Did you notice that sudden chill in the air? A cat just yowled in the background and all the cockroaches suddenly seem more nervous. Yes, that's right, Drawmaneater is back with Nekra Psaria 3. Johnny Boy's train comes to a stop and he's told to "go back home," but to get there you must help him travel through this surreal world. This point-and-click escape game keeps its creepy vibe right up to the end, and also keeps the story going from the first and second games of Johnny Boy trying to find his way around this blue-tinted world. If you haven't played those, you'll be a little more confused than those who have, but just a little. Even though this installment feels a little rushed compared to its predecessors, the twisted art work and creepy feel is still alive and pulsing in this unsettling adventure.
Nekra Psaria 3 keeps the same style of gameplay as the one before. Your cursor will glow yellow when it passes over something you can interact with, whether it's something to pick up, zoom in on, or an area transition. When you want to use an item, just click on it in the screen you want to use it. If you can't, you may need to look closer. Sometimes picking up items can be a little sticky, as some of them have a particular spot or two that you have to click on to pick up. It's part of the reason why Nekra Psaria 3 doesn't seem as fleshed out and polished like the first two games. It also, at least to me, seemed much more forward. In the other two games, there was at least two places where you could get stuck. In this one, it seems like you're able to go through with almost a fluid-like play. To some, this may feel anticlimactic, but I know there are many who will be grateful for this as they can stay in the atmosphere of the game and not feel overly frustrated by the lack of movement. There is a lot going on in the background, and a lot of cryptic messages and symbols spread around that leaves the grand sense of mystery that shrouds these games. So hold on to your fragile sanity and make sure you have all your personal items, because the train has stopped and your real ride begins once again.
Play Nekra Psaria 3
Walkthrough Guide
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Tried my first-ever walkthrough. Kept it pretty straightforward. Hope it's OK. Hard work!!
Go through the intro and leave the train car.
Go into the cabin to your left and take the glove.
Go forward, following the "home" sign.
Take the thing out of the mailbox and read the note.
Go left and enter the bar.
Inspect the garbage can and take the bone.
Talk to the man and note his complaint.
Back up, go right into the "Happy Place" and note the complaint of the man to the right
(What do the others have that he doesn't have?)
Music Store
Leave the bar, go left, and check out the music store
Note what the t-shirt says they will trade music for.
Plant Store
Back up and go left into the plant shop.
Go forward to the the back room. Read the sign to the right, put on the glove, zoom in and harvest the pepper.
Back up and go to the room on the left. Climb the beanstalk, take the plant pot out of the box, and note what the sign says the plant pot needs.
Go back to the bar and give the soup eater the pepper. He rewards you with his disembodied flaming head.
Leave the bar, go right twice and into the house.
Go right into the dark room. Light it with the flaming head.
Look behind the door and note the headless bird. It wants a bird's head, though.
Back out and go to the room on the left that has water pouring down.
Zoom in on the floor and water your plant. Go up the beanstalk and down the hall.
Zoom to your left, click on the box, and take the smile and the bird's head.
Zoom to your right and look at the frame--there's nothing you can do right now here.
Go back to the dark room and give the bird its head. It rewards you with a key.
Leave the house and go to the right and down the hall. Zoom in on the phonograph. There's nothing you can do with it yet.
Happy Place
Go back to the Happy Place in the bar and give the sad man a smile. He rewards you with a fish.
Music Shop
Take the fish to the Music Shop, and you're rewarded with an LP. (Remember those?)
Take the LP to the phonograph, and you're permitted to go behind the door.
Go to the room on the right, where you encounter a giant cockroach with a fierce dog.
Have an unpleasant chat with them, then give the dog the bone, and the click on the purple thing you got from the mailbox. That takes care of them.
Zoom in on the plant pot with the dried plant.
Back out of the room and go into the other one. Note that there's a ladder going down, then arrows continuing past it.
Go down the ladder, and note the washed-up ferryman with water flowing down a drain. You can't do anything there. Take the grey stick.
Go back to house where you got the bird's head, and put the stick in the machine to the right.
It gives you a locked box. Unlock it with your key and it gives you a weeping disembodied head.
Take the head back to the cavern and water the plant in the dog room with the head. Go up the beanstalk and take the cap.
Go back to the ferryman, block the drain, and take a ride across.
Give the guardians the disembodied heads they need. Deal with the suddenly reemergent roach with the poison.
Go into the lake, open the box, and take the jar and lever. Talk to the flower. Go right and zoom in on the frog, who has nothing to say. Go through the door.
Take the lightbulb out of the windowsill and go through the butterfly door. Take the butterfly net. You can zoom in on the ghoul but he has nothing to say right now either.
Leave, go back past the flower and down the hole. Follow the alligator sign to a room where there's a snappish alligator.
Block his jaws with the lever, and take a tooth.
Go back and right. Go into the tent. Note the cauldron, and read what you need to make something dangerous smaller.
Boiling water, a tooth, and a shell.
Go out of the tent and to the right again, into a building with daisies beside it.
Screw in the lightbulb.
Catch the butterfly.
Back out and go to the right again and down the hall.
Take the torch from the wall. Go into the firefly room. Take the sleeping firefly pupa (?)
Go back up, and zoom in on the floating garbage can. The hermit crab inside has a sign behind him that says a bigger home is better.
Trade him the jar for the shell. Have a visit with the menacing cockroach to the left...no poison left for him now.
Go back to the cauldron and make your brew. You have nothing to put it in, however.
Go back up to the lake. Give the firefly to the frog, who rewards you with nothing but a faint smile.
Give the butterfly to the butterfly ghoul, who gives you a fuel can.
Take the fuel to the daisy, who gives you a gourd.
Fill up the gourd with your brew, and go tackle the roach.
Posted by: Canoetripper
April 12, 2015 2:25 PM