The Pretender: Part 2

Created by Tristan Clark and Tim Knauf of Launching Pad Games, The Pretender: Part 2 is the continuation of Part One, a cute and fun platformer originally designed as part of a games competition. The titular hero is performing one night using a neat prop, an old magic book, when disaster strikes! He and the souls of his audience were transported to a strange alternate dimension, where he needed to rescue the poor folks using powers he'd never had before, all the while his lovely assistant attempted to help from the "other side". In the second installment, the hapless prestidigitator must continue to rescue his audience. But his poor assistant is fading, and there is interference from the owner of the grimoire, a real magician who may or may not be evil, but who certainly seems to have an interest in the proceedings as well as your assistant.
Navigation is by the [arrow] keys, and use the [spacebar] to trigger your powers. You can also use the [spacebar] to click through the dialogue in the story scenes. The Pretender: Part 2 has also added new tools like seeds. The seeds can be blown around the scene when you are in air mode, and can be watered in water mode to create climbable vines. There are four different environments to navigate for a total of 32 new scenes. Can you save your audience and your assistant? What exactly does that sorcerer want?
The basic premise is simple: travel around the area, collect the poor souls, and escort them to a door which will lead them back to their bodies, still stuck in the theater. Blocks in the scenes allow you to alter your very form; an "air" form which allows you to ride the currents of the winds, an "earth" form which allows you to push boulders and break things, and now a "water" form which allows you to swim free in the liquid medium. Simply walk (or fly, or swim) to where a soul is sitting. When you pass them, they will follow you as you lead them to the door. However, only one ghost can follow you at a time, so you need to think ahead in order to save each of your audience from a fate worse than death.
Analysis: The Pretender was quite a delight the first time around, and Launching Pad Games has gone to great pains to keep all of the fun and quirkiness of the original, while ramping up the gameplay with new power-ups and scenarios. The levels start out fairly easy and progress to some real tricky ones by the end, with enough variety to keep the game interesting from beginning to end.
The little characters are delightfully Victorian, and the voice acting only adds to the illusion. The story, music, art, and voice-overs turn what could have been a standard platformer into a charming, quirky bit of fun. Add in the new powers and abilities and you're looking at some seriously satisfying casual gameplay.
The controls are still a little tricky, though, especially in tight spaces or in moving from ladders to platforms, requiring that the player find just the right spot to allow your hapless magician to keep moving. This is the only complaint, though, about The Pretender: Part 2. Amusing, challenging, and quite a bit of fun, this is a puzzle game that will keep you coming back for more. What are you waiting for? Get rescuing!
Walkthrough Guide
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Cute game. Just the right difficulty for playing in the waiting area of the car mechanic's shop.
The Pretender: Part 2 Walkthrough
Grab the guy, hit the water spout, and swim to the door.
Swim over the right, turn to rock. Roll the boulder over, drop down, smash the rock, grab the girl. Drop down to the bottom level, hit the water spout, and swim to the door.
Swim over to the left, turn to rock. Drop down, smash the boulder, grab the girl. Drop down again, hit the waterspout, and swim to the door.
Plug the Holes
Hit the water spout, grab either guy, swim to the door. Grab the other guy and swim to the door.
Swim to the top ledge, turn to rock, and push the boulder to the left. Drop down, hit the waterspout, and swim to the middle ledge on the second row. Change to rock and push the boulder to the right. Drop down, hit the waterspout, and swim back to the top ledge. Change to rock, and drop down to the right. Push the rock to the right. Drop down, smash the boulder, grab the girl, and return to the waterspout. Swim to the exit.
Tunnels I
Hit the water spout, swim to the girl in the middle of the screen, and swim her to the door.
Turn left, change to rock, and mash the boulder on the bottom left. Go back to the water rune, swim to the top left rock rune, turn to rock and smash the boulder. Hit the water rune and swim around to the girl on the left. Bring her to the exit.
Turn to water, and swim to the top right rock rune. Drop down on the right, grab the girl, smash the rock, and bring her to the exit.
Swim to the top right rock rune again. Drop down to the left. Drop left off the boulder, then push it right. Drop onto the boulder, and go right. Smash the rock floor, grab the guy, smash the second rock floor, and bring him to the exit.
Turn to rock, push the boulder left. Drop down, push the boulder left again. Drop a third time, and go left for the wind rune. Fly up to the airlock, and turn to water.
Swim around the bottom of the rock formation in the center, avoiding the rock runes, and grab the guy in the crevasse. Swim to the exit with him
Swim to the rock rune in the top right. Drop down to the right and climb the ladder to the first ledge. *Avoid the runes that turn you back into normal magician!* Go left and climb the second ladder. Drop down off the ledge to the left. Smash the rock, grab the guy and bring him to the exit, turning back into normal magician in the process
Use the ladders to rescue the two girls.
The trench
Climb the ladder to the lower ledge, go right, and hit the water rune. Swim to the dude in the top left and grab him. Go back to the water rune, then swim him to the exit.
Swim to the top right, turn to rock, grab the guy, smash the rock. Drop down and turn to water. Swim the guy to the exit.
Go to the topmost rock rune by the ladder, turn to rock, and climb down to the next ledge. Push the boulder to the right, drop down, smash the boulder on the right, grab the guy and bring him to the exit.
Go left, turn to rock, drop down. Smash the boulder on the right. Go left, until you are not standing on the smashable rock ledge, then smash it. Climb up the ladder and push the boulder to the right. Climb down the ladder and push the boulder again. Drop down, smash the rock, grab the girl. Go right to turn to water. Swim to the exit, avoiding the rock runes.
Swim to rescue the other girl and the guy on the bottom right.
Swim to the rock rune in the top right. Drop down to the left, smash the rock, grab the guy, smash the second rock, and drop down to the exit.
Fresh Air
Climb down the ladder, turn to water, grab the guy in the left pool, bring him to the door.
Climb down the ladder again, turn to air, climb up the ladder, get blown into the girl. Drop down to the left, return to the ladder, bring her to the exit.
Drop down, go right, and turn back to air. Go right and fly up. Go right again, and turn to water. Drop down to the right, grab the guy, and drop to the left. Turn to air. Fly up, go right, fly some more, go left, turn to water. Bring the guy to the exit, at which point you should be made of air again.
Drop down to the left, and go right. Turn to water, turn to air, fly up, go right, turn to water. Drop down to the left. Grab the guy in the right pool. Bring him to the exit.
The rising
Turn to water, *do not grab the guy*, swim up, turn to air. Go right, and catch the right thermal column. Climb down the ladder, turn to rock, push the boulder to the right. Climb up the ladder, grab the guy, smash the rock ledge, smash the boulder, drop down to the left, turn to air, and bring the dude to the exit.
Drop down into the pool, turn to water, grab the guy, swim up, turn to air, bring the dude to the exit.
Go back to the air column, go up and right, grab the girl, drop down, and bring her to the exit.
New bridge
Climb down the ladder, turn to air, climb up the ladder, use air-magic to sail to the right. Grab the guy in the process and drop him at the exit.
Climb down the ladder, turn to rock, drop down, grab the girl, smash the rock. Drop down again and smash the rock. Turn to air. Ride the current up, and drop down to the left. Climb the ladder and sail the boat to the right. After it rises in the air current, sail it to the right again. Drop off to the left. Climb two ladders and sail the last boat to the right. Drop the girl off at the exit.
Climb down the ladder, turn to rock, climb up the ladder. Walk across three boats and drop to the left. Drop to the left again and smash the ledge. Grab the girl, turn to air, fly up. Go right and fly up again. Keep going right, go up the ladder, drop the girl at the exit.
Turn to water, water the plant, climb up.
Turn to air, fly up, grab the girl on the right, and bring her to the door.
Turn to water, drop to the left, grab the guy, water the seed. Climb the tree, turn to air, go right and ride the two air columns up to bring the guy to the door.
Turn to water again, drop to the left, climb the tree, turn to air, grab the girl, bring her to the exit.
Turn to water, drop to the left, twice, grab the guy, turn to air, bring him to the exit.
On the wind
Drop to the right, turn to air, blow the seed right. Turn to water, water the seed, climb the tree. Turn to air, blow the seed left, ride the air vents up and left, rescuing the girl in the process.
Climb down the ladder, turn to water, go back up the ladder. Go right at the door, drop down, grab the girl, water the seed, climb the tree. Drop the girl off at the door.
Drop to the left, walk across to the right tree. Climb the tree, ride the air vents, then climb the ladder. Blow the seed to the left.
Climb down the ladder, turn to water, drop down to the left, water the tree.
Turn to air, climb the tree, right the left air vent, grab the girl, bring her to the exit.
Drop to the right, turn to stone, smash the boulder *do not smash the ledge!* Drop down, turn to water, climb the ladder. Drop to the left, turn to air. Make your way to the rightmost seed and blow it to the right. Climb down the ladder, turn normal, turn to water, climb up the ladder. Drop down twice, water the seed, climb the tree. Turn to rock, drop to the right, smash the boulder, grab the girl.
Climb the tree, drop to the left, turn to water, climb the ladder, drop the girl at the exit.
Drop left, water the seed, climb the tree, grab the girl, bring the girl to the exit.
Drop left, climb the tree, drop left twice, grab the guy, bring him to the exit.
Drop to the right, turn to rock, *make sure you are not standing on the ledge!* smash the ledge.
Drop down, turn to water, climb the ladder, drop again, turn to air. Now that the ledge is gone, you can go to the guy on the right and bring him to the exit.
Turn to water, swim up, turn to air, fly up, go right, grab the girl. Turn to rock and drop down twice to bring her to the exit.
Water again, air again, fly up, go right, turn to rock. Drop to the left, get the girl, turn to air, fly up, go right, turn to rock, bring her to the exit.
Water, air, rock again. This time go up the left hand ladder in rock form. Grab the girl, drop to the left, bring her to the exit.
Water, air, rock, yet again. This time, go up the right hand ladder in rock form and push the boulder. Standing on the ledge, smash the ledge and push the boulder again. Drop down, smash the rock, grab the girl, bring her to the exit.
Climb up two ladders, turn to water, climb down the ladders. Grab the girl in the pool.
Climb three ladders, turn to rock. Climb down one ladder, push the boulder. Climb down another ladder, push the boulder. Climb down the third ladder, push the boulder again. Climb to the top, drop to the right, and push the third boulder. Drop to the right, smash the last boulder, and drop the girl at the exit.
Climb the three ladders, smash the ledge, grab the guy, bring him to the exit.
Climb two ladders, smash the ledge, grab the girl, bring her to the exit.
The drop
Turn to water, drop to the bottom level, grab the guy in the middle pool. Bring him to the exit.
Drop down to the right, three times. Climb down the ladder and push the boulder left, into the middle pool. Turn to water, grab the guy in the right pool, bring him to the exit.
Drop to the right, drop to the left twice, push the boulder right. Climb down the ladder, keep pushing the boulder right until it drops into the pool.
Turn to water, grab the girl in the left pool, bring her to the exit.
Drop to the right twice, *make sure you are not standing on the ledge* smash the ledge. Drop to the right, climb three ladders *do not hit the air rune* Push the boulder off the ledge.
Climb down two ladders, turn to air, climb up two ladders, fly left, turn to rock. Drop to the right, drop to the left, climb down the ladder. Push the boulder, smash the rock, get the girl, bring her to the exit.
Climb the left ladder, turn to rock, climb down, climb the right ladder to the lower boat ledge. Push the rock onto the boat. Climb up turn to air, climb back down, sail the lower boat to the left.
Climb up, turn to rock, climb back down, push the boulder into the hole to the right of the girl.
Go to the right most ladder, climb up, push the rock off the boat, turn to air, sail the boat to the left.
Turn to rock, climb down to the lower boat, get the girl. Climb up two ladders and drop off to the left into the water. Go right, smash the block, turn to air. If the girl didn't get sucked into the door on your way down, float past the door again.
Float out of the water, go right, turn to rock, and back into the pool to get the guy on the left. Turn to air, and float past the door to drop him off.
Go up out of the water, and right. Go to the right most ladder and climb up. Go right and change to normal form. Drop down, get the guy, turn to air, and float him to the door.
Tunnels II
Drop to the right, turn to rock, climb two ladders, smash the boulder, turn to water, drop down, get the girl in the pool, bring her to the exit.
Climb the same two ladders, turn to water, drop down, get the guy on the left, bring him to the exit.
Climb the same two ladders again, turn right. Go past the smashable ledge to the far right, then smash it. Drop to the left, drop to the right. Get the guy, smash the rock, bring him to the exit.
Climb the two ladders, turn to water, go right. Drop into the pool, get the girl. Swim up, turn left, turn to rock, push the boulder past first ladder, but not past the second. Walk to the left of the ledge, smash the ledge, climb the ladder. Walk over, climb down the left ladder, push the boulder to the right. Climb down two ladders and drop the girl at the exit.
Climb halfway up the right ladder, turn to water, finish climbing the ladder. Get the girl, walk across the boulder and the water, climb down, drop her at the exit.
Drop down to the pool on the right and turn to air. Sail both boats to the left. Drop down to the right turn normal. Go up the ladder to the right, drop down, turn to air, then go left and turn to rock. Drop to the bottom of the pool and smash the rock. Climb the ladder on the left and push the lower boulder off the side of the boat. Climb up to the next level and push the boulder onto the boat. Climb up again and smash both boulders.
Climb down to the level with the lower boat. Drop down off the right side of the boat. Turn to water, swim around to the guy in the right pool. Swim to the air rune on the left. Climb the ladder and sail the top boat with rock to the door.
Drop down to the left, turn to rock, climb the ladder on the left, climb the second ladder, drop onto the boat. Push the rock into the water, and drop the guy at the door
Walk over the rock into the pool. Grab the girl, turn to air, bring her to the exit.
Natural order
Climb halfway up the right ladder, turn left, drop down, get the girl. Climb back up the ladder, turn the bridge solid. Finish climbing the ladder, drop to the left, turn the upper bridge solid. Drop back to the bottom and turn to rock.
Climb the left ladder and push the boulder off the ledge. Smash the ledge and drop down. Push the boulder off the second ledge, smash the ledge, and drop again. Push the boulder off the last ledge, climb down, drop to the left of the boulder, and push it into the hole.
Drop the girl at the exit, go left, pick up the other girl, and drop her at the exit.
Smash the ledge in the middle of the door level. Drop down, go left, smash the rock, grab the guy. Turn to air, fly up, drop the guy at the door.
Climb the ladder, turn to rock. Climb down the right ladder, grab the guy, smash the rock. Bring the guy to the door.
Climb back down to the middle level, go left, climb the ladder. Turn to air and blow the cloud to the right.
Drop down to the right, go down the ladder, fly to the right. Go to the upward blowing air current and fly up, right, up. Exit left, turn to water, make the cloud rain. Drop down and bring the guy on the ledge and the guy in the pool to the door.
Drop to the right, drop to the left, drop to the right into the pool. Get the girl, climb out of the pool, and turn to air. Fly up, right, up, turn to water, bring the girl to the exit.
Private pools
Climb the ladder and turn to air. Jump into the air column and fly up. Blow the seed to the left, turn normal, and make the bridge solid. Drop down to the left.
Turn the lower bridge solid, climb the ladder and turn into air again. Drop down, blow the seed to the right. Climb up again, blow the cloud to the right.
Climb down, turn to water, climb all the way down. Water the seed. Go back to the ladder, turn back to air. Climb the tree, ride the air up.
Climb down the ladder, blow the cloud left. Drop down, turn to water, water the cloud. Drop down and pick up the girl.
Drop down, climb the ladder, turn to air, drop down, climb the try, fly up. Drop the girl at the door.
Drop down, climb the ladder, turn to water, climb all the way up, make the cloud rain. Drop into the pool, grab the guy, climb down, turn to air. Bring the guy to the exit.
The bridges
Grab the guy on the left, drop down twice, turn the lowest bridge solid. Drop to the bottom, turn to air, fly up, drop the guy at the door.
Go right, drop down, grab the lady, turn to air. Drop down to the left, fly up, drop her at the door.
Go right, drop down, smash the right hand ledge. Turn to air and ride the right column of air. Grab the guy, turn to rock, and push the boulder. Drop onto the boulder, drop to the right of the boulder, push the boulder to the left. Smash the ledge, push the boulder into the hole on the left.
Turn to air, fly up, drop the guy at the door. Drop to the left, grab the girl, turn to air, bring her to the door.
Half empty
Turn to air, ride the vent up, drop to the left. Climb the ladder, blow the cloud to the right. Drop down, ride the vent up, turn normal.
Drop down, turn the bridge solid, and grab the girl. Turn to air, ride the vent up, turn normal, drop down to the right, drop the girl off.
Turn to air, ride the vent up, turn normal, turn the bridge solid.
Turn to water, water the seed, make the cloud rain. Drop down, grab the girl in the pool, water only the right seed. Climb up, drop off the girl.
Turn to air, ride the vent up, climb the tree, grab the guy. Turn to rock, push the boulder. Climb down the tree, turn to water, drop to the right. Climb the lower tree, drop the guy off, turn to air.
Climb down the tree, walk past the seed, blow the seed to the right. Climb the tree, turn to water, drop down, water the seed.
Climb up the left tree, turn to air, climb back down the tree, climb the right tree, blow the cloud to the left.
Drop down, go left, turn to rock. Push the rock onto the bridge. Turn to air, ride the vent up, go left and turn to water. Drop back down, make the cloud rain, get the guy.
Drop down, turn to air, ride the vent up, turn to water, drop down, climb the tree, drop the guy off at the door.
Tower III
Turn to air, ride the vent to the right, drop to the right, grabbing the guy on the way down. Bring him to the exit.
Turn back to air, climb the two ladders, ride two air vents up, drop to the right, drop to the left, picking up the girl as you fall. Drop her at the exit.
Turn back to air, climb back up to the top level, turn normal, drop left, drop right. Climb back up both ladders and turn the bridge solid. Pick up the guy and bring him to the exit.
Turn back to air, climb back to the top level, turn to rock, drop to the right. Smash the ledge. Drop to the bottom, turn back to air. Ride the right vent up, jump left, ride that vent up. Get the guy, go left, turn to rock, drop down and bring the guy to the exit.
Turn back to air, ride the right hand vents up to the top, drop to the right twice. Get the guy, turn to rock, push the boulder. Smash the ledge, drop down, smash the rock, drop down, climb down the ladder. Push the boulder all the way to the left, dropping off the guy at the door in the process.
Turn to air, climb two ladders, ride one vent, drop off to the left. Ride the far left vent, grab the girl, drop to the right. Go right, ride the vent, turn to rock, drop down, drop the girl at the exit.
Posted by: MmeTurbulence
March 22, 2010 9:20 PM