Ringmania 2

In this latest update to the connect-three game based on magnetism, control is now with the mouse allowing more freedom of movement as you try to eliminate all of the colored rings from each level's initial configuration.
Black spheres are magnetic and the floating colored rings will stick to them, as they will to other colored rings already attached. Tan spheres are not magnetic causing the rings to bounce off. Clear all the colored rings from the magnetic black spheres to move on to the next level.
The play field will begin to narrow making it more difficult as you progress, so try to clear a level as soon as you can. If it narrows too much you will lose a life. Three (3) lives is all you get to play in this refreshing new take on this familiar genre of casual game. Good fun!
JP has built an excellent website to promote the work of aspiring independent game developers. Be sure to check out the other games available at Pepere.org.
I am suprise no one has commented so far. Well, I gave this game a try and found myself enjoying it for about a half of an hour, maybe a bit less. Fun way to pass time, got about 6819 points. Calming music and fun sound effects. 4 out of 5, for what it is.
thanks for the new game. good to see that the pace has picked back up on your site (guess you finished that term papper).
loved the first version of this game. the new mouse controls took a while to get used to, but i like them now.
is it just me, or is there no way to enter a code and skip levels? it says "or enter code..." but there is no dialog box or a link. i'm confused
great game and thanks again
Hi jay, I really like all reviewed games lately. I don't really like all the point-and-click games(chronun is one of the exceptions) and those games that required too much which made up most of the reviewed games a while ago. But right now I like all the games on your main page =)
Cheers, Andrew! I appreciate the feedback. =)
I think the game would be a lot better if the colored rings didn't (seemingly) randomly change direction.
Gah...the ultimate frustration.
I got to
and gave up after about 10 tries. Once you get rid of a colour, the remaining ones on the screen just come back and cling on again, and because the piece you control is so wide, you can't stop them. If the rings didn't double back and follow you around for 3 minutes it would be nicer.
Oh and to Mikey, when you want to enter a code, just type it in at the main page. Make sure you click on the game window first to get focus though. If you get it right, then it will bring you to that level.
Mordecai - try using the tan spheres to 'bump' the unwanted colors out of play. =)
i tried that level using the
code and faild miserably
Jay-in that level there are no tan spheres.
Passwords for levels 2 3 4 5
Not a lot of passwords but it's a start.
> Jay-in that level there are no tan spheres.
Oops, my bad. Then I would have to agree with the 'frustration' comment. =)
I got to "thebigone" and for the life of me, i can't finish the level. crazy hard!
ive done all the levels up to 21:
if you are stuck on
then the next three are:
very good game, but that last one there is just too frustrating... i quit... (was fun though...)
YAY!! finally finished...
the last two levels are:
the last one is not too hard, just requires the right stratagey and lots of patience...
UMBRELLAA is insane!!
And why does this thing keep getting narrower? Isn't it hard enough without that?
I love this game
Some tips: The key to survival is to eliminate rings of a particular color as soon as possible, so that they don't reappear. On some levels, you can get away with flicking unwanted rings away, but on others, the best way to remove unwanted rings is to make a little outcropping of rings that are connected to a black sphere by two rings of a color that you can easily pop and remove. Minimize the number of flying rings at a given moment, so that random rings don't stick in places you don't want.
At some point, when you have a good portion of the playing field cleared, start concentrating on removing the bottom most rings, and ignore rings that accumulate at the top, which are easier to clear because stray rings drop from the top.
On the last level, accuracy and patience are the most important skills. Attach unwanted rings to the outer sides, and slowly attack the inside rings in order of accessibility, from top down. Don't flick rings away.
wow, i loved it... great great!!!