PonPon House 3 - Komorebi

Like most point-and-click games, you use the mouse to look around your environment. No pixel hunting at all in this game; if you can click on something, it will highlight when you move your mouse over it, and the clickable area will be large and obvious. In one place the game even calls your attention to an area by making a ladybug crawl over it.
The difficulty in this game is solely in the puzzles, which require some note taking and maybe even making a screen capture or drawing to remember a clue. There isn't really any math. For the most part, it's figuring out what clue goes where, and using spatial logic.
The camera is a little awkward at times, but it just means a little backtracking to get your bearings. The Komorebi house is awash in pastels and cute details, and the relaxing music and birdsong of the soundtrack will bring spring to you, even if the weather where you are isn't cooperating (just yet). Enjoy and escape to PonPon House!
Play PonPon House 3 - Komorebi
Thanks to Airforbes for sending this one in!
Walkthrough Guide
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PonPon House 3 - Komorebi Walkthrough /hint-through
Firstly, look everywhere you can and click on everything - the cursor helpfully changes to indicate things you can interact with.
Click on birdcage. Click lock at top of cross to gain access to bird. Note colour of flower on egg. (this changes each game).
Climb stairs. Examine second shelf recess. Click on pig.
Climb stairs further. Examine third shelf recess. Doesn't it look familiar? And hasn't the pig made a mess?
Dressing Table
Click on the chair to move it out of the way. Note you can now depress the buttons around the edge. Where have we seen something like this before?
If you return to look at the table in the sitting room some dots will now be coloured green.
Depress buttons on dressing table to match those coloured white on the table. The drawer should open when you are successful. You may need to think in terms of mirror image...
There are a number of items in the drawer, each with a number on the reverse... where might we need these?
Milk Bottle
If you click on the bottle and move your cursor to the right you can see how full the bottle is... Make a note of the amount. (strangely the increments go up in 4's). Where might you be able to use this number?
Look at the glass flower on the windowsill. Alter the number under the strawberry to match the amount of milk in the strawberry-topped bottle.
It's 156.
Now click on the green plant to the right of the strawberry house. A ball will drop from the flower which the rabbit will push into the house. I wonder what this activates?
Little people holding hands
Clicking on the people causes them to raise and lower their hands.
The book on the windowsill behind the bed explains why you might want to do this.
The order to click them for me worked out as ABCDEFC.
After moving the pig from the shelves on the stairway he appears in the cupboard in the hall eating a doughnut...
Flower Shelf
If you now look at the shelf with the flowers, a ball will emerge from the first flower. You choose where the rabbit puts it by clicking on a different flower. But which one to choose?
Don't worry. If you get it wrong you can always return to the glass flower/strawberry house on the top floor and click on the green plant to get another try.
Where else have we seen a brightly coloured flower?
You need to choose the flower which corresponds to the one on the egg in the birdcage. The front door will now open if you got it right.
Outside - right of the front door
Follow the path all the way round to the right until you reach the bird steps.
Climb the steps and startle the pig.
You will now be able to go through the blue door in the sitting room.
Outside - left of the front door
Follow the path all the way round to the left until you reach the fence.
Examine the fence.
You can move two parts of the fence.
Click and drag the fence panel to move it out of the way and gain access to a new area.
There is a metal plate on the ground but you can't open it yet...
There is also a panel on the wall you can remove to gain access to a series of taps with pink dots on them which you can move.
The taps look strangely like a pattern. Where might you have seen a pattern like that before?
Getting onto the roof
There is a grey door by the metal plate on the ground outside. Open it and go upstairs.
Climb the ladder. You will need to have solved the little people holding hands puzzle to get through the gate at the top.
Work your way around the dome.
You will see a pink drawing on the brick on one of the sides - click on it to look at the egg sculpture on the roof.
Click on the egg and it will smash to the floor onto the metal plate.
Click on the beachball to knock it down to the pool below.
To exit the roof you need to click the lever then quickly click ahead while the gate is open.
Metal plate puzzle
Once you are able to lift the plate you will see three bean shapes.
Where have we seen these before?
Click on the leftmost white button to lift the beans from their spaces. You need to put them in the correct order. Where can we find the order?
The beans correspond to the cushions on the sofa.
This is the correct order ^-^ >-< ^--.
When you have them in the correct order the leftmost white button will turn into a sun. Now you need to colour them in the correct colours. But where do we find information about what colours to use?
The clue can be found under the black cat on the windowsill upstairs.
The order is yellow, light blue, bright pink. Then click on the rightmost white button. The beans should turn green.
Tap puzzle
The book on the windowsill behind the bed explains why you might want to do make the taps work, but it doesn't explain what to do with them.
You also cannot complete it without first completing the bean puzzle under the metal plate.
You need to think where else you have seen a pattern like the taps.
The pink dots on the tap match the rug in the sitting room.
You need a good viewpoint of the rug to be able to find out where ALL the dots go.
The best place to see the rug is from the mezzanine landing (click on the ladybird which appears on the railings).
Is the table obscuring your view? If so, you need to find a way to get it out of the way.
Push over the table on the 3rd shelf recess. This will do the same in the sitting room. You should now be able to see all of the rug from the mezzanine. (you'll need to put the table back in the correct place on the shelf to get back into the sitting room afterwards).
You now have the code you need for the taps. Blue lines will appear when you are correct, and the pool will fill with water.
How to get into the cupboard in the hall with the green handle?
Where else have we seen a green tap like the door handle?
Under the hatch on the mezzanine floor.
The dots around the doughnut correspond to 10 degree increments. We can turn the dots on and off, but which ones?
Remember the items in the dressing table drawer? They all has numbers on the backs which were multiples of 10, could they have anything to do with it? Which ones should we choose?
What could tell us which items are the correct ones to use with the doughnut?
Something downstairs in the sitting room, maybe?
On a shelf on the wall with the red and white wallpaper (that looks like a picnic cloth, at matches the pattern under the hatch) are three jars containing items which correspond to items in the drawer.
They are apple, lollipop, orange.
Apple = 240, lollipop = 120, orange = 000
I agree that this is the bit which is confusing. The protractor in the cupboard in the hall implies that either the left or right-hand yellow dots would be 000. However, you treat it as if it was a compass, therefore N (or the uppermost yellow dot) = 000.
Click the uppermost yellow dot, the second white dot after the yellow dot on the right, and the second pink dot under the yellow dot to the left.
The buttons should all depress and a circle appear around the button at the top.
Click the button. You should now be able to open the cupboard in the hall with the green handle.
Go look in the cupboard, then return to the sitting room.
The person asleep upstairs has woken up!
Final stage
You will now be outside by the pool. Click on the little person and he will do exercises.
Click on the ball and he will play catch with it.
Click on the inflatable ring and he will float in the pool. This seems to be the ending you're looking for!
Posted by: xadoc
March 11, 2010 5:33 PM
I've heard people asking for another walkthrough, so I wrote one. And thanks to xadoc, his walkthrough helped me out!
Hopefully I do a good job, the navigation in this one gets kind of tricky.
You start facing the back of a green couch. Click right, then click the arrow in front of you. Click left, and you see a giant biscuit and a birdcage. Click the birdcage, then click the door of the cage. There is a latch above the cross. Click it to open the cage. Click the chick, and he falls over. Click under the chick, and you see an egg with a flower on it. Remember the colors. (They change every game.)
Back up from the cage until you see the flower table with the orange on it. Click it a couple times to zoom in, and note the dots at the top.
Back up from the table a couple times. Notice that the green sofa looks like a pea pod. Turning left, you see a blue door that you can‘t open for some reason.
Turn yourself around so you're facing the white double doors (with the hat to the right). Go through them. There's another door (with a fancy flower design) in front of you that you can't go through. To the left of that door is a shelf with a bunch of potted flowers.
Turning right from the fancy flower door, you see a couple of cabinets. Ignore the right-hand one. The cabinet on the left, however, is of interest to us. Click its green handle and notice that you can't open the door.
Facing the fancy flower door again, turn left. You see two more cabinets. Open the taller one. (Oink!) You see a donut on a shelf, and also a protractor-type-thing with a bunch of numbers on it. Ignore the protractor, you don‘t need it. But keep in mind the number of degrees in a circle.
After closing the donut cabinet door, click the white double doors to leave.
I trust you to get yourself in front of the stairs on your own. Go up the stairs until you see a shelf on your left with a fish, pear, etc. Click the shelf to inspect it. Now click that sweaty piggy!
Now go up the stairs again and look at the next shelf you come to. There's the piggy again, and he made a mess.
Back up and move up onto the landing. Look over the railing. Notice that pattern on the rug? You might want to write that down, or better yet take a screen shot of it. That pattern will come up later on.
Back up from your overhead view of the rug. Move forward a little, and you see a square trap door on the floor in front of you. Move forward and open it up. Hey, a donut! Notice the green thing in the middle of the donut. I bet this opens that cabinet downstairs. Notice also that there are red, yellow, and white buttons to push around the edge. 36 buttons, to be exact.
Backing up from the donut buttons, you see a curvy white arrow. Click it to get yourself upstairs. Your cursor is a crosshairs now, for some reason I have yet to fathom.
Let's explore the sunroom a little, starting with that end table by the sleeping… thing. Click the end table to zoom in, the click and drag to twist the bottle around. Click the bottle to zoom in, and look at the measuring marks on it. Note that they go in increments of four. Remember the level the milk is at, you'll need it later.
Back up from the end table and go right. You see a tulip thingie with a book beside it. Open up the book. The little people in there tell you that arms up means unlocked. Remember this, you'll need it soon. (If you wish, click the rectangle below the figures to see what's being unlocked.) Flip the pages of the book a couple times and see… three seeds, some snowflakes, and a pool filling with water. Mysterious.
Back away from the book and go right. You see a kitty and a vase. Zoom in. Click the kitty to lift him, then click the colorful items under him. Remember those faces and the colors that go with them.
Back up from the colorful items you found under the kitty. Go right. Here's where you use that information from the book. Click the human figures to zoom in on them. You need to click them in a specific order to get all their arms raised. If you really want to know, the order is
You've now unlocked… some gate you most likely haven't seen yet.
Back up from the alphabet people and go right. You see a plastic flower and a little strawberry house. Zoom in, then click the flower a couple more times until you see a tiny strawberry and a dial with numbers, going by increments of four. Remember the number you got from the milk bottle? Now's the time to use it. In case you forgot, the number is
Enter that number and click the tiny strawberry. You now see the flower and house. Click the little green plant to the right of the strawberry house, and a ball should come out and be pushed into the house. Notice that you're shown a flash of the shelf of potted flowers from downstairs.
Back up from the strawberry house, and go right. You should see a table with a mirror on it. Zoom in a couple of times. Notice that there are a bunch of dots in a semi-circle on the table. Where have you seen those before?
Head all the way back downstairs. If you find that a table is blocking your way, return to the shelf where you saw the pig overturn the table, and set the table right. Now you should be able to get back downstairs.
Go back to the flower table with the semicircle of dots on it. Magically, a pattern has appeared. Write down the pattern, or take a screen shot.
While you're down here, you might as well take a look at the couch. The pillows now have three faces on them. Remember their order (and note that they're also upside-down). Also, recall those colorful items from under the kitty.
Go back to the upstairs sunroom and find the mirror table again. It's time to push some buttons. (But don't forget to pull out the chair first.)
Remember the pattern on the table downstairs? This is where you use it. But this is a mirror table, so the pattern is inverted. If you really want to know how to push the buttons, with the pushed ones being P and not pushed being N:
from right to left: N, P, P, N, P, N, P, P, P, N, N, N
You should now see a drawer with a watermelon, teacup, etc. On the backs of these items are numbers. These numbers go with the donut puzzle under the trap door. Remember that the buttons around the donut are red, white, and yellow. And also that there's a donut. From the drawer, pick out the food (not drink) items that are red, yellow, and white. (Note: the watermelon is pink, not red.) Copy down the numbers from the food items.
Head to the donut puzzle at the top of the stairs. If you've opened the mirror table's drawer upstairs, you should have everything you need to solve it. Just remember that a circle has 360 degrees.
The buttons around the donut are placed at intervals of ten. The top button is 0, the next one clockwise from it is 10, the nest is 20, and so on. Push the buttons according to the numbers you got from the drawer. The numbers are
240, 000, and 120
Click the flashing button above the donut, and you've unlocked the green-handled cabinet!
Head back downstairs and through the white double doors again. (You can now open the green-handled cabinet, but it's useless.)
Zoom in to the flowery shelf to the left of the fancy door. If you've done the plastic flower/strawberry house puzzle in the sunroom, then you should see a bunny with a ball. Remember waaay back, when you saw that flower on the egg? Remember the colors? This is where you use them. Click the flower that's the same color as the one on the egg.
Now you can get out the fancy door! But you're not done yet.
Once outside, click left a couple of times until you see the ocean on the left and a short brick wall on the right. Go forward until you see a little set of steps by the brick wall. Climb them to get to the pool area, and see the pig by the blue door. So that's why you couldn't open it! Click the pig to scare him away.
From your view of the blue door, back up twice, then follow the arrows until they lead you to a fence. One of the fence's boards can be knocked off, and another board cam be swung up by clicking and dragging. (Note: If you can't do any of this, you're probably at the wrong fence. Turn yourself around and keep going till you hit another one. All these arrows and turning can get confusing.)
You should now be able to go over the fence. Go forward a couple times until you see a tan rectangle peeking out of the grass to your left. You can't get into it. Move forward some more until you see the other fence, and some handles in the brick wall to its left. Zoom in and click the handles. This is where the pattern from the rug comes in. Turn those handles so they look like the pattern on the rug. You should see a flashing yellow light. You‘ve still got stuff to do.
Back up from the rug puzzle and go back the way you came until you reach that fence you wrecked. There's a door to the right of it. Go through it, and up the stairs. Now go up the ladder.
You should now be on the roof. Click that yellow thing on the right. It's a chick, sitting on the gate you unlocked with the ABC puzzle. Open it up, and go forward. Pay close attention to the bricks on your left. See that little white marking? It's the finial on top of the dome. Click up there, then click the very top part so it falls (right onto that thing you couldn't open).
Continue on your merry way around the roof. When you come to a green ball, knock it down. Keep moving forward until you reach the other gate. Click the lever at the bottom of the screen top open the gate, then quickly move forward before it closes. You can now head back down to the ground.
Once you reach the bottom of the stairs from the roof, click to go forward, then click the bottom of the screen to see the box thing you couldn't open earlier. Click both handles, and see that you can now open it.
Click the white button on the left to lift up the beans. Put then in the order you saw on the couch.
You should now see a bunch of colored drops. Remember those colored tiles under the kitty? Use those colors here. (Some of the colors are similar, so if it's not working, try a similar color.) The colors are:
Yellow (3rd from left), Blue (3rd from right), Pink (far left)
Click the other white button, and the beans turn green.
Go back to the rug puzzle. Click the now-blue button in the middle, and the puzzle lights up. You've now filled up the pool!
Go back into the main house. You can now open the blue door. Go through the white double doors, check out the green-handled cabinet, then leave through the double doors again. The little guy woke up!
Click the little guy so he does stretches.
Click the green ball so he plays with it.
Click the inner tube so he gets into it.
And you're done!
This took me so long to write. ;_; If anyone finds any mistakes, let me know.
Posted by: nerdypants
March 19, 2010 3:59 AM