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Loose the Moose

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JayLoose the MooseLoose the Moose is the latest point-and-click, escape-the-room puzzle game from Bart Bonte and just released only moments ago as we just received word from Bart about it.

As with most other games like it, the premise is a simple one: you're in a room, you need to get out. You will have to be observant and think logically to solve puzzles that lead you to your escape. If you get stuck, I'm sure there will be help provided in the comments before long. Perhaps even a walkthrough for those that get lost along the way.

Play Loose the Moose

Walkthrough Guide

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Complete Walkthrough

  1. Notice the painting.

  2. Note that you cannot touch the lamp.

  3. Go to right.

  4. Click on coat until it drops glove and coin.

  5. Click on hat.

  6. Moose - you have to first get both of his eyes open. At the base of each antler, click so whole antler moves. Now on each antler, click all of the extra bits, including the top, so that each sticks straight up or out. Both eyes should now be open. Now click each bit again, including the base of each antler so that they point to each other, the two tips should be pointing toward the ceiling. His mouth should now open. Get disc.

  7. Go right once more.

  8. Insert coin into gumball machine, get gumball.

  9. Now, remember that painting? See the dots on the front of the safe? It's a five by five grid. Just make the dots green where the painting is colored.

  10. Get cd.

  11. Go right again.

  12. Go ahead and plug in the computer by clicking on the cord and then on the plug.

  13. Note that the lamp needs a bulb. We've seen a bulb, but it was too hot to touch. Aha! We've got a glove now.

  14. Go right, collect bulb.

  15. Put bulb in lamp, raise lamp to highest position.

  16. Now, return to screen with the moose.

  17. How do you get a mouse out of its hole? Offer him food, of course.

  18. Select gumball, click on mouse hole.

  19. Now the mouse will come out to get the gumball, and when he does, stick the hat on top of him.

  20. Now we have to be a little mean, so go ahead and put the cd case in front of his home and then lift the hat.

  21. Now the mouse has run away, but he forgot his gum!

  22. Go ahead and take the gum again, now go to the screen with the couch.

  23. Aww, the poor little mouse is hiding! Click the cushion above the mouse while having the gumball selected. He will run to the next section, so do the same with this cushion.

  24. Now he's by the plug. Unplug it to scare him, and he will run up the side of the desk.

  25. While he's just running around up there, go ahead and plug the computer back in.

  26. Ooh.. he likes it. Now stick the disk into the right side of the keyboard.

  27. Ack! Now the mouse is on top of the lamp. Now click the lamp four times to get him to launch elsewhere. While you're there, go ahead and take the bulb back, and take the disc out of the computer.

  28. Remember how that light was hot? Put the bulb back in and the mouse will leap off, knocking the moose head to the floor. Go ahead and take the bulb out again.

  29. Now do the same bit over again, getting the mouse from under the couch, and back to the computer. You'll have to redo the lamp and basically, just repeat steps 23 - 28, but you don't have to take the items back, except the bulb.

  30. Oh, hey, the mouse jumped into the hole. Now how did we lure him out last time? Drop the gumball into the hole. Hey! A key!

  31. I'm pretty sure you can take it from here.

(I realize that Kero just posted a walkthrough as well, and he can have the t-shirt credit or whatever, but mine is easier to read, and has steps, so yeah. I'm posting mine as well.)


I got the hat and the glove. Used the glove to get light bulb and put it in the table lamp.

Now what?


the beginning..

  1. redraw the mondrian pattern on the safe, get cd

  2. get hat, shake coat repeatedly, get glove and coin

  3. put coin in gumball machine, get gumball

  4. put gumball in front of mouse hole, quickly put cd in front of mouse hole

  5. scare mouse by moving sofa cushions until it runs on top of desk

  6. move cable from amiga, plug it in

  • you may also get the light bulb using the glove and put it in the desk lamp, and vice versa, but I don't know yet what for.

  • you may also move the antlers of the moose (some kind of code?)

Zorelei May 30, 2007 2:05 PM

I must be blind. I can't figure out what to do.

I got the mouse out of his hole, and onto the table. He's just staring at the screen. I got the moose's eyes open, but now I'm lost.



I'm still working on it, but this game has got some interesting play to it.

a small hint:

certain items can be collected more than once, so don't worry if you seem to have missed an opportunity


I still can't figure out the safe thing...

Zorelei May 30, 2007 2:15 PM

I figured it out! =D

Once you get the mouse to the computer screen, go back to the moose. Click on its antlers so that both eyes open. Then, click them back and his mouth will open up, revealing a disk =D When you put the disk in the computer, the mouse jumps onto the lamp. Pull the disk out, then click the lamp (with the bulb in it) to make the mouse fly onto the other light. Take the bulb out, then put it in the light over the couch. The mouse will jump onto the Moose head, knocking it down, then hide under the couch. Do everything over again and he jumps into the hole. Put the gum ball in the hole and he gives you a Key =)


I've gotten this

Play with the moose antlers to get the eyes open and then the mouth to get a floppy disk. Not sure what good it does as when you put it in the computer it plays music and scares the mouse away.


Couple of Hints:

1) PREMISE: You need to spend time with the mouse. The game basically consists of putting (and flinging) the mouse into the right places.
2) NON-OBVIOUS PUZZLE: In addition to each branch of the antler, the entire antler can also move. The puzzle is a two step process: a) eyes open; b) mouth open.

Malachi May 30, 2007 2:20 PM

I got a bit further than Zorelei...

Once the moose's eyes are open, you have to re-arrange the antlers so they're completely opposite to how they were to get the eyes open. The little antler branches will make a sort-of ladder shape. You'll get a disk, which can be used in the computer, and then you can use the light bulb to fling the mouse to different places...

I'm stuck after that, though.



Go to the coat rack, grab the hat and shake the coat multiple times to get the key and the coin.
Examine the painting, you must make the safe box resemble the colored sections of the painting. (One light on bottom right corner, two lights to the left and up vertically, nine lights to fill up the 3 by 3 box of lights in the upper left) this gets you the CD
Use the glove to take out the lightbulb from the hanigng fixture and put it on the desk lamp. Click on the cord that is just visible above the keyboard to drop it down and plug it in. YOU NEED A DISK!!!!!!!
Use the coin to buy a gumball and place it in front of the mouse hole. when he comes out to get it, trap the critter under the hat and block his mousehole with the cd before lifting up the hat. The mous will go under the couch, ruffle the pillows to get him to move and play with the computer cord to get him up on the desk. Move the lamp so it is the lowest it can possibly be.
THe moose part is wierd. Moce the antlers so theyre open and the little parts of it are all "open" (pointed away from his head) this will open his eyes. Then do the exact opposite(everything moved in) and he will give you the disk.
Disk in computer:mouse jumps to lamp:fling mouse with lamp.
Get the bulb out of the desklamp and put it back in the fixture. Mouse will go whacky and kill the moose, leaving a crack in the wall. repeat the procedures to get the mouse back up on the desk and the madness the ensues again. he will jump into the crack in the wall. Get another coin and gumball, trade him the gumball for the key and he well set you free! you caboosed the moose!


It's important to remember that each antler can move up & down, not just the individual points.

Anonymous May 30, 2007 2:25 PM

help, what is the right combination on the antlers, I think I have tried them all


help, what is the right combination on the antlers, I think I have tried them all


arranging the moose antlers will cause a diskette to pop out it's mouth.
put disk into computer, mouse gets scared
mouse will jump onto desk lamp
adjust lamp 2-3 times and mouse will jump to light over couch
replace bulb into overhead light and mouse will jump on the moosehead knocking it off the wall revealing a crack
entice the mouse back to the desk, remove the diskette
turn the computer on and insert the diskette
repeat the lamp/overhead light/moosehead pattern
mouse will jump into hole
use gumball on hole and a key will fall out

jwm0429 May 30, 2007 2:31 PM

How do I redraw the Mondrian Pattern on the safe? I still don't which buttons light up.

I guess my mind isn't working today.

fuzzboxer May 30, 2007 2:32 PM

In order for the mouth to open, you have to have the main trunk of antlers pointed up, and the smaller antlers pointed toward each other(kind of in a down position).

jwm0429 May 30, 2007 2:33 PM

nevermind. brain started working again!



  • Copy painting pattern onto safe and get CD.

  • Get hat.

  • Shake coat a few times until you have the glove and the coin.

  • Move antlers on moose untill they are lowered and all straight. Mooses eyes will open, then raise antlers and bend all parts and get disk from mooses mouth.

  • Use coin in gumball machine and get gumball.

  • place gumball infron of mouse hole and trap mouse with hat.

  • Place cd infront of mousehole and remove hat.

  • Shacke couch chusins untill mouse runs to desk.

  • Use glove to get lightbulb.

  • plsu in computer.

  • put bulb in lamp and raise lamp to max height.

  • When mouse id infront of screen insert disk.

  • Move lamp untill mouse flies off.

  • Get lightbulb

  • Put lightbulb into light fixutre the mouse is on. he will fly off and knock down the moose.

  • Put gumball in crack.

  • Get the key and open the door.


Complete Walkthrough

  1. Notice the painting.

  2. Note that you cannot touch the lamp.

  3. Go to right.

  4. Click on coat until it drops glove and coin.

  5. Click on hat.

  6. Moose - you have to first get both of his eyes open. At the base of each antler, click so whole antler moves. Now on each antler, click all of the extra bits, including the top, so that each sticks straight up or out. Both eyes should now be open. Now click each bit again, including the base of each antler so that they point to each other, the two tips should be pointing toward the ceiling. His mouth should now open. Get disc.

  7. Go right once more.

  8. Insert coin into gumball machine, get gumball.

  9. Now, remember that painting? See the dots on the front of the safe? It's a five by five grid. Just make the dots green where the painting is colored.

  10. Get cd.

  11. Go right again.

  12. Go ahead and plug in the computer by clicking on the cord and then on the plug.

  13. Note that the lamp needs a bulb. We've seen a bulb, but it was too hot to touch. Aha! We've got a glove now.

  14. Go right, collect bulb.

  15. Put bulb in lamp, raise lamp to highest position.

  16. Now, return to screen with the moose.

  17. How do you get a mouse out of its hole? Offer him food, of course.

  18. Select gumball, click on mouse hole.

  19. Now the mouse will come out to get the gumball, and when he does, stick the hat on top of him.

  20. Now we have to be a little mean, so go ahead and put the cd case in front of his home and then lift the hat.

  21. Now the mouse has run away, but he forgot his gum!

  22. Go ahead and take the gum again, now go to the screen with the couch.

  23. Aww, the poor little mouse is hiding! Click the cushion above the mouse while having the gumball selected. He will run to the next section, so do the same with this cushion.

  24. Now he's by the plug. Unplug it to scare him, and he will run up the side of the desk.

  25. While he's just running around up there, go ahead and plug the computer back in.

  26. Ooh.. he likes it. Now stick the disk into the right side of the keyboard.

  27. Ack! Now the mouse is on top of the lamp. Now click the lamp four times to get him to launch elsewhere. While you're there, go ahead and take the bulb back, and take the disc out of the computer.

  28. Remember how that light was hot? Put the bulb back in and the mouse will leap off, knocking the moose head to the floor. Go ahead and take the bulb out again.

  29. Now do the same bit over again, getting the mouse from under the couch, and back to the computer. You'll have to redo the lamp and basically, just repeat steps 23 - 28, but you don't have to take the items back, except the bulb.

  30. Oh, hey, the mouse jumped into the hole. Now how did we lure him out last time? Drop the gumball into the hole. Hey! A key!

  31. I'm pretty sure you can take it from here.

(I realize that Kero just posted a walkthrough as well, and he can have the t-shirt credit or whatever, but mine is easier to read, and has steps, so yeah. I'm posting mine as well.)

Eytan Zweig May 30, 2007 2:51 PM

The walkthrough above is essentially correct, but it misses the fact that after the penultimate step, you need to do all the steps from the one that starts with "shake" over, before doing the last move.


WOOOOOO! I beat it with no walkthrough or spoilers or anything! It's rare I find a difficult escape the room game that I can beat by myself. Well done Bart!

Plus my friend still can't beat it so I get to rub it in his face.


Finally done with this game, w00t. Ha! You can't rub it in my face anymo jonah :P

Hand-E-Food May 30, 2007 9:04 PM

That was cute. The only thing that stumped me was

that the moose head was entirely guess work. I expected to find clues on how to arrange it.

Klystron May 30, 2007 10:47 PM

Mondrian painting (for jwm0429):

This stumped me too. Light all the lights where the painting is colored, but black counts as a color. So, all the lights where the painting isn't white.


Okay I am stuck... I checked the walkthrough. I did what it said, moving the antlers and the eyes opened (I got that far before, main body of antlers = - - prongs= | |) but no combination I've tried will open the mouth. From what I read it should be main body of antlers = \/ prongs= - -, but still nada. It just stares at me. AmI just really off base or what?


Wow, Mea, I don't really understand your symbolic language there at all. But my guess as to what's wrong is that you have not moved each of the antlers in its entirety. To open the eyes you had to open them, spread each piece out as far as it could go. To open the mouth you need to do just the opposite (i.e., close them both, moving each piece in as tight as it will go.)

Does that help?


Pretty neat little game, my only gripe was that there seemed to be no logical way of working out the antler puzzle. Loving the mouse though!


Mea, you're forgetting the last piece of the ladder.
You can move the tip.


AJ, that was it. I completely missed the very tips of each antler.

Boy I feel dumb now.

Thank you though. Gonna try to play through it again. :)

Naz Nomad June 1, 2007 12:13 PM

Um, that's not a moose. It's either a deer or an elk. A moose has totally different antlers.


Oh wow. I can't believe I didn't notice that in the first place. Ha, yeah, totally not a moose at all. Nowhere near a moose. It can't be an elk either, because elk have broader antlers as well, so it has to be a deer. Yeah... I can't believe that completely escaped my notice, but then again, I was kind of involved in the play aspect. I feel really dumb now. Really, really dumb.


yay, first one I finished without a walkthru.
No, it wasn't an easier game, I'm getting better!


You have got to play this! There is a mouse so don't be scared! :b


point-n-click games should NOT have advertisements (at least, not the kind that open in the same window) placed so close to the game screen. I got frustrated with the game after repeating it 3 times, because I moved the mouse a bit too far to the right, intending to rotate the room to the right, but ended up on some advertisement, losing all game process. :( So sad.

MedicGal June 6, 2007 5:33 PM

OMG Disco, I agree! I repeated this stupid game four times because of the same thing! My mouse moved too far to the right, and I was comparing quotes to something. I hated that. I think it took a ton of fun out of the game. Instead of doing the game for fun, I was completing it out of sheer spite!


this is such a funny game to play.. i really enjoyed it.

TheThirdSpadger June 7, 2007 12:55 PM

To those confused on the safe combo:


The '0' are the green dots btw :D



thnx for the code thingyy


it was fun, but I cannot play these games anymore because of the mouse abuse :(


i don't get how to open the thing with the green dots on it. i can't figure out which shape goes where.

Inghild June 11, 2007 3:58 PM

My mouse jumps into the crack, and I can't seem to get it out. I can't remove the cd case from its hole either.


im totaly stuck!!
i have the mouse under the hat but i dont know how to move it.
please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the safe combo is

3x3 2 1 exactly like the painting
get the disk put it in front of the mouse hole take the hat the the gum with the gum selected click the couch.
go to the moose click the base of it's antlers the all the little other things, his eyes should open, make his antlers go back up, then click all the things again (there is one at the top that looks like part of the main one) grab the floppy. thats all ill tell.


Fun! The antlers can be irritating... but other than that I finished it pretty quickly! =D


That was cool but i just follow the steps and then when i play again i remember them. :)


i found it easy to take the bulb from the light but when i try to take it back from the lamp i cant! help please


eep, i can't get the bulb back out of the lamp, it just keeps doing its up and down thing


To those who can't take the bulb out of the desk lamp: remember, the bulb is still hot!

My question: I did everything the walkthrough said, did the whole mouse-couch-computer thing, knocked over the moose, where is the mouse? It should be in the crack in the wall, and I should be able to lure it out with the gumball...BUT I CAN'T!


Oh never mind!!
The mouse was on top of the ceiling lamp the whole time! I just had to screw the bulb back in...and yeah.
Anyway, hope my other hint was helpful.


Oh I love scaring the mouse!


when i plug the computer back in, the mouse runs back to the sofa!! =O so unhappy!


do mouse again, then he goes in hole, u put gumball in hole, finally u get key then get out


What was he point of the plant?
Did that relate to the antler positions?

extreme girl December 9, 2007 7:42 PM

sooooo easy, thanks for the coolio walkthrough i finished the game in like 5 minutes

Saphire913 March 25, 2008 4:53 PM

OMG the mouse is so cute aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


muhahahahaha!!!! you freak the mouse out and when he screams it is so funny!

MiriamYzfan August 6, 2008 10:22 PM

the mouse is so cute! ^^
nice game!


Aww, that poor mouse... you certainly put it through a lot, don't you?

MasterGeodude November 22, 2008 4:17 PM

Thanks wendy, you really helped me out there


hey thanx for the help wendy

i like the ending with the mouse and the gumballs it's cute!


Seriously, laughed so hard I am still crying about it. lmao "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK"


How do you block the mouse's hole because when I try it just sits there and then the mouse runs back in?


didnt realize top of antlers could move aswell Cool game :D


Ahwwww! Poor mouse! hehe... :)


The mouse Screaming kept scaring me half to death.


what do you mean by cd case???


god the mouse eyes scared the crap out of me


hey the mouse took the gum ball! STUPID MOUSIE >:[


to wendy it is a moose because the game is called loose the moose the clue's in da name!!!


Awwww at the end all the mouses get gumballs and spell out well done aw so cute!!!!!


Lol hey Jay!!!Get here and talk!I just wanna say...

Love da endin' where the mice get loads of gumballs and spell out "Well done!"

Lol its so cute, and a good idea. Nice game by the way!

andr01d April 9, 2017 6:05 AM

Adorable game as usual with some very novel puzzles. No codes or any of the usual fare. Requires a lot of experimentation and some frustration before achieving solutions. Some solutions are pretty unintuitive (I'm talking to you, wall deer) and unclued so just fool around and try everything. Stick with it because it is fairly rewarding to complete.


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