Room W&R

annabanana -
you need to use the pen you found in the top drawer (next to the vanity) When you have the pen, view item in your inventory and keep clicking your pen till it becomes long. Then make sure it's highlighted red when you go for the second part of the screwdriver between the cabinets.
all in all, it's a cool game. Kinda buggy though cause I had to click things like 10 times to either make them work or to find the EXACT spot to click just to open stuff or find other items. But I liked it. For those who relish in completing these kinda games without a walkthru, you're in for a nice little challenge here.
All right, I'm stuck. Here are the items I have and the items I've used:
Towel with cold cream
Wine label ("monochrome")
Note with leaf, (something), wine glass
spray bottle (empty)
pink combination box
I thought the note might be a clue to the pink box, so I tried using the number of plants in the room (3) for the first digit, the number of wineglasses (2) for the last, and guessing the second because I don't know what the middle symbol on the note is supposed to represent. Of course, this got me nowhere. I can't find anything else to click on. Help!
Grah! I'm missing top left, 3rd-from-the-bottom right & bottom right. I can't figure out what to do with
The kettle of water - it won't fill the spritzer tube (whose message means nothing to me), it won't pour in the glasses, it won't pour in the vase, and I can't approach the plants to pour it in them... Nothing else comes to mind
Stuck. :/ Hints about what to do with
the paper with the 3 images, how to get the code for the box (are the two related..?), how to open that seat pillar under the vanity table, how to open the bottom drawer of the dresser next to it, what - if anything - to do with the spaces under the pillows you can lift, and how to open the left side of the cabinet under the bottles, glasses, & vase...? Or whichever of these are at all relevant to getting out. :/
ViciousBits -
To open the pillar seat, you need to assemble a screwdriver.
Find the handle underneath the right-side pillow on the couch; lift the pillow and click around where it was sitting until you find the handle. Then get the rest of the screwdriver from between the wine cabinet and bookcase (use the extended pen to reach it). Put the pieces together and pry the stool open.
Now maybe you can help me; where did you find a kettle? And you said you can't open the left side of the cabinet, so does that mean you did open the right side? If so, how?
Ah, thank you! Silly me, I was clicking on the handle, expecting it to open logically. Anyway...
I put the spritzer top together with the bottle from the stool, and used the kettle to fill it. I remember the spritzer top had a clue on it that said "toward the wall," but I've tried using it on all the walls I can find and I can't get it to do anything. Guess it's time to click wildly some more!
Spray the pink water above the bed (from the view where you can see the door) to get a message...
So we've got "Sing Escape" from the wall, "monochrome" from the wine label, and "anagram" from the vanity drawer... along with a weird device which I have no idea how to use. So far I'm really disagreeing with the review that this game isn't unintuitive.
Click on the dresser drawers. Click on the top drawer. Get the pen. Close the drawer.
Click on the middle drawer. Click on the left-most towel to get the towel. Close the drawer and exit the dresser.
Click on the top of the dresser. Click on the shortest bottle to get the cold cream. Exit the dresser top.
Click on the stand with the mirror on it. Open the drawer by clicking on it.
Examine ("about item") the cold cream. Click on the top once to open it. Again to fully open it.
Examine the towel. Click on the cold cream jar and then click on the towel. The towel should gain a blob of cold cream.
Use the towel to wipe the pink spot in the drawer. This will reveal the word "anagram."
Exit the mirror stand.
Click on the bed's headboard near the pillow.
Click on the small item sticking up between the headboard and the bed near the wall.
You have retrieved the spray pump. Examine it to find "Near the Wall" written on it.
Exit the bed.
Turn Right, facing the wall with the door.
Click under the bed. Retrieve the box. Exit from under the bed.
Turn Right, facing the wall with the bookcase.
Click on the upper part of the display case (with the bottles and glasses). Click on the turned down corner of the wine label to retrieve the label. Exit the shelves.
Click on the lower cabinet. Click on the top left corner of the right-hand door to open it. Get the pitcher. Exit the cabinet.
Click on the low bookcase. Click on the second-from right box on lower shelf. Click on the item inside and retrieve the hourglass.
Click on the space between the two cabinets.
Examine the pen. Near the writing end you can see where it telescopes. Click there to extend it.
Use the extended pen to get the item you can see between the cases. You now have the screwdriver blade. Exit the bookcase entirely.
Turn right, facing the couch.
Click on the couch. Lift the right-hand cushion and click on the fuzzy lump which is revealed. You have retrieved the screwdriver handle. Exit the couch.
Click on the pictures.
Examine the wine label in your inventory. Click on the turned down corner. A word is revealed on the back, "monochrome". Click once more to turn the label back over. Close the wine label.
One of the photos is not colored, is, in fact, monochrome. It's the top center photo. Click on it.
Click on the top left corner. Click on the top right corner. Retrieve the key and exit the photos entirely.
Turn right towards the dresser again.
Click on the wastebasket under the mirror stand.
Examine the screwdriver handle in your inventory. Click on the screwdriver blade and then click on the handle to combine the pieces. Close the screwdriver.
Use the screwdriver on dark spot in the center of the lid of the wastebasket. Get the bottle from inside. Exit the wastebasket.
Click on the mirror stand. Use the gold key on the lock on the upper drawer. Retrieve the paper.
Turn to the right, facing the wall with the door again.
Examine the pitcher in your inventory. Click on its lid to reveal it's full of water.
Examine the hourglass. Click on the top of it once to pop off the "lid" and then click again to discard it.
Examine the bottle. Click on the spray pump and put it on the top of the bottle. Click on the sprayer to remove it from the bottle. Click on the pitcher and then click on the bottle to fill the bottle with water. Click on the hourglass and click on the spray pump to remove it, and then click on the bottle to add the red powder to the water.
Using the water bottle, spray the wall above the bed to reveal a message: "sing escape." Exit the message.
Examine the blue paper in your inventory.
It shows a leaf, an ambiguous symbol which could be anything and I couldn't match to anything, but we'll pretend it means "blue albums", and a wine glass.
This is the combination to the box you found under the bed. So, count the leaves on the wine label, the number of albums in the bookcase, and the number of wineglasses.
Examine the box and enter "8 3 2". Get the red item from within the box.
Examine the red item, click on it. It shows you a shiny end, and then if you click again, it gives you an entry screen. Click once on that.
The red box is looking for a single character. You will enter the character and click on the black button on its side.
Remember the word "anagram?" Yep. The writing on the wall is an anagram that represents the single character. Give it a shot.
Me either. Turns out the anagram is "peace sign". A "V", capital letter. Enter that and click the black button. Whaddya know, it's a key. Exit the key examination screen.
Click on the door. Use the key on the handle.
And you're done!
Some clues rather than a walkthrough. Not complete but hopefully should be enough.
Item 1:
Wine label
On wine bottle
Look on back
Item 2:
In locked drawer
To get:
Need item 9
Item 3:
Under right pillow on couch
Item 4:
Sand timer
In box in cupboard
Can be opened
Item 5:
In right cupboard
Item 6:
Middle draw
Item 7:
Piece of metal
Between cupboards
To get:
Use item 12
Item 8:
Cold cream
On top of drawers
Item 9:
Behind picture
To get:
Look at item 1 first
Item 10:
In dresser seat
Item 11:
Pink box
Under bed
Item 12:
In top draw
Can be extended
Item 13:
Spritzer top
On bed, just to right of pillow
Item 14:
Red key
In pink box
Need word clue
Need item 6 and 8
Number code:
Need item 2
Word clue:
two words:
Under lipstick
Need items 6 and 8
On wall
Need items 4, 5, 10 and 13
Above bed
piece sign
For the walk through, the paper with the code the pictures, the middle one relates to the number of plants or "flowerpots". Also for the peace sign. Don't you remember if you are saying "peace" to someone, you hold up your hand, and stick out your pointer and middle finger in the shape of a "V" which is signing peace?
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Walkthrough Guide
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Click on the dresser drawers. Click on the top drawer. Get the pen. Close the drawer.
Click on the middle drawer. Click on the left-most towel to get the towel. Close the drawer and exit the dresser.
Click on the top of the dresser. Click on the shortest bottle to get the cold cream. Exit the dresser top.
Click on the stand with the mirror on it. Open the drawer by clicking on it.
Examine ("about item") the cold cream. Click on the top once to open it. Again to fully open it.
Examine the towel. Click on the cold cream jar and then click on the towel. The towel should gain a blob of cold cream.
Use the towel to wipe the pink spot in the drawer. This will reveal the word "anagram."
Exit the mirror stand.
Click on the bed's headboard near the pillow.
Click on the small item sticking up between the headboard and the bed near the wall.
You have retrieved the spray pump. Examine it to find "Near the Wall" written on it.
Exit the bed.
Turn Right, facing the wall with the door.
Click under the bed. Retrieve the box. Exit from under the bed.
Turn Right, facing the wall with the bookcase.
Click on the upper part of the display case (with the bottles and glasses). Click on the turned down corner of the wine label to retrieve the label. Exit the shelves.
Click on the lower cabinet. Click on the top left corner of the right-hand door to open it. Get the pitcher. Exit the cabinet.
Click on the low bookcase. Click on the second-from right box on lower shelf. Click on the item inside and retrieve the hourglass.
Click on the space between the two cabinets.
Examine the pen. Near the writing end you can see where it telescopes. Click there to extend it.
Use the extended pen to get the item you can see between the cases. You now have the screwdriver blade. Exit the bookcase entirely.
Turn right, facing the couch.
Click on the couch. Lift the right-hand cushion and click on the fuzzy lump which is revealed. You have retrieved the screwdriver handle. Exit the couch.
Click on the pictures.
Examine the wine label in your inventory. Click on the turned down corner. A word is revealed on the back, "monochrome". Click once more to turn the label back over. Close the wine label.
One of the photos is not colored, is, in fact, monochrome. It's the top center photo. Click on it.
Click on the top left corner. Click on the top right corner. Retrieve the key and exit the photos entirely.
Turn right towards the dresser again.
Click on the wastebasket under the mirror stand.
Examine the screwdriver handle in your inventory. Click on the screwdriver blade and then click on the handle to combine the pieces. Close the screwdriver.
Use the screwdriver on dark spot in the center of the lid of the wastebasket. Get the bottle from inside. Exit the wastebasket.
Click on the mirror stand. Use the gold key on the lock on the upper drawer. Retrieve the paper.
Turn to the right, facing the wall with the door again.
Examine the pitcher in your inventory. Click on its lid to reveal it's full of water.
Examine the hourglass. Click on the top of it once to pop off the "lid" and then click again to discard it.
Examine the bottle. Click on the spray pump and put it on the top of the bottle. Click on the sprayer to remove it from the bottle. Click on the pitcher and then click on the bottle to fill the bottle with water. Click on the hourglass and click on the spray pump to remove it, and then click on the bottle to add the red powder to the water.
Using the water bottle, spray the wall above the bed to reveal a message: "sing escape." Exit the message.
Examine the blue paper in your inventory.
It shows a leaf, an ambiguous symbol which could be anything and I couldn't match to anything, but we'll pretend it means "blue albums", and a wine glass.
This is the combination to the box you found under the bed. So, count the leaves on the wine label, the number of albums in the bookcase, and the number of wineglasses.
Examine the box and enter "8 3 2". Get the red item from within the box.
Examine the red item, click on it. It shows you a shiny end, and then if you click again, it gives you an entry screen. Click once on that.
The red box is looking for a single character. You will enter the character and click on the black button on its side.
Remember the word "anagram?" Yep. The writing on the wall is an anagram that represents the single character. Give it a shot.
Me either. Turns out the anagram is "peace sign". A "V", capital letter. Enter that and click the black button. Whaddya know, it's a key. Exit the key examination screen.
Click on the door. Use the key on the handle.
And you're done!
Posted by: Roger | July 23, 2008 1:09 AM