Get your fuzzy blankey and turn on the lights, Imscared - A Pixelated Nightmare lives up to its name. This short and simple horror game from Ivan Zanotti puts you in a dark corridor and asks you to explore a bit, gathering keys in order to gain access to different rooms. You know you "need a heart" to make it to the exit, but surely that's some sort of riddle, isn't it? And that portrait totally had blood on it the first time you looked at it, you just didn't catch it in the same light... right?
Standard first person controls apply to Imscared, utilizing [WASD] to move, the mouse to look, and the [E] key to interact with things. Press [ctrl] to crouch, necessary to nab items laying on the floor. You can't interact with most things you see, but you'll be so busy holding [shift] to sprint that there's no time to stop and look through the linens. Watch the environment for clues, and try not to look over your shoulder too much. That looming darkness a few meters away is completely safe!
Imscared doesn't end when you think it does. It deceives you in many ways. Open the game's folder after you beat it and run it again. Maybe something more terrifying awaits? Or maybe it's something fun like a game of tag? Maybe you'll be too shaken up to try it again for a few hours/days/lifetimes. Either way, dark hallways and pixelated faces have rarely been this scary.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Imscared - A Pixelated Nightmare Walkthrough
Use the WASD keys to move your character.
Use the mouse to control the camera.
Press the Shift key to sprint.
Press the Ctrl key to crouch.
Press the E to pick up an item or interact with an object.
Press the Esc key to close the game.
Stage 1
Part 1
Turn towards the back of the room and walk to the table beside the bed.
Crouch down and take the LITTLE KEY on the floor underneath the table.
Go to the wardrobe and open the right door.
A new hallway at the back right corner of the room will appear. Walk to the end of the hall and go down the ladder.
Part 2
Walk down the hallway until you come to the third door (it will be on the right side).
Open the door and go into the room.
Move to the space between the chair and the right bookcase.
Look behind the back of the right bookcase and pick up the RUSTY KEY.
Exit the room and turn right to continue down to the end of the hall.
Open the door on the left and walk forward to the pit until you hear a laugh.
Go back out to the hall and walk towards the start again. When you pass the door you opened earlier, go forward to the very next door on the right.
Open the door and enter the red room. The door will lock behind you.
Walk down to the end of the path.
When you reach the dead end, pick up the PULSATING HEART on the ground.
Jump scare! A ghostly face will appear behind you and close your game.
Stage 2
Part 1
Open the Imscared folder on your computer.
You'll see two new files have appeared: a blank image named "HELLO" and a text file "Attention".
Open the "Attention" document and take note of 3 important details
In the second paragraph you'll find instructions to play the next level:
Follow the arrows, don't get caught or you will lose the game.
Turn up the volume if necessary and listen for warning sounds of approaching danger.
Note the last line of the document: "It is White Face".
Reopen the game and you'll prompted with a new message asking for a name.
Enter the name you found in the document into the text box.
White Face
Part 2
Read the message written on the wall: "Let's Play Tag."
Start running.
Look towards the ground as you run until you find a painted white arrow.
Move over the white arrow to mark it with a red message.
Run towards the direction the white arrow is pointing to follow it until you reach the next arrow.
As you pass over each blank arrow, they will also become marked to indicate a spot you've already visited.
While you're doing this, White Face will continuously chase you.
The background noise will grow louder as he approaches nearer.
If you keep sprinting (remember to hold the Shift key) you should be able to outrun him.
If he comes at you head on, quickly turn to the side to avoid him.
After all of the arrows have been found and marked, you will hear a chime sound indicating that you are ready to continue to the next scene.
Quickly locate the side door (you should see a red arrow on the ground that points in its direction) and run through it.
If you can't find the door, look for the forked arrows. Follow them both forward and you should reach the red arrow immediately after.
Go down the hall and turn left to the elevator.
Press the button on the wall and enter the elevator to "win" the game of tag.
Part 3
Follow the road forward until you reach a long hall with a gate at the end.
You may occasionally be interrupted by an image of white face appearing in your browser.
Approach the gate and try to open it, then read the message written on the other side.
Turn around to find a trail of blood has appeared on the ground.
Follow the trail down the street, then across the sidewalk and grass to find a puddle of blood behind a wall.
Take the GATE KEY from the ground.
Return to the gate at the end of the road.
Unlock the gate and move forward to the next scene.
Part 4
Open the grey door in front of you.
Walk around the pit and open the next door.
Enter the hall and walk forward all the way to the end.
Climb up the ladder to enter the bedroom.
Open the "Exit" door.
The End?
Not quite. After you close the game, you'll hear another laugh.
A few moments later the game window will briefly reopen, showing you in a cage with White Face spinning around you, and then close again.
Look inside the game's folder to find a new image and another text document.
Read the message, then open the game once again to continue playing.
Stage 3
Part 1
Walk forward and turn right around the corner to find a blank door.
Open the door and enter, then walk to the dead end.
Pick up KEY 1 on the floor.
Exit the room and immediately turn to the table on your left side.
Look underneath the table and take the PINCERS.
Open the door to your right that is marked with a large 1.
Enter room 1 and walk into the space between the bed and the white cabinets.
Look at the ground behind the back of the cabinets to find Key 8.
The room will suddenly go dark.
Part 2
Exit the room and walk forward, then turn right and open door 8.
Enter room 8 and walk to the windows.
After White Face knocks on the window, you'll hear the clicking sound of a door opening nearby.
Exit the room and go back to Door 1.
Turn left to see that a new door has opened. Enter the room.
Walk past the table to the glass doors at the corner of the room, then open the door and go out to the balcony.
Turn right and walk to the end of the balcony.
Pick up KEY 7 from the ground, causing the light to return again.
Turn around and re-enter the building through Room 8's glass doors.
Go forward and open the door to Room 7.
Part 3
Open the glass doors and walk out onto the balcony again.
Walk to the end of the balcony, then open the second pair of glass doors and enter the room.
Pick up KEY 2 on the floor just to the right of the foot of the bed.
Exit the room and turn right, left, and then right again to find door 2.
Open the door and enter the red room.
Pick up KEY 6 on the ground at the middle of the dead end.
Part 4
Turn around and reopen the door to find the whole building has transformed.
Walk forward and turn left, then right, then move forward again until you stop at a blank door with a trail of blood seeping out of the bottom.
Enter the room and go to the end of the hall.
Before you reach the pit, turn right and open the next door.
Go into the next room and turn left, where things seem to be normal again, and open the door.
Turn right and walk to the exit and open the door.
Part 5
Follow the white arrow into the darkness.
Continue moving forward in the direction of the arrow until you find White Face.
Go to the noose and use it.
The End
Posted by: Trinn
November 19, 2012 10:46 AM