So you burned the rope and now you're the hero we all wish we could be. If you weren't satisfied with your previous victory over the Grinning Colossus, then you should jump into your genre changing machine and play Gama11's shoot-em-up, Grinning Cobossus.
Play with mouse or keyboard as the game takes you through several stages toward defeating the Grinning Cobossus (likeness used with Mazapan's permission), earning upgrade points and achievements along the way. Now what to do once you've finished the game? Maybe watch a video, maybe press refresh and start again...
This is like that final boss game where your an Asteroids type ship continuously fighting the Grinning Colossus.
Like the references stating the original game :)
Thx for reviewing my game, I really appreciate it. Also, I do have mazapans permission to use the Colossus. ;)
Yeah...This is just a generic (but fun) space shooter. I wonder if this game would be as popular if it was just a generic ship instead of something from a wildly popular game?
Well, a wildly popular joke. I think we can all agree there isn't much game there.
Man, the cobossus is going to be hell to search for a year from now :)
jay, is there a archives page for bosses!!! ?
[Nope, I guess not. We should probably have one, but there aren't really that many games with only boss fights, while lots and lots of games contain them. -Jay]