Something Amiss: Chapter 3

The JIG community really loved the first two chapters of Something Amiss, and in light of this I am especially tickled to report that the third (and, sadly, final) episode is by far the best. It's clear why Tucker took over a year to complete this chapter; the game is a truly well-developed adventure, one that will take Alice through a dizzying array of different environments, enmesh her in intrigue and finally reveal the true nature of the mysterious experiment that so irrevocably changed her life. While happily quite long, the game never drags; the puzzles tread a fine line between creativity and logic, resulting in a satisfying experience that will challenge, but not confound, the player.
As in the first two installments, the interface is controlled by the cursor. To interact with a person or item, simply click and hold in the appropriate spot; a small menu will appear with options to talk to, examine or take him/her/it. You'll collect a large and diverse inventory of items while playing, a number of which will be used in several different ways during the course of the game. While the ways in which items are utilized might be questionable in the real world, they are never so outlandish as to necessitate a seemingly random "leap of logic"; I deeply appreciate this. Also like the previous chapters, Tucker has created some wonderful animation to bookend the game. This lends a unique style to the production, further enhancing the experience provided by an already very well-made game.
The game is not perfect, though. The plot does become a bit convoluted; so much is introduced and so many twists thrown in that at times it seems overworked. I didn't entirely understand how Alice's new abilities (which I will refrain from explicitly mentioning so as to not spoil the surprise) meshed with the events of the story. To be frank, however, I'm having a tough time coming up with much to complain about. Tucker took his time creating a polished game, and was clearly thoughtful in the choices he made.
While I'm truly sad that Something Amiss has come to an end, I am seriously excited to see what Tucker comes up with next. Over the weekend I replayed chapters 1 & 2 before tackling number 3, and doing so gave me a deep appreciation of Tucker's evolution as a designer; the dramatic growth and improvement over the three episodes is really pretty remarkable. If this is any indicator of his talent and potential, we have some fantastic games to look forward to in the future.
The hour has come to learn the truth:
Walkthrough Guide
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Here is a walkthrough for Something Amiss, Chapter 3.
Pick up the blanket.
Pick up the chopsticks.
Pick up the bowl of noodles.
Yell at the door.
Use the blanket under the door.
Use the chopsticks on the keyhole.
Pull the blanket back out.
Pick up the key with the blanket.
Use the key on the keyhole.
Exit straight.
Use the bowl of noodles on the camera.
Pick up the ID card.
Use the ID card on the glass door on right.
Exit to the right.
Talk to the woman.
Click to exit the map, then exit back out the door.
Exit through door on left (hall elevator).
Exit left (from the base of the Washington Monument).
Click on Jefferson Monument on the map.
Use the security pad.
Type in password "mind".
Exit to the right.
Climb down ladder to the left of the stairs.
Go left and pick up the handwritten note on the ground.
Exit to left tunnel.
Use bowl of noodles on the hatch.
Exit left through hatch.
Push the red button.
Pick up one of the smoke grenades.
Exit to the right, twice.
Pull the pin on the smoke bomb.
Use the smoke bomb on the smoke detector.
Exit to the right.
Exit straight into the tunnel, twice.
Exit to the right.
Pick up the snowball.
Use the snowball on the lantern.
Pick up the lantern.
Rub together the chopsticks.
Use the firesticks on the lantern.
Use the lantern on the shelter door.
Enter the shelter.
Exit to the tunnel on the left.
Pick up the scrap of paper.
Connect the plug.
Exit down.
Use the lit lantern on the ID card and take it.
Go back to the touch screen room.
Type "Franklin" on the touch screen.
Click Environmental Controls, then click Heat.
Go back to the room with the frozen ID, then exit straight.
Exit down three times.
Pick up scrap of paper.
Exit down, then exit right.
Exit down.
Look under the stone at the bottom of the screen and pick up the key.
Exit left.
Exit straight into tunnel.
Exit down.
Use the key on the bobcat and pick up the rubber glove.
Exit down, then exit upper left.
Turn glove inside out.
Use glove on biometric pad.
Enter the door.
Use the terminal, then use Franklin's ID card.
Click on "Access Data Port", then "Back", then exit the terminal.
Use the thumb drive with the terminal.
Remove thumb drive from the terminal.
Exit down the ladder.
Answer the phone.
Talk to John.
Follow the lighted arrows to exit.
Exit down, twice. Exit right through the door. Exit down, then left.
Exit up the ladder.
Use the DC map and click on the X.
Walk to the left and pick up the car clicker on the ground.
Walk right and open the compartment to the lights.
Take the battery from the lights.
Use the battery with the car clicker.
Use the clicker with the wall.
Go inside the elevator.
Use the blanket on the cobra.
Exit through the left door.
Pick up the loose board.
Exit back through the door, then exit through the door on the right.
Use the wooden board on the gap.
Exit to the right.
Pick up the gargoyle near the door.
Use the key with the door and enter.
Exit straight, into the tunnel.
Open the breaker box in the tree. Turn the circuit back on.
Talk to the Indian.
Kiss the Indian and exit through the door.
Backtrack to the room with the cobra. Exit through left door again.
Use the gargoyle with the pipes.
Go back to the room with the cobra and exit through the middle door.
Use the thumb drive on the data port in the fountain. If the power is off, go back to where the Indian is and turn the circuit back on.
Pick up scrap of paper.
Use the DC map and go back to the Jefferson Monument.
Talk to the man in the trench coat and give him the thumb drive.
Exit left, to the base of the Washington Monument.
Push the strange carving on the left of the monument.
Exit down the elevator.
Exit down, then exit right, then exit left into the train.
Pick up the ladder.
Use the ladder with roof access (at the very top of the screen, in middle).
Exit up the ladder.
Talk to Auburn.
Use the bowl of noodles with Auburn.
Talk to John. End of story.
Posted by: Pam
October 24, 2008 1:46 AM