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Resort Empire

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Rating: 4.5/5 (699 votes)
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Resort Empire

satoriWe fans of resource management sims have always been something of an odd bunch. Sometimes it seems we'll stop at nothing to please our tiny pixelated friends, whether it be researching Emery Boards Level 5, upgrading to Trendy Lamp Store, or just buying that last garden feature to improve their quality of life in every possible way. Rejoice, because Little Giant World has brought us a delightful new resort management simulation, and we can finally put away the exquisitely-detailed dollhouses and model train sets of yesteryear.

Resort EmpireThe interface is very easy to use (just point and click), and going through the Tutorial is definitely recommended. Not only will it clarify everything very easily, but it will start you on a series of achievement goals that reward you with much-needed development cash on completion. You'll start out making sure your guests have some rooms to rent, and preferably the ability to get to them. Despite the walls in the graphic layout, rest assured that rooms are approachable from all sides. You'll also want to add janitorial stations that each provide a radius of maintenance, keeping the property looking great and ensuring that your guests' mood remains high.

From there, you'll be able to place various Facilities and unlock even more through the course of the game. Sushi bar? We've got that. Swimming pools? Golf courses? Yup, even full-on video arcades. Your compound — er, resort — will come to resemble a shopping mall eventually, but a reinvented mall where it's all done right and guest satisfaction is actually Priority One! Each guest has a set of their own particular interests, and making sure they're accommodated with the right facilities drastically affects your rating. This is especially true of prominent VIP guests, indicated by an aura of bright sparklies around them. Refugees from a certain teen vampire franchise? Users of radioactive body products? Who knows! But just look at 'em, puttering around bein' all Very Important and stuff! You can tell 'em right at a glance.

Resort EmpireThe developer has been hard at work debugging the game and responding to user requests, so you'll find all sorts of niceties like the ability to turn off the daily report event, multiple game speeds, and the ability to grow your property once you have the funds. Between upgrading your rooms, adding new facilities and making sure everything's being well-maintained, Resort Empire is hours of absorbing fun for any resource management fan interested in crafting the perfect life for their virtual townsfolk. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I can hear my dog begging me to feed him.

Play Resort Empire


How do you keep janitors happy? I've only got two rooms and an ice cream stand and with six janitors at two fully upgraded janitor's rooms and they are all still constantly tired and unhappy.

ThemePark April 11, 2013 9:08 PM

When exiting the game, it tells you that unsaved data will be lost. But how do you save? I don't see any save icon anywhere on the screen, nor in Settings.

ThemePark April 11, 2013 9:17 PM

Alrighty, wish the game explained that at the beginning though. Thanks, Satori. :)


I've just discovered you can have up to 3 janitors working per janitor room. Maybe they kept getting tired because they were working 24 hours shifts!

singsurf April 12, 2013 5:18 AM

Not sure it really matter if the janitors get tired. I think they just rest, which means stop working for a bit.


Well, I was going to come here to gush about this, because it totally ate up my evening.

Then I got the last expansion, and the game hung up. Going to try again.

Janitors are the key to everything. It's a strength of the game, and a rather confusing rabbit-hole in the in-game explanation.


Okay, cleared cache. Still nothing. The plugin container is only a fraction of what this computer can handle, it just hangs on initializing objects -- originally on redrawing the paths.

Anyway, the interface is so good that the pitfalls stick out. And tiny as they are, the graphics keep the speed consistent as opposed to the flash sims with vertical stacking (e.g. Theme Hotel.) Apparently unlike the latter the janitors don't have to clean the rooms. Saves us on data crunch, but makes the janitors kind of superfluous.

One question besides janitors -- I've gotten fully upgraded janitors who stay grumpy, cue thoughts on unions -- some customers are sadfaced because they can't afford their booths. No clue what to do with that info.

My protips:

I opened two fitness centers early on to address demand. Otherwise, place the janitor booths first, whose territory can expand by two more tiles outward. 12 cottages in the beginning was plenty -- I was tempted to call in a Dealmaker to fill those rooms. By the time the lodges are activated, you'll begin seeing sell-out danger, with non-booking guests increasingly coming in just for the facilities.

Besides the mystery of the janitors, clear sizes of blocks need to be listed out for the different booths. (Potential walkthrough ideas?) They don't deviate from 2x2 and 1x1 until around five stars, but it forced me to demolish some experienced booths to change my layout. The expansion also went north, instead of adding it to the whole perimeter, spoiling my plans. There's no archive of alerts either (that I found), so you can't turn away from the screen at all.


Tips unfolding as you do things was kind of head-scratching -- I still have one tip blocked out. Some water features besides plants would've been cool too -- still not clear on what exactly a grass tile does. I wish there'd have been more to discover in terms of, say, tiles interacting with guest mood. Do the sprites lose interest in their wants if they walk too long? Are the guests really paying a flat rate regardless of nights stayed?

Otherwise, the animations are delightful, the sprites are funny (and varied, big kudos!), the data comes at you in a rather useful packets. The game also *unfolds*, which adds a bit of discovery to it. Tips and the challenges were the only things that didn't ramp up smoothly.


This is kind of silly, but does anyone know how to get Tip #10? It still shows a question mark. Also, I cannot get the "Super developer" achievement. Could be a bug? I've built all the facilities and my popularity is 90%.


Restarted and made it to Day 96. All is well! Apparently I hit some combination of bugs in saving -- do NOT do anything else when expanding the map. In general, wait for animations to complete before hitting any buttons.

No, this is the deal with Super Developer.

If you demolished all your cottages, build another one. It will only count what you have on the field.

Essentially this game has no memory of past achievements.

A note on plants

I am face to face with a New Challenge of planting 120 plants. I don't need the extra money, but if you're into getting those checkmarks, be aware that you shouldn't go forward with grand plans to fill the map before planting a forest.


Alas. Lobby (all check-in and -out), deleting paths (using either method), and about 50 visitors' worth of data just disappeared. Eventually everyone is going to pile into the lobby. Incidentally Flash just asked for permission to store data from images.jayisgames.com, which is odd because JiG gets a lot of storage already, and my cache is recently cleared.

Basically if you get caught doing several commands (I was using the deletion tool) when auto-save kicks in, if that data is corrupted, it's corrupted forever. Methinks this still has bugs.

It's still a lot of fun, if you can ignore that these visitors really don't pay per night stayed, and they don't seem to be charged if they were at a facility at closing time. And the janitor alerts. The Challenges very badly need to be scaled better if there's no interaction besides mood-rings and careful placement of facilities to max profit/availability. Another one not quite ready for primetime.


Oops posted too quick. I have also seen sprites decide they want something, and fail to turn around to the nearest facility right next to them. I assume they can find their respective rooms only because there's one of them.

Conclusion: Hotel California.


Hi Shudog, I'm sorry you continue to encounter issues with this. I sent a bug report to the developers after your first report when you bought the final expansion, and they sent over an update, but I didn't roll it out immediately then since it won't read any old save data, you'd have to start over.

Based on your continued issues and with corrupted save data, I decided to upload the new version (1.4) here. Hopefully others who play it will have better luck with it than you did.

We waited for a few weeks to publish this review for the initial bugs to get fixed, since we encountered them while play testing the game for review, but I guess we still jumped the gun on this one, and I apologize for that.


Thanks muchly Jay! All the bugs were fairly late in gameplay, anyway, so it could just be my own system choking on it; I did try to restart and clean to eliminate that possibility. It's addictive enough that I'll probably start over -- the speed multiplier and ability to run it in the background make restarts fairly painless. Y'know, unless you forget where you wanted to build that one cottage.


Will I lose entire game data from v1.3 to v1.4, or only unsaved activity since the last save at midnight?


Unfortunately, old data will be erased if you played prior to the recent update.


Too bad - Tks for the info, I will go ahead and start over. I have enjoyed the game so far.

blackrose0602 May 1, 2013 12:07 AM

how do you unlock the resort expansion to lvl 3 50 x 50?

ghifari.rahadian June 8, 2013 8:52 AM

it is a fun game for me. I've been playing it for around 5 hours and get all my awards and max stars already B)

One question:

how many missions the game actually has? I got stuck in a mission to plant 90 plants but I realized it was impossible to did that without demolishing a big part of my resort, which contradicts with my previous mission 'have 200 people using facilities in one day' :|



Yeaaah, but the other problem is having to demolish leveled up facilities and/or their walkway access. By the time that mission comes up, you are likely out of any kind of room to do it. The missions are kind of random.

I don't have my old game file, but I believe you're close to the end of the mission list, ghifari.


Bizarre glitch. Under halfway through, some of the visitors started to freeze up. I restarted after the save point -- and all the visitors disappeared. The rooms said they were occupied, but there was no indication of visitors, from any spending to pop-up windows to room availability. The other sprites continued on, like the janitors and the disappointed incoming visitors (the resort was to capacity), but time just sped on without any new revenue. Did all the usual clearing/restarting to try to jumpstart.

Weird stuff, that Flash.


Aw! This time made it all the way to 100% before all the guests went to limbo. There's this one lone guy in the Stephen King world who does seem to exist in that pop-up sense, but he's frozen in place. New guests are able to arrive. But if a booth/room was occupied before, it remains occupied forever. Perpetual queue! I guess there's no trouble saving, there's just trouble loading after a save.



It is good game but it have some problems like we can not move our building after building them and we can not set our resort.So i suggested that i will expand my resort to its max and then i will build all of facilities and i collected $125000 to unlock the expansion but when i collected the money the expansion was locked.


how do you pick up the money on the floor??


jay, when i want to upgrade my facility, the yellow button cant be click. why?


I'm on day 130, and have 11 stars, but I cannot get the last (first?) achievement "ENTER THE CREDIT". How on earth do you achieve this?? Instead of describing the requirements (like all of the other achievements) it just says "Nice to meet you!"

My inner perfectionist wants the last trophy!


In response the question of how many missions there are, there are 94 missions (although the last one is a freebie, simply "all missions completed")

Regarding the question of how to unlock final expansion, above: you simply need the money, it is $125,000.

Regarding my own question of how to get the final Achievement "enter the credit": As far as I can tell this cannot be done. I completed the game with all resort stars, 4.4 million dollars, and all missions completed and still did not get this achievement. After 186 days, I'm outta here.


Hello, I know not speak English then I am using the google translator.
   I play resort empire and the level Expansion 3 unlocks I'm not on 247 with $ 3,026,378 in cash and 100% popularity. what I do to unlock?

Anon September 10, 2015 10:03 PM replied to andr01d


Enter the credit. Think literally. Very literally. You should get that from just even reading the hints.

If you REALLY can't figure it out:

Click settings, then click Credits. Really obvious.

amy September 26, 2015 3:04 AM replied to Opal

Hi There is this object that I think its rubbish but its every where and if it rubbish I have heaps of janitors and all leveled up but there still there and I cant get ride of them how do you get ride of them

andr01d October 8, 2015 12:43 PM replied to Anon

No really, that had me stumped.

andr01d October 8, 2015 12:45 PM replied to andr01d

To anyone still suffering with ENTER THE CREDIT
It is supposed to read "VIEW THE CREDITS" :)
Where would this world be without Engrish????


For those of you still trying to unlock tip 10:

(Spoilered just in case)
Press the "H" key. (scroll cursor) You should unlock tip 10 if you haven't already, which is about keyboard shortcuts.


Can you please tell me how to do the "served your first meal" thing becouse i dont know how to do it :(


How do you do the served your first meal? I dont know how :(


does anyone know how do you keep customers happy? what if they are angry what do you do?

lol its me the game reviewer October 6, 2019 12:56 PM

How do you get the other rooms? Whenever I look at them, it says 19 and 15 on them.


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