Turning Moai has the same in-your-face spunky style as the rest of the games, which is a good thing. Half the fun is the soundtrack and punchy visuals. Unfortunately the gameplay itself makes you feel a bit helpless at times. It's mostly guesswork at first, but eventually you discover underlying patterns in each of the stages. And be sure to stop moving the cursor when you see their eyes light up!
More moai is always a good thing.
I'm not sure if this is the same as the original turning Moai game, but they've had a link up on the main SKT site for quite some time to this site:
The opening screen appears to be different, but once the game starts, it looks like it's the same. In any case, from what I remember, after about 10 seconds, it gives you a hint by flashing in the general area of the spot you need to find. The unfortunate part about this Moai game is it doesn't seem to have the happy soundtracks that the others have. A good challenge, though.
Yeah, this is not the new Moai game for which art begotti posted a link in our IRC the other day. We somehow got our wires crossed.
We'll try to get a review of the new one up right away.
My guess is that the game you were looking for it is this one:
It's new to me!
Just posted a review for that. You're right, that's the new one! Cheers, Dan. :D