In Pizza Quest '77, you've got some unusual puzzle-solving to do before accessing that mmm...melt in the mouth cheesy goodness. The goal is to overcome a series of obstacles to progress through the game, by picking up and placing items around the room, which, by the way, is your parent's basement and full of all sorts of useless stuff. You can almost smell the dust. Your inventory holds one item at a time, and working out how to use each one is the tricky part. And you thought a slinky was for mindlessly snaking down stairs? Think again.
Progression through the game is quite linear; there's a definite clicking order. This can be frustrating when you know what you need to do, but something else needs to happen before that can be achieved. And just because something can be clicked, doesn't make it useful. But hey, isn't that what point-and-clicking is all about? Eventually though, you'll work it out and hopefully before succumbing to the munchies. There is a time limit for each goal.
Colourful, photo-realistic art and some pretty groovy music combine to create a truly fabulous retro (if you're my age) experience. If you're a post-70's child, then you're about to experience a taste of life at a time when technology was only just making appearances in the home. Personally, back in the 70's I was out riding my bike and climbing trees – not hanging around my parents' basement without any pants on. Ah, the regrets of a misspent youth...
Walkthrough Guide
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I'm gonna try a walkthrough for this. =3
Finding Cash
There's some money in the couch cushions, behind the record in the couch screen, in your pants in the washer, and in the snail bank. Bogus, there's only six bucks! Oh, but wait, you remember something!
Fixing The TV
The knob is under the carpet to the left of the TV. Plug the cable in by the stairs. Oh, wait, this is the 70's, you need antenna for it. Time to get creative. Take the slinky from under the couch. Oops, that unplugged it. We'll fix that too. Put the slinky on top of the TV. Now grab the snail bank and put it under the couch, where the slinky was. Now you can plug it back in. Hmm, seems the slinky needs to be stretched, but is too short to reach the moose. Go to the washer, turn the knob on the right to cut the water off, and take the hose. Tie the hose to the moose and the slinky to the hose. Now turn the TV knob. Magic word obtained, but another roadblock encountered.
*ahem* Excuse me. Now, we need to calm the Grand Moff. Let's groovify him with the lava lamp. Unplug it. YEOWCH, hot. Okay, let's try music. Grab the record player from near the washer and plug it in near the couch. Grab the record off the shelf, put it on, and start it up. Whoop, that's not calming. Hmm. Flip the record over for a more suitable song. Dang kids and your single-sided CDs! Oh, hey, the lava lamp might have cooled by now. Grab it and put it in Moff's cage. Now it has to warm back up. Hey, what's that behind the skateboard? Grab the robot. What do we do with it? Let's stick it on the record player for no discernible reason. Hey, that worked somehow! Moff should have swirly eyes now. If he doesn't, wait for the lamp to heat up more. When his eyes swirl, grab the coupon. Hmm, seems we're forgetting something...
Pants Problems
...oh, right, pants. Which are still wet. Pluck 'em out of the washer and stick 'em in the dryer. Easy enough. Oh, wait, cord won't reach. Kick the dryer a few times so it nudges closer to the outlet. Now plug it in and- whoops, it's broken. Let's try something else. Maybe that newfangled microwave! Stick the pants in the microwave, turn it on, and... Ohhhhh no, pants are on fire. Open a window to let the smoke out. Ack, now the hell cat's inside! Grab him off of the plant and put him back out. Oh, great, now the room's filling up with smoke again. Okay, let's act fast. Turn the record player on so the Grand Lizard gets hypnotized again. Grab the lizard and stick him in the cardboard box under the microwave. Now open the window again, grab the cat, and put him in the lizard cage. Yay, we're not dead! Pants are still on fire though. Open the fridge and grab the rootbeer, and pour it on the fire. Hmm, not totally out. Put the empty bottle under the pipe next to the washer, turn the water on, and fill it back up. Pour the water on the fire. Fire's out but now your pants are burnt, and they're wet again to boot. Well, let's let the cat out. Whoops, the cat and lizard escaped. That can't possibly come back to bite us. But hey, there was something under the plant! Get the fuse and put it in the fusebox by the stairs. Check the box the lizard was in and you'll find the bulb for the blacklight. Put in the bulb, plug it in, and flip the lightswitch by the stairs. Something's glowing! Grab it. Aww yeah, groovy pants. Now to just wait for the pizza... What the-? Maaaaan, that's just bogus!
Posted by: MikuJess | September 30, 2010 4:41 AM
Walkthrough - Step by Step
Goal One - Finding Cash
Click on the couch cushions. Click on the vinyl records on the shelf.
Click on the Snail money-box.
Click on the washing machine, then click on the jeans.
Goal Two - Getting the TV to work
Get the hose from the washing machine. Make sure you turn the tap off. Connect the hose to the moose head.
Get the Snail money box.
Click on the Slinky under the couch.
Put the Slinky on the TV. Click it again to connect to the hose and moose head.
Click on the TV to find out you need a dial. Check under the carpet to the left, take dial and put on TV.
Go to sofa scene and click on TV plug to plug-in to socket. Go back to TV scene and click on TV to watch advertisement.
Goal Three - Getting that Coupon
Fabbo - Grand Moff Tarkin has possession of your coupon, and he's not going to relinquish it to you easily. This lizard needs to chill. First things first: unplug the lava lamp.
Find the record player, take it and then plug it in next to the sofa.
Take the vinyl records which had earlier hidden some dollars. Click on the record player. Then click on the record player arm and listen to some 70‘s rock. Yeah!
Click on the record part again and then the arm. Time for some chillin‘.
The lizard still won't give up that pizza coupon. Time for more serious relaxing. Click on the skateboard and then the robot. Place the robot on the record player, and click the record arm again.
Lava lamp is cool enough to collect now. Place it in Moff Tarkin's tank, plug it in and wait for it to warm up. Eventually, the lizard will chill (takes a while for neurotic lizards to get the drift). Grab that pizza coupon.
Goal Four - Finding some Pants to Put On
Pull your flares from the washing machine. Put them in the dryer. Click on the low right of the dryer to bump it across and plug it in. Click on the dryer and realise it's malfunctioning. Take back your jeans.
What else can dry your jeans? The microwave, of course. Put your jeans in the microwave, click it to start.
Oh Man! Your jeans have caught on fire! What next? Need some liquid to douse the fire, so where's the first place you look? Oh yeah, the fridge, for the rootbeer!.
What?! Can't get the rootbeer, and the place is filling up with smoke! How do you clear the smoke? Open a window, and do it fast before you pass out from smoke inhalation…
Okay, you've had to let in Gene Simmons, the Hell Cat, and he's just attacked your Mom's favourite Ficus plant, but at least you can breathe again. Follow Gene Simmons and pick him up.
Put Gene Simmons back out the window, then go back to the record player to get the chill music playing again. Go back to Grand Moff Tarkin, pick him up and put him in the box marked ‘Fragile', under the microwave.
Go back to the window and pick up Gene Simmons, then place that Hell Cat in the iguana tank.
Go to the refrigerator and take the rootbeer, then pour it on your flaming flares.
Your jeans are still smoking aren't they? Fill your rootbeer bottle with water from the washing machine tap, and pour that on your fave denims.
Too late. Your pants are ruined. What now? Let the cat out of the bag…um…iguana tank and follow him until he jumps out the window. Go back to the plant he knocked over and pick up the fuse. Put the fuse in the fuse box near the fridge.
Go back to the box marked ‘Fragile' and take the black light. Put it in the ‘Magic Light' slot above the microwave, then plug it in by clicking on the socket.
Return to the fuse box and turn off the light at the switch to the left.
Note the bright pink something top right of the screen? Click on it to find your old band pants.
Put ‘em on to finally get your pizza.
The End
Pizza tastes better when it's shared... : )
Posted by: Chiktionary
September 30, 2010 6:54 AM