An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Rating: 4.8/5 (606 votes)
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DoraMorningstarSo you think you can handle yourself in a crisis. Little first-aid kit tucked away in your closet next to the Virtual Boy and the Bowflex? When's the last time you were forced to pilot your damaged spaceship into a brutal crash landing on an unknown planet while flames filled your vision? That's not something that happens every day, you know. Almost every day, but not every day. But the good news is Red Herring Games is here with a brand new point-and-click adventure game to show you just how to take care of yourself. Luckily, Morningstar is as entertaining as it is informative.

Slip into the spacesuit of Powell, one of the only survivors of the fiery crash. He swims into consciousness to the sound of his captain's voice crackling over the radio and promptly comes face-to-face with the body of one of his crew members. Well, I'm no space-expert (spacepert?), but it seems to me that that is rarely a good sign.

Morningstar is played through Powell's field of vision; the display looks like the view from inside a helmet, and you nudge your cursor to the sides of the screen to look around. If you can interact with something, appropriate text pops up as you pass over it. Click to pick up items, which will show up in your inventory at the bottom of the screen. The Menu button in the upper right lets you adjust the options or save your progress — important to remember since the game doesn't auto-save for you like other adventure games.

MorningstarWhile Morningstar does a good job of flooding you with items early on, it also, surprisingly, does an even better job of showing you what to do with them. For much of the game, Powell can communicate with his captain at any time by pressing the Radio button. Captain Novak may not be the most cheerful person in the world, but he'll give Powell information at any time about his current objective and nudge him towards where he should be headed. While the game does provide a Walkthrough button, making use of the surly Captain feels much more realistic.

The puzzles here are refreshingly logical, if mostly short and to the point. If Novak isn't available or you're just tired of him griping at you, you can usually figure things out for yourself without much trouble. Paying attention to your environment and listening to what Powell says when you examine your items is often all you need.

Analysis: In all respects, Morningstar is a remarkable game. One of the things I respect most about it is its ability to shift tones naturally. Powell and Novak spend a lot of time barking at one another, and it can often be amusing to listen to the power struggle between them. The game also has its tense moments, and really knows how to handle atmosphere. Even with the taciturn Novak available by radio, the game still does a great job of making you feel isolated and alone when it wants to.

I have no trouble believing Red Herring Games found a genie at one point and wished to make the most incredible opening movie ever made for a flash game, which in this case is a wish well spent. The animation and artwork in this game is just gorgeous. The voice acting, of which there is an astounding amount, is also very well done, but there is an option for you to turn it off if you don't like it, or if you just prefer to make your own space opera sound-effects. Krrrrrsshkt! Neeeeeeeown! Danger, Will Robinson!

Morningstar had me rapt right from the opening sequence and never let go. It's a fantastic example of what can be done with the genre, and serves as a reminder that just because a game is free and casual doesn't mean it can't be a powerhouse in production value, too. If Red Herring Games continues to produce games of this quality, they've got a great future ahead of them. But what they've done right now is pretty darn incredible, too.

Play Morningstar

Walkthrough Guide

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Morningstar Walkthrough

  1. Look left and click on the cargo containers to the right of the door leading to the cockpit. This will bring you to a close up view of the cargo containers.

  2. Click on the wrench.

  3. Click on the top most cargo container to get a doll with "advanced artificial intelligence batteries".

  4. Use the wrench on the control panel (red light on the door frame just above the cargo containers).

  5. Click off to the left to enter the cockpit.

  6. Click on Captain Novak to get further instructions.

  7. Click on the blue thing by Captain Novak's legs. This is a screwdriver.

  8. Go back out to the cockpit main view, and back out to the corridor.

  9. Look all the way to the right. You'll see another large bay door leading to the engine room.

  10. Use the doll on the small black control panel just to the left of the door.

  11. Enter the engine room.

  12. Pick up the empty fuel cell from on top of the cabinets.

  13. Click on the space between the cabinets (a hotspot tagline will pop up to let you know you have the right spot). You will get a refill for the glue gun.

  14. Pick up the nanoadhesive applicator from the ground.

  15. Click on the power conduit box.

  16. Use the screwdriver on the loose panel.

  17. Now use the wrench on the previously loose panel.

  18. Return to the main engine room view.

  19. Return to the main corridor.

  20. Go up to the ladder to the medical room.

  21. Click on the panel just to the right of the exit back to the main corridor. This is access to the life support system.

  22. Use the screwdriver to open the panel.

  23. Use the wrench on the pipe.

  24. Take the insulation. Return to the main medical room view.

  25. Click on the first aid box.

  26. Click on it again to open it. Take the syringe and return to the main medical room view.

  27. That's all we can do in here for now. Head down to the main corridor, and down into the cargo bay.

  28. Click on the top cargo container to the left of the containers blocking your path to get the firecracker.

  29. Use the syringe on the barrel of nanoglue (right by the cargo container with the firecracker).

  30. Head back up to the main corridor and into the cockpit.

  31. Click on the fancy screens. Click on the leftmost one to turn it on and trigger a dialogue sequence.

  32. Click on the "on" portion of the touch screen across from "ventilation". This will turn off the ventilator so we can go investigate it.

  33. Use the syringe on Captain Novak to get the large steel bar that was stuck in him (ick).

  34. Note: from here on in, I will truncate directions so that I will only tell you which room to go to instead of the path to get there.

  35. Go to the medical room.

  36. Click on the ventilator.

  37. Click on the used carbon filter to take it out.

  38. On the computer monitor, click on the portion that says "hibernation control"

  39. Click on the glass container by the analyzer.

  40. Go to the main corridor.

  41. Click on the now opened hibernation chamber. Use the glass on the hibernation liquid.

  42. Use the wrench on the hibernation tubing where it connects to the hibernation chamber. Get the piece of tubing and click again in the connection to get the wires.

  43. Go back up to the medical room and use the glass with the hibernation fluid on the analyzer.

  44. Go to the cargo bay and use the steel rod on the cargo containers blocking your path.

  45. Click on the loading area.

  46. Pick up the beer.

  47. Click on the cargo container there to get a gas mask.

  48. Use the electric wires you got from the hibernation chamber on the control panel for the loading dock doors.

  49. Use the gas mask with the tubing from the hibernation chamber.

  50. Use the insulation foil with the modified gas mask to make a (hopefully temporary) replacement for the carbon filter. Go to the medical room.

  51. Click on the ventilation and use the gas mask in the same spot where the CO2 filter was. Go to the cockpit.

  52. Click on the left fancy screen and turn the ventilation back on. Go to the main corridor.

  53. Look at the hibernation chamber again. Use the beer on the drain.

  54. Use the applicator with the glue gun. Go to the cargo bay.

  55. Use the glue gun on the barrel of glue to fill it up.

  56. Go to the loading dock and look off to the right until you see a hotspot that tells you to examine the hull. Click on it to locate the hull breech.

  57. Use the glue gun on the hull breech. Go to the medical room.

  58. Click on the panel and use the glue gun on the hull breech. Go to the cockpit.

  59. All the way off to the left there is a section of the wall that has you examine the hull again. Click, find the hull breech, and use the glue gun on it. Go back to the loading dock.

  60. Use the control panel and exit the ship after the dialogue.

  61. Off to the right you can go to the desert, do that. This brings up a map, go to the military cruiser wreck.

  62. Click on the cargo crate to get the insecticide.

  63. Click on the sand by the weird stone heads. You'll discover this contains saltpeter. Click on the saltpeter to pick some up.

  64. Use the saltpeter on the used carbon filter.

  65. Use the insecticide on the used carbon filter.

  66. Use the gun powder (co2 filter) with the huge pillar behind the weird heads.

  67. Use the firecracker on the huge stone pillar. Now you can walk over the gorge by click above the pillar.

  68. Scroll all the way over to the right to walk back to the desert. Once back to the map, click on the military cruiser wreck (again).

  69. Click on the windows of the cruiser to enter the cockpit.

  70. Click on the skeleton to get a passcard.

  71. Just above the skeleton there's an energy cable, pick it up.

  72. Leave the ship and head out to the gorge again. Walk over to the other side and use the steel cable you got from the military cockpit on the pylon.

  73. Go down to the ledge.

  74. Click on the corpse to get a shovel head.

  75. Click on the cargo container to get the copper wire. Return to the military cruiser wreck and go inside the cockpit.

  76. Go to the hibernation room.

  77. Click on the locker (note: the well lit one in the center of your view).

  78. Use the passcard on the card slot.

  79. Get the rifle and go back to the cockpit.

  80. Go down the ladder just off to the right of the hibernation chamber entrance.

  81. To the left is a door. Use the particle rifle on the control panel to the right of the door.

  82. Use the steel rod on the door.

  83. Go through the door.

  84. Click on the left engine to get a closer look.

  85. To the right of the corpse is an access panel. Use the screwdriver on the panel to open it.

  86. Click on the opened panel to get the plasma injector.

  87. Click on the corpse to get his log. Click on the log in your inventory to read it.

  88. After reading the log you'll notice that a new location has appeared on your satmap. Camp. Leave the military cruiser and go to the camp.

  89. Click the third corpse from the right to get Rosso's log. Read it.

  90. Click on the left most corpse to get Coulter's passcard.

  91. Click on the left most tent to get a tent pole.

  92. Click on the other tent. In the close up view pick up the rope. Now return to the main view of the camp.

  93. Click on the big bolder in the middle (hot spot tagline is "look behind big bolder").

  94. Use the steel pipe in your inventory on the shovel head in your inventory to make a shovel.

  95. Use the shovel on the grave.

  96. Click on the corpse twice to get a taser and a broken PDA. Head back to the military cruiser.

  97. Go to the hibernation room and this time look at the lockers off to the left.

  98. Use Coulter's passcard on the card slot to open Coulter's locker.

  99. Search the dark locker twice to get a Buddha and a rusted picture frame. Go back to the camp.

  100. Use the Buddha statue on the steel rod to make a crowbar. Use the crowbar on the smashed up cargo container to get the walkie talkie.

  101. Use the PDA on the walkie talkie and then use the tent pole on the walkie talkie. Open up the satmap view.

  102. Use the long range scanner on the portion of the map that is labeled unknown when you hover over it (it looks like a crater). You now have a new location to go to, the crater. Go to it.

  103. Just to the right of the main view there is a "wreckage" hotspot. Go there.

  104. Click on the corpse to get his passcard.

  105. Click on the "wreckage" (the giant metal thing on top of the corpse) to get detonation charges. Return to the Armstrong.

  106. Go to the hibernation chamber and go to the dark lockers on the right.

  107. Use Dertl's passcard on the remaining cardslot.

  108. Search the locker to get an empty plasma flare.

  109. Use the plasma injector on the plasma flare. Go to the gorge.

  110. Go down to the ledge. To the right of the corpse there is a big boulder. Use the rope on the boulder.

  111. Use the recharged plasma flare on the bottom of the gorge hotspot. Now go down to the bottom of the gorge.

  112. Click on the corpse to get a countdown watch. Now go to the crater and click on the wreckage.

  113. Use the taser on the detonation charge, and then use the wristwatch on the modified detonation charge.

  114. Use the breech detonation charge on the huge door.

  115. Go inside the door.

  116. After the dialogue look off to the left. There is a door, go through it.

  117. Before you is an automated star map. This is the galaxy view with individual solar systems that are accessible by a single click. You need to find the solar system that represents our own. Ours is far off to the right but once you have found it, it is unmistakable. Make a note of the alien markings that are in the upper left hand corner of the star chart. Return to the main room.

  118. Now enter the door on the right.

  119. There is a door on the right. Enter the code from the starmap.

  120. The proper code will be: sideways L, sideways E, squat T.

  121. Go to the storage chambers.

  122. Click on the suit below the skeleton to get another log.

  123. Return to the starmap.

  124. Look for the solar system with one planet. It's just to the right of center of the map. Note the markings again (CTM is a good approximation).

  125. Return to the storage room and enter the code into the control panel.

  126. Go to the newly opened chamber.

  127. Use the glass on the green goo.

  128. Examine the device once the green goo is gone.

  129. Take note of the alien markings there (sideways C, sideways 1, sideways L)

  130. Also make a note of the alien markings above the capsules. Sideways F, then T is above those capsules you have turned off. Also look off to the side a bit. You'll notice that the on code is F-.

  131. Return to the generator room.

  132. Walk to the end of the walkway and look at the energy cable. There are more alien letters on it. (MMC).

  133. To turn off the generator you will need to enter the following code: M, M, C, sideways F, T. This combines the code from the energy cable with the off code from the capsules.

  134. With the power shutdown, you now need a transformer. Take the copper wire and use it on the rusted frame.

  135. Use the transformer on the cable end just to the left of the control panel. Now use the empty power cell on the transformer.

  136. Turn the generator back on using the code MMC, sideways F, -.

  137. Turn the generator back off using the same code you used last time to turn it off, and get the charged energy cell.

  138. Now to turn off the gravity. Remember the code from the alien's capsule? Enter that and the off code into the control panel. Sideways C, Sideways 1, Sideways L, sideways F, T.

  139. Use your particle rifle on the energy cell.

  140. Use the particle rifle on the floating crystal.

  141. Return to the generator room main view and attempt to leave.

  142. Use the particle rifle on the stone head.

  143. Exit the generator room.

  144. Enter the ship. Go to the engine room.

  145. Use the fuel cell on the main reactor.

  146. Use the plasma injector on the middle engine. Go to the medical room.

  147. Go to the desk and use the glass of green goo on the analyzer.

  148. Go to the cockpit.

  149. This time click on the right fancy panel and click on the words saying "Initiate Launch Sequence."

  150. Enjoy your ending movie!

Hope this helped!


Oh my...

I'm already hooked and I haven't pressed the "new game" button yet!!

Kuroko May 5, 2009 8:27 PM

I am loving this so far, but I'm concerned about jump scares... anything I need to watch out for?


Nothing scary, no jumping. Somewhat long (it took me about an hour) and very good. One of the best I've played in awhile.

Anestoh May 5, 2009 9:03 PM

It was a great game. As said in the review, the puzzles were very logical and it all flowed very well. Excellent quality and length for a free game.

The only problem I had with it is that the story didn't feel..wrapped up.

Maybe I just didn't explore enough to find the story, but I didn't really see a lot of explanation for the planet itself. Why were the stone robot beings of the planet capturing spacecrafts and storing the creatures in their facility? Why were a majority of them standing dormant around the desert and in the crater and only does one become active after you've disabled the gravity well? Again, it's possible I just didn't find the explanation.

But yes, other than this, it was an extraordinary free adventure game.


Great game so far, but it's got me buggered how to open the smashed container.



It wasn't exactly intuitive, but I got that one with an old adventure game standard:

Combine items in your inventory until one of them changes.

Particularly items that have gotten you past containers in the past

Like that metal bar!

Use the Buddha statue on the metal bar.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to

Get some power from the conduit leading to the alien control panel in the generator room.


Got it:

The cable marking is only part of the code. You also need

the symbols for "on" and "off" from

activated and deactivated stasis chambers in the storage room


I especially like the part where

the audio gets stuck and he keeps saying "Will do. Powell out," every two seconds and nothing will stop it short of quitting and reloading the game. I'm glad there's a save feature.

Wisedude May 5, 2009 9:41 PM


Sorry, at first I liked it, but I never, ever let opening animations sway my feel of a game. Actually, the gameplay/puzzles was pretty good. However after just playing Sonny 2 on it's arrival to Kong, I couldn't stand the voice acting.

It should be law that you must play through Sonny before voice acting.


Great game! Needed a touch of help from the walkthrough they provided but aside from that all the puzzles were very simple and logical. Loved how you had to

Figure out the alien language to turn the energy/gravity on and off at the generator


If anyone actually DOES watch the in-game video walkthrough... you'll see my personal praise for the game, loud and clear.

I've had the pleasure to talk to the lead dev and main programmer from Red Herring... and I can't wait for their future projects.


jae113 May 5, 2009 9:59 PM

Wow! That was so much fun and the graphics were great!

For the most part it was very intuitive, the only problems that really stood out for me were the

beer in the drain and the crowbar and Buddha.

I did use the in site "walk through" for those two. Don't use the walk through unless you want answers though.

I really liked the

colors as the on / off switches in the alien cabinets.

It took me a while to figure that one out!


If these guys and Mateuz Skutnik were to collaborate... I get chills thinking about it.


I seem to have gotten stuck.. towards the end where

you turn the generator back on to power the fuel cell, I enter the code and it only repeats, "I think everything is set up. I should try turning it back on now." Entering incorrect codes gives me the usual message.

Also, may I note that the statue + the pipe makes no sense?

Other than that, very well made, very atmospheric (right down to the scratches in your helmet).


There was some bug at the gorge. It kept repeating "Will do, Powell out" after the initial dialogue. I may have clicked on something that interrupted the dialogue and made the last part loop.
So far, the game's been great.

Anonymous May 6, 2009 1:58 AM

Wow, the voice work is really torturous to listen to. Okay, they are trying to make it sound like acting school, but the beats and repetitions are totally awkward. For the most part it sounds like they are reading from the page. I clicked the speech option right off. The protagonist has a nice sandy cigarettey voice, but the being-forced-to-read-for-this-dumb-game-my-cousin-made vibe bleeds through.


bluemoose, I had the same problem. I just saved the game and reloaded the page. After that I didn't have any other problems.

I agree the previous poster; the voice acting is pretty poor. The voices themselves are fine; it's the intonation. Words are accented oddly and many sentences end with rising intonation instead of falling intonation like in standard English. It makes some of the dialogue painful to listen to.

Overall this is a pretty impressive game. The captain on the radio was usually enough to guide me through the puzzles though there were a few odd item combinations and one puzzle near the end that I needed to hit the walkthrough for.


Great atmosphere, and for once the puzzles feel completely logical so far. Well, ignoring the use of the beer.

Right now I'm stuck at finding the breach in the medical room. I'm pretty sure I've looked everywhere. Can anyone give a hint?

Monty Zoomer May 6, 2009 8:04 AM

When I enter the symbols for the storage cylinders in the alien generator I get 'nothing happened, maybe I should get the right code 1st.' Having resorted to the walkthrough, I seem to be doing the correct thing.

Captain Lepton May 6, 2009 8:06 AM

@Josse - breach in medical room

Look in the service panel where you got the O2 tube

Monty Zoomer May 6, 2009 8:06 AM

Oops, I meant to say, the only difference is that I opened the eyes of the head. Would that be the cause?

Georgina May 6, 2009 8:48 AM


Open the panel to the left of the first aid box with the screwdriver, use the wrench on the pipe, and remove the insulation. The breech is in the wall behind.

I have the same problem as Monty Zoomer:

I entered the symbols for our solar system, but the game tells me they're wrong.

Other than this issue (bug?), I'm enjoying the game a great deal. Creepy, creepy atmosphere and some interesting puzzles. I just hope it's finishable!

silliee May 6, 2009 9:49 AM

Where the heck is the applicator head to the

Glue Gun


samalakar May 6, 2009 10:13 AM

Georgina and Monty: just figured it out... we were all looking at the wrong star system.

Find the star system with just the one planet. That is the right code.

Code is read from left-to-right... I had been trying all sorts of weird combinations and reflections before, thinking that maybe the aliens read things in a different way!

Emergent May 6, 2009 10:31 AM

@silliee, I'm glad I'm not the only one stuck on that (no pun intended). Should I be pixel-hunting for interaction text somewhere, or what? Otherwise I'm enjoying this game, but I think I've gotten to the point where I'm done looking for the one item that even the in-game hints seem to consider obvious.


Very, very cool. I really enjoyed the opening and especially the ending movie. Very Firefly-esque camera work :)

Emergent May 6, 2009 11:08 AM

Huh. I seem to have the same issue as Georgina, but Samalakar's solution doesn't help me. I've tried all the codes, backwards and forwards, to no avail. The radio is telling me to go do something new, which makes me think this is a bug.

Anestoh May 6, 2009 11:56 AM

About the console at the gravity generator:

An important thing to remember when trying to figure out the codes for the main generator is're not just looking for a code. It's best if you don't look at the strange symbols as just codes but actually words in an alien language. Figuring out what each word means is important. Also, about the console for the main generator, this accepts commands. For example:

If you wanted to turn the lights off (this isn't in the game, just an example of how it works) you would input the symbols for "lights" and then the symbols for "off". Then when you hit the red button the lights should turn off.

I hope this helps just a little. Basically you're going to need to figure out three "words" for the main generator.

I hope this helps at least a little bit.

Gobsmacked May 6, 2009 2:02 PM

Well, that was certainly well put together, but about halfway through there were just too many leaps of inexplicable logic that there's no way you would have figured out without a walkthrough. Fail guys, sorry. If there are too many combinations to stumble upon the combination, and no possible way to guess (the Buddha, really? come on), you fail.

kenshiro May 6, 2009 2:40 PM

It sounds like a fun game, but I just can't get the darn thing to load. It starts at 76 seconds left, the it goes up from there, and it finally freezes at 1 second.



I figured out how to make the long-range scanner, right? So it leads me out to the crater and I find the dead guy with the big thing on top of him and a bunch of heads down in the crater proper. Now I don't know where to go or what to do. So I check on the walkthrough, and it says to go back to the Armstrong. Problem - on most screens, it said, "Go to unknown desert" or something, but there's nothing here for me to click so I can get away from the giant heads! I'm stuck here, and according to the walkthrough, before I do anything else here at the crater, I'm supposed to get to the ship, so what do I do now?

Anonymous May 6, 2009 3:16 PM

I need help with something.

I can't see the energy cabel markings, it's too dark to read them


how are you supposed to know which planet is "our" planet?


Tabs - there is a big SATMAP button top right, use that.


Dear MdB -

I bow before your awesomeness. ((bow))

Thank you!!!!!


Thanks guys! For some reason I didn't think of checking there,

I was convinced it was somewhere in the "open".

Now I just have to figure out the gravity generator. Fun! =D

Anestoh May 6, 2009 4:16 PM


I'm not sure if it changes in each game, but my code was "mmc" where each letter corresponds to a similar appearing symbol. The m's being the one horizontal line with three vertical lines stemming off the bottom and the c being the one with one vertical line two horizontal lines coming from the top and bottom.


Although the actual voice acting annoyed me a little, I actually really enjoyed the interactions between the characters. I liked the bantering feel of the main character talking to his captain. The artwork was lovely too, and the atmosphere suitably creepy. A bit of polish to the puzzling aspect wouldn't go amiss but other than that, this was a great game and a cheerful reminder of old-school adventure games.

Greebo May 6, 2009 4:57 PM

The walkthrough says to close in on the hibernation chamber to do something with the one with the guy in, but my only view is of the three doors. Is there a pixel I missed?


Did anybody else have a problem finding the

hibernation fluid tube on the hibernation chamber? I can't seem to get anything but explanations about the engineer...




you have to open the hibernation chamber from the comp in the medical room

chipmunk May 6, 2009 6:14 PM


Don't ask yourself which planet is our planet, ask yourself which solar system is our solar system.

Great game. Personally, I didn't mind the voice acting. Also, not a big thing, but I really appreciated the "Replay Intro Movie" button.

Sopapilla May 6, 2009 7:07 PM

Wow. AMAZING. Finally a suspenseful point and click adventure game that didn't go over the top on the creepy-ness.

Briguy May 6, 2009 9:07 PM

The "crowbar" deal is bogus, but the code sequence was worse. Other than that, excellent game.

V2Blast May 7, 2009 3:53 AM

Besides the problems figuring some stuff out (I relied on the walkthrough because I wanted to be done with the game and do other stuff), a far more engrossing and interesting game than I expected going into it (I mean, before the awesome intro video). Speaking of which, the intro and ending were pretty awesome. Too bad about the voice acting, though.

Anonymous May 7, 2009 4:34 AM

This game needs fullscreen mode. Being surrounded by millions of flashing ads totally ruins it.

ilikepie59 May 7, 2009 9:26 AM

I found a

red herring in a container in the cargo section

It's obviously a joke, but can it really be used for anything else?


Morningstar Walkthrough

  1. Look left and click on the cargo containers to the right of the door leading to the cockpit. This will bring you to a close up view of the cargo containers.

  2. Click on the wrench.

  3. Click on the top most cargo container to get a doll with "advanced artificial intelligence batteries".

  4. Use the wrench on the control panel (red light on the door frame just above the cargo containers).

  5. Click off to the left to enter the cockpit.

  6. Click on Captain Novak to get further instructions.

  7. Click on the blue thing by Captain Novak's legs. This is a screwdriver.

  8. Go back out to the cockpit main view, and back out to the corridor.

  9. Look all the way to the right. You'll see another large bay door leading to the engine room.

  10. Use the doll on the small black control panel just to the left of the door.

  11. Enter the engine room.

  12. Pick up the empty fuel cell from on top of the cabinets.

  13. Click on the space between the cabinets (a hotspot tagline will pop up to let you know you have the right spot). You will get a refill for the glue gun.

  14. Pick up the nanoadhesive applicator from the ground.

  15. Click on the power conduit box.

  16. Use the screwdriver on the loose panel.

  17. Now use the wrench on the previously loose panel.

  18. Return to the main engine room view.

  19. Return to the main corridor.

  20. Go up to the ladder to the medical room.

  21. Click on the panel just to the right of the exit back to the main corridor. This is access to the life support system.

  22. Use the screwdriver to open the panel.

  23. Use the wrench on the pipe.

  24. Take the insulation. Return to the main medical room view.

  25. Click on the first aid box.

  26. Click on it again to open it. Take the syringe and return to the main medical room view.

  27. That's all we can do in here for now. Head down to the main corridor, and down into the cargo bay.

  28. Click on the top cargo container to the left of the containers blocking your path to get the firecracker.

  29. Use the syringe on the barrel of nanoglue (right by the cargo container with the firecracker).

  30. Head back up to the main corridor and into the cockpit.

  31. Click on the fancy screens. Click on the leftmost one to turn it on and trigger a dialogue sequence.

  32. Click on the "on" portion of the touch screen across from "ventilation". This will turn off the ventilator so we can go investigate it.

  33. Use the syringe on Captain Novak to get the large steel bar that was stuck in him (ick).

  34. Note: from here on in, I will truncate directions so that I will only tell you which room to go to instead of the path to get there.

  35. Go to the medical room.

  36. Click on the ventilator.

  37. Click on the used carbon filter to take it out.

  38. On the computer monitor, click on the portion that says "hibernation control"

  39. Click on the glass container by the analyzer.

  40. Go to the main corridor.

  41. Click on the now opened hibernation chamber. Use the glass on the hibernation liquid.

  42. Use the wrench on the hibernation tubing where it connects to the hibernation chamber. Get the piece of tubing and click again in the connection to get the wires.

  43. Go back up to the medical room and use the glass with the hibernation fluid on the analyzer.

  44. Go to the cargo bay and use the steel rod on the cargo containers blocking your path.

  45. Click on the loading area.

  46. Pick up the beer.

  47. Click on the cargo container there to get a gas mask.

  48. Use the electric wires you got from the hibernation chamber on the control panel for the loading dock doors.

  49. Use the gas mask with the tubing from the hibernation chamber.

  50. Use the insulation foil with the modified gas mask to make a (hopefully temporary) replacement for the carbon filter. Go to the medical room.

  51. Click on the ventilation and use the gas mask in the same spot where the CO2 filter was. Go to the cockpit.

  52. Click on the left fancy screen and turn the ventilation back on. Go to the main corridor.

  53. Look at the hibernation chamber again. Use the beer on the drain.

  54. Use the applicator with the glue gun. Go to the cargo bay.

  55. Use the glue gun on the barrel of glue to fill it up.

  56. Go to the loading dock and look off to the right until you see a hotspot that tells you to examine the hull. Click on it to locate the hull breech.

  57. Use the glue gun on the hull breech. Go to the medical room.

  58. Click on the panel and use the glue gun on the hull breech. Go to the cockpit.

  59. All the way off to the left there is a section of the wall that has you examine the hull again. Click, find the hull breech, and use the glue gun on it. Go back to the loading dock.

  60. Use the control panel and exit the ship after the dialogue.

  61. Off to the right you can go to the desert, do that. This brings up a map, go to the military cruiser wreck.

  62. Click on the cargo crate to get the insecticide.

  63. Click on the sand by the weird stone heads. You'll discover this contains saltpeter. Click on the saltpeter to pick some up.

  64. Use the saltpeter on the used carbon filter.

  65. Use the insecticide on the used carbon filter.

  66. Use the gun powder (co2 filter) with the huge pillar behind the weird heads.

  67. Use the firecracker on the huge stone pillar. Now you can walk over the gorge by click above the pillar.

  68. Scroll all the way over to the right to walk back to the desert. Once back to the map, click on the military cruiser wreck (again).

  69. Click on the windows of the cruiser to enter the cockpit.

  70. Click on the skeleton to get a passcard.

  71. Just above the skeleton there's an energy cable, pick it up.

  72. Leave the ship and head out to the gorge again. Walk over to the other side and use the steel cable you got from the military cockpit on the pylon.

  73. Go down to the ledge.

  74. Click on the corpse to get a shovel head.

  75. Click on the cargo container to get the copper wire. Return to the military cruiser wreck and go inside the cockpit.

  76. Go to the hibernation room.

  77. Click on the locker (note: the well lit one in the center of your view).

  78. Use the passcard on the card slot.

  79. Get the rifle and go back to the cockpit.

  80. Go down the ladder just off to the right of the hibernation chamber entrance.

  81. To the left is a door. Use the particle rifle on the control panel to the right of the door.

  82. Use the steel rod on the door.

  83. Go through the door.

  84. Click on the left engine to get a closer look.

  85. To the right of the corpse is an access panel. Use the screwdriver on the panel to open it.

  86. Click on the opened panel to get the plasma injector.

  87. Click on the corpse to get his log. Click on the log in your inventory to read it.

  88. After reading the log you'll notice that a new location has appeared on your satmap. Camp. Leave the military cruiser and go to the camp.

  89. Click the third corpse from the right to get Rosso's log. Read it.

  90. Click on the left most corpse to get Coulter's passcard.

  91. Click on the left most tent to get a tent pole.

  92. Click on the other tent. In the close up view pick up the rope. Now return to the main view of the camp.

  93. Click on the big bolder in the middle (hot spot tagline is "look behind big bolder").

  94. Use the steel pipe in your inventory on the shovel head in your inventory to make a shovel.

  95. Use the shovel on the grave.

  96. Click on the corpse twice to get a taser and a broken PDA. Head back to the military cruiser.

  97. Go to the hibernation room and this time look at the lockers off to the left.

  98. Use Coulter's passcard on the card slot to open Coulter's locker.

  99. Search the dark locker twice to get a Buddha and a rusted picture frame. Go back to the camp.

  100. Use the Buddha statue on the steel rod to make a crowbar. Use the crowbar on the smashed up cargo container to get the walkie talkie.

  101. Use the PDA on the walkie talkie and then use the tent pole on the walkie talkie. Open up the satmap view.

  102. Use the long range scanner on the portion of the map that is labeled unknown when you hover over it (it looks like a crater). You now have a new location to go to, the crater. Go to it.

  103. Just to the right of the main view there is a "wreckage" hotspot. Go there.

  104. Click on the corpse to get his passcard.

  105. Click on the "wreckage" (the giant metal thing on top of the corpse) to get detonation charges. Return to the Armstrong.

  106. Go to the hibernation chamber and go to the dark lockers on the right.

  107. Use Dertl's passcard on the remaining cardslot.

  108. Search the locker to get an empty plasma flare.

  109. Use the plasma injector on the plasma flare. Go to the gorge.

  110. Go down to the ledge. To the right of the corpse there is a big boulder. Use the rope on the boulder.

  111. Use the recharged plasma flare on the bottom of the gorge hotspot. Now go down to the bottom of the gorge.

  112. Click on the corpse to get a countdown watch. Now go to the crater and click on the wreckage.

  113. Use the taser on the detonation charge, and then use the wristwatch on the modified detonation charge.

  114. Use the breech detonation charge on the huge door.

  115. Go inside the door.

  116. After the dialogue look off to the left. There is a door, go through it.

  117. Before you is an automated star map. This is the galaxy view with individual solar systems that are accessible by a single click. You need to find the solar system that represents our own. Ours is far off to the right but once you have found it, it is unmistakable. Make a note of the alien markings that are in the upper left hand corner of the star chart. Return to the main room.

  118. Now enter the door on the right.

  119. There is a door on the right. Enter the code from the starmap.

  120. The proper code will be: sideways L, sideways E, squat T.

  121. Go to the storage chambers.

  122. Click on the suit below the skeleton to get another log.

  123. Return to the starmap.

  124. Look for the solar system with one planet. It's just to the right of center of the map. Note the markings again (CTM is a good approximation).

  125. Return to the storage room and enter the code into the control panel.

  126. Go to the newly opened chamber.

  127. Use the glass on the green goo.

  128. Examine the device once the green goo is gone.

  129. Take note of the alien markings there (sideways C, sideways 1, sideways L)

  130. Also make a note of the alien markings above the capsules. Sideways F, then T is above those capsules you have turned off. Also look off to the side a bit. You'll notice that the on code is F-.

  131. Return to the generator room.

  132. Walk to the end of the walkway and look at the energy cable. There are more alien letters on it. (MMC).

  133. To turn off the generator you will need to enter the following code: M, M, C, sideways F, T. This combines the code from the energy cable with the off code from the capsules.

  134. With the power shutdown, you now need a transformer. Take the copper wire and use it on the rusted frame.

  135. Use the transformer on the cable end just to the left of the control panel. Now use the empty power cell on the transformer.

  136. Turn the generator back on using the code MMC, sideways F, -.

  137. Turn the generator back off using the same code you used last time to turn it off, and get the charged energy cell.

  138. Now to turn off the gravity. Remember the code from the alien's capsule? Enter that and the off code into the control panel. Sideways C, Sideways 1, Sideways L, sideways F, T.

  139. Use your particle rifle on the energy cell.

  140. Use the particle rifle on the floating crystal.

  141. Return to the generator room main view and attempt to leave.

  142. Use the particle rifle on the stone head.

  143. Exit the generator room.

  144. Enter the ship. Go to the engine room.

  145. Use the fuel cell on the main reactor.

  146. Use the plasma injector on the middle engine. Go to the medical room.

  147. Go to the desk and use the glass of green goo on the analyzer.

  148. Go to the cockpit.

  149. This time click on the right fancy panel and click on the words saying "Initiate Launch Sequence."

  150. Enjoy your ending movie!

Hope this helped!

notazombie May 7, 2009 11:47 AM

I'm with you, Briguy. Seriously:

I would have never thought to to combine the Buddha statue withe the rod. C'mon!


I agree the

Buddha statue bit and using the scanner on the satmap - really?

was totally weak sauce. But I liked the

alien codes

at the end. I thought it was very satisfying to figure them out myself.


perdido May 7, 2009 8:19 PM

usually i don't like too much the games "click on this click on that" because i love solving logic puzzle not hunting for pixels that the majority of the games require. and this time i enjoy every second of this adventure (ok, ok the buddah thing...). The only thing i didn't appreciate was

the ending scene... no explanation. no fight with no one. and why the robot let us go? why they(it?) attack only the other crew?. it seems like a pilot episode for a series... is possible?

. But the rest was awesome.thumbs up

kenshiro May 7, 2009 8:42 PM

Nevermind, just beat it last night. Pretty good and I only needed the walkthrough near the end.


Been trying for 2 days to load the game, but seems Lady Luck is nowhere near me T___T

MaryEllen May 9, 2009 3:14 PM

Argh, where is the nanoglue applicator? I've searched every pixel in the area!

queen-of-diamonds May 10, 2009 2:49 AM

If this games gets a sequel I see a classic in the making.

I had to resort to the walkthrough at some point (with the off/on codes) but for the most part the Captain's comments helped me find the right thing to do.
As for the voices, I didn't find them particularly annoying... admittedly, the guy's voice (ours, let's say) was a bit monotone, but the captain's was ok.

5/5 from me.


One of the greatest flash quests I've ever seen. Intro and outro are very impressive and the game itself too.
The only nasty thing was those codes, i had used walkthrough to get the clue :)

SkfyS Day May 11, 2009 12:57 AM

A great game!

In so many point&click games, there is no logic or any connection whatsoever between a puzzle and its solution. This one is the exact opposite and is what a puzzle game should be. (It seemed a little weird that the alien language follows English grammar though.)

The graph is outstanding. And considering it runs in Flash, it is just amazing. Console game designers, especially those of "Crysis", should learn a thing or two from this game.

It has proved again that high quality does not necessarily demand a huge investment.

Look forward to the next game from the same team. Keep up the good work!

brokenrecord May 11, 2009 1:51 AM




Anonymous May 16, 2009 12:06 AM

Help with the end of the game, please!

I can't get out of the generator room, even after trying the gun on the spooky head. I just keep getting "I'd better leave it alone." I have shut down the reactor, but the game doesn't seem to recognize this. Gun is charged. Using Firefox on a Mac; had some other weirdness in earlier scenes, but reloading the game always worked before.

Anonymous May 18, 2009 7:59 PM

OK, figured it out without you: I was missing the hotspot to exit and trying to shoot the wrong thing.

Opening and ending movies owe a debt to Firefly, don't they? Even the music.

Anonymous May 19, 2009 11:07 AM

I think I'm missing something at the end.

I charged the gun at the end but now I cant figure out how to disable the generator. The walkthrough just says shoot the floating crystal, but I see no floating crystals! any pointers?


Yeah I cant find the floating crystal either whats that deal?

patrick May 21, 2009 6:40 PM

yeah same here, what crystal?

Kelevra May 22, 2009 4:55 PM

it looks like you type in n, sideways 1 and sideways 7 and then FT. FT means off F- means on. that makes the crystal drop


wheres the cohesive applicator?


Did anyone else click on the stone head in the specimen room?

OMG when it opened it's eyes I almost screamed like a Japanese school girl.


i still cant see it what drops down before the end

OK so i charged the plasma rifle, but i can't find the crystal to shoot at

librarysmiles May 29, 2009 9:58 AM

Fun! Thanks for the walkthrough, definitely needed help a few times.

Anonymous May 29, 2009 11:15 PM

Where the heck is the crystal? I've been playing all day trying to find it!

the chosen May 29, 2009 11:23 PM

Arrrg! I've been looking for the crystal for the whole day! Where is it!


this game was awesome! putting some story into the room escape idea is a smart way to keep people interested, as opposed to dogged stubbornness at being beaten by a flash game! also, great work on the intro/outro vids, reminiscent of early Playstation FMV.


Awesome game! This definitely beat the normal expectations of flash games. The graphics are top-knotch quality with perfect atmosphere!

Most of the time it just finding items and figure out how to use them though like the others, I found the alien puzzle to be intuitive. The items also scattered in make-sense places.


that game was surprisingly harder then i thought it was going to be


I'm at the part where you need to input the code from the solar system, but for whatever reason the symbols won't change color, or indicate that they've been selected. Is this an error, or a sign that I havn't finished something?

moseywo June 5, 2009 3:39 PM

DUDE! AWESOME AWESOME GAME! Loved almost every second of it! The dialogue was long but you did have the option to skip it if you wanted to however I thought it simply added realism to the all over atmosphere of the game.

@ Kuroko - I MUST CONCUR! I get chills and that "Christmas morning" excitement just thinking about that possibility too! Grrreat suggestion!


When, oh when, will the cargo container that I'm clicking with my wrench yield the doll?!!!


This one rocks. Great graphics, great story- and gameline, good voice acting.

Two things to be sad about - neither is the game's fault:
- my pc is down at the moment and i use a laptop with Win7 on it for which it's not strong enough so the game runs rather jaggy on it. Too bad #1.
- The only thing, I discovered with sorrow, the game bitterly lacks is a save feature. I'm about an hour into the game and now I have to leave :(

Anyway, I'll ba back, like Arnie, for sure. This game does deserve a new start when i have time.


PS: my bike's broken. Could use some of that nanoglue. Anyone knows where on this planet of ours to get some? :D :D


Update: thx god I checked the MENU section before I left and discovered the save button. Now I feel the 5 mushroooms I gave this game fully, totally, wholly deserved :)


OMG, could it be that this game is a Hungarian product? The can of beer says "SÖR" on it which means beer - in Hungarian.



How did I miss this?! I just found it, and it's one of my rare 5 stars games :D


HOLY FREAKIN' AWESOME! I can't figure out how I missed this one either. I also gave it a 5-mushroom.


I'm having a problem with step 133 of the walkthrough - when I try to enter "MMC FT" in the generator control panel, nothing happens, and Powell tells me that "maybe I should enter the right code".

I've tried reloading the game; doesn't help.


How odd. When I tried it again today, it worked.

Great game, but glitchy. Would love to see a sequel! (Possibly with fewer glitches... *g*)


I cannot figure out how to

destroy the red crystal. I tried using the rifle, but it says it's empty.

Cycloneblaze September 5, 2009 3:32 PM

@Will-use the charged energy cell with the rifle.THEN shoot it.


Quite interesting! I loved the setting, graphics and the voice acting wasn't bad.

The only things that really irritated me was combining items. Some combos were a bit ridiculous or hard to figure out on your own. Also making the crystal appear was a big pain in the butt. I felt like ripping out my hair. o_o


It says to enter the code for gravity

Sideways C, backwards n, sideways L, sideways F, T.

, press the red button. Then enter the code to turn off the machine I think.

m, m, c, sideways F, T.

Besides that, it was a pretty interesting game! I love that you could radio for help. That way I didn't get too lost or miss items. xD;

I did have to refer to the walkthrough around the middle of the game. It's hard, but still quite interesting.


How do you open the hibernation chamber?


To open the chamber:

Make sure that you've restored at least basic power in Engineering, then turn on the computer in the cockpit, I think. The medical bay's screen should be active, which will let you open the dead guy's chamber.

Also, for those who are having trouble with getting the crystal:

Check the storage pods again, and look where the goo is. There should be a device to inspect that looks similar to the gravity generator in the main room. It is marked with a code which probably means 'gravity generator' (the other, mmc, is probably 'power generator'). Use that code (n, reverse-h, Gamma) with the 'off' code on the pods to disengage the gravity generator and not just the power generator. This will lower the crystal so you can blow it up with the rifle you should have charged with the power cell.


The nanoglue gun applicator tip is between the cabinets in the engineering room.


Great game! Just a bit too long... and the crystal thing was hard >.

Daphne B. January 6, 2010 10:27 PM

If anyone's still playing this game, I found the version at Armor Games to be less buggy than the Bubblebox site that the review links to. As in, the Bubblebox one crashed for me twice in a row with Flash errors (after I updated to the latest version), but the Armor Games one had no issues at all. Also, it was worth playing. :)

[Edit: I'll switch the links in the review above to the Armor Games site instead. Thanks for reporting that. :) -Jay]

grauntlet February 3, 2010 9:57 AM

Walkthrough steps 111/112:

I see no corpse down the gorge (no clockwatch), maybe the red flare doesn't cast enough light?


I really enjoyed this game,I stumbled on it after a game on bubblebox didn't work and fell in love with it as soon as the sequence started.

The music was fantastic and the commentary was hilarious.

And the stone head in the specimen room scared me to death, I thought I'd miss clicked something and was going to die and I spazzed and ran out of the room back to the crater.

RobinHood3 April 18, 2010 5:09 PM

Great game!!! I could see the series being where: they are about to crash coming back to earth because they forgot a remember seeing the piece on the Armstrong. when you get back the aliens are active and aggressive, so you have to fight them. that *might* be a sequel! lol!

the buddha statue and steel bar DOES make sense...think about it. If you hit a heavy item on a steel bar you WILL break/bend it. It naturally ends up shaped like a crowbar.

the beer down the drain makes sense too, if you put beer or other liquid down a drain the items in the drain will float up (if they have a density less than 1)

nightflyer April 27, 2010 11:28 PM

This game is great! Cool graphics and script! Reminds me of the characters in a crisis in the 1980's Enemy Mine movie. I hope there's a sequel to this game. An interesting idea I have for a sequel is the 'robotic heads' track the trail of the Morning Star to its home planet and plan an invasion or the Morning Star explorers discover the creators of these "robotic rock heads".

Patreon VIP Chiktionary May 9, 2010 9:30 PM

Oooohhhh! The game keeps crashing on me. I can barely make it past the intial dialogue between Powell and Novak (?) and the game freezes.
Over the months I've tried to play this game at least 7 or 8 times and continually face the same issues every time. The opening scene is really 'fraggy' every time. I've installed, uninstalled and re-installed the adobe flash player multiple times, but still no joy :(

Need Help June 16, 2010 2:38 PM

On step number 140, it says floating crystal... where is it exactly??


Need Help:
As someone else said, the walkthrough says to turn off the gravity use a certain 3 lettered code and then ft...well they dont give you the right one!it is n1L (all sideways) ft for it to work, and then ou should see the crystal


Amazing... Amazing Game... I really want a sequel...

I am a fan of the submachine series, which have some really good point-and-click puzzles, but this tops out as my all time favorite...

A must play!


Damn fine point-n-click adventure. TOP NOTCH quality

Anonymous April 23, 2011 9:24 AM

I'm stuck on (Gold)Buddha + steel bar.
Where is the steel bar exactly?


Yikes, I'm unable to view either the opening or closing movies. I just see a black window with a cursor. Everything else seemed to work fine.


[I'm looking into this right now. Apparently most of the other sites that are hosting this game have the same issue. I've contacted the developer about it. -Jay]


UPDATE NOW ONLINE: I spoke with the developer, Andras, at Red Herring Labs and he said the sponsor (who had been hosting the movies and voice narratives) had recently removed them.

So, we now have the FULL game up and online here at JIG thanks to Andras! Including all movies and voice overs.

elleClicks May 15, 2012 11:49 AM

This game is freakin awesome. Can't believe it's FREEEEE. Definitely resets the bar for a 5-star game.

herds789 July 19, 2012 2:59 AM

Excellently done! Challenging, but not impossible without the walkthrough. Would love to see more escape games like this.

hyperspeed100 June 6, 2014 12:53 AM

I really thought the fish was going to be used for the hibernation fluid, but it turned out to just be a minor gag (no pun intended) for the game. Awesome play-through and graphics.


This game is gorgeous. It's seriously what I've been wishing every point-and-click game would be.

Cyberjar88 April 5, 2015 7:52 PM replied to hyperspeed100

Well, it is a Red Herring.


There is a more in-depth version with slightly better graphics and some different voice acting on Steam for $10. I hear it's not really worth the price for the upgrade, but if you want to give the guys some money for their work, there's your opportunity.

Also, I think Jayisgames may be the last place you can get the game with the old voice acting, so try not to let anyone know. They ripped it out of kongregate and newgrounds - presumably to make people buy the updated version - and I can only assume they'll try to do the same here if anyone finds out. The government is out to get us guys.


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