In a mad free-for-all running door-to-door grabbing as much candy as you can, let nothing or no one stand in your way. And when you're all done, come back inside and have some fun with this cute little game from
Cartoon Network where you get to do it all over again. Only this time, the costume you wear grants you powers that you use to solve puzzles and collect candy that is lying all over town.
Trick or Treat Beat is all about the candy and some pretty impressive costumes, too. Use the arrow keys to move your little demon around the environment, press the space bar to activate each costume's powers.
Play Trick or Treat Beat
The game was created by Pop & Company.
I'm a bit out of season but I liked this game! It was super cinchy but really cute and fun.
Now its in season...nice time for replay..thanks jay fun game
I can't figure out how to open the door in the floor.
im stuck on the labyrinth, neighborhood 5...
any help?
LOVE Trick or Treat Beat...when will there be a trick or treat beat 2?!!!!!!
I'm stuck on The Neverglades in neighborhood 5. I can't get the witch to the ghost where you start the level on. Help please!