Samegame Hexagonized

Samegame Hexogonized replaces the familiar colored cubes with hexagons and adds a new bonus item to the usual mix of row and column destroyers, and bombs. Just click on groups of 2 or more same-colored shapes to eliminate them from play. You must remove all shapes from the play field to continue playing and advance to the next level.
Jussi's flair for presentation shines through in this version as well. I enjoyed the larger shapes, but I found a couple of annoyances as well. The first complaint I have is with those little white flags that pop-up to tell you how many points a group was worth. Yes, it's nice to know how many points you're getting, but after a while I don't really care. They just got in my way more than they were helpful to me and I wish I could have turned them off completely.
The other disappointment with the game is there is no sound at all. When the game launches you are greeted with a sparkling gliss effect as the ooPixel logo is displayed; but it's just a tease since that is all the sound you'll hear while playing. It's a shame, too, since the game appears nicely polished in just about every other aspect.
Same Game Hexagonized for the simple puzzle game fanatic in you. (And for Racci, too.)
I like these games, the match up the boxes/gems/bubbles/cows kinda things. I'd much rather play the ones where the items are replaced and you have to reach a certain number or level before moving on. I've never been good at the complete removal games. I've tried so many strategies and none seem to work. Top down, leave one color, start from the bottom left, etc.
Specifically, this game has the nice touch of the bonus items. They can help you out in a pinch, but I've still been unable to get past level 4.
Also, the balloon popping up on the arrow to show you the number of boxes is a bit annoying. It often covers the blocks, I'd rather see the blocks.
Other than that, the game is very nice.
Love the game, but I absolutely agree with you about the pop-up balloons! Total annoyance!
Fun game alright, though it looks like you named it "Samgame game" instead of Samegame in your post...
Just who is this Sam and why does he have a game anyway?
Hahaha, good catch, Re_Jex. All fixed now. Thank you! =)
Hello everybody, thanks once again for reviewing my game Jay. Thanks for the comments so far, I wish there are more to come :-)
About score popups. Yeah, you all are right. I am going to fix this in near days. I guess I will put some transparency (alpha channel) to popup by default and add option to turn them off completely. What do you think? I thought about an option to turn particles off too (exploding effect), to make it better playable on very slow computers.
About sounds, you are right about this one too Jay. However, I am no sound artist and I guess Marko, the other part of ooPixel group, does not have the time currently. I won't screw the game with bad sounds anyway :-) Maybe later.
Oh, one more thing to say about this site in general. I love the way you construct the Flash game preview images. I mean, some other sites simply take the screenshot and resize it. They may even give up it's aspect ratio. And the previews like this make the game look bad. In the contrary, your previews rock!
Thank you, Jussi!
I appreciate you noticing the little things we do! =)