An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The Icarus Box

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The Icarus Box

DoraBrick Singularity's iPad-only puzzler The Icarus Box is a great game to play in public if you want to look like a raving lunatic. A series of mystifying, deliberately obtuse and ambiguous mechanical/wooden puzzles revealed to you one after another where figuring out the rules and the condition for victory in each one is hard enough without the game cheerfully and randomly trying to make you shriek and throw your iPad across the room in terror. Essentially the game equivalent of those "based on a true story" type horror movies, The Icarus Box claims to be a faithful and detailed recreation of an actual, physical box whose interior is guarded by a series of bizarre mechanisms and locks you need to solve puzzles to get past. As you play, you unlock supplemental material that slowly clues you into the Box's history. And also as you play, the game's intro text warns you, you may experience... unexplained phenomena. Such as the tendency to swear loudly at the game, fling it down in a huff and declare yourself well shot of it, before immediately slinking back because you thought of something you hadn't tried yet.

The Icarus BoxThe Box consists of a number of puzzle Tiers, each Tier with its own progress bar, and solving a puzzle on that Tier gradually adds to that bar until the next one unlocks. Simple, right? HA. No. See, as I mentioned, each puzzle has its own objective and set of rules, but the Box never tells you what either one is. It's up to you to tap and swipe and mutter and gnaw on the iPad until you figure out what you're supposed to do. Clues can be hidden in the background material you unlock, or even subtly integrated in the puzzle itself, and don't forget about your accelerometer if you haven't tried everything. Anointing the screen with your desperate, salty, pathetic tears probably won't help, but it's therapeutic.

The Icarus Box is one of those games that really needs a trial version because it honestly isn't for everyone. The complete vagueness of everything from the goal to the mechanics of each puzzle is maddening at times in a way that even Pin Head would be like "Seriously?" over, and that's only something that will appeal to a specific type of player. If it is your particular hook, however, everything about The Icarus Box is a stunner. Its beautifully designed presentation is mysterious and mystifying, and the sheer variety of puzzles (95 in all) range from deviously complex to surprisingly simple... although that might be more because their abstract construction is such that some players will instantly look at a screen and know what they need to know while other players will be stonewalled by it. The actual frightening bits are... well... they're mostly jump scares, which are effective because the game's brooding silence means you'll typically have your nose up against the screen when it happens. While the story is less integrated as it is unlocked alongside, it is very intriguing in a very "House of Leaves" sort of way, except House of Leaves didn't stop and make me shake it up and down trying to disengage some elaborate lock every other page. Still, if you're the type of person who can't resist a puzzle and a mystery in one and love abstract puzzles, The Icarus Box is one of the most gorgeous, mystifying and engrossing ones you can hope to encounter. Now say it with me... what's in the baaaa-haaaa-haaaaax?!

NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad (1st Gen.). Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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The Icarus Box Walkthrough

Tier 1

  • Slide the bar in the center of the box to the left to start each of the levels.

Level 1

  1. Drag the disc to the left until you're interrupted by the flashing image.

  2. After the disc reverts to the right side, pull it all the way to the left again.

  3. Solution.

Level 2

  1. Push the buttons in the following order to switch them "ON":

    • Middle button first.

    • Left button second.

    • Right button third.


Level 3

  1. Drag the left box to the right to move it to the center.

  2. Slide the right box towards the center as well by pulling it to the left.

  3. Solution.

Tier 2

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of levels.

Level 4

  1. Follow the arrows scratched at the top of the metal plate.

  2. First trace the top arrow and drag a line from the left to the right.

  3. Next, trace the lower arrow from the right to the left.

  4. Solution.

Level 5

  1. Place your finger on the small round circle at the side of the disc.

  2. In one single smooth motion, spin the disc in a full circle.

  3. Solution.

Level 6

  1. Hold the buttons down to move the sliders all the way to the right.

  2. Both sliders must reach the end of the track at the same time to earn the white flag.

  3. The left button moves the top slider and the right button moves the bottom slider.

  4. Because the top slider moves at about half the speed as the bottom one, don't start them at the same time.

  5. Instead, hold the left button and wait for the slider to pass the vertical scratch mark just past the halfway point on the slider before holding down the right button so that both sliders will reach the right side simultaneously.

  6. Solution.

Level 7

  1. Lay the device on a flat surface to turn on the lower light.

  2. Wait a while without touching anything on the screen for the upper light to turn on next.

  3. Press the black buttons under the lights.

  4. Solution.

  • Push the black button at the bottom to turn on the green light, then slide the center bar to the left to start the last puzzle.

Level 8

  1. Watch as the light passes from left to right through the rows of black holes.

  2. When the light flashes green, quickly push the button at the bottom of the board.

  3. Do not push the button while the light is red.

  4. Solution.

Tier 3

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of levels.

  • Level 9

    1. To find the solution to this level, you'll need to refer to one of the drawings from the Supplemental material.

      • Look for an image drawn at the lower left corner of the third letter that looks like two small circles and an arrow pointing from left to right between them.

      • Read the notation underneath the diagram: "It completes some kind of circuit".

    2. Swipe your finger in one motion from the left button to the right button.

    3. Solution.

    Level 10

    1. Set the device down for a moment and keep it still without touching anything until the short cinematic starts.

    2. After the clip, keep waiting until the small green light between the speaker and the button turns on.

    3. Press the black and white button to complete the level.

    4. Solution.

    Level 11

    1. Press and hold one finger over each of the five buttons on the screen simultaneously.

    2. Solution.

    Level 12

    1. Touch different parts of the metal bar to find that there are 5 points along it that will raise a square tile when tapped.

    2. Quickly swipe your finger from left to right across the bar to raise all five tiles, which should cause them to stick in place.

    3. Simply wait for a short time after all the tiles are raised to complete the level successfully.

    4. Solution.

    • Push the black and white button at the bottom to turn on the first green light at the upper left corner.

    • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

    Level 13

    1. Press and hold down the two buttons at the bottom of the screen.

    2. Continue to hold the buttons until the small green light under the large circle turns on.

    3. Release the buttons to complete the level.

    4. Solution.

    • Push the black and white button at the bottom two times to turn on the second green light at the upper left corner.

    • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

    Level 14

      Note the two symbols in the square tiles at the top of the board.

      • Refer to the pages of Supplemental material to find an identical image of the same symbols.

      • Look for a square containing a thin outer circle and a black, solid inner circle.

      • Beside the image you'll also find an arrow pointing downwards.

    1. Follow the example from the image and drag down two vertical lines from top to bottom on the plate.

    2. Start each line under one of the square tile symbols.

    3. Solution.

    Level 15

    • Level 15 can only be accessed between 3 and 4 AM.

    • Slide the center bar to the left to start the level.

    Level 15

    1. Find and tap the correct rotating button.

    2. Solution.

Tier 4

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzles.

Level 16

  1. Note that there are two circles, each containing 12 buttons equaling a total of 24.

  2. What else can you think of that has a quantity of 24?

    • There are 24 buttons and 24 hours in the day.

    • Press the buttons to enter the current tim.

    • Enter the hour on the left side and the minutes on the right side (round up to the nearest 5 minute increment) then push the large button at the bottom to enter y our solution.

    • Solution.

Level 17

  1. Turn up the volume to listen to the audio clues for this puzzle.

  2. Rotate the left disc and release it at each point where the markings on the disc align with the pattern on the board.

  3. If the disc makes no sound, then continue to rotate it.

  4. When you hear a clicking noise as the disc snaps into place, leave the disc in that position.

  5. Repeat the process of rotating and releasing until you hear the clicking noise with the other two discs.

  6. Solution.

Level 18

  1. Turn up the volume to listen to the audio clues for this puzzle.

  2. Press the right button to hear a short melody.

  3. Tap the keys to hear the note (or notes) that each key plays.

  4. Play the keys in the correct order to recreate the melody heard by pushing the right button.

  5. When you're ready to submit your solution, push the left button to turn on the green light, then play the keys.

  6. Solution.

Level 19

  1. Press your hand on the target at the far left side of the maze.

  2. Carefully drag your finger along the line to the end of the path on the right side.

  3. While you hold your finger on the line, you will hear a light humming noise.

  4. If you make a mistake and veer off the path, the green light will turn off and you will hear a loud buzz sound.

  5. You must make it to the end before the video clip interrupts you.

  6. Solution.

Level 20

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. First draw a line to the right.

  3. Next draw a line from the top down to the bottom.

  4. Then draw a line to the left.

  5. Lastly draw a line from the bottom up to the top.

  6. Solution.

Level 21

  • Push all four square buttons at the corners of the box simultaneously to start the next level.

Level 22

  1. The moon symbol above the button indicates that this puzzle can only be solved during the night time.

  2. If you want to monitor what time the box transitions from day to night, you can go to the tier 3 box and look at the dial at the upper left corner.

    • The crescent shape of the moon indicates night and the O shape containing a dot represents the sun during the day.

  3. Simply press the button when the light above it turns on during the evening to complete the puzzle.

  4. Solution.

  • Press and hold down the lower right square button to start the next puzzle.

Level 23

  1. Draw the lines indicated by the symbols in the square tiles at the top of the board.

  2. Swipe a line going from left to right four times to complete the puzzle.

  3. Solution.

  • Press the square button at the lower left corner six times to start the level.

Level 24

  1. Hold one finger over each of the four holes at the corners of the board.

  2. This will cause the top hole to steam; hold a fifth finger on top of the hole in the round plate.

  3. The top hole will begin to whistle like a boiling kettle. Keep it covered until the white flag pops up.

  4. Solution.

Level 25

  • Push the black button to turn on the green light.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 26

  1. Quickly tap the button once to find it makes a short beep sound.

  2. Press and briefly hold the button, then release to find it makes a longer beep.

  3. When the correct long or short sound is made, the green light above the button will come on.

  4. Use that clue to find the combination of short and long button presses to complete the puzzle.

    • The final solution is 3 short presses, 3 long presses, and another 3 short presses.

    • Solution.

Tier 5

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next series of puzzles.

Level 27

  1. Move all of the sun tiles to the right side of the board and all of the moon tiles to the left side of the board.

  2. Press one of the round silver buttons under a tile to select it.

  3. Push the round button under the blank space to move the selected tile to that location.

  4. Tiles can move either forward one space or hop over another tile with an opposite symbol into an adjacent empty space.

  5. Sun tiles can only move to the right and moon tiles can only move to the left.

  6. Press the red button at the top of the board to reset the puzzle if you get stuck.

  7. Refer to the screenshot below and tap the buttons in the following order to complete the puzzle.

    • Move the sun tile at D to space E.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the moon tile at G to space F.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space G.

    • Move the sun tile at C to space E.

    • Move the sun tile at B to space C.

    • Move the moon tile at D to space B.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the moon tile at H to space F.

    • Move the moon tile at I to space H.

    • Move the sun tile at G to space I.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space G.

    • Solution Part 1.

    • Move the sun tile at C to space E.

    • Move the sun tile at A to space C.

    • Move the moon tile at B to space A.

    • Move the moon tile at D to space B.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the moon tile at H to space F.

    • Move the sun tile at G to space H.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space G.

    • Move the sun tile at C to space E.

    • Move the moon tile at D to space C.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space F.

    • Solution Part 2.

Level 28

  1. Place your finger on the point at the start of the swirling pattern carved into the board.

  2. In one motion, trace your finger along the carved path to the end of the swirl.

  3. Solution.

Level 29

  1. Wait for the large wooden slider at the center of the screen to slowly move to the left, uncovering the panel below.

  2. Do not push the right button when it first appears form under the slider.

  3. It's takes a bit of waiting, but eventually the slider will uncover a second button on the left side.

  4. Push only the left button to complete the level.

  5. Solution.

Level 30

  1. Tap the sliders to raise or lower them into the correct positions.

  2. Solution.

Level 31

  1. The solution to this puzzle is very similar to Level 12, however, this time there are two bars that you can touch to lift the symbol tiles.

  2. Position a finger over the tops of both bars, then quickly swipe down to raise all of the tiles simultaneously which will lock them in place.

  3. Once all the tiles are raised, simply wait for the white flag to pop up.

  4. Solution.

Level 32

  1. Find and push the correct crescent moon button.

  2. Solution.

  • During the day, press the icon that looks like a sun at the upper right corner of the box to turn on the green light above it.

  • Slide the silver bar to the left to start the daytime puzzle.

Level 33

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

    • This level is nearly identical to the puzzle on Level 20, however, the square is drawn in the opposite direction this time.

  2. First draw a line to the left.

  3. Next draw a line from the top down to the bottom.

  4. Then draw a line to the right.

  5. Lastly draw a line from the bottom up to the top.

  6. Solution.

  • During the evening, press the crescent moon icon at the upper left corner of the box to turn on the green light above it.

  • Slide the sliver bar to the left to start the nighttime puzzle.

Level 34

  1. Press all four round buttons at the bottom of the board simultaneously.

    • Some of the buttons may not switch from "OFF" to "ON", but the level should complete successfully as long as you hit the four buttons at the same time.


  • Push the upper left round button at the bottom of the board to turn on the green light.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 35

  1. Hold down the three buttons at the left and right sides of the board.

  2. While the buttons are held down, rotate the disc at the center of the board 180 degrees.

  3. The small darker circle at the right side of the disc should now be at the left side.

  4. Solution.

Tier 6

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of puzzles.

Level 41

  1. Tap anywhere on the board three times until you hear a "click" sound and the green light in the center starts to flash.

  2. Simply wait without touching the screen to complete the level.

  3. Solution.

Level 42

  1. Press and hold the four square buttons simultaneously to unlock the wheel in the center.

  2. Rotate the wheel so that the small dark circle inside the disc is positioned at the bottom (at 6 o' clock).

  3. Solution.

Level 43

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Use the Supplemental Material to find the drawings that indicate which directional arrows are associated with each symbol.

  3. First, draw a horizontal line to the right.

  4. Next, draw a diagonal line from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.

  5. Lastly, draw another line going to the right.

  6. Solution.

Level 45

  1. Refer to the solution from Level 31 to complete this puzzle.

  2. Tap the square buttons to cycle through the symbols.

  3. Recreate the same order of symbols from left to right on the board as the symbols seen on Level 31 from top to bottom.

  4. Solution.

Level 46

  1. Tap and drag the far left side of the center bar to lift a square section of the bar upwards.

  2. Drag the next far left piece of the center bar down.

  3. Slide the left half of the center bar into the space created on the left side of the board.

  4. Drag the two remaining square pieces that make up the right half of the center bar to them to the left half.

  5. Push the small, round button that is uncovered on the right side of the board to complete the level.

  6. Solution.

Level 48

  1. Sporadically, a green symbol will appear at different locations among the white symbols.

  2. Tap the green icon whenever you see it flash on the screen.

    • If you can hit the icon in time, you will hear a high-pitched beeping sound.

  3. Catch it three times without tapping a white icon to complete the level.

  4. Solution.

Level 50

  1. Solve this puzzle the same way as Level 34, by pressing all five buttons simultaneously.

    • Some of the buttons may not switch from "OFF" to "ON", but the level should complete successfully as long as you hit the four buttons at the same time.


  • At the bottom row of buttons, press both the far left button and the second button from the right simultaneously to start the next level.

Level 52

  1. Decode the message by piecing together and then rearranging the fragments of the words on the left (and partially) on the right side of the screen.

  2. The white text on the upper left left line says "a sad duel"

  3. What word can you make using those letters that would be related to the Icarus Box?

  4. Tap the area on top of the left message to enter the typing screen, then use the keyboard to enter your answer and press "Done".

    • Type "daedalus" without capitalization.

      • li>Daedalus in ancient Greek mythology is the father of Icarus and creator of the Minotaur's labyrinth.


  • Press all 6 buttons in the top row 6 times each to start the next puzzle.

Level 54

  1. Slide your finger from button to button to connect them in the correct order.

  2. Press and hold starting at the top left button, then drag a continuous line to include all the other buttons, ending at the bottom right button.

  3. Refer to the screenshot below for the complete solution.

  4. Solution.

  • Press and hold the two farthest right buttons on the bottom row to start the next level.

Level 55

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw three lines downward.

    • Second, draw three lines upward.


Level 56

  1. Arrange the tiles to complete the image.

  2. Refer to the picture of the woman behind the curtain on the first page of Supplemental Material to view the full image.

  3. Tap each tile to rotate it; look for patterns of lines in the tiles to find the sides where adjacent tiles could connect together.

  4. Solution.

Tier 7

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of puzzles.

Level 57

  1. Touch the two black rectangular areas beside the red verticle sections to find that symbols briefly appear at four points on either black bar.

  2. Tapping around that area will also start a short video clip.

  3. After the clip is over, quickly swipe down both bars simultaneously (like on Level 31) to highlight all eight symbols at the same time.

  4. If done correctly, the symbols should lock in place and you will hear a rising tone play before the white flag appears.

  5. Solution.

Level 58

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw three lines upward.

    • Next, draw one line to the right.


Level 60

  1. This puzzle is very similar to Level 48, where a colored symbol will sporadically appear at a randomized location on the screen.

  2. This time, the correct symbol will be red instead of green and must be tapped at least 6 times to complete the level.

  3. Do not tap any of the white symbols or you will fail the puzzle.

  4. Solution.

Level 61

  1. Press and hold all four small, round buttons to unlock the wheel.

    • You should hear a short clicking sound when the buttons are pressed in unison indicating the wheel is free to move.

  2. While you hold down the buttons, rotate the wheel so that the small dark circle is at the lower right section of the circle (at the 5 o' clock position).

  3. Solution.

Level 62

  1. Push the right round button at the bottom of the screen to hear the melody.

  2. Tap the metal bars at the top to play the keys and recreate the tune.

  3. Some keys will play a single note while others may play a series of multiple notes.

  4. Press the left button, then press the keys in the correct order to enter your solution.

  5. Solution.

  • Counting from left to right, raise the first, third, fifth, and seventh button.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 63

  1. Lay the device flat to start the slider moving down the track.

  2. Wait as the slider moves form the right to the left along the track.

  3. After all three buttons are uncovered, let the slider reach about 1/4th of the way from the end of the track.

  4. Raise your device upward to stop the slider.

  5. Press and hold the three buttons in unison to complete the level.

  6. Solution.

  • Starting from the left side, tap the first and third buttons to raise them.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 65

  1. Set the device down and leave it untouched until one of the square sliders moves and reveals a round button.

  2. Simultaneously press and hold a finger over any of the six buttons (or unmoved squares if any are still down) to complete the puzzle.

  3. Solution.

  • Tap only the first button to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 66

  1. Set the device down and leave it untouched for an extended period of time (it may take several minutes).

  2. A subtle square section at the right half of the girl's face will become visible by shifting that section of the image slightly to the right.

    • The easiest way to detect this change is to watch the light blue rectangle above the upper right side of the girl's face.

    • When the two sections of that rectangle become detached and no longer match the mirrored rectangle on the right side of the screen, you will know that the puzzle is ready to complete.

  3. Press the square section to complete the level.

  4. Solution.

  • Tap the third button to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 67

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw three lines to the left.

    • Next, draw one line downward.


  • Tap the seventh button to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the new puzzle.

Level 69

  1. Push the black and white button to move the red square at the top bar.

  2. Quickly press the white button as soon as it is uncovered by the top red square to start moving the red square at the bottom bar.

  3. Push the bottom button as soon as it's revealed behind the bottom red square to move the center red block.

  4. Do not touch the first button behind the center red block.

  5. Instead wait for the second button the moment it appears from under the center block.

  6. If any of the red squares reach the end of their tracks before you're able to push the last button, the puzzle will fail and you'll have to repeat the level.

  7. Solution.

Tier 8

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of puzzles.

Level 70

  1. Press the pairs of small buttons in the correct order.

  2. First tap the two buttons at the lower left corner.

  3. Next push the buttons at the upper right corner.

  4. Then press the buttons at the lower right corner.

  5. Last tap the buttons at the upper left corner.

  6. Solution.

  • For the following levels, you must raise one of the six switches to select one of six puzzles.

  • Only one switch will be active for a short time before it becomes inactive and the next switch can be raised.

  • Tap the first switch on the left to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 75

  1. Tap the correct white symbol in the rows of rotating squares.

  2. Solution.

  • Tap the second switch to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 76

  1. Every few seconds, a red square will appear somewhere on the screen.

  2. Quickly tap and hold it and keep your finger in place.

  3. Tap and hold the other red squares as soon as they randomly appear as well.

  4. If you do not catch a square in time or if you release one of the red squares, the puzzle will fail and you will have to restart the level.

  5. Catch and hold a total of 6 squares to complete the puzzle.

  6. Solution.

  • Tap the third switch to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 77

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw a diagonal line to the lower left corner.

    • Next, draw a diagonal line towards the lower right corner.

    • Then, draw a diagonal line to the upper right corner.

    • Last, draw a diagonal line towards the upper left corner.


Level 79

  1. Press all seven of the round metal buttons simultaneously to complete the puzzle.

  2. Some of the round panels above the buttons may switch to "ON", but don't worry if some of them still say "OFF" so long as they're all pressed in unison.

  3. Solution.

  • Tap the farthest right switch to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 80

  1. This puzzle operates very similarly to the Level 8 solution.

  2. Watch the small black holes for a flashing light.

  3. Do not touch the button while the light is red or you will fail the puzzle.

  4. However, when the green light flashes, quickly tap the small black button before the next light flashes to complete the level.

  5. Solution.


By "unexplained phenomena" do you mean jumpscares? Those are annoying in any kind of game, but in a game where you have to be completely focused to even figure out what the goal of the puzzle is, jumpscares would be downright evil...


Hi Donut. As I stated in the rest of review, yes, they are jump scares. :)


Whoops. Totally missed that, thanks Dora =P
I'll be skipping this one then. It's a pity, aside from the cheap scares this sounds pretty awesome.


How far have people got with this? I am on the 6th tier and things are getting very creepy and difficult! I am struggling to even find half of the puzzles, they are that well hidden.


have a question. Just yesterday for christmas i got me a Nook. is this game incompatible for nook? just asking.


Not as of yet. When we publish our reviews, we include all links to all the known versions available at the time (we'll even try to update our older reviews with links to additional platforms as they become available). At the time of this review, the Icarus Box is available for iOS only.


The Icarus Box Walkthrough

Tier 1

  • Slide the bar in the center of the box to the left to start each of the levels.

Level 1

  1. Drag the disc to the left until you're interrupted by the flashing image.

  2. After the disc reverts to the right side, pull it all the way to the left again.

  3. Solution.

Level 2

  1. Push the buttons in the following order to switch them "ON":

    • Middle button first.

    • Left button second.

    • Right button third.


Level 3

  1. Drag the left box to the right to move it to the center.

  2. Slide the right box towards the center as well by pulling it to the left.

  3. Solution.

Tier 2

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of levels.

Level 4

  1. Follow the arrows scratched at the top of the metal plate.

  2. First trace the top arrow and drag a line from the left to the right.

  3. Next, trace the lower arrow from the right to the left.

  4. Solution.

Level 5

  1. Place your finger on the small round circle at the side of the disc.

  2. In one single smooth motion, spin the disc in a full circle.

  3. Solution.

Level 6

  1. Hold the buttons down to move the sliders all the way to the right.

  2. Both sliders must reach the end of the track at the same time to earn the white flag.

  3. The left button moves the top slider and the right button moves the bottom slider.

  4. Because the top slider moves at about half the speed as the bottom one, don't start them at the same time.

  5. Instead, hold the left button and wait for the slider to pass the vertical scratch mark just past the halfway point on the slider before holding down the right button so that both sliders will reach the right side simultaneously.

  6. Solution.

Level 7

  1. Lay the device on a flat surface to turn on the lower light.

  2. Wait a while without touching anything on the screen for the upper light to turn on next.

  3. Press the black buttons under the lights.

  4. Solution.

  • Push the black button at the bottom to turn on the green light, then slide the center bar to the left to start the last puzzle.

Level 8

  1. Watch as the light passes from left to right through the rows of black holes.

  2. When the light flashes green, quickly push the button at the bottom of the board.

  3. Do not push the button while the light is red.

  4. Solution.

Tier 3

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of levels.

  • Level 9

    1. To find the solution to this level, you'll need to refer to one of the drawings from the Supplemental material.

      • Look for an image drawn at the lower left corner of the third letter that looks like two small circles and an arrow pointing from left to right between them.

      • Read the notation underneath the diagram: "It completes some kind of circuit".

    2. Swipe your finger in one motion from the left button to the right button.

    3. Solution.

    Level 10

    1. Set the device down for a moment and keep it still without touching anything until the short cinematic starts.

    2. After the clip, keep waiting until the small green light between the speaker and the button turns on.

    3. Press the black and white button to complete the level.

    4. Solution.

    Level 11

    1. Press and hold one finger over each of the five buttons on the screen simultaneously.

    2. Solution.

    Level 12

    1. Touch different parts of the metal bar to find that there are 5 points along it that will raise a square tile when tapped.

    2. Quickly swipe your finger from left to right across the bar to raise all five tiles, which should cause them to stick in place.

    3. Simply wait for a short time after all the tiles are raised to complete the level successfully.

    4. Solution.

    • Push the black and white button at the bottom to turn on the first green light at the upper left corner.

    • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

    Level 13

    1. Press and hold down the two buttons at the bottom of the screen.

    2. Continue to hold the buttons until the small green light under the large circle turns on.

    3. Release the buttons to complete the level.

    4. Solution.

    • Push the black and white button at the bottom two times to turn on the second green light at the upper left corner.

    • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

    Level 14

      Note the two symbols in the square tiles at the top of the board.

      • Refer to the pages of Supplemental material to find an identical image of the same symbols.

      • Look for a square containing a thin outer circle and a black, solid inner circle.

      • Beside the image you'll also find an arrow pointing downwards.

    1. Follow the example from the image and drag down two vertical lines from top to bottom on the plate.

    2. Start each line under one of the square tile symbols.

    3. Solution.

    Level 15

    • Level 15 can only be accessed between 3 and 4 AM.

    • Slide the center bar to the left to start the level.

    Level 15

    1. Find and tap the correct rotating button.

    2. Solution.

Tier 4

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzles.

Level 16

  1. Note that there are two circles, each containing 12 buttons equaling a total of 24.

  2. What else can you think of that has a quantity of 24?

    • There are 24 buttons and 24 hours in the day.

    • Press the buttons to enter the current tim.

    • Enter the hour on the left side and the minutes on the right side (round up to the nearest 5 minute increment) then push the large button at the bottom to enter y our solution.

    • Solution.

Level 17

  1. Turn up the volume to listen to the audio clues for this puzzle.

  2. Rotate the left disc and release it at each point where the markings on the disc align with the pattern on the board.

  3. If the disc makes no sound, then continue to rotate it.

  4. When you hear a clicking noise as the disc snaps into place, leave the disc in that position.

  5. Repeat the process of rotating and releasing until you hear the clicking noise with the other two discs.

  6. Solution.

Level 18

  1. Turn up the volume to listen to the audio clues for this puzzle.

  2. Press the right button to hear a short melody.

  3. Tap the keys to hear the note (or notes) that each key plays.

  4. Play the keys in the correct order to recreate the melody heard by pushing the right button.

  5. When you're ready to submit your solution, push the left button to turn on the green light, then play the keys.

  6. Solution.

Level 19

  1. Press your hand on the target at the far left side of the maze.

  2. Carefully drag your finger along the line to the end of the path on the right side.

  3. While you hold your finger on the line, you will hear a light humming noise.

  4. If you make a mistake and veer off the path, the green light will turn off and you will hear a loud buzz sound.

  5. You must make it to the end before the video clip interrupts you.

  6. Solution.

Level 20

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. First draw a line to the right.

  3. Next draw a line from the top down to the bottom.

  4. Then draw a line to the left.

  5. Lastly draw a line from the bottom up to the top.

  6. Solution.

Level 21

  • Push all four square buttons at the corners of the box simultaneously to start the next level.

Level 22

  1. The moon symbol above the button indicates that this puzzle can only be solved during the night time.

  2. If you want to monitor what time the box transitions from day to night, you can go to the tier 3 box and look at the dial at the upper left corner.

    • The crescent shape of the moon indicates night and the O shape containing a dot represents the sun during the day.

  3. Simply press the button when the light above it turns on during the evening to complete the puzzle.

  4. Solution.

  • Press and hold down the lower right square button to start the next puzzle.

Level 23

  1. Draw the lines indicated by the symbols in the square tiles at the top of the board.

  2. Swipe a line going from left to right four times to complete the puzzle.

  3. Solution.

  • Press the square button at the lower left corner six times to start the level.

Level 24

  1. Hold one finger over each of the four holes at the corners of the board.

  2. This will cause the top hole to steam; hold a fifth finger on top of the hole in the round plate.

  3. The top hole will begin to whistle like a boiling kettle. Keep it covered until the white flag pops up.

  4. Solution.

Level 25

  • Push the black button to turn on the green light.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 26

  1. Quickly tap the button once to find it makes a short beep sound.

  2. Press and briefly hold the button, then release to find it makes a longer beep.

  3. When the correct long or short sound is made, the green light above the button will come on.

  4. Use that clue to find the combination of short and long button presses to complete the puzzle.

    • The final solution is 3 short presses, 3 long presses, and another 3 short presses.

    • Solution.

Tier 5

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next series of puzzles.

Level 27

  1. Move all of the sun tiles to the right side of the board and all of the moon tiles to the left side of the board.

  2. Press one of the round silver buttons under a tile to select it.

  3. Push the round button under the blank space to move the selected tile to that location.

  4. Tiles can move either forward one space or hop over another tile with an opposite symbol into an adjacent empty space.

  5. Sun tiles can only move to the right and moon tiles can only move to the left.

  6. Press the red button at the top of the board to reset the puzzle if you get stuck.

  7. Refer to the screenshot below and tap the buttons in the following order to complete the puzzle.

    • Move the sun tile at D to space E.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the moon tile at G to space F.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space G.

    • Move the sun tile at C to space E.

    • Move the sun tile at B to space C.

    • Move the moon tile at D to space B.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the moon tile at H to space F.

    • Move the moon tile at I to space H.

    • Move the sun tile at G to space I.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space G.

    • Solution Part 1.

    • Move the sun tile at C to space E.

    • Move the sun tile at A to space C.

    • Move the moon tile at B to space A.

    • Move the moon tile at D to space B.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the moon tile at H to space F.

    • Move the sun tile at G to space H.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space G.

    • Move the sun tile at C to space E.

    • Move the moon tile at D to space C.

    • Move the moon tile at F to space D.

    • Move the sun tile at E to space F.

    • Solution Part 2.

Level 28

  1. Place your finger on the point at the start of the swirling pattern carved into the board.

  2. In one motion, trace your finger along the carved path to the end of the swirl.

  3. Solution.

Level 29

  1. Wait for the large wooden slider at the center of the screen to slowly move to the left, uncovering the panel below.

  2. Do not push the right button when it first appears form under the slider.

  3. It's takes a bit of waiting, but eventually the slider will uncover a second button on the left side.

  4. Push only the left button to complete the level.

  5. Solution.

Level 30

  1. Tap the sliders to raise or lower them into the correct positions.

  2. Solution.

Level 31

  1. The solution to this puzzle is very similar to Level 12, however, this time there are two bars that you can touch to lift the symbol tiles.

  2. Position a finger over the tops of both bars, then quickly swipe down to raise all of the tiles simultaneously which will lock them in place.

  3. Once all the tiles are raised, simply wait for the white flag to pop up.

  4. Solution.

Level 32

  1. Find and push the correct crescent moon button.

  2. Solution.

  • During the day, press the icon that looks like a sun at the upper right corner of the box to turn on the green light above it.

  • Slide the silver bar to the left to start the daytime puzzle.

Level 33

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

    • This level is nearly identical to the puzzle on Level 20, however, the square is drawn in the opposite direction this time.

  2. First draw a line to the left.

  3. Next draw a line from the top down to the bottom.

  4. Then draw a line to the right.

  5. Lastly draw a line from the bottom up to the top.

  6. Solution.

  • During the evening, press the crescent moon icon at the upper left corner of the box to turn on the green light above it.

  • Slide the sliver bar to the left to start the nighttime puzzle.

Level 34

  1. Press all four round buttons at the bottom of the board simultaneously.

    • Some of the buttons may not switch from "OFF" to "ON", but the level should complete successfully as long as you hit the four buttons at the same time.


  • Push the upper left round button at the bottom of the board to turn on the green light.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 35

  1. Hold down the three buttons at the left and right sides of the board.

  2. While the buttons are held down, rotate the disc at the center of the board 180 degrees.

  3. The small darker circle at the right side of the disc should now be at the left side.

  4. Solution.

Tier 6

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of puzzles.

Level 41

  1. Tap anywhere on the board three times until you hear a "click" sound and the green light in the center starts to flash.

  2. Simply wait without touching the screen to complete the level.

  3. Solution.

Level 42

  1. Press and hold the four square buttons simultaneously to unlock the wheel in the center.

  2. Rotate the wheel so that the small dark circle inside the disc is positioned at the bottom (at 6 o' clock).

  3. Solution.

Level 43

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Use the Supplemental Material to find the drawings that indicate which directional arrows are associated with each symbol.

  3. First, draw a horizontal line to the right.

  4. Next, draw a diagonal line from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.

  5. Lastly, draw another line going to the right.

  6. Solution.

Level 45

  1. Refer to the solution from Level 31 to complete this puzzle.

  2. Tap the square buttons to cycle through the symbols.

  3. Recreate the same order of symbols from left to right on the board as the symbols seen on Level 31 from top to bottom.

  4. Solution.

Level 46

  1. Tap and drag the far left side of the center bar to lift a square section of the bar upwards.

  2. Drag the next far left piece of the center bar down.

  3. Slide the left half of the center bar into the space created on the left side of the board.

  4. Drag the two remaining square pieces that make up the right half of the center bar to them to the left half.

  5. Push the small, round button that is uncovered on the right side of the board to complete the level.

  6. Solution.

Level 48

  1. Sporadically, a green symbol will appear at different locations among the white symbols.

  2. Tap the green icon whenever you see it flash on the screen.

    • If you can hit the icon in time, you will hear a high-pitched beeping sound.

  3. Catch it three times without tapping a white icon to complete the level.

  4. Solution.

Level 50

  1. Solve this puzzle the same way as Level 34, by pressing all five buttons simultaneously.

    • Some of the buttons may not switch from "OFF" to "ON", but the level should complete successfully as long as you hit the four buttons at the same time.


  • At the bottom row of buttons, press both the far left button and the second button from the right simultaneously to start the next level.

Level 52

  1. Decode the message by piecing together and then rearranging the fragments of the words on the left (and partially) on the right side of the screen.

  2. The white text on the upper left left line says "a sad duel"

  3. What word can you make using those letters that would be related to the Icarus Box?

  4. Tap the area on top of the left message to enter the typing screen, then use the keyboard to enter your answer and press "Done".

    • Type "daedalus" without capitalization.

      • li>Daedalus in ancient Greek mythology is the father of Icarus and creator of the Minotaur's labyrinth.


  • Press all 6 buttons in the top row 6 times each to start the next puzzle.

Level 54

  1. Slide your finger from button to button to connect them in the correct order.

  2. Press and hold starting at the top left button, then drag a continuous line to include all the other buttons, ending at the bottom right button.

  3. Refer to the screenshot below for the complete solution.

  4. Solution.

  • Press and hold the two farthest right buttons on the bottom row to start the next level.

Level 55

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw three lines downward.

    • Second, draw three lines upward.


Level 56

  1. Arrange the tiles to complete the image.

  2. Refer to the picture of the woman behind the curtain on the first page of Supplemental Material to view the full image.

  3. Tap each tile to rotate it; look for patterns of lines in the tiles to find the sides where adjacent tiles could connect together.

  4. Solution.

Tier 7

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of puzzles.

Level 57

  1. Touch the two black rectangular areas beside the red verticle sections to find that symbols briefly appear at four points on either black bar.

  2. Tapping around that area will also start a short video clip.

  3. After the clip is over, quickly swipe down both bars simultaneously (like on Level 31) to highlight all eight symbols at the same time.

  4. If done correctly, the symbols should lock in place and you will hear a rising tone play before the white flag appears.

  5. Solution.

Level 58

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw three lines upward.

    • Next, draw one line to the right.


Level 60

  1. This puzzle is very similar to Level 48, where a colored symbol will sporadically appear at a randomized location on the screen.

  2. This time, the correct symbol will be red instead of green and must be tapped at least 6 times to complete the level.

  3. Do not tap any of the white symbols or you will fail the puzzle.

  4. Solution.

Level 61

  1. Press and hold all four small, round buttons to unlock the wheel.

    • You should hear a short clicking sound when the buttons are pressed in unison indicating the wheel is free to move.

  2. While you hold down the buttons, rotate the wheel so that the small dark circle is at the lower right section of the circle (at the 5 o' clock position).

  3. Solution.

Level 62

  1. Push the right round button at the bottom of the screen to hear the melody.

  2. Tap the metal bars at the top to play the keys and recreate the tune.

  3. Some keys will play a single note while others may play a series of multiple notes.

  4. Press the left button, then press the keys in the correct order to enter your solution.

  5. Solution.

  • Counting from left to right, raise the first, third, fifth, and seventh button.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 63

  1. Lay the device flat to start the slider moving down the track.

  2. Wait as the slider moves form the right to the left along the track.

  3. After all three buttons are uncovered, let the slider reach about 1/4th of the way from the end of the track.

  4. Raise your device upward to stop the slider.

  5. Press and hold the three buttons in unison to complete the level.

  6. Solution.

  • Starting from the left side, tap the first and third buttons to raise them.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 65

  1. Set the device down and leave it untouched until one of the square sliders moves and reveals a round button.

  2. Simultaneously press and hold a finger over any of the six buttons (or unmoved squares if any are still down) to complete the puzzle.

  3. Solution.

  • Tap only the first button to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 66

  1. Set the device down and leave it untouched for an extended period of time (it may take several minutes).

  2. A subtle square section at the right half of the girl's face will become visible by shifting that section of the image slightly to the right.

    • The easiest way to detect this change is to watch the light blue rectangle above the upper right side of the girl's face.

    • When the two sections of that rectangle become detached and no longer match the mirrored rectangle on the right side of the screen, you will know that the puzzle is ready to complete.

  3. Press the square section to complete the level.

  4. Solution.

  • Tap the third button to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 67

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw three lines to the left.

    • Next, draw one line downward.


  • Tap the seventh button to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the new puzzle.

Level 69

  1. Push the black and white button to move the red square at the top bar.

  2. Quickly press the white button as soon as it is uncovered by the top red square to start moving the red square at the bottom bar.

  3. Push the bottom button as soon as it's revealed behind the bottom red square to move the center red block.

  4. Do not touch the first button behind the center red block.

  5. Instead wait for the second button the moment it appears from under the center block.

  6. If any of the red squares reach the end of their tracks before you're able to push the last button, the puzzle will fail and you'll have to repeat the level.

  7. Solution.

Tier 8

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next set of puzzles.

Level 70

  1. Press the pairs of small buttons in the correct order.

  2. First tap the two buttons at the lower left corner.

  3. Next push the buttons at the upper right corner.

  4. Then press the buttons at the lower right corner.

  5. Last tap the buttons at the upper left corner.

  6. Solution.

  • For the following levels, you must raise one of the six switches to select one of six puzzles.

  • Only one switch will be active for a short time before it becomes inactive and the next switch can be raised.

  • Tap the first switch on the left to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 75

  1. Tap the correct white symbol in the rows of rotating squares.

  2. Solution.

  • Tap the second switch to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 76

  1. Every few seconds, a red square will appear somewhere on the screen.

  2. Quickly tap and hold it and keep your finger in place.

  3. Tap and hold the other red squares as soon as they randomly appear as well.

  4. If you do not catch a square in time or if you release one of the red squares, the puzzle will fail and you will have to restart the level.

  5. Catch and hold a total of 6 squares to complete the puzzle.

  6. Solution.

  • Tap the third switch to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 77

  1. Trace the lines on the metal plate indicated by the symbols at the top of the board.

  2. Refer to the supplemental material to find the directions indicated by each symbol.

    • First, draw a diagonal line to the lower left corner.

    • Next, draw a diagonal line towards the lower right corner.

    • Then, draw a diagonal line to the upper right corner.

    • Last, draw a diagonal line towards the upper left corner.


Level 79

  1. Press all seven of the round metal buttons simultaneously to complete the puzzle.

  2. Some of the round panels above the buttons may switch to "ON", but don't worry if some of them still say "OFF" so long as they're all pressed in unison.

  3. Solution.

  • Tap the farthest right switch to raise it.

  • Slide the center bar to the left to start the next puzzle.

Level 80

  1. This puzzle operates very similarly to the Level 8 solution.

  2. Watch the small black holes for a flashing light.

  3. Do not touch the button while the light is red or you will fail the puzzle.

  4. However, when the green light flashes, quickly tap the small black button before the next light flashes to complete the level.

  5. Solution.


Even walkthrough writers get stumped sometimes! If anyone has tips or solutions for puzzles currently missing from the walkthrough, please feel free to contribute in the comments below. Any help is much appreciated! :)


Level 74 iratrnapr => vengeance found on, decrypt


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