Once you finish picking up after up your tea, you'll exit to the world map. [Left click] the magnifying glass that appears when you hover over the panda to examine your current location. Start by re-entering the house and click the the map and radio to pick them up. You can browse your inventory in the upper left corner of the screen. Unfortunately, the radio is buggy; it should let you choose one of three different background tunes, but it often does nothing.
PandAventure looks and feels like a children's book. With the clean lines, bright colors and complete lack of text, you almost expect it to be be printed on thick waterproof pages. Although identifying locations on the map can be tricky, expert pointers and expert clickers will probably enjoy breezing through the Panda Adventure.
very humorous... i thought it was quite cute. very easy to finish
cute game. sort of irritating to navigate.
Yay! i love it.... bit easy though...
typkey thingy doesn't seem to be working ...
might just be this cpu though...
I like it! And short too. That way I do not spend all day at the computer.
awww, cute little pandas!!! that game was short, easy, and cute. perfect! =D
Oh my god! I found this game a while ago and loved it!!! Hehe, the panda reminds me of one of my friends!
How adorable! I found this and tried to play it once, but the copy I was playing must have been broken because I couldn't get to the beach.
I like the ending. :D
Fun little game - like Nope said, navigation was a bit irritating at first, but made sense in the bigger scheme of things once I got into the game.
After playing many pointy/clickies on here, and usually having to use all sorts of spoiler clues, it was fun being able to complete this one easily on my own :)
Is it just my computer? I can't seem to do anything except walk around! I picked up the stuff from the house (map, radio) but now I can't click on anything in any of the other locations...
Oh wait - I missed the third beach location. Navigation IS irritating.
Short? Easy? Fun? You're all insane!! I can't get past it!! What do I do with the useless diamond? I clicked it on every map!
i dont know what to do with the dimand? help
Navigation is definitely a hassle. The oft mentioned Flash 'tab' trick can help ..
The point of the diamond will become obvious once you get inside the volcano! Also, when in doubt, use the flute. =]
i finaly beat it was fun the eding was funny
ok heres what you do if you're stuck
first go to you're house and get the map and the radio.
then go down and left by the bambo island and esplore to get the flute
then go to the right side of the island
and play the flute for the giant clam and he'll give you a diamond
then go to the volcano place and play the flute
and a sercret door will open go in and put the crystal in the whole the click the hole on the top.
now you will be in the center of the beach explore
and get the weird guses red glasses
now go to the forest and use them to get the red crystal
now back to the volcano and do the same thing you did with the diamond and go to the big hose
when you enter see the latern get it and go down
now clik on the paiting ther well be a secret code t unlock it it is tragle tragle squre circle squre or if im wrong look at the botom
right hand corner of the map u got a long time ago
now enter the secret door and use the latern to get the green crystal which well win you the game!
now go back and exit therw the door on you're right and go back to the volcano and put it in!
and fly to bampo island and meet ure boyfrined
i wont spoil the ending thats the point of the game! oh well if you have AIM my screen is manbam97 see ya!
I still cant do anything...
The moronic sleeping dude wont do anything, the clams wont do anything, you need a clam for volcano, and this is not fun
IT WAS my computer!!!!!!! I knew it would be easy!! My dumb computer wasnt doing anything when I did stuff! I played the flute at volcanoe yesterday and nuthing happened, and today something did?!? So weird, thanks noah and jay!
I can't figure out what to do after:
I get the latern
manbam97: you can use spoiler tags like this:
try the flute!
just remove the * and it'll look like this:
try the flute!
thanks for the walkthrough =]
oops, looks like my fake spoiler tags vanished. there's instructions above the form when you fill out a comment, anyway.
Hm, would using < work?
Well, the preview says it will, so there we go.
Pretty easy. My time was 10 minutes, i think. very cute, i love pandas:-0
hey thanks dude for thanking well t6hank u and thank u for teeaching me this
Instant message me on aim if u have it if not go to AIM.com and donload it and get screen name mines manbam97 u rock dude! and ure welcome
and incase u dont no me im the dude who wrote complete walkthourw up there Aim me if u have it my screen once again is manbam97 hope to meat ya!
by the way im only 10 years old :)go vgames!
Is it me or does anybody else see two screaming skulls instead of two panda bears?
Just askin'!
yah they do look like skulls!
I remember this game when I found it on newgrounds years ago. :D Thanks to forgetting everything on how to finish the game, I had to figure it out again. My fastest time was 2:53. See if you can beat it. :p
ahaha AJLindburgh
Stare into those gaping eyesockets... yikes
That is quite possibly the best ending i've ever seen. the panda just looks at his friend, then grabs some bamboo leaves and sits down.
Seriously, best ending ever!
But how will they come back? They are doomed to stay on the bamboo-infested island forever!!!
And what's with the sunbathing panda? Did he survive those horrible orange burns? So many loose ends!
This is a very disturbing game.
nice ending, they could have made the paths more visible though.
i mean easier to find as the mouse moves
by the way i am a boy =) and this game was really easy for me.
see if you can beat my time 2:34 :P:P:P:P
This game is soooooo cute!!! :)
Cute game...a little short but fun ^.^
I love it...I got my time down to 2:16. Wew..
Adorable, but...
I got tired of hearing the flute... and why didn't the panda just eat the bamboo that was in the fridge? D=
yes well Robert I managed to get my time down to 2:06 so in your face people feel free to beat me. :D
Great short story game...just have to mess around and try everything at every place to see what happens and you'll figer it out and solve the game :D
Wow that is such a cute ickle game hehe! Lil cute panda.
I love the ending!
If your stuck
The red glasses are on the beach where the sleepy man is!
Sleepy man!?!?!?!?
You don't HAVE to get the flute- right click and press 'play' whenever you need the flute. It'll sub as a flute!
I finished in 2 minutes flat! :DDDD yay! I think that's the fastest time yet? lets see who beats me. >;-)
OMG I got 1:58! hah. cool! I think I now have the fastest time! :DDDDD
What a load of panda crap!! By the way, I'm a girl - and I found this to be the most nausiating and pointless point and clicker ever!
Did anyone notice the brown bird at the start flies through the smoke, and when it comes out it it black?
CUTE!!!!The pointless running around was uhm, interestingly annoying, and the ending was kinda weird but besides that the game was a sucess in my mind.
how did you get the code for the safe thing i no it is
triangle triangle square cirle square
but how did you get it???
neva mind duh i got it
awwww that was soooo cute and adorable!!!! a bit short, but cute ending
This game is so cute and I put this in a spoiler to get you exited!! LOL
anyways if you haven't been paying attention.....: "first go to you're house and get the map and the radio.
then go down and left by the bambo island and esplore to get the flute
then go to the right side of the island
and play the flute for the giant clam and he'll give you a diamond
then go to the volcano place and play the flute
and a sercret door will open go in and put the crystal in the whole the click the hole on the top.
now you will be in the center of the beach explore
and get the weird guses red glasses
now go to the forest and use them to get the red crystal
now back to the volcano and do the same thing you did with the diamond and go to the big hose
when you enter see the latern get it and go down
now clik on the paiting ther well be a secret code t unlock it it is tragle tragle squre circle squre or if im wrong look at the botom
right hand corner of the map u got a long time ago
now enter the secret door and use the latern to get the green crystal which well win you the game!
now go back and exit therw the door on you're right and go back to the volcano and put it in!
and fly to bampo island and meet ure boyfrined"
Okay so that was posted by: manbam97 derek p
Hahah This game was sooo adorably awsome.
i thought the flute was a watch strap.
dont get how you get a clam for the volcano
but pandas are cute :)
Thnx Manbam97 that really works! Thnx again
A very cute game, recommended for someone who likes cute, short puzzles. Pandas, how can you go wrong...
cute game
awww so kawaii!!!
I love it when the panda goes to the bamboo island and meets it boyfriend and they eat the bamboo together!
I have almost completed this game but like i cant get the box part. can some one just tell me what the code is to the fish thing? pretty please!