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Ice Room

DoraButton, button, who's got the button?... well, apparently Yonashi does, because the escape game Ice Room is full of them. Coloured buttons. Twin buttons. Round buttons. Start buttons. Square buttons! Oh, and there's a polar bear, too. To play, just click to interact when the cursor changes, and click an item in your inventory to either highlight it for use, or to view it close up with the "about item" function. There are actually only a handful of things for you to pick up and use, and with a small, contained space, the emphasis here is on examining your environment for clues. Unlike, say, TomaTea games, you're not going to get any feedback as to whether you've seen a solution for a puzzle, and some of the solutions are, um, innovative, to put it mildly. Just experiment, pay attention to your surroundings... and maybe turn your volume down a bit, because that machinery is startling.

While parts of Ice Room are tricky, it's hard to say if it isn't just because sometimes what items are isn't exactly clear. There's very little feedback, and even less guidance, so getting stuck is more frustrating than in other escape games that might nudge you a little. Most of the puzzles come down to perspective, and once you realize what you're supposed to be doing, are actually fairly clever. It's on the short side, and it's both cute and weird in equal measure, so enjoy it for a refreshing little bit of escapery. It even comes with fireworks and a tasty treat, which should help take the sting out of the crick in your neck.

Play Ice Room


I need a hint on how to interpret the color clue. I have a hammer and two coins I haven't used yet.

Patreon Crew SonicLover August 11, 2014 7:44 PM replied to Konrad

I got stuck there for a long time, too.

Don't worry about the order of the colors. Instead, total them up.

KKonShinobu August 11, 2014 10:30 PM

Just started and already stuck :(

I have only a cube and clicked on just about every pixel with and without it. Any help please?

KKonShinobu August 11, 2014 10:35 PM

Ah, nevermind! Just realized that:

The code for the container in the 1st row, 3rd column (left and right buttons) is right there on the wall! Glad I gave that a second thought :p


Just a silly cute thing at the end:

You get different desserts if you press a different colour button at the end. I played twice and got pink, strawberry I think, and green, which seems to come with coffee beans or chocolates. Haven't played through for the yellow. The rest of the ending is the same, though.


Totally stuck at the grid.

I've unlocked the

3-button box

using the


and have the clue, but can't get it to work either way and don't understand

the fifth box on top except that may have something to do with the

color puzzle?



Where is the code? All the squares on the upper walls look the same.


Never mind, I got it.


Okay, now I'm stuck where JCS is.


Oh, now I get it.

The two dark slits above the grid panel? Those represent the two button panels on the wall, meaning that the grid pattern should be rotated 90° counterclockwise.

MemeSmith August 12, 2014 1:37 AM replied to tullia

Yes. Yellow is

lemon ice cream with lemon wedges and oreos.


looking forward to the walkthrough :)


@JCS: look at the cabinets from a far. Is there anything that resembles something near the 4x4 grid?


Solutions Guide
You can use this as a walkthrough if you really want to, but it's intended more as a nudge-you-in-the-right-direction guide for when you're stuck.

Left-right buttons

(middle left cubbyhole in starting scene, below where you found the banana)
Hint: The problem is part of the solution.

1. Remove the ice block from the bottom left cubbyhole by clicking it several times.
2. Now examine the cubbyholes. Two columns, eh?


Get: ice pick, coin

Makeshift hammer

Hint: Try freezing something.

You'll need the banana and the start button. The freezer is somewhat redundantly labeled -40°C. (At -40°, Celsius and Fahrenheit are identical.)

(If you can't find the banana, perhaps you shouldn't be playing escape games.) The freezer is the cylinder in the starting scene. Put the start button into the slot on the top, click the handle to open it, put in the banana, close it, and press start. Get the frozen banana.

Start button

Hint: round things roll downhill.

You'll need the square ice block and the ice pick.

The square ice block is in the starting scene, bottom left cubbyhole. Click a few times to get it. Then solve the left-right buttons to get the ice pick.

Use the ice pick on the block to get an ice ball.

Put the ball into the top archway (starting scene), then get the start button from the bottom archway.

3 buttons

(top panel next to big 4x4 panel)
Hint: nails + makeshift hammer.

Use the frozen banana to hit the nails (right column, 2nd cubbyhole from the top) and note the order they stick out in. If you need to see it again, zoom out, then zoom back in.


Find the 3-button panel and press the buttons in the indicated order.


(oval door next to the bear)
Hint 1: press the top button
Hint 2: are you sure you're looking at it correctly?

At the big 4x4 panel, after opening the top panel with the 3 buttons, you'll see two big round buttons. Press the top one, then observe the big panel.

Look at the door next to the bear. It has 2 black rectangles on top. The big panel has 2 rectangles on the left side. So to orient the solution correctly, turn it 90 degrees clockwise.


Get: access to the penguin's room.


Hint: hope you're good at ice sculptures.

Get the chisel from the penguin's room (4x4 puzzle). Use it on the rectangular ice block next to the bear. Give the bear the fish.

Get: blue key.

Locked cubbyhole

(right column, 2nd from the bottom)
Hint: ask the bear.

Solve the bear puzzle to get the blue key and use it to open the cubbyhole.

Get: mallet, light switch.

Colorful buttons

(bottom panel to the left of the 4x4 blocks)
Hint 1: turn off the lights.
Hint 2: number, not sequence.

Turn off the lights using the switch you found in the locked cubbyhole. Look around the room and count the number of lights of each color. Turn the lights back on, then go to the bottom panel to the left of the big 4x4 blocks. Press the buttons in the order indicated by the lights.

The buttons are yellow, blue, pink, orange, and green. There were 2 yellow lights, 3 blue, 1 pink, 5 orange, and 4 green.

Get: staircase button, coin (on the steps).

Mallet? What the heck do I do with a mallet?

Hint: try climbing some steps. You'll need to play with the lights first.

Solve the colorful button puzzle to open the bottom panel to the left of the 4x4 blocks. Press the staircase-shaped button. If you haven't already, look at the top panel and press the bottom button, which makes a block appear in the top right corner of the room. Use the steps to climb to the block, then use the mallet to break it open and get the key.

Get: pink key.


1. Left-right buttons
2. Penguin's room (look under the bed)
3. Steps


(locked panel next to big white square in otherwise-empty scene)
Hint: think pink.

Use the pink key that you got by using the mallet. Ring the bell to open the white square.

Coin operated

Hint: ask the penguin.

Once you've opened the square panel and revealed the coin slot, go look at the bear. The penguin should be standing next to him. Click the penguin so he gives you a bowl and a spoon.

Put your coins in the slot to turn on the vending machine. Put the bowl into the space indicated, then press one of the buttons. (Which button you press doesn't change the ending, it just changes what flavor of ice cream you get.) Get your ice cream.

Oy! Where's the door?

Hint: eat your ice cream.

Once you have the bowl of ice cream from the vending machine, use "about item" on it and click it. Get the note. Look at the note. Click the wall where the note indicates to reveal... something. Keep clicking until you see the elevator button. Click the button, go into the elevator, and you're out. (Until you've seen the note, no amount of clicking in the right spot will have any effect.)

Leopardmask August 16, 2014 10:44 PM

I can't get the color puzzle to work. I'm pretty sure I'm doing things right, but nothing's happening after I press all the buttons. What's going on?

lucieshepherd August 18, 2014 11:03 AM

I have put in the correct colour code for the buttons but do not receive anything and cannot progress further...

2 yellow, 3 blue, 1 pink, 5 orange and 4 green

what am I doing wrong?


Colorful buttons...

I guess "number, not sequence" can be interpreted wrong: I meant that when you're looking at the lights, you need to count them, rather than trying to write down a sequence of colors. However, when it comes time to press the buttons, you *do* need to translate your numbers into a sequence. So, press the pink button first, then the yellow button, then blue, then green, and then orange. (I hope I got that sequence right; I don't have time to replay the game right now.)


I just thought of another possibility: the game definitely has a "you can't do it until you've seen the clue" mechanism for finding the exit door, so it's possible it has a similar restriction on the colored buttons.

After turning off the lights, make sure you turn all the way around the room, then turn the lights back on and try the colored buttons.

jadis eaux August 19, 2014 8:15 PM

For the five colored buttons,

You only need to push each one once. For example, there is one pink light, so pink is the first button pressed. There are two yellow lights, so that is the second button pressed, and so on.

p, y, b, g, and o.


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