The CCL Game

The object of the game is to move the package from its starting location to the Exit doors of each level. To do so, you are provided a palette of mechanisms with which to position on the play field that will affect the package's movement toward the exit.
Click and drag the conveyor belts, fans, and springs anywhere on the play field grid. When you think you have a configuration that may work, test your setup by clicking the "Go" button. If you need another try, click "Stop", reconfigure and try again. You have ten (10) tries for each level, but the time bonus continues to decrement as soon as a level is begun.
To begin each level, you are given the option to select a computer component with which to build a virtual PC. This is the advertisement part of the game, and yet your selection can indeed affect your score. Choose the one component that CCL recommends, and you will be awarded a bonus at the end of the level.
Analysis: It is a delightful feeling to arrange the various contraptions and then set the package in motion. A virtual contruction kit of mechanical and physical elements that together form the basis of a rewarding experience. The beautiful thing about it is there are multiple solutions to each level that will achieve success. Unfortunately, the game is very short, with only eight (8) levels, and therefore does not have much replay value in it. I would like to see more varied contraptions, more levels, and less advertising. But that's just me. Click.
If you like construction set games like this, be sure to check out gameLab's JunkBot over at Lego for a similar, and yet different, experience.
Cheers to Seb for the link. =)
Walkthrough Guide
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well this is a walk through for as much as i can make it but the levels are all made on a grid and useing the 1-14 across and a-j going up and down the solution to each level (not counting the allways existing ring of blocks surrounding the playing area i dont know the computer part bonus's but this is a FULL walkthrough
level at c-1 and the spring at a-3 a moveing ramp at b-8 and moveing paths to the left of it to the exit
level at I-1 and a block at H-4 a spring to the right side at H-1 and moveing platforms upwards from A-8 B-9 C-10 to the exit
level at C-14 and a ramp at B-13 and a moveing platform at B-12 and then two sideways springs at A-8 and A-9
level at F-1 and E-7 a non-moveing slope at B-4 and sideways springs at A-14,A-7, and
level 5.a fan to the left at A-1 and E-7 a upwards fan at A-5 and a slope at J-5 and a left faceing fan at A-14
level 6.left spring on B-8 and a right spring on D-4
level 7.a right faceing fan at C-1 and upward fans at A-4,A-6 and A-8 and upside down slopes at J-4,J-6 and J-8 and other slopes go at H-10,G-11,D-11,C-12,B-13
level 8.right faceing springs at A-2,F-1, and D-11 and right faceing fans at H-1,E-7 and A-8 then put the slopes at A-12 and F-13 then the upward spring at A-13 then put the left faceing fans at F-5 and D-14
level 9.right fan at A-1,D-3 and C-7 a left slope at A-3 and a upward fan at A-4 and A-14 a right faceing spring at A-6 and left faceing springs at F-12 and G-8 and moveing ramps at
H-3 and G-4 and the upside down slope at J-14 and a right faceing fan at I-11
level 10.a right faceing fan at I-3,C-4 and
A-8 then right springs at H-1,C-11 and F-11 and right springs at A-14,E-14 and H-14 and the only left faceing fan at F-9 and the moveing slope at I-2
yay im the first person to post a full walkthrough
Posted by: derrike G
April 6, 2006 9:21 PM