Creation HD - Back to Earth
Welcome to another meeting of the society for combining things with other things. ("Hear, hear!") You may have enjoyed some previous games of this type such as the ever-popular Doodle God series. Well, we have now discovered a new game of this type called Creation HD - Back to Earth, from Egyptian developer Accorpa. In this game, you begin with four things that are not combined with other things in any way. But by combining these things, we can come up with other things to combine into still other things with an end result of 235 things!
Creation HD uses the large screen of the iPad to its advantage by giving you a big open area to combine stuff in. This is especially helpful towards the end of the game where you can place a few promising elements on the screen and then drag new items out to try different combinations one by one. A helpful hint function also helps keep things from being tedious.
The plot (you're a scientist who traveled forward in time to a world where everything has been destroyed and needs to be recreated) is rather thin, and some of the artwork looks like it could have been borrowed from other sources. But the real reason you're here is for the pleasure of going from earth, air, water and fire to yogurt, cement and revolution, and this game gets that puzzle aspect just right!
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on a New iPad. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Creation HD walkthrough
Combinable Elements:
air = starting element
alcohol = fire + water
algae = water + life
animal = forest + life
armor = steel + tool
ash = energy + volcano
assassin = gun + human
bacteria = swamp _ life
beer = alcohol + wheat
bicycle = wheel + metal
bird = life + sky
blade = metal + stone
boat = wood + water
boiler = steam + metal
book = paper + paper
bread = dough + fire
brick = fire + clay
bullet = gunpowder _ metal
car = cart + combustion engine
carpenter = wood + human
cart = wood + wheel
cement = lime + clay
cheese = soured-milk + fire
clay = sand + mud
clock = electricity + hourglass
cloth = yarn + yarn
cloud = air + steam
coal = wood + fire
coffin = corpse + wood
concrete = cement + water
corpse = assassin + human
crowd = human + human
desert = sand + sand
dinosaur = lizard + time
dough = water + flour
dragon = fire + flying-dinosaur
dust = earth + air
earth = starting element
egg = nest + bird
electricity = metal + energy
energy = air + fire
explosion = fire + gunpowder
farmer = human + field
field = tool + earth
fire = starting element
fish = roe + time
flour = wheat + stone
flower = water + seed
flying-dinosaur = dinosaur + air
forest = tree + tree
fossil = dinosaur + pressure
fruit = farmer + tree
gasoline = petroleum + pressure
geyser = earth + steam
glass = fire + sand
grass = moss + earth
grave = coffin + earth
gun = bullet + metal
gunpowder = sulfur + coal
H - I
hay = grass + farmer
hospital = house + sick
hourglass = glass + sand
house = concrete + brick
human = life + earth
hunter = sword + human
hut = carpenter + wood
ice = cloud + cloud
K - L
knife = tool + metal
knight = armor + human
lamp = fire + glass
lava = fire + earth
life = swamp + energy
light = electricity + light-bulb
light-bulb = electricity + glass
lime = limestone + fire
limestone = explosion + mountain
livestock = field + animal
lizard = egg + swamp
M - N
meat = livestock + tool
metal = fire + stone
milk = livestock + farmer
moss = algae + swamp
mountain = stone + stone
mud = water + dust
nest = hay + bird
paper = reed + tool
petroleum = fossil + pressure
plankton = water + bacteria
plant = earth + rain
pressure = earth + earth
rain = cloud + cloud
reed = grass + swamp
roe = egg + water
sand = stone + air
school = house + student
scissors = knife + knife
sea = water + water
seed = life + sand
sick = human + bacteria
silicon = sand + electricity
silver = explosion + mountain
sky = air + cloud
smoke = wood + fire
steam = lava + water
steam-engine = coal + boiler
steel = metal + coal
stone = lava + water
storm = rain + wind
student = book + human
sulfur = energy + volcano
swamp = water + earth
sword = blade + tool
T - V
time = hourglass + life
tobacco = plant + fire
tool = human + metal
transistor = silicon + metal
tree = time + plant
uranium = explosion + mountain
volcano = lava + geyser
W - Y
water = starting element
whale = animal + sea
wheat = seed + field
wheel = tool + wood
wind = air + air
wood = tool + tree
wooden-ship = wood + boat
wool = livestock + scissors
yarn = wool + wheel
yogurt = bacteria + milk
Uncombinable Elements:
acid-rain = rain + smoke
airplane = bird + metal
alcoholic = alchohol + human
allergy = human + dust
ambulance = car + hospital
antartica = ice + desert
ashtray = ash + glass
atmosphere = sky + pressure
atomic-bomb = energy + uranium
bar = beer + house
barbecue = meat + fire
bayonet = gun + knife
beach = sea + sand
bear = animal + forest
beaver = animal + wood
bird-house = hut + bird
blood = livestock + tool
cactus = desert + plant
camel = desert + animal
campfire = wood + fire
caviar = roe + water
cigarette = tobacco + paper
city = house + house
computer = transistor + transistor
cookie = dough + fruit
cuckoo = clock + bird
cyclist = human + bicycle
dam = water + brick
duck = water + bird
dune = wind + desert
earthquake = earth + energy
electric-eel = electricity + fish
electrician = human + electricity
elephant = whale + earth
engineer = human + tool
eruption = energy + volcano
farm = house + field
fireman = fire + human
fireworks = explosion + sky
fisherman = hunter + fish
flood = rain + rain
flute = air + wood
fog = water + air
fondue = fire + cheese
frankenstein = corpse + electricity
garden = plant + plant
glasses = glass + glass
gold = explosion + mountain
gravestone = grave + stone
graveyard = grave + grave
grenade = metal + explosion
H - I
hero = dragon + knight
horizon = earth + sky
hurricane = storm + storm
hydrogen = electricity + water
insect = plankton + earth
laboratory = school + alcohol
lava-lamp = lava + lamp
lawn-mower = scissors + combustion-engine
lighthouse = light + house
lightning = cloud + cloud
locomotive = car + steam-engine
manure = livestock + hay
mirror = silver + glass
molotov = alcohol + fire
motorboat = combustion engine + boat
motorcycle = combustion engine + bicycle
mummy = corpse + cloth
museum = house + fossil
mushroom = algae + earth
O - P
omlette (SIC) = egg + fire
oxygen = electricity + water
penguin = ice + bird
perfume = flower + alcohol
phoenix = fire + bird
pizza = dough + cheese
pottery = fire + clay
R - S
revolution = crowd + crowd
rust = water + metal
sail-boat = wind + boat
sailor = boat + human
sandstorm = sand + storm
sandwich = meat + bread
sculpture = stone + tool
scythe = grass + blade
sea-dinosaur = sea + dinosaur
skyscraper = house + glass
smoking-pipe = tobacco + wood
snake = lizard + swamp
soldier = gun + human
sound = metal + wind
steam-boat = wooden-ship + steam-engine
sushi = fish + algae
thief = human + knife
toast = bread + fire
turtle = sand + egg
W - Z
warrior = hunter + sword
water-pipe = water + steel
wave = wind + sea
windmill = wind + house
wire = electricity + metal
worm = planton + earth
zombie = corpse + life
Posted by: joye
July 3, 2012 9:49 AM