Tortuga Episode 1

You navigate the screen by parsing your mouse cursor over things and then clicking with the left mouse button—when the cursor turns into a hand, go ahead and click. The words "go back" will appear below the screen when clicking will take you back to a wider view. Otherwise, you're free to explore, poking around for clues and items that can aid your escape. Unlock the door and get past that bloody pirate and you win. Simple, short and sweet.
Analysis: Tortuga is a solid room escape game with iconic graphics dancing on the boundary between cartoon and painting, and fairly clever puzzle design. The clues can be a bit obscure at times, but the pirate motif keeps things coherent. The tension of why you're trapped in this room is added to by the apparent richness of the setting and the promise of further narrative in subsequent chapters. The potential for later versions of the series, as the creators get better at puzzle design, writing, and staging tension, could make this a gem in the genre.
Avast at last,
Cheers to Clandestino and Marly for sending this one in! =)
Walkthrough Guide
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Narrative Walkthrough
Here I am in a ship the first thing I do is
Look to my right. I see a key on the upper right hand corner of the map. Then I look at the pictures on the map. The first one is a pirate with salt, torturing his poor pet. Then I look at the upper right corner picture of a pirate opening a chest, he has a pendulum in his hand and then he' kind of shocked I guess, whatever and I also notice a symbol carved on the top right..
. (Triangle down) .
Well ok I keep going to the right. The door is lock. Hey some familiar faces on these painting. One of the paintings has a keyhole, I try the key I found and it opens. Inside is another key, a small bottle of chili spice, a small map, money bag (that I can put coins in), a rusty key, snooze concentrate and 3 gold coins,(which go inside my new money bag) There is also a symbol here it look like... 'o'
When I am done I look at the room again. And at the bottom of the pole next to the door I notice something. I touch the bottom and it opens, inside Is a pendulum.
I continue looking right and I see the weird animal octopus thing in a bowl.
I go right again and I'm back to the bird. I look at the treasure chest and decide to try the symbols I found. I know that the middle is an upside down triangle, the third is a circle and I guessed the first symbol to be another 'o' so I pressed the button.
Inside there were gold coins, not much though, some cheep treasure chest.
Well I'm bored. Let's see if I can torture the octopus. So I put so chili spice on top of the bowl, and it's kind of mad. Nothing I can do here. Let bother the bird. I go right and I try to talk to the bird but since it's sleeping it get moody when I try to touch him. But hey there is a hook on the ceiling. I place the pendulum there. The bird is hypnotized, that's what happened to the pirate in the picture.
What else can I do. Well I got a key let's see if I can get out. The key works on the door, finally!!! I open the door and!!!!! Get punch in the face. Lousy pirate, Parley doesn't work with him. What else I got...
I got the snooze concentrate, is that like sleeping snooze, well let's try it. I put some of the snooze though the keyhole and hey… I put that nasty old pirate to sleep, that will show him. I may not be Jack Sparrow but I'm off on my next adventure...
Simple Walkthrough
Are you too lazy to read my story????
Posted by: Kailani7727
November 10, 2008 11:00 PM
Walkthrough for the Hidden Secret...
Click to the right side of the screen to get to the area with the Pirate Octopus in a Fish Bowl.
Click on the Small Bottle of Chili Spices in your inventory, then click the opening of the Fish Bowl to drop them in. The Octopus will break free of the bowl, but will not yet reveal its secrets.
Click to the right side of the screen to go the area with the Pirate Parrot Balanced on a Sword.
Click on the Pirate Parrot to investigate it.
Click on the Pendulum you found in the first Secret Compartment, then click on the hook at the upper left corner of the screen near the skylight to hang it there and mesmerize the Pirate Parrot.
Now that the Pirate Parrot is mesmerized, click the small blue middle Parrot Feather to add it to your inventory.
Click to get back to the Pirate Octopus screen.
Click on the Parrot Feather in your inventory, then click on the nose of the Pirate Octopus to tickle it and make it give up its Handwritten Note.
Click on the Handwritten Note to investigate it. You will see a shape, followed by two dots. Make a note of this First Position Shape as you will need it to open the Treasure Chest!
Posted by: Kailani7727
November 10, 2008 11:08 PM
Click on the map to your right.
Click on the Small Key at the top right of the screen hiding on the oar. This will add it to your inventory.
Click on the set of three pictures at the top right of the map. Note the series of three images towards the top right of the second image (the one with the pirate holding the necklace). You will see a dot, followed by a shape, followed by a dot. Make a note of this Middle Position Shape as you will need it to open the Treasure Chest!
Click once to get back to the map screen.
Click to the right side of the screen to get to the area with a door and three pictures.
Click on the very bottom of the wooden column in the corner of the room. This will open up a Secret Compartment!
Click to investigate the Secret Compartment.
Click on the Pendulum to add it to your inventory.
Click to get back to the area with the door and three pictures.
Click on the Small Key in your inventory, then click on the Small Keyhole to the right of the portrait of the pirate with the hat. The Small Keyhole is in the frame of the picture. This will open up the Red Secret Compartment.
Click to investigate the Red Secret Compartment.
Click on the Rusty Key to add it to your inventory.
Click on the Small Bottle of Chili Spices to add it to your inventory.
Click on the Small Map to add it to your inventory.
Click on the Money Bag to add it to your inventory.
Click on each of the three Gold Coins to add them to your inventory.
Note the series of three images towards the top left of the back wall of the Red Secret Compartment. You will see two dots, followed by a shape. Make a note of this Final Position Shape as you will need it to open the Treasure Chest!
Click to get back to the area with the door and three pictures.
Click to the right side of the screen to get to the area with the Pirate Octopus in a Fish Bowl.
Click on the Small Bottle of Chili Spices in your inventory, then click the opening of the Fish Bowl to drop them in. The Octopus will break free of the bowl, but will not yet reveal its secrets.
Click to the right side of the screen to go the area with the Pirate Parrot Balanced on a Sword.
Click on the Pirate Parrot to investigate it.
Click on the Pendulum you found in the first Secret Compartment, then click on the hook at the upper left corner of the screen near the skylight to hang it there and mesmerize the Pirate Parrot.
Now that the Pirate Parrot is mesmerized, click the small blue middle Parrot Feather to add it to your inventory.
Click to get back to the Pirate Octopus screen.
Click on the Parrot Feather in your inventory, then click on the nose of the Pirate Octopus to tickle it and make it give up its Handwritten Note.
Click on the Handwritten Note to investigate it. You will see a shape, followed by two dots. Make a note of this First Position Shape as you will need it to open the Treasure Chest!
Click to get back to the area with the Pirate Parrot Balanced on a Sword.
Click on the Treasure Chest to investigate it.
Now click each of the three lock mechanisms on the Treasure Chest. You will need to click each mechanism so that it matches, the First Position Shape, the Middle Position Shape, and the Final Position Shape in order. Be careful, as some of the shapes look very similar!
Once you have all three shapes correct, click the unlock mechanism underneath the three lock mechanisms to open the chest.
Click on the Bottle of Snooze Concentrate to add it to your inventory.
Click on each of the three Gold Coins to add them to your inventory.
Click to go back to the area with the door and three pictures.
Click on the lock mechanism of the door to investigate it.
Click on the Rusty Key in your inventory, then click on the keyhole in the door to open the door.
Click on the Snooze Concentrate in your inventory, then click on the keyole in the door to spray it on the unsuspecting pirate on the other side of the door.
Congratulations! You have solved the first episode of Tortuga!
Posted by: the unknown | November 10, 2008 11:17 PM