But wait! OMGplottwistOMG! There are two characters that you have to guide to the exit! And most of the time, you'll have to guide them through separate routes, due to some exquisite level designs that require teamwork to get through. (Time Raider or A Good Hunch! anyone?)
Even better, Platform is a serial game, and each week brings a new level to pass. It even has a plot! The two characters awake to discover that they are in a strange factory-type place with no recollection as to how they got there. With each level, the story unfolds a little more, but not much. So far, 20 levels have been released, and the characters are just starting to realize what is going on.
Use the [arrow] keys to move around, [Z] to jump and [space] to switch characters. The more sinister among you can use [A] and [D] to move and period to jump, if you prefer. Activate switches by stepping on them. Avoid anything that looks sharp or energetic, and stay clear of descending platforms, lest you get smooshed.
Analysis: Like I mentioned before, I really dig the level design of Platform. In most cases, you'll need to switch between characters multiple times per level, in order to activate the requisite switches to allow both to reach the exit. In addition, some levels don't have any safe resting spots, so you'll have to switch between the characters just to make sure they keep away from the moving hazards. Every time I think I have a level figured out, some other element pops up to keep me on my feet. The boxy, industrial feel and the mechanized sound effects add a wonderful atmosphere to the already top-quality levels.
My one, tiny, minor, insignificant quibble has to do with the responsiveness of the controls. It's difficult to land on some of the smaller platforms, yet very easy to fall off. But I'm far too excited about the future installments to let myself get worked up over this minor detail.
*OK, so you can't really "continue" a theme if there's only been one game so far that meets it. So I guess I'm initiating the theme. And everyone knows that that last game was really about muffins anyway. (This one is secretly about Jackalopes.)
TypeKey went crazy on my PC and it's now in Spanish %&.
And I simply can't wait for the next episodes!
I've been playing this game every Sunday for the last few weeks (and the whole archive) and I've found it really great. The actual platform mechanics and everything are just slightly better than average, but the story and method of delivery are all great, plus the puzzles are nicely designed to take advantage of flicking between the two guys.
Whoa! Just awesome! Indeed great level design. I like that the controls are somewhat different than your normal game. Adds another little bit of difficulty. Too bad I know I'm going to forget about this game soon enough, and won't be able to play the other levels which will be added.. I want to play more of those levels, and certainly want to figure out the story!
Maqrkk - That's what the Favorites feature is for! Just drag the icons to add or delete games from the favorites box that appears on the left of every page.
Or, you can click this link to add the Platform Game automatically.
WOW!! So fun and challenging!! The storyline makes it addicting, too. I loved level 20. The whole thing makes me think of some sci-fi training ground, and from the part of the plot revealed already, that's probably not too far off. I can't wait for the next one. This is definately going into my favorites.
Adobe really just hates me. I've launched both Firefox and Safari in Rosetta emulation, and I still get that TechNote saying I need to relaunch in Rosetta to download Shockwave. Thanks, Adobe.
Very addictive. I beat level 20, the hardest part was falling from the top level to the middle level. Not much of a secret but....
Only use one guy to hit all the buttons. The other guy isn't necessary. Then just time all your jumps so you can easily jump over the buzzsaws.
Much fun. The story reminds me of Portal (trapped in a series of sick puzzles with no idea why.) I'll agree that the controls can be a little squirrelly, but I've never felt like I had to restart a level because of a control issue. It's a lot of fun after I got used to the controls and was able to switch characters without thinking.
While the controls are indeed "squirrelly" and I've had to restart *several* times, the game's storyline is keeping my viciously hooked. It's so fun... even restarting a level (literally) twenty times from twitchy controls, I couldn't stop.
Dear god, why is this game so addictive?!
Thanks for the tip Jay, I will make very good use of that function from now on.
A nice feature would be some REAL 2-player levels. Yes, I know, it would kinda ruin the whole synchronize-two-dudes-at-the-same-time vibe, but t'would be nice to cooperatively play a platform game with a friend.
Awesome feel to the game. Lots of fun, slightly frustrating and very addicting, so a great blend. Still, I slide so much you'd think my character was running on slick ice with greasy shoes. A small amount of the frustration comes from landing on platforms and sliding off into plasma. Also, I can't believe I can't map my keys exactly how I want them, particularly since the best part of the game is having to quickly switch characters to keep one little guy from certain death. A note to all flash developers: Unless a specific key configuration is integral to the gameplay, please try to always include key mapping in your games.
These small faults aside, I love it. I hope it goes on forever (maybe not but I hope it's a good ending!)
I like it a lot, but I can't seem to find a way to save my game so I can come back to it later, or to select a level so I can bypass the ones I've completed. Am I missing it? Or do I have to go back and replay all the ones I have already done just to get something new?
OK, I found the "play any previous level" button. Now they just need a way to return to the menu from within a level.
I bookmarked the archive, so...
Way to difficult if you ask me...
Gah! Ran out of levels!!
NO! There must be more levels!
Make more levels!
Make them faster!!
I found the game on the 16th through one of the "Worth the trip" links (can't remember which one though, shame on me) and wondered why it wasn't on JIG yet :D
Gorgious game, I'm really in love with the hinted storyline, which makes you ignore the sometimes... headstrong controls.
excellent excellent excellent.
Apart from it being a rather fun game to play (it reminded me of Flashback which I loved when it came out) the episodic nature of the game and the narrative intertwined works so well, especially how closely that dynamic is set up within the characters themselves and their situation.
My only gripe is the lack of a Paypal button to sponsor it! (and not knowing who has developed it)
More more more
Forgot to mention how the episodic nature of its delivery has got me back into feeling how I felt as a kid waiting for my weekly comics to turn up at the Newsagents. A great feeling!
Wow, I'm surprised I finished level 21 so easily. Took less than 10 minutes :(
I hope they get insanely harder :P
This game is great. I can't wait for more levels!
Hey, why is there no new level??
There is, atleast now.
Wow, I asked for ramped-up difficulty and got it :P It's not too insane I guess. The controls just need mastering.
I really enjoy this game. One level per-week (or even more rarely, as it seems) is excrutiating. But at least I can replay earlier levels, it's a kind of a challenge to try to do them all in one go without dying.
However this replaying got me thinking about the designers decision to make both characters virtually identical. Perhaps it would be more interesting if they went that good old platformer approach where one guy was slightly faster and one could jump slightly higher? Also, this game could really benefit from custom-made levels, so you could at least have SOMETHING to do while waiting for the story to unfold...
Saviour-V teleports in....
Level 24 was easy enough. But yes, there is indeed a pattern; every 3rd level is a tougher version of the previous two, as our brave heroes will tell you.
So if you want a challenge, go for the levels that are multiples of 3. Or replay the whole thing from the start and see how long it takes you to finish things.
I hope this game makes it to a lot of levels. Might be interesting.
Saviour-V teleports out....
Oh geez the new obstacle (level 25) is a pain...but I still got through it :)
*tries to time travel to next Sunday, but fails*
Are you kidding? Level 25 was horribly easy. Just
Fly around with one guy and switch to another only if he gets targeted. The laser will always miss the flying guy and the dude on the ground should only be moved an inch left or right each time.
I think they screwed up with the counters - the level is doable with 10 second timers, yet they opted for 99 second ones (?). But this is still the first level of 3-level turret series, so I hope they up the challenge in the next one significantly.
By the way, where IS the next one? It's Monday, I need my Platformer fix, darn it! :)
I guess platform has stopped updating...?
It says that Platform will be updated the 11th of November.
Yay, a new level, finally!
A bit on the easy side though.. I hope the final "turret" level will be truly punishing.
These new levels are quite cool really. I'm curious what that new tier will bring. Maybe this were 'introduction' levels, and now the 'advanced' set of levels will come. I hope the story evolves!
I'm not sure I like the 'timed' levels. It seems to hinge on a single task being repeated about 10 times, instead of a variety of tasks.
Yay. Can't wait for the new 'tier'.
Again this week, no new level.. :(
someone should make a walktrough im stuck
Wow! The new level is totally cool! What a breakthrough in terms of storeline! Great job!
Wow, when the thing happened and they turned into the thing, I was like "WOW this is totally like some sci-fi movie now." Which is a good thing in my book.
As M. Night Shyamalan would say, "What a tweest!"
Although I hope the platform bits get back. I like the "storyline", but I somehow enjoyed the run&jump levels a bit more.
Dude, that last level was wierd! (still, kinda cool) I also miss the run and jump levels, they were more fun then even the jetpack levels. What's with the new twist, though? They're gonna blow up the facility and try to get back to normal?!!?!?
Yay! A cliffhanger.
Is the end near?
that was too easy :(
The end alreaady? :(
They could have done so much more!! I hope they can develop a level editor, or something that would keep the game alive. Like a sequel. Or make this turn out to be a false ending. Yeah, that'd be great. With 33 more levels to come!!
Oh no! Can't believe its over! What the hell will I do on Sundays now!?
It's funny how one of the best online games that have been made in a while, has had a completely annonymous author through and through.
It kinda feels the author got tired of the whole thing and decided to wrap it up quickly.
Too bad, the game mechanics really got potential. I was SO eager to play a little bit more platform-based levels with those guys... :(
Yeah, it was a pretty abrupt end. Hopefully the creator(s?) will make something else, possibly in the same world (in order to explain a bit more about what was going on).
abrupt, yes. But it was cool to actually have an ending, rather than just 'the end'
This darn well feels like just 'the end' to me, though. :)