Cheers to Eric for the link. =)
Cheers to Eric for the link. =)
once you get the long stick from the
right side of the fireplace
you can use that on the
light on the cieling to get the hammer
and then use the hammer on the
brick on the left side of the fireplace to get the brick and the yellow key
then use that on the
top box, to get a key from the book and the cat board
thats as far as i am, so if anyone has anything else, could you post it please? (sorry for anything spelled wrong)
Found out so far:
1. The shapes behind or symbols on the animal drawing in the book and on the scenery refer to the box in the second drawer.
2. The red coin seems to go in one of the holes next to the sink on the stand with the red circle below it.
3. The shield from the knight can be taken if the lever behind him (click next to his left arm) is weighed down with the brick from the fireplace.
4. The box of matches can be opened but seems to be unable to light the wood from the fireplace.
5. I am missing the boards with the zebra and the elephant. All the others were lying around somewhere, one on the chandelier next to the hammer.
6. No idea what the dragon picture does...
Took the "doubtful pill" from the bottom drawer, put it in the plant vase, clicked the plang, got a key to the clock, opend the clock, got another red coin, and I think this is what I need to do...
Swing the pendelum to the left, place 2 red coins at the time indicated in the left stone vase, and then the right for the right stone vase, but I need another blue coin for that.
Aha found it right after posting.
A slight amount of absurdity in the ending:
Why would the dragon help me after I stabbed in multiple times in each eye? I mean, I took out the stick stuck in it, but now it's blind. Wouldn't it still be angry?
I guess I should be grateful that there's a story at all. The escape genre is known for absurdity, right? I should just enjoy it.
It was fun and I did it all by myself, which is rare for me. :D
Three animals don't belong in the story. The locations on where those boards were found provide the clue
The zebra is found by bricks, making it the square
The sheep? A round lantern bottom!
The elephant is leftover, and it is the triangle
Doing so gives you the oil. Uncap it, then you can pour it on the firewood and THEN light the fire with the matches.
To complete the task set before you after the door is opened...
You'll have to first block the dragon's attack by using your shield on it. Then, equip your sword and attack both its eyes. Once you get "You've done enough damage" messages for both eyes, attack both wings. Once you get "You've done enough damage" messages for both wings, you'll be able to slip underneath the dragon's neck and finish the job.
I'm stuck...
-Red Coin
Cards in Inventory:
what I've done:
-Put the wood in the fireplace
-Gotten the shield
-Opened the top drawer of the dresser
Not sure on:
-What to do with the shield or coin
-How to open the other 2 drawers on the dresser
-How to open the clock
-Where the matches are
Woohoo! 742! I used to rarely make it through one of these without resorting to a walkthrough... I think doing a multitude of these and reading many walkthroughs has helped my pixel-hunting skills and twisted my logic enough to be of use in room escapes. So thanks to all the posters on all the room escapes in the archives. Digital hugs to you all.
Find items:
Long pole, to the right of the fireplace.
Sheep Board, to the right of the fireplace
Red coin, to the left of the fireplace
Elephant Board, to the left of the armor
Zebra Board, while looking at the right flower table
Wood, under the dresser
Lion board, under the dresser
Get more items:
Face the door, look up.
Use the long pole, get the hammer and the Monkey board
Look to the left of the fireplace.
Use the hammer, get brick and key
Look to the left of armor.
Use brick on switch, collect shield
Use key on top drawer
Collect cat board (upper-right of book), read through book, collect key
Use key on middle drawer.
Collect matches
Animal puzzle:
The symbols for Lion, Monkey, and Cat can be found in the book.
The symbol for Elephant is to the right of the dresser
A Triangle
The symbol for Sheep is under the light left of the door
A Circle
The symbol for Zebra is to the left of the fireplace,
A Square
More items:
You just got oil from the puzzle; open the top of the can, use the wood on the fireplace, use the oil on the wood, open the match tin, then use the matches on the wood.
Take the sword
Examine the dragon picture above the fire,
use the lower-right corner, take the picture and the blue coin.
Use the sword on the knight, take the key, then the sword
Use the key on the lower drawer, take the doubtful pill, and the blue coin.
Open the bottle, use the pill on the flower, take the key.
Unlock the clock, take the red coin.
Clock puzzle:
Click the pendulum, and remember the position of the hands.
Move over to the left table by the door, and put the red coins in where indicated by the clock hands.
Do the same with the blue coins, the right table, and the pendulum to the right.
Click on the door a few times.
Use the shield on the dragon's mouth
Use the sword on the dragon's left and right eyes and wings a few times, until everything is "damaged enough"
Go under the dragon, and get the peg
Good game, the usual, enjoyable quality.
Two small side notes, however.
- I guess the non-perfect English has always been a standard for Japanese point-n-clickers. But here it sometimes makes understanding VERY hard. Please, have someone to do the translations, the text is not at all hard and it can save us, the players, some unneccessary frustration.
You can't put out of the sword because it's stuck in the mantelpiece. However,
when you heat it up by lighting the fire under it, it becomes removable. Strange - the sword is - probably - made of metal that expands if heated up - so it should be even harder, not easier to pull out...
But, apart from these it's fun!
My first comment officially as member :) And, by the way, my first "escape room game" that finished without any help on the comments or walktrough. Well, I confess something...
I need to use PrtScr / Copy on Paint / Invert colors and voila! Many things magically appears but sincerely this doesn't feel the same.
Out. Thanks to evilmrhenry for listing the locations of the boards. I could not for the life of me find the cat board. The challenge in this game wasn't the puzzles (which I thought were rather easy) it was finding the objects. I liked the previous two a lot more as they had more challenging puzzles such as the heiroglyphics/days of the week and the colour wheel in the first one. In the second I remember pulling my hair out over the animals order puzzle. Nothing like that here just a cleverly disguised hidden object game in my opinion. A low score of 2 mushrooms from me and I've never scored an escape game so low before.
Puzzle-wise this was ok (with a few incosistencies) but the pixel hunts were inexcusable. No "invisible" table in the middle of the room this time around so at least we might be thankful for that.
Still the animals were cute and the engrish wasn't (too) bad. The ending caught me by surprise and I didn't mind the sheer stupidity as much as I minded that it relied on sound cues without any visual feedback which might be a problem to some people.
Overall, I still like this series, warts'n'all.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Find items:
Long pole, to the right of the fireplace.
Sheep Board, to the right of the fireplace
Red coin, to the left of the fireplace
Elephant Board, to the left of the armor
Zebra Board, while looking at the right flower table
Wood, under the dresser
Lion board, under the dresser
Get more items:
Face the door, look up.
Use the long pole, get the hammer and the Monkey board
Look to the left of the fireplace.
Use the hammer, get brick and key
Look to the left of armor.
Use brick on switch, collect shield
Use key on top drawer
Collect cat board (upper-right of book), read through book, collect key
Use key on middle drawer.
Collect matches
Animal puzzle:
The symbols for Lion, Monkey, and Cat can be found in the book.
The symbol for Elephant is to the right of the dresser
A Triangle
The symbol for Sheep is under the light left of the door
A Circle
The symbol for Zebra is to the left of the fireplace,
A Square
More items:
You just got oil from the puzzle; open the top of the can, use the wood on the fireplace, use the oil on the wood, open the match tin, then use the matches on the wood.
Take the sword
Examine the dragon picture above the fire,
use the lower-right corner, take the picture and the blue coin.
Use the sword on the knight, take the key, then the sword
Use the key on the lower drawer, take the doubtful pill, and the blue coin.
Open the bottle, use the pill on the flower, take the key.
Unlock the clock, take the red coin.
Clock puzzle:
Click the pendulum, and remember the position of the hands.
Move over to the left table by the door, and put the red coins in where indicated by the clock hands.
Do the same with the blue coins, the right table, and the pendulum to the right.
Click on the door a few times.
Use the shield on the dragon's mouth
Use the sword on the dragon's left and right eyes and wings a few times, until everything is "damaged enough"
Go under the dragon, and get the peg
Posted by: evilmrhenry | September 23, 2008 5:47 PM