of escape games. Whether today presents more firsts for you or if it's a part of a larger ongoing series, here's to it being a good one!

Escape from the Room of a ClosetEscape from the Room of a Closet - It seems that Yomino Kagura is not out for surprises here. Nothing is going to lunge at you or come tumbling down on your head from this closet. Thankfully. If this isn't your first go around with a Yomino Kagura escape, it'll probably look very familiar to you, too. The fun is not wrapped up in gorgeous aesthetics or cute stories, but the puzzles are enjoyable even if they're rather standard fare. Reliable mechanics and solid logic mean your time isn't taken up with guessing where to look for clues and is, instead, focused on piecing together the information you've gathered so you can decipher codes. That makes this perfect for when you're feeling rather thinky and need something to momentarily engage your thoughts.

Escape from a Living RoomEscape from a Living Room - As Neat Escape puts it, you really were meant to meet up with friends for an outing but are trapped in the living room instead. I suppose if you're the party animal type, being stuck inside is a misery. But, for me, this is my ideal date! Search the room for clues, solve the puzzles, open the door and you win. Oh, and leave if you want to. There's no changing cursor but the design is clean enough that exploration shouldn't prove too troublesome; just keep your eyes out for small details that might indicate an area worth closer examination. The puzzles are light but present just enough challenge to keep you busy for the next 5 minutes.

Find the Escape-Men Part 90: The LibraryFind the Escape-Men Part 90: The Library - Yet another in No1Game's prolific search-and-find little green guys series, this escape distinguishes itself by its winsome personality—very cute and quite charming, as bookworms often are. As cute as it is, it's also short and rather easy as well. At least, it's easy for those who are used to No1Game's antics; newcomers might miss an escape-man or two if they're in a hurry and don't stop to admire the scene now and then. Finding all the active areas also requires diligent clicking/pixel hunting, as there's as many places that elicit nothing as those that bring a response. Even if the puzzles don't challenge, the real charm of the game is in its story so don't give up on it before you've reached the end.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for hints or help out the other players with your walkthroughs in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Help for Escape-Men

Locations of Escape Men:

1. On plant leaf.
2. Behind reception desk.
3. Under sign on reception desk.
4. Outside window.
5. Under round stool.
6. On sign behind bookshelf

switch on right side

7. At tables.

Talk to him, he will tell you to leave him alone.
Go around the room and you will see him studying. Leave him alone.
Go around again, and he will go to sleep. Then you can get him.

8. On library card under book from EM at tables.
9. On pencil from color code box on tables.
10. In coloring book. (need green pencil)

Location of color codes:

1. On plant leaf.
2. Behind Reception Desk.
3. Outside window.
4. In coloring book.

Once you have all ten EM:

Use them to help the girl at the shelves.
Get key.
Open box beside door.
Use numbers for code.

Escape from the Room of a Closet walkthrough


You start facing a door. Turn right and see the row of decorative diamonds. Note the colour sequence: red, yellow, red, blue, red.


Turn right twice so that you’re facing the row of three cabinets with the empty picture frame above them. Zoom in on the leftmost one that has the white diamond on it and enter the colours from above:

red, yellow, red, blue, red

Get the remote. Note the code “EOI $.” Back up.


Turn right so you’re facing the door again. Zoom in on the side table. Notice the $ is to the left?

Turn the code you just got upside down to match the direction — “EOI” spells out 103.

Get the screwdriver from the drawer.


Right again, zoom in on the TV and use the remote on it. Note the character (a Cyrillic “zh”) and the sequence: RLRRL. Back up.


Zoom in on the cabinet below the TV. Get the box from there. Open that box with the screwdriver to find a circle marked “100.” Back up.


Turn right twice so you’re facing the three low cabinets. Zoom in on the picture frame. Use the screwdriver on it. Note the triangle marked “+3.” Back up.


Turn right twice again. Zoom in on the tall cabinet. Open the lower right door to find a square marked “x3.” Note the symbols on the lower left cabinet.

Circle = 100 (from the box under the TV), triangle = +3 (from the wall behind the picture), square = x3: (100+3)x3 = 309.

Get the key from the cabinet. Back up.


Zoom in on the top of the tall cabinet and use the key to open it. See the notes: two blue up top, one yellow and one blue in the middle, two red on the bottom. Back up.


Right twice once more. Now zoom in on the little sign next to the closet, the one with the music note. The code?

There are three blue notes, two red, and one yellow. So: one is yellow, two is red, three is blue. Therefore, yellow, blue, red, red, yellow, blue.


Ignore the hanging key for now. Zoom in on the shelf to get a little box with the “zh” symbol on it. Use the TV code


to get a little stick. Back out to the main room.


In that same room, zoom in on the little plate to the right of the picture frame. Use the stick on it to darken the room. Back up once and note that the picture frame now says “777.” Back to the light panel and turn the lights on again. Back up to the main room.


Now follow the arrow from the picture frame to zoom in on the middle lower cabinet. Enter the 777. You get a circle with numbers on it. Back up.


Left once. Zoom in on the table. Put the circle on it. Note the number sequence of stars from one to five: red, blue, yellow, blue, green. Back up.


Zoom in on the tall box with the stars on top. Enter the table code (red, blue, yellow, blue, green) to get wire cutters. Back up.


Right once and back to the closet to get the key with the wire cutters. Right once to open the door with this new key.

Escape from a living room

How to meet a friend at a bar in 6 easy steps.

You are facing your TV with nothing interesting to see. Let's turn to our right, oh there's the door! Rats, it's locked but there is a right-left button puzzle to solve! We don't have the clues yet so let's move on.
Turning to the right we have your couch. Which has one thing interesting on it.

    the one arm on the couch

    And here we find an inaccessable remote and a color puzzle.

With nothing else interesting here we turn to the right again to see our nine cube shelf. It has a number-puzzle on top and four trophies. Zooming in we see a clue to solve one of the puzzles.

    The diamond shaped trophy with:

      R R R L L R

Now we can start escaping!

  • Step one:

      Taking the clue from the trophy we head upstairs again and open the puzzle to reveal a key.

  • Step two:

      Take the key down to the entertainment center and unlock the cabinet door. We see five books stacked with four color clues on them.

      Yellow, Purple, Green, Cyan

  • Step three:

      Take this clue to the color puzzle on the couch arm. For the color blind:

      Top button once, 2nd button seven times, 3rd button three times, Last button six times

      Now we can reach the remote. But it's bolted to the couch!

      The power button will turn the TV on without needing to hold the remote.

  • Step four:

      Watch TV!

      If you missed the time of the program scrolling on the bottom zoom out and then back in.

      PM 9:15, huh? Well let's go put that in the number puzzle!

  • Step five:

      Take the number clue to the cube shelves and put it in the top for the last key.

  • Step six:

      And after unlocking the door we can go to the pub and get food with our friend!



    Finding the green men is always a fun challenge, and there's always one I can't seem to get. This one I can see, but clicking on him does nothing. Also, I haven't been able to help that poor girl reach her book. HELP!


    Which one can you see but not get?

    If it's the dark one behind the shelf, that's a sign and there's a light switch on the side of it.

    The girl needs the help of someone tall and green to get the green book.


    Neat Escape's games are really starting to grow on me...mostly because they're fairly well designed, but the acapella at the start and end of each one is pretty catchy!

    stupidcheeseboy March 12, 2014 6:35 AM

    How do you help the girl get the book?

    stupidcheeseboy March 12, 2014 6:54 AM

    POP You need to find all your green men first

    I missed the one on the plant


    Actually I don't remember where and when I played my first Submachine... actually the memory is sort of fuzzy... if it *is* a memory.

    funnyguts March 12, 2014 8:41 AM

    Stuck in the closet escape game.

    I have the screwdriver, the remote control, and the metal cover thing. I can find the triangle and square hints for the cabinet, but not the circle. I know there's something that looks like a key behind the triangle hint but can't get to it. I can't find hints for the other puzzles I see, or a place to input the code from the TV.

    korvarthefox March 12, 2014 11:23 AM

    @funnyguts -

    check out the "metal cover thing", see if there's anything you can do with it.

    shadowmax March 12, 2014 11:24 AM

    @funnyguts: check that *thing* you have closely.

    stupidcheeseboy March 12, 2014 11:28 AM

    Meh Where do you get the metal cover thing?

    shadowmax March 12, 2014 11:37 AM


    under the tv

    shadowmax March 12, 2014 11:40 AM

    ...and out. the music notes stumped me for an embarassingly long time :P

    Username March 12, 2014 2:04 PM

    Room of closet has me stumped, I only have the thing from under the TV so far and no idea the clues for any of the puzzles.

    shjack180 March 12, 2014 5:24 PM

    Good set of escape games this Wednessday :)


    I'm stuck on finding escape man #10 for this one. Help?


    nevermind, found him.


    I'm stuck at 8/10 escape men. What are the numbers

    on the shapes for? I've already used the colors.



    @ CptnSuz

    You don't need them yet. You will know when.


    Help for Escape-Men

    Locations of Escape Men:

    1. On plant leaf.
    2. Behind reception desk.
    3. Under sign on reception desk.
    4. Outside window.
    5. Under round stool.
    6. On sign behind bookshelf

    switch on right side

    7. At tables.

    Talk to him, he will tell you to leave him alone.
    Go around the room and you will see him studying. Leave him alone.
    Go around again, and he will go to sleep. Then you can get him.

    8. On library card under book from EM at tables.
    9. On pencil from color code box on tables.
    10. In coloring book. (need green pencil)

    Location of color codes:

    1. On plant leaf.
    2. Behind Reception Desk.
    3. Outside window.
    4. In coloring book.

    Once you have all ten EM:

    Use them to help the girl at the shelves.
    Get key.
    Open box beside door.
    Use numbers for code.


    Thanks, Itt!

    Meterman70 March 13, 2014 12:47 AM

    Gee! Escape-men part #90 was SO much better than that pathetic effort #89 was!
    No surprise that the link and review for #89 were taken down.

    stupidcheeseboy March 13, 2014 8:46 AM

    Thanks shadowmax


    I am very stuck in both the closet and the living room. In the closet--

    I have no idea what to do with the notes in the cabinet. How do they relate to the numbers on the 'key pad' with the note on it next to the closet??

    In the living room--

    I have used the left/right clue to get the red key and opened the cabinet under the television, but I don't know what to do with the 'information' in there. there are five books, four with colors on them, but I see no where to use those colors.


    Daibhid C March 13, 2014 3:34 PM

    @ tjhen77

    For the living room

    Look at the arms of the couch

    And that's where I'm stuck...


    Escape from the Room of a Closet walkthrough


    You start facing a door. Turn right and see the row of decorative diamonds. Note the colour sequence: red, yellow, red, blue, red.


    Turn right twice so that you’re facing the row of three cabinets with the empty picture frame above them. Zoom in on the leftmost one that has the white diamond on it and enter the colours from above:

    red, yellow, red, blue, red

    Get the remote. Note the code “EOI $.” Back up.


    Turn right so you’re facing the door again. Zoom in on the side table. Notice the $ is to the left?

    Turn the code you just got upside down to match the direction — “EOI” spells out 103.

    Get the screwdriver from the drawer.


    Right again, zoom in on the TV and use the remote on it. Note the character (a Cyrillic “zh”) and the sequence: RLRRL. Back up.


    Zoom in on the cabinet below the TV. Get the box from there. Open that box with the screwdriver to find a circle marked “100.” Back up.


    Turn right twice so you’re facing the three low cabinets. Zoom in on the picture frame. Use the screwdriver on it. Note the triangle marked “+3.” Back up.


    Turn right twice again. Zoom in on the tall cabinet. Open the lower right door to find a square marked “x3.” Note the symbols on the lower left cabinet.

    Circle = 100 (from the box under the TV), triangle = +3 (from the wall behind the picture), square = x3: (100+3)x3 = 309.

    Get the key from the cabinet. Back up.


    Zoom in on the top of the tall cabinet and use the key to open it. See the notes: two blue up top, one yellow and one blue in the middle, two red on the bottom. Back up.


    Right twice once more. Now zoom in on the little sign next to the closet, the one with the music note. The code?

    There are three blue notes, two red, and one yellow. So: one is yellow, two is red, three is blue. Therefore, yellow, blue, red, red, yellow, blue.


    Ignore the hanging key for now. Zoom in on the shelf to get a little box with the “zh” symbol on it. Use the TV code


    to get a little stick. Back out to the main room.


    In that same room, zoom in on the little plate to the right of the picture frame. Use the stick on it to darken the room. Back up once and note that the picture frame now says “777.” Back to the light panel and turn the lights on again. Back up to the main room.


    Now follow the arrow from the picture frame to zoom in on the middle lower cabinet. Enter the 777. You get a circle with numbers on it. Back up.


    Left once. Zoom in on the table. Put the circle on it. Note the number sequence of stars from one to five: red, blue, yellow, blue, green. Back up.


    Zoom in on the tall box with the stars on top. Enter the table code (red, blue, yellow, blue, green) to get wire cutters. Back up.


    Right once and back to the closet to get the key with the wire cutters. Right once to open the door with this new key.

    Daibhid C March 13, 2014 3:37 PM

    Correction: that's not where I'm stuck thanks to power of posting!


    Oh no! In Escape Man, the shape puzzle disappears after you use it, leaving you stuck if you didn't write down the order of them right then.

    Can someone tell me what the escape numbers are?


    Escape from a living room

    How to meet a friend at a bar in 6 easy steps.

    You are facing your TV with nothing interesting to see. Let's turn to our right, oh there's the door! Rats, it's locked but there is a right-left button puzzle to solve! We don't have the clues yet so let's move on.
    Turning to the right we have your couch. Which has one thing interesting on it.

      the one arm on the couch

      And here we find an inaccessable remote and a color puzzle.

    With nothing else interesting here we turn to the right again to see our nine cube shelf. It has a number-puzzle on top and four trophies. Zooming in we see a clue to solve one of the puzzles.

      The diamond shaped trophy with:

        R R R L L R

    Now we can start escaping!

  • Step one:

      Taking the clue from the trophy we head upstairs again and open the puzzle to reveal a key.

  • Step two:

      Take the key down to the entertainment center and unlock the cabinet door. We see five books stacked with four color clues on them.

      Yellow, Purple, Green, Cyan

  • Step three:

      Take this clue to the color puzzle on the couch arm. For the color blind:

      Top button once, 2nd button seven times, 3rd button three times, Last button six times

      Now we can reach the remote. But it's bolted to the couch!

      The power button will turn the TV on without needing to hold the remote.

  • Step four:

      Watch TV!

      If you missed the time of the program scrolling on the bottom zoom out and then back in.

      PM 9:15, huh? Well let's go put that in the number puzzle!

  • Step five:

      Take the number clue to the cube shelves and put it in the top for the last key.

  • Step six:

      And after unlocking the door we can go to the pub and get food with our friend!


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