Ooh, I love
T2B Escape 2! I very much enjoyed the first T2B Escape, and the sequel is just as well-crafted and charming as the original. All the room's elements (including a toy train, several mysterious cabinets and a bevy of cute animals) seamlessly synthesize into a series of intriguing but gratifyingly logical puzzles; to top it off, the graphics are nicely designed and pixel hunting is conspicuously absent. Perfect!
T2B does not have any sort of background story beyond the usual "trapped in a strange room for no apparent reason," but that doesn't really matter; the game is a satisfying exercise in quality room escape goodness and easily stands on its own merits. You're in for a treat:
Play T2B Escape 2
Walkthrough Guide
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No peeking!
Step 1: Gettin' Stuff
First, grab the following goods:
lift the left cushion to get A magnet
click the plant then from behind the leaf, grab A orange board
while still looking at the plant, don't forget to check the planter for A Measure (aka: ruler)
click the chest of drawers, then click on top of it (not the up arrow) to find A wooden stick (aka: xylophone mallet)
Done with that screen for now. Turn right, and:
use the ruler (click the ruler so it is highlighted in orange) on the front of the box to pry loose A bear board
look at the windowsill, then click the plant on the left to uncover A coin
beating the curtain on the right a couple of times will cause it to shake loose A violet board
Turn right again. Only one thing here for now:
stuck in the bottom-left corner of the doorframe is A pen light
Turn right again. Now you can get the following:
click the right-hand cabinet and slide open the left door to reveal A red board
click the plants on top of the cabinet and notice that in the planter on the left is A battery
now things get tricky: click just to the left of the left-hand cabinet and look inside, where you can grab A wider (aka: spool of thread)
also in here is a stopper (the little brown square). You can't get it, but you can push it, which after you back out allows you to slide open the right door (of the left hand cabinet), granting access to A strange machine
Okay, enough of that. Back out, turn right, and you are facing the couch again. Click the floor below the couch to get to the table...
where you will find, just lying there, A bookmark.
Step 2: Putting Things Together
We need A pen light (lighting):
examine the pen light (click on the little arrow in the icon)
click on the pen light so it splits apart
select the battery and put it in the pen light
click the pen light again so it re-assembles itself
click the switch at the end
Now we need A magnet(with string)
examine the magnet
use the wider (spool of thread) on it
Step 3: Quest for the Red Drawer
Click below the table to find a train station. There is a slot in the side of the station. Put the coin in the slot, and code #1 will be revealed. Keep on backing out until you reach the couch, turn right and click on the window sill. Use the stick (mallet) on the xylophone to tap out the notes in the order indicated by code #1. The xylophone lifts up and reveals a hole underneath. Look in the hole. Use the magnet (with string) to retrieve A red key.
Now go back to the couch and click on the chest of drawers. Use the red key on the keyhole (at the top-right of the red drawer) to unlock it. Examine the bear board (in your inventory). Click just to the right of it to turn it around and reveal a wooden peg on the back. Now use the bear board on the circular hole (on the drawer) to make a handle. Click the handle to open the drawer. Retrieve A plant strong and A battery for pc.
Step 4: Quest for the Blue Drawer
Examine the bookmark (in your inventory). Click on it to turn it over and reveal a schema on the back. Note the order of the colours and the arrows (either up or down). Which is to say: reading from left to right, there are six elements. Each element has an associated colour and direction. Note these down. Now turn left so you are facing the wall with the clock and click on the clock. There are three hands with colours corresponding to those on the schema, with each pointing to an animal. There is also an arrow pointed up. If you click on the up arrow, it points down and the animals all change (clicking it again reverts to the earlier "up arrow" status). Thus the clock, along with the schema gives you a sequence of six animals. Note these down. (For example, if one element in the schema is represented by "blue" and "down", then click the arrow on the clock until it points down. Then note the animal to which the blue hand points, ie: monkey.)
Back out, turn right (to face the couch), and click the bottom to get back to the table. There is a green book in a drawer; click it to open it, and note that each animal corresponds to a letter (there are four pages; click the bottom-right of the book to see the next two). Use this reference to turn your sequence of animals into letters. This is code #2.
Back out the book, and click to the left of the laptop to reveal an empty battery hole. Put the battery from your inventory into the hole. Now back out, and click on the laptop to open it. Click the "on" button (looks like a bear's head), then on the laptop screen, click the bear icon at the top left. Enter code #2 (note that it must be in uppercase) and click the OK button to activate Flog 1 (actually "frog").
Back out and return to the couch. Turn right twice to face the door, then click on "flog 1"'s head. It opens! Look inside. This is code #3. Examine the strange machine, and use your mouse to punch in code #3. Then hit the green button and exit. The room is dark.
Look up and turn right twice. Ohhhhhhh. This is code #4.
Examine the strange machine and click the green button again to turn the lights back on. Go back to the laptop, and enter code #4 to activate Flog 2.
Now go back to the door, and click on "flog 2"'s head. Look inside and grab A bear board (well, the second one, actually).
You still need the key, though. Turn right and click on the right-hand cabinet, then click on the plants. Use the plant strong on the sunflower's planter and back out (once). Now you can slide open the right-hand cabinet to reveal A blue key.
Use the bear board (don't forget to examine it and turn it around to reveal the triangular peg on the back) and the blue key to open the blue drawer in the chest of drawers. On the left-hand side of the drawer, don't miss A yellow key.
Step 5: Quest for the Yellow Drawer
Remember the box that you pulled the bear board out of in Step 1? Use the pen light (lighting) to look in the hole it left, and grab A verdant green board. Now return back to the blue drawer and click on the picture-frame.
There are four columns in the frame, each containing two coloured swatches and a blank space. And you have another 4 coloured swatches in your inventory. This is a pretty straightforward colour-mixing game. Place your four boards in the four blank spaces such that in each row, the bottom colour in each column is the result of mixing the top two colours. Now the train is activated.
Back out to the couch, click down to get to the table, and click down again to get back to the train station. A train has now pulled into the station, bearing (if you'll excuse the pun) A bear board (yet another one!).
You know the drill by now. Use the bear board and the yellow key to open the yellow drawer. Inside, you will find A green key.
Step 6: And...
The green key is your ticket to ride! Erm, I mean, escape. Ticket to escape.
Anyway. Turn around to face the door. Use the green key on the door handle, then click the door handle again. Congratulations! What number did you get?
Posted by: mrputter
August 13, 2008 4:59 AM