The object of the game is simple: Mudpeople gather dirt and water to make more Mudpeople and build huts to protect themselves from the rain. If caught in the rain, Mudpeople melt and must be revived with more dirt. Gather resources to complete the objectives for each level.
For those who have played any of Blizzard's 'craft games, Mudcraft will feel like an old comfortable shoe. For those unfamiliar with resource gathering games, a tutorial is provided that walks you through the basics.
Designed to appeal to the broad, casual game audience found on the web, Mudcraft is a cute game with cute voices and familiar gameplay with a unique twist.
A downloadable version of the game (for Mac or PC) is also available, as well as an expanded pay-to-play "full" version boasting 45 levels across 15 unique maps.
hehe. this takes me back to the good old warcraft and starcraft days. heh. very cute.
Just a thing, the right click action on the game scene generate ‡ right click menu under firefox 1.0. , so we can't play the game :s
I am running Firefox 1.0 and right clicks work fine in the game as they should. I wonder if you have something installed on your computer that overrides the Shockwave player. What options are listed on the menu?
this is very nicely made but i would be more nice if u can make a building that gets like 1 or 2 dirt or water a time and some fighting things like to kill those frogs...(for meat or just not that they anoy you) thats a idea
wonder if anybody reads this
Hey, I read it !!!
Great game (I'm new to the site and working through pretty much all teh games...)
So far my fav is N.. it's just such a great and hard game...
While I actually played this through the final "trial" level, I was eternally grateful that I was allowed to stop. These creatures are so sedate that you'll feel brain dead after helping them with their pathetic little world. Cheering a mud creature to outrun a sprinkling cloud is akin to watching paint dry.
Jason Rizos, I agree entirely.
ummm...this game isn't working for me. I have shockwave downloaded, but it says that the shockwave movie has errors that have caused playback problems. :/
Oh what a shame.. I get the same shockwave problem. I was playing a couple of days ago, and it was great fun.
WOW I like this game so much, I think I might be insane. thanks for the great game Jay.
Arrrr! This be quite the fun game, ay? But, as Vijay, my fave still be N! Arrr!
This game is great! I want to play this game offline too...
It begins to load, and then a pop up appears saying "This Shockwave movie has errors that have caused playback problems. Please contact the author of this content regarding this problem. Shockwave is unable to continue." XP Firefox. Ideas anyone? I think I have the latest Shockwave. . .
nice game very fun and adicting
It's awsome and somebody give me some of the codes I only no the second level code rain.
So, as far as the codes go if you really really want them...
Level 2 - rain
Level 3 - thunder
Level 4 - resources
Level 5 - blazing
Level 6 - survival
Level 7 - {i forgot...}
Level 8 - ecosystem
Level 9 - turtle
And that's as far as I got. I won't even begin to tell you how long I played this game to get that far. :P
For the level where you have to have 6 mud people live, if you can't pass it just highlight all of the mudpeople and make them dodge everything.
Its not loading for me
Here is the password for lvl 10
All thanks to you Jay for the site :D
Hehe, I now have the passwords for lvl's 11 and 12...
lvl 11
lvl 12
I hope any of you have the help for lvl 12 as it involves
building a castle
wich i cannot do as i don't know how. I hope someone knows and if you do just let me know please.
Good work again on the site Jay, Khrisper
No probs peeps, for got to try the l-click and hold menues on lvl 12 in previous post!
Well for the ending wich isn't a game try this:
All the best Jay...
Alas i must say that on the first level, after completing current game, i made found/did a few things:
1. Made as many mud people as possible by using up all mud holes.
2. When i had 200+ water, everytime i got 10 mud it made someone (weather or not i was so tired, hehe).
3. That if you do what i said about in no.1 you will make 40 mud people max without loosing any and building huts. (Even revives, so dodge that rain!)
4. If you do no.3 then it will be VERY CHOPPY and slow.
All for the best once again Jay :D
Is there anyway to play this game, because the website does not exist anymore. It was so much fun. Are there any other websites that would have it?
The game has moved and I have updated the links accordingly. (Cheers, Thunder).
it takes for ever to load
At least it loads. =)
That is not something I can do anything about. The issue is with the server at MSU where the game is being hosted. Be patient. Once it loads you're good to go. ;)
i got the latest verson but it says i dont have it
anyone know what i should do?
can any one give me a link to the update of shockwave it needs...it stays at 0%
Try the Get Shockwave button in the sidebar. That will always take you to the latest release of the Shockwave Player plug-in. =)
It loads for me, guys.
Code for level 7
I wish you could get rid of the frogs its hard to keep up if your mud dudes get confused
hey guys!some of youre level codes are fake just to let you all know.
Does anyone else have loading problems?
The actual version 1.0 of Mudcraft was just released, loaded with new features and lots of polish over the previous playable betas. It is available on www.mudcraft.com.
"this shockwave movie has some errors that have caused playback problems.Shockwave is unable to continue"
anyone else gets this error message?
Yeah...Apparently its not the computer, but the game? I have no idea, I'm not much of a computer person.
The full 1.0 version of the game came out recently (actually it is up to 1.2 now) which is a big update over the previous beta versions reported on here. It is available at http://www.mudcraft.com
Why doesn't it tell you how much it costs to buy it? Does anybody know? I want it but it never tells you how much to pay. Hey Jay, Great site!!
im a loser but how in the world do you pass level 7??!!
if you need the code to the 8th level that bad, look below
it's mothernature
I need help! I have no idea how to plant flowers! Other than that the game is pretty......fun.
How in the heck do you beat level fifteen? Please help.
MUDPEOPLE! :: stares all drone-like, gets all addicted, loses brain::
ummm im really confused. how do i enter the codes, and how in the world do i plan the flowers... thanks!
Stupid playback problems...what a pity, too, it sounds interesting.
Please, How do you make flowers!?!?!?!?!?
i used to play this game but now i cant due to not loading on this computer ill try it on another :P