So you've broken into the bank, escaped from prison, and stolen the diamond, and the government has finally took notice. However, they're willing to cut a deal: the Toppat Clan of international thieves has been a much larger problem that you for quite a long time. Get some evidence, and they'll give you a full pardon. And to do that, you must start by Infiltrating the Airship. The fourth in the series of Puffball United's popular series of stickman-style humorous adventures, Infiltrating the Airship keeps the laughs coming and the awesome occurring.
As in previous entries, infiltrating the Airship is set-up choose-your-own-adventure style. An animation plays, and every so often you use the mouse to make a choice as to what your stickman avatar should do to proceed. Most of the decisions you can take your time on, though a few are quick-time events just to keep you on your toes. There are four ways to victory, sixty fatal fails to find, and a host of clickable secrets. There's been sort of an online backlash against the sort of random comedy that Puffballs United happens to specialize in, but Infiltrating the Airship shows that when it's done well, there's nothing more hilarious. The pop culture references come as fast as the frenetic physical comedy, and while the addition of voice-acting takes a little getting used to, Infiltrating the Airship is perhaps the most fun repeatedly killing a stickman ever has been.
Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
Infiltrating the Airship Walkthrough - All secrets included!
(Note: Each spoiler below contains a list of the decision points along each route, and your options at each one. Options in bold will lead to progress; options not in bold will lead to fails. "Nothing" means wait a moment without making a choice. Options marked with asterisks* are related to medals, and will be further explained in the "Medals" section below.)
Fails: 19
Endings: Government-Supported Private Investigator
C4 / Knock / Acid / Vaccuum (sic)
Disguise / Glue / Transdimensionalizer
Platform / Gravity Bubble / Robo Helper / Charles
Bone Melt / Mind Control / Gatling Gun / Remote Access
Ninja Star* / Spook / Falcon Kick / Nothing
Shut off the power / Reroute the power / I don't need your help!
(Note: "Make an animal noise" is neither a fail nor progress. It just brings up the same choice again. It does earn you a medal, though.)
Flashbang / Sleeping Gas / Banana Bomb* / Force Gun
Cannon Ball
Fails: 20
Endings: Relentless Bounty Hunter, Rapidly Promoted Executive
Laser / Chair / Thruster
Eject / Spikes / Boost / Nothing
Metal Fist / Beans / Warp / Nothing
Metal Bend / Rocket Jump / Techno Trousers
(Note: "Dirk" and "YoYo" can both lead to progress. Make sure you come back for both, though; you get a medal for each one.)
(If you chose "Dirk") Fight / Blitz / Tools / Magic
(If you chose "YoYo") Bash / PSI / Goods / Defend
Glider / Jet Boots / Beef Up
Parachute* / Tank / Dummies / Missile
(Note: "Tank" gets you the RBH ending. "Dummies" gets you the RPE ending.)
Grapple Gun
Fails: 19
Endings: Pure-Blooded Thief
Joy Buzzer / Expanding Foam / Wait / Bomb
Vent / Elevator / Computer
Leap / Teleporter / Stretch Chewies / Magic Pencil
Wizard Magic / Hack* / Paperizor / Power Glove
Clawpack / Shrink 'n Grow / Gravity Gun
Shell / Power Armor / Propane Tank / Umbrella
D.E.B. / L. Cut mk. I / Prototype / (smudged)
Sticky Hand
Fails: 2
Endings: None
Ball 'n Chain* / Zero-Point Energy
Getting the Biggoron's Sword is a multi-step process that spans a few different routes on the Route Tree. Start on the Grapple Gun route. Right before or at point 2 on that route, click the key on the computer desk to nab it.
Later in the same route, between points 3 and 4, Henry will automatically use the key to free a prisoner.
A bit later, just before point 5 and still in the same route, the prisoner will break down a section of wall. Click the flash drive sitting there to pick it up.
Still in the same route, at point 7, the flash drive will be visible in the drawer with the CDs. Click on it to see a four-digit code. Write it down.
Now play the Earpiece route. Right before or at point 2, click the keypad on the wall. Enter the four-digit code to open a door somewhere else.
Your last stop is the Cannon Ball route. Between points 2 and 3, Henry will automatically duck into the door he opened and find the sword. Click "Retry" to get back on track.
The ending and fail medals should be self-explanatory, and I covered the Biggoron's Sword above, so here are the others:
Kredit 2 Team - Get any ending, then watch the credits to the end. (...I think. I'm not sure how I got this one.)
Music Enthusiast - During the credits at any ending, click any music track name. This will link you to its page on Newgrounds.
Bound to the Earth - On the Cannon Ball route, point 5, pick YoYo, then Goods.
The Last Fantasy - On the Cannon Ball route, point 5, pick Dirk, then Tools.
Famous Movie Line - On the Earpiece route, point 5, pick Ninja Star. On the FAIL screen, click letters in the quote in the order M-U-L-A-N. (Look for the changing cursor.)
Buttery Snack - On the Cannon Ball route, point 7, pick Parachute. On the FAIL screen, click "Butterfingers".
Braaaggghhh - Get the Relentless Bounty Hunter ending, then click the moon when it appears in the upper right corner.
BEEEEEEEEE - Get the Rapidly Promoted Executive ending, then click the TF2 icon on the computer screen (it's there during the soundtrack portion of the credits).
Barnyard Blitz - On the Earpiece route, point 6, pick "Make an animal noise".
Gold - On the Earpiece route, point 7, pick Banana Bomb. On the FAIL screen, click the red text.
LOLOLOL!!!11 - On the Grapple Gun route, point 4, pick Hack. On the FAIL screen, mouse over the collection of awful puns.
You Win..! - Get the fake ending (at the very beginning, Sticky Hand, then Ball 'n Chain).
Thanks, SonicLover, for the walkthrough
Posted by: Mike
May 28, 2013 2:44 PM