Analysis: Probably the simplest way to describe this game is "sadistically pleasant." Honestly, it's a very slow-moving game, if you're good at it. And the delightful pings and twangs the dots make when they hit the paddles is soothing, almost like wind chimes—random, and increasing as the wind picks up. But when your score gets into the hundreds, you've got over a dozen balls flying around, and you're scrambling around like mad trying to keep everything in play, you notice the demonic side of the game. After you lose, you can't help but say to yourself (or out loud, to each his own), "Ouch… I could probably do better." And then you play again. And again. And that high score is just tempting you, waiting to be beaten. And even when you do beat it, you still want to beat it again. Receiver IK is easy to play and aesthetically simple, with vector-like graphics and soothing sound effects, but the evil challenge is what keeps you coming back for more.
Cheers to Ishii for another delightful game!
1st! and its a good game
Holy. That thing is hard. Especially if yo hit ten or so. Wow. A real frenzy.
it was a little glitchy when i played it. when there got to be about four or five of them on the board, i'd have to hit the dots three or four times before it would respond.
A warning to Chrome users, it doesn't work. Unless it's just me. I'd love to play it though.
It doesn't work unless you have flash player 1O
I like it, simplistic, and fun. I noticed a glitch when I first played, it seems there are a few pixels difference between the paddle and where the ball hits it, although it's not that much of a problem. 200 score, and 9 or more balls.. I think I could do better..
Cool game, but there were a few things I didn't like, such as the colors: the green-and-black scheme had my eyes itching in just a couple of minutes. Also, the balls would sometimes not bounce on the pads if those were moving too fast. When you start, that doesn't really matter, as you can just strech the arm and hit the ball, but as you play on, things get quite frantic, and this bug could cost the game.
Other than that, it was very enjoyable, especially when there were over 10 balls on the field! This must be the best Pong remake I've ever seen.
Hmm... very interesting. I kept wanting to smack the dots, instead of just block them.
The simplistic paddle physics makes it pretty easy to score your way up to the 200's
You can back your paddle up to a ball to push them forward. You can never hit the ball with a paddle's backside to push them further back.
The graphics of the arms are done very nicely. Other than that its very nonexciting gameplay. Cant figure it would be mentionworthy, if the arm graphics werent done so nice.
Nice - one of those few games that are terrific but that I wouldn't want to play more than once.
a fun little time-waster, though my games usually never last more than a minute or two.
I like the little tunes that generate when there's a bunch of balls =)
It just flashes loading, start, game over at turbo speed.
Can you say herding cats?
Not bad, simple game, interesting gameplay, but I don't think its one that you go back and play again and again