Tiny Squad is a wonderful pixelated turn-based strategy game from Kerpenko Ilia where you battle in several different pixel-y landscapes against various monsters until you come out on top! Before warfare ensues, you get to pick a team using a limited amount of cash to assemble your squad. You start out with a basic soldier, but will soon have an array of people to choose from. If you are unsure who to pick, there is an auto select button that will choose a team for you. When the battle begins, it is the highlighted unit's turn, with darkened ground indicating their range. Soldier units need to be right next to an enemy to attack, while ranged units can hit a target from anywhere on the screen. Hover over a unit to see their stats, and make sure to keep an eye on the health bars. With well done pixel art and challenging (but not impossible!) levels, Tiny Squad is a great strategy game. And while we don't know why we are fighting bears, robots, and ogres, we do know one thing: Humans must prevail.
That's a very nice game! I found that there's quite a bit of luck involved, as the landscape can have a big impact on the outcome of the battle. I'm stuck on the last level...
Could have been sooo much better. Some points that drag it down.
- Armor is not explained, damage seems random
- A couple of units like Wizard and Werewolf are totally useless
- Random map makes choosing your team far less strategic
Really cool game! But more of a puzzle game than a strategy game as there seems to be a unique solution in the later puzzles.
For the earlier puzzles, I used only
. Probably a lot of options there.
For the later puzzles, I used
... and I cheesed my way to victory by
. Reminds me a lot of Terran from starcraft.
I had a fair few freezes and crashes playing this game. The last one, after several tries at that last level, locked up, crashed, and wiped all of my progress back to level four. Somehow I don't feel like working my way back there.
Also, one possible gameplay bug - a snowball spawned in an unreachable space, surrounded by obstacles on all sides. Luckily I had a ranged character, otherwise I'd have had to restart the level.
I had one game spawn where there was a line of trees completely separating our two sides.
As with MisterWilson, I was glad to have some ranged units.
Yeah, I just gave it another try, and I got a level where a couple of the enemy melee troops were sectioned off behind tress where they couldn't reach me. Since I had mainly range units, that was an easy level.