As with other games by these talented Japanese Flash game developers, literary references can be found lying about within this game, such as George Orwell's "1984" and JD Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye", an easy means of channeling a narrative into well-traveled territory without having to actually provide much narrative content. The game leverages the power of suggestion to its advantage.
Of course the real stars of these games are the phenomenal photo-realistic environments created from 3D models, and the high-tech theme of the game sets the stage for some absolutely stunning visuals. It is quite evident that much attention to detail went into making this gorgeous game.
I was not a fan of their previous work, The Bar. Although beautiful and stunning in its own right, the puzzles were awkward and the solutions to some were not very logical at all. I am pleased to say that the design team has learned much from their previous work thus making The Privacy one of their best efforts so far. I especially liked the fact that every puzzle has a logical solution and none were too difficult to solve on ones own. An excellent diversion for anyone that enjoys these types of games.
Cheers to Cobber for suggesting the game. =)
Walkthrough Guide
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Since I haven't seen a full walkthrough posted yet, I thought I would make one to those who would like one.
Full walkthrough:
Click on the computer on the left. Underneath the keyboard in the blue keycard. Go back a screen.
Underneath the monitor of the right computer is a receiver. Note the fountain pen on the left side of the keyboard. Head back to the starting screen.
Turn right past the revolving doors to the next set of computers. The left computer holds an antenna in the pen holder and the yellow keycard in the CD/DVD drive. Back up one screen.
Underneath the desk of the computer on the right has a white keycard with some wired attached. Head back a screen.
Turn right and head towards the computers facing the large windows and the starry night. The computer on the left has a unicorn statue hiding behind the computer, and a blue cell phone underneath the desk. Grab both then go back a screen.
Turn right and you come to a locked glass door with a security lock. Use the yellow keycard to open the door (click on the item then on the control panel). Go through the door.
The first computer holds nothing of interest. The next one has a laser pointer underneath the keyboard.
The third computer's monitor has a puzzle you must solve. The rules for it are simple enough: Connect each of the colored wires, none of the wires can cross over themselves, and each color has a priority (red has to be on top of all others, blue underneath all, and yellow in the middle). To solve it do the following (order from left to right, if two squares are in the same column, the top one is stated first):
Click 3 times.
Click 2 times.
Click 1 time.
Click 4 times.
Click 4 times.
Click 1 time.
Click 1 time.
Click 2 times.
When finished, click "Enter" to receive the ID. It'll be saved in your items list. Exit the monitor.
Now combine the receiver and the antenna (select the receiver, then hit the "About Items" button, now select the antenna and click the receiver on the screen).
Now select the newly fixed receiver and then click on the phone to find a wire tap. Head back a couple of screens to the main room.
To the left of the big windows is a set of computers we passed by earlier. The one on the right has a digital clock next to it. Use the receiver to find a wire tap. Back out two screens.
Go right two screens and you should be back at the starting screen. Use the receiver on the fountain pen from before to find the third and final wire tap. Now take a look at the receiver to get the Password. It'll be saved next to the ID in your item list. Head back to the start screen.
Use the left computer monitor to access the surveillance satellite. Enter in the ID and Password to shutdown the monitoring. Head back out to the start screen.
Turn right once and head up the stairs. The laser field that was blocking your path is now gone. Head to the end of the walkway to the door. Use the blue keycard and then the blue cell phone to open the door. Grab the phone before going through the door.
When you enter, turn around and go to the one computer in the room. You must now solve the "What is different?" puzzle. The puzzle changes for each game, so you'll have to just keep trying 'til you get it.
(Does this puzzle remind anyone of those Highlights magazines that you always looked through while waiting for the dentist? Too bad this one isn't already solved like all those were.)
After receiving the access code, look on top of the computer and pick up a grey plug. Connect the grey plug to the white keycard with the wires, then the blue cell phone to the grey plug (all done the same way that the receiver and antenna were connected).
Go to the locked glass door behind you and used the newly made keycard/cell phone and the new access code to open the door.
Go to the end of the corridor, past the light switch. On the floor will be a white cross shape. Place the unicorn statue on it and backtrack to the light switch.
Flip the light and head back to the unicorn statue to find a light shining on it. Use the laser pointer and click on the spot on the floor where the shadow ends. A cut scene shows a platform rising out of the ground.
Grab the red cell phone, flip the light back on (anyone else notice that the platform disappears all of a sudden?) then head back downstairs to the revolving doors that are next to the stairs (you'll need to enter the access code again to get through the door).
Take the blue cell phone off of the grey plug and take the red memory card out of it and put it into the red cell phone
Activate the screen of the red cell phone and start the "Key Generator." Now select the red cell phone and then click the red light above the revolving doors to open them.
Don't go through the revolving doors, but instead head to the door under the stairs. At the control panel of the door in front of you, use the red cell phone to unlock it, then head through the door.
Posted by: Ixidor | January 23, 2007 2:35 PM