Charger Escape - With a long history of producing amazing games with fantastic art, Pastel Games is rather well known in these parts. Amongst an eclectic selection of point-and-click adventures, this is the escape-the-room that made me a forever fan of anything by Matsuz Skutnik and team. In this case, Barbara Jarosik captures the spotlight with an uplifting story and artwork in a soothing pastel palette, and it's not just for pony lovers. Don't scoff and think this is not for you. Beyond the first ordinary glance is a light challenge of thinking through clues and puzzling together pieces, without any of the dreaded pixel hunting that can ruin many an escape. Better yet, it has an ending that will break through all cynical exteriors. So get acquainted with—or revisit—a sweet little fantasy brimming with enough "Awwwwww, cute!" to warm anyone's heart, even these guys.
Park - This game's longevity depends on how quickly you'll discover—and tire of toying with—the slightly odd and totally clever little animations strewn throughout. Vector Park's larger fame-bringer these days lies with their popular iPad game, Windosill, but Park, one of the earliest offerings from this creative outfit, shows the same talent for surreal artistry built into a cleanly-designed "just click to enjoy" pageant. Maybe you're going to ask, "What's the point of this game?" That's a reasonable question especially considering there's no list of achievements to rack up nor any clear ending point; just stop when you think you've found everything to find. Play this as a self test: if you're not grinning in delight at the discoveries therein, maybe your sense-of-wonder-meter needs a tuning.
Grow RPG - If you're like me, you've been watching ON's blog for signs of progress in the latest Grow project. Well, we need to stop being like me! Let's leave it to Jay to wait and watch this favorite for us. In the meantime, we get to go back to the Eyezmaze version of a fantasy adventure role playing game; build up your skills, battle dragons and monsters, and be richly compensated by the king. It's exceedingly simply, too—just drag an element to the center of the globe—no grinding, no multiple deaths or epic fails. But still that walkthrough is tempting, very tempting, when seeking the best (the only) way to max out all your stats. If you don't hit perfection straight away, or even if you do, it's just as fun to go back and try a new combination. A good maxim to follow in any situation, especially when traversing the pages of JIG.
While we welcome any comments about this weekly feature here, we do ask that if you need any help with the individual games, please post your questions on that game's review page. Well, what are you waiting for? Get out there and rediscover some awesome!