Like all great love stories, this one begins with the [arrow] keys. Left and right, to be specific, which controls the direction your devoted little robot trundles in. Initially, this is all you can do, which means you're going to spend a lot of time in the beginning fleeing from enemies. Find yourself painfully disintegrating in one too many pits of green acid? Ceiling-mounted, death-spitting aliens got you down? No problem; as you explore the area, you'll discover a number of power ups designed to make the journey for feline companionship a bit easier. From double-jumps to rockets to deadly lasers, er, lazorz, robot has a veritable mechanical arsenal out there if you can find it all.
The goal, of course, is to reach the kitty as fast as possible. Which sounds easy, right? I mean, it's right there where you start the game. But the way to kitty is paved with aliens, locked doors, acid pits, and more. You'll have to be ever vigilant, since a single hit will send your robot back to the start of the game (although you'll retain all your keys and abilities).
Analysis: Is there anything cuter than a tiny pixel robot, arms outstretched for feline friendship? Robot Wants Kitty is full of an old-school charm, from its deceptively simple gameplay to its adorable, retro graphics. The presentation is extremely minimalistic, and yet it still manages to tickle that part of your brain that finds pixels charming and engaging. That is, assuming you're over twenty years old and aren't confused and alarmed at the concept of anything that isn't fully rendered in 3D.
What isn't quite so charming is the instant warp-to-starting-point that occurs whenever you get damaged. It doesn't take long for it to wear out its welcome, veering rapidly from "mild inconvenience" to "it appears my laptop has caught on fire and become lodged within the neighbour's front lawn". Sure the enemies don't reset, but that's not the point. Having to trudge all the way back to where you were an instant ago just because you accidentally dipped a wheel into some corrosive green spit isn't fun, it's work. (Well, not my work. Robot work. Robot work sucks, apparently.) It makes you think the game would have been better off as a succession of progressively more elaborate levels rather than one enormous one. Update: Checkpoints have been added that make this previous paragraph moot.
But the game's biggest oversight is the complete lack of a save feature. Face it; rage quits happen. Or maybe you just don't have the time to complete the game within a single sitting. Whatever the case, the game doesn't allow you the option to pick up where you left off if you close the browser, so bear this in mind when beginning your steel journey.
Despite this, the gameplay is simple to pick up, but just challenging enough to provide a nourishing snack. Why, exactly, does Robot Want Kitty? Who wouldn't! Doesn't that stiff, jutting, pixel fur look warm and inviting to you? Just remember; "Beep, boop" is Robot for "LET ME REND YOUR NUBILE FLESH WITH MY STEEL PINCERS".
... uh, I mean... "I love you!"
Play the entire Robot Wants series...
Walkthrough Guide
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Robot Wants Kitty Walkthrough :
We need the keys to finish the game, so lets start!
go down and get the "J" box, enabling you to jump with Z.
With your new jump, go to the right and save by passing through that machine. A "robot pattern encoded!" should appear.
After that,
Go to the right, and with that platform on the top (you cant jump up with that tunnel below), avoid that monster and jump up to another platform . You should see the gun. Jump up to get it. You can press X to shoot lasers (or they say, shoot lazorz).
Jump down and kill that monster. go to the right, saving your game again. But you cant. Note that if you have already saved your game there and your current save position is there, you cant save again.
Go to the left, jumping up the platforms and shooting the monsters. stop when you see the green 'lake'. Dont drop into it, its kinda like acid. Jump up while shooting to kill that red monster in that small space at the left side.
Jump up into that space. Careful not to drop into the lake. Wait for the octopus to go up, then jump up. or you could take the chance when they are down to shoot them. Just shoot them. Then climb up.
Kill the three red monster on the top. See that green thing? You're on the right track.
Jump the platforms to the right and jump up. See the lot of monsters on the top? Then you're on the right track. jump down that hole on the right, then kill the two red monsters. Kill that brown eye monster (optional), but if you dont, you have to be really careful getting that double J box. It lets you jump again in midair by pressing X again.
Go to the right, jump the platforms, jump to the left, go up, (just go back to the place where you saw that green thing).
Double jump up, and get it. "you can open green gates now!" it says.
Go down a platform, jump to the platforms on the right, and jump up. You should see the lot of monsters again. go down the hole.
Now, when you land, jump to the right. Shoot the red monster on the right, then jump up. You should not touch the green acid. Jump up again, shoot the red monster on the left, go left, and save.
Go up the two squares, then jump left, landing on the platform just left of the acid, then double jump up to see some octopuses.
Jump up the squares, you might need to kill some octopuses to fully jump up. Then, you should come across a green wall. That's where the green key comes in. When you walk into it, it will automatically unlock and let you through. :-P
Jump up and kill the brown eye monsters, then jump down the hole. Go to the left, and shoot the blue octopuses when they come up. Go down, and you will see a box with a green arrow. You have unlocked the Dash rocket, pressing C to zip forward.
Dash to the left, then when you reach the ground, dash to the left again, then dash to the right. dashing saves time.Go down, and you will see the pool of green acid. Jump up and dash to the right.
Save your hard work and double jump up, then kill the red monsters. Jump up, and you will see a wall. jump up again, and jump up another time, and you will see a pool of acid with some octopuses. kill them, then dash to the right.
Jump up, and kill the WHOLE LOT of octopuses. just stand in the platform, kill the first row standing in the platform, then kill the second row. Killing the third row is optional. Jump up to the small space on the top left, then go to the left. Kill all the monsters, then go up. Take the red key, go down, till you reach the acid pool, then dash to the left.
Go down, and you will see a red wall. Unlock it, then go to the bottom tunnel. Unlock the green wall, then kill the monsters in the room. Unlock the red wall on the right, then go the the middle tunnel. Kill all the octopuses on the top, then brace yourself.
Unlock the red wall on the top right, then go down. Stay on the platform, and don't really go down. you will see a really big blue blob of slime made up of blue blobs.(pardon for this :-P). Dash to the right when the blue monster is at the left, unlocking the green walls. Go up, and get the box. Press X to annihilate. Go down, and stay in the tunnel. Hold X, defeating the monster EASILY.
Go to the left, jump up, and dash to the left. Dash to the left again, then go to the upper tunnel, going to the room. go up the tunnel, and jump up. Go the the upper tunnel now, then you should see a room with red monsters and octopuses. Go up, killing any monsters that is necessary to be killed to go up. Jump up to the top left tunnel, killing the red monsters.
Go to the left, kill the blue octopuses when they are below, and jump up. advance to the right and get the blue key. Kill the octopus when he is up.
Drop down to the bottom, then dash to the left. keep going until you each the 3-way junction, then go to the bottom right tunnel. Advance to the right, until you reach another 3-way junction,then take the bottom left tunnel. Kill the red monsters and the blue octopuses, and dash to the left. Kill all monsters, and get the rocket skywards box.
Dash to the right, go up to the 3 way junction, go to the left, reaching another 3-way junction. Take the tunnel on the left, you should see the pool of acid. Dash to the left, then when you reach the 3-way junction, take the top tunnel.
Go up, then when you reach the 4-way junction take the one on the top right. double jump up, not going near to the pool of acid, then take the top left tunnel. save your journey, then jump up the two squares. Now, rocket upwards, then rocket upwards again. Try not to hit any monsters. and go to the left, unlocking the blue wall.
Kill all the monsters in the room, then advance to the left. Drop down the whole, then go into the room. Kill all the monsters in the room then rocket upwards, then go the right. You should see a pool of acid. kill the blue octopus, then dash to the right. Note that you should go to the platform a level up the acid level, and not into the hole.
Jump up the platform, then wait for the octopus to go up. Kill them then drop down the hole. Kill every monster, then take the box. it enables you to shoot a rocket upwards,pressing X and the down arrow key to smash red bricks.
Shoot rockets up, fly up, shoot some more rockets up. jump up, then try ti kill the brown eye monsters with your rockets shooting up when they are not shooting. Unlock the blue platform, then go to the bottom.
Go to the right, then go to the bottom left tunnel. Go to the left, take the narrow road, then dash to the left. position the robot below the red bricks, then shoot them with your rockets. Fly up, then go left. Touch the kitty, and enjoy the animation.
Posted by: mentmentboy
March 13, 2010 11:35 AM