An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Little Inferno

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Rating: 4.6/5 (70 votes)
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Little Inferno

DoraPart physics puzzle, part adventure, part pyromania-driven surrealness, Little Inferno, the first release by indie superheroes The Tomorrow Corporation (Kyle Gabler of World of Goo, Kyle Gray, and Allan Blomquist), is an unlikely chimera of a game that works on a multitude of levels. You're stuck inside a cold gray city where it hasn't stopped snowing since... well, nobody can remember the last time it wasn't snowing. It's important to keep warm, however, and lucky for you the manufacturers of the Little Inferno fireplace have made that easy and fun... namely, by creating something that quickly and efficiently burns all your belongings, and then selling you more things to continue the cycle! It might sound like a gloomy existence, but hey, igniting things that burn in spectacular fashion is weirdly entertaining and keeps you alive. Besides, there's nothing outside your walls worth seeing in the snow anyway... right?

Little InfernoSo it's simple. All you need to play the game is to play with fire. Parked in front of your Little Inferno, you can click anywhere to ignite a flame that will burn whatever it's touching, and keep you nice and warm to boot. Different objects made of different material can burn in drastically different fashion, and even interact in unexpected ways as they ignite. Just drag an object from your inventory, place it where you want it (careful, some things are fragile or destructive or... weird!), and then click and drag around the screen to set your flames burning. As things burn away, they generate money you can use to order more things to burn from the Tomorrow Corporation's catalogue. It takes anywhere for a few seconds to a few minutes for an item to be delivered, so if you don't want to wait, you can spend Tomorrow Stamps to get it instantly.

Of course, to get the best results, you can't just go incinerating things willy-nilly. In order to progress, you'll need to unlock combos by burning certain things together at the same time. Click the starred tab in the upper right-hand corner to get a list of all the combos in the game. Greyed out combos mean you can't create that yet, but the names of the others are the clues you'll need to figure out what items you need to burninate at the same time. For a combo to count, you need to ignite the required objects at roughly the same time, so you can't just drop something on the smouldering remains of something that had been burning for a while already. The more combos you earn, the more catalogues full of different items you'll unlock, and maybe you'll discover that there's more to life than what goes on in your fireplace in the process. Though... what goes on in the fireplace is pretty awesomesauce.

Little InfernoAnalysis: Little Inferno is wholly unexpected for quite a few reasons. I mean... it's kind of crazy. Like, a lot crazy. Its distinctive design is somehow both disturbing and beautiful to behold. Not just the way the off-kilter catalogue items are rendered and react to your interaction, but the fire and lighting effects themselves are absolutely gorgeous. It's easy to get caught up in playing around with all the objects you can light on fire, and the game has tons of surprises up its proverbial sleeve in the way they burn. It's a simple sort of gameplay, but also hard to put down, with the rich visuals that are their own reward, and the sneaky way the story unfolds. Triggering combos can be frustrating sometimes, since even if you have the correct items in place, the game can be fussy about recognising it if they're not touching in such a way that they light almost simultaneously. This forces you to slow down a bit and think about what you're doing and where you're doing it, instead of just piling everything into the blaze at once.

But what really makes Little Inferno work, more than its striking original design and simple addictive gameplay, is its clever storytelling. I bought Little Inferno for myself because after reading all the information and watching the trailers, I still wasn't sure what it was all about. I sat down to play it to evaluate it, and couldn't quite pull myself away from it until I finished it hours later. If you're not going for 100% combo completion, you can likely spend around four hours or more on it, but in that period of time Little Inferno manages to convey a surprisingly affecting story and some unexpected emotion. I may have possibly considered the notion of maybe tearing up a little bit at the end. It's beautiful, sneaky, strange, and with a style all its own, and serves up its addictively simple gameplay with a dose of heart to boot. Little Inferno is the sort of game that sneaks up on you, and if its striking atmosphere and intriguing concepts draw you in, it'll keep you warm as long as you park yourself in front of the hearth. Just don't forget... you can go as far as you want.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Little Inferno Combo List (Complete)

Chimney Stuffer (1)

1. Bike Pirate

Wooden Bicycle (1) + Toy Pirate (1)

2. Someone Else's

Someone Else's Credit Card (1) + Someone Else's Family Portrait (1)

3. Springtime

Instant Seed Packet (1) + Alarm Clock (1)

4. Generations

Spider Egg (1) + Someone Else's Family Portrait (1)

5. Lenders

Someone Else's Credit Card (1) + Blankity Bank (1)

6. Movie Night

Corn on the Cob (1) + Television (1)

Totally Recalled TOYS (2)

7. Seafarers

Toy Pirate (1) + Oil Barge (2)

8. Building Blocks

Building Blocks (2) + Ordinary Brick (1)

9. Fire Breather

Antiki Torch (1) + Pyranosauraus Plushie (2)

10. Dino-Mite

Pyranosaurus Plushie (2) + Disgruntled Elf Plushie (2)

11. Watching You

Television (1) + Wandering Eye (2)

12. Magnetic Heart

Broken Magnet (1) + Cold Metal Heart (2)

13. Double Fan

Space Heater (2) + Cold Metal Heart (2)

14. Terrible Teeth

Eager Bunny Plushie (2) + Toy Leperchaun (2)

15. Time Bomb

Alarm Clock (1) + Mini Nuke (2)

16. LOL Kitty

Wandering Eye (2) + Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2)

Snooty Foodie (3)

17. Catfish

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Blowfish (3)

18. Bear in a Chinashop

Feelings Bear Plushie (2) + Fragile China (3)

19. Dinnerware

Wooden Spoon (3) + Fragile China (3)

20. Cornflakes

Corn on the Cob (1) + Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes (3)

21. Deadly Fish

Blowfish (3) + Discount Sushi (3)

22. Wake Up!

Alarm Clock (1) + Coffee (3)

23. Iced Coffee

Dry Ice Cubes (3) + Coffee (3)

24. Easter Bunny

Egg Pack (3) + Eager Bunny Plushie (2)

25. Liquid Diet

Future Fizz (3) + Coffee (3) + Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3)

26. Egg Sac

Spider Egg (1) + Locust Eggs (3)

27. Freaked Out Food

Marshmallows (3) + Coffee (3) + Toaster (3)

1st Person Shopper (4)

28. Wooden Block

Letter Blocks (1) + Building Blocks (2) + Tetronimos (4)

29. Arachnid

Spider Egg (1) + Giant Spider (4)

30. Zombie Garden

Instant Seed Packet (1) + Toy Zombie (4)

31. Eggcellent

Egg Pack (3) + Phoenix Egg (4)

32. Puzzling Adventure

Tetronimos (4) + Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4)

33. World of Goo

Goo Ball Pack (4) + Casual Game (4)

34. Airplane Mode

Cell Phone (4) + Handheld Fireplace (4) + Gaming Tablet (4)

35. Underwater

Blowfish (3) + Miss Hexopus (4)

36. Meta

Handheld Fireplace (4) + Beta Version (4)

37. Pixel Pixelated

Pixel Pack (4) + Beta Version (4)

38. Japanese

Discount Sushi (3) + Toy Ninja (4)

39. Brains Ahoy HIYA!

Toy Zombie (4) + Toy Pirate (1) + Toy Ninja (4)

40. Rosy

Valkyrie Doll (2) + Gravity Boy Action Toy (4)

Miss Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living (5)

41. Howl at the Moon

Howling Coyote (5) + Mini Moon (2)

42. Cat Lady

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Old Lady Doll (5)

43. Elderly Couple

Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4) + Old Lady Doll (5)

44. Terribly Mystery

The Terrible Secret (5) + Mystery Seasoning (3)

45. Change the Bulb

Fragile Bulbs (2) + Modern Lamp (5)

46. Cold War

Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (2) + Russian Nesting Doll (5)

47. Framed

Little Inferno Collector Poster (1) + Someone Else's Family Portrait (1) + Oil Painting (5)

48. Writer's Blocks

Letter Blocks (1) + Word Pack (5)

49. Stop Drop & Roll

Smoke Detector (3) + Fire Extinguisher (5)

50. Colorful Flame

Zesty Beetles (3) + Beta Version (4) + Powder Barrel (5)

51. Pollinating

Instant Seed Packet (1) + Cocoon (5)

52. Cat Bath

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Dish Detergent (5)

53. Clean Plate

Dish Detergent (5) + Fragile China (3)

54. Orchestral

Valkyrie Doll (2) + Cello (5)

55. Moonlight Melody

Mini Moon (2) + Cello (5)

56. Medicated Midlife

Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3) + Medicated Mommy Pills (5)

57. Pill Popper

Best Friend Supplement Pills (2) + Medicated Mommy Pills (5)

Shop & Awe (6)

58. Bearskin Rug

Feelings Bear Plushie (2) + Old Bear Trap (6)

59. Fireworks

Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (2) + Dynamite Daisy (6)

60. Spinning Blades

Super Juicer 4000 (3) + Drill Chain Thrower (6)


Drill Chain Thrower (6) + Lumberjack Hand (6) + Manly Odor Spray (6)

62. Poker Hand

Glass Cards (6) + Lumberjack Hand (6)

63. Duck Season

Gaming Tablet (4) + Game Bush (6)

64. Huntin'

Old Bear Trap (6) + Game Bush (6)

65. Nuclear Shave

Mini Nuke (2) + Manly Razor (6)

66. Manly

Manly Razor (6) + Manly Trophy (6) + Manly Odor Spray (6)

67. Brick 'n Mortar

Ordinary Brick (1) + Unstable Ordinance (6)

68. Texting Gurl

Cell Phone (4) + Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (6)

69. Sorority Party

Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (6) + Balloons (5)

70. Chain Puffer

Drill Chain Thrower (6) + Puff Pack (6)

71. Deadly Vices

Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3) + Glass Cards (6) + Puff Pack (6)

72. Legal Charges

Legal Briefcase (6) + Someone Else's Credit Card (1)

73. Injection

Snake Surprise (2) + Protein Powder (6)

74. Bodybuilder

Manly Trophy (6) + Protein Powder (6)

75. Deafening

Valkyrie Doll (2) + Sonic Boombox (6)

76. Road Rage

Wooden Bicycle (1) + Celebration Bus (1) + Mustache Rider (6)

77. Diseased

Toy Leperchaun (2) + Mystery Seasoning (3) + Book of Darkness (6)

Existence, NOW (7)

78. Chain Email

Drill Chain Thrower (6) + Email (7)

79. Wooden Applause

Lumberjack Hand (6) + Laser Pointer (7)

80. World Adventurer

Flaming Globe (7) + Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4)

81. Learning is Fun!

Celebration Bus (1) + Toy Rocketship (7)

82. Glasses & Staches

Fashionable Sunglasses (7) + Mighty Mustache (6)

83. Before the Internet

Television (1) + Old Timey Radio (7)

84. Sleeping Idol

Sleeping Idol (1) + Triangle Idol (5) + Rotund Idol (7)

85. Ice Planet

Dry Ice Cubes (3) + Mini Pluto (7)

86. Heart and Soul

Cold Metal Heart (2) + Transhumanist Action Figure (7)

87. Yellow Brick Road

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Scarecrow (5) + Transhumanist Action Figure (7)

88. Planes & Trains

Unstable Ordinance (6) + Railroad Xing (7)

89. Robotic Future

Clampy Bot (4) + Mom & Dad Bots (7)

90. Polar Bear

Feelings Bear Plushie (2) + South Pole (7)

91. Cardboard

Imitation Meatboy (4) + Cardboard Sword (4) + Decoy Lady Bug (7)

92. Sausage Factory

Sausage Links (3) + Clone Factory (7)

93. Book Club

The Terrible Secret (5) + Book of Darkness (6) + Creation Science (7)

94. Spam Cloud

Email (7) + Internet Cloud (7)

95. Online Piracy

Internet Cloud (7) + Toy Pirate (1)

96. It's a Sign!

Railroad Xing (7) + This Way Down (7)

97. Sun Flower

Miniature Sun (7) + Instant Seed Packet (1)

98. Mini Milkyway

Mini Moon (2) + Mini Pluto (7) + Miniature Sun (7)

99. Future's So Bright

Fashionable Sunglasses (7) + Miniature Sun (7)

With thanks to allanzelener for the TIMBER! combo!


(Partial) Little Inferno Combo List

Here is an incomplete list of all the combos I got during the course of completing the game. I will continue to update it as I find more. :)

1. Bike Pirate

Wooden Bicycle + Toy Pirate

2. Someone Else's

Someone Else's Credit Card + Someone Else's Family Portrait

3. Springtime

Alarm Clock + Instant Seed Packet 4. Generations
5. Lenders

Someone Else's Credit Card + Blankity Bank

6. Movie Night

Corn on the Cob + Television

7. Seafarers

Toy Pirate + Oil Barage

8. Building Bricks

Building Blocks + Ordinary Brick

9. Firebreather

Pyranosaurus Plushie + Antiki Torch

10. Dino-Mite

Pyranosaurus Plushie + Disgruntled Elf Plushie

11. Watching You

Television + Wandering Eye

12. Magnetic Heart

Broken Magnet + Cold Metal Heart

13. Double Fan

Space Heater + Cold Metal Heart

14. Terrible Teeth

Toy Leprechaun + Eager Bunny Plushie

15. Time Bomb

Alarm Clock + Mini Nuke

16. LOL Kitty
17. Catfish

Kitty Poo Poo Plushie + Blowfish

18. Bear in a China Shop

Feelings Bear Plushie + Fragile China

19. Dinnerware

Wooden Spoon + Fragile China

20. Corn Flakes

Corn on the Cob + Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes

21. Deadly Fish

Discount Sushi + Blowfish

22. Wake Up!

Alarm Clock + Coffee

23. Iced Coffee

Dry Ice Cubes + Coffee

24. Easter Bunny

Egg Pack + Eager Bunny Plushie

25. Liquid Diet

Future Fizz + Coffee + Midlife Crisis Mitigator

26. Egg Sac

Spider Egg + Locust Eggs

27. Freaked Out Food
28. Wooden Block

Letter Blocks + Building Blocks + Tetronimos

29. Arachnid

Spider Egg + Giant Spider

30. Plants vs Zombie

Toy Zombie + Instant Seed Packet

31. Eggcellent

Egg Pack + Phoenix Egg

32. Puzzling Adventure
33. World of Goo

Goo Ball Pack + Casual Game

34. Airplane Mode

Cellphone + Handheld Fireplace + Gaming Tablet

35. Underwater

Blowfish + Miss Hexopus

36. Meta

Handheld Fireplace + Beta Version

37. Pixel Pixelated
38. Japanese
39. Brains Ahoy HIYA!

Toy Zombie + Toy Pirate + Toy Ninja

40. Rosy
41. Howl at the Moon
Howling Coyote + Mini Moon

42. Cat Lady

Kitty Poo Poo Plushie + Old Lady Doll

43. Elderly Couple

Gentleman Adventurer Doll + Old Lady Doll

44. Terrible Mystery
45. Change the Bulb

Fragile Bulb + Modern Lamp

46. Cold Warm
47. Framed

Little Inferno Collector's Photo + Someone Else's Family Portrait + Oil Painting

48. Writer's Block

Word Pack + Letter Blocks

49. Stop Drop and Roll
50. Colorful Flame
51. Pollinating
52. Cat Bath

Kitty Poo Poo Plushie + Dish Detergent

53. Clean Plate

Dish Detergent + Fragile China

54. Orchestral
55. Moonlight Melody

Mini-Moon + Cello

56. Medicated Midlife

Midlife Crisis Mitigator + Medicated Mommy Pills

57. Pill Popper

Best Friend Supplement Pills + Medicated Mommy Pills

58. Bearskin Rug

Feelings Bear Plushie + Old Bear Trap

59. Fireworks

Uncle Sam's Blam Blams + Dynamite Daisy

60. Spinning Blades
62. Poker Hand

Glass Cards + Lumberjack Hand

63. Duck Season

Game Tablet + Game Bush

64. Huntin'
65. Nuclear Shave

Mini Nuke + Manly Razor

66. Manly
67. Brick and Mortar

Ordinary Brick + Unstable Ordinance

68. Texting Gurl

Low Self-Esteem Action Doll + Cell Phone

69. Sorority Party
70. Chain Puffer

Drill Chain Thrower + Puff Pack

71. Deadly Vices
72. Legal Charge

Legal Briefcase + Battery Pack

73. Injection
74. Bodybuilder

Manly Trophy + Protein Powder

75. Deafening
76. Road Rage
77. Diseased
78. Chain Email

Drill Chain Thrower + Email

79. Wooden Applesauce
80. World Adventurer

Flaming Globe + Gentleman Adventurer Doll

81. Learning is Fun!
82. Glasses and Staches

Mighty Moustache + Fashionable Sunglasses

83. Before the Internet
84. Sleeping Idol

Sleeping Idol + Triangle Idol + Rotund Idol

85. Ice Planet

Dry Ice Cubes + Mini Pluto

86. Heart and Soul
87. Yellow Brick Road
88. Planes and Trains
89. Robotic Future
90. Polar Bear
91. Cardboard
92. Sausage Factory
93. Book Club
94. Spam Cloud
95. Online Piracy

Toy Pirate + Internet Cloud

96. It's a Sign!
97. Sun Flower
98. Mini Milkyway
99. Future's So Bright


TROGDOR approves.


Little Inferno Combo List (Complete)

Chimney Stuffer (1)

1. Bike Pirate

Wooden Bicycle (1) + Toy Pirate (1)

2. Someone Else's

Someone Else's Credit Card (1) + Someone Else's Family Portrait (1)

3. Springtime

Instant Seed Packet (1) + Alarm Clock (1)

4. Generations

Spider Egg (1) + Someone Else's Family Portrait (1)

5. Lenders

Someone Else's Credit Card (1) + Blankity Bank (1)

6. Movie Night

Corn on the Cob (1) + Television (1)

Totally Recalled TOYS (2)

7. Seafarers

Toy Pirate (1) + Oil Barge (2)

8. Building Blocks

Building Blocks (2) + Ordinary Brick (1)

9. Fire Breather

Antiki Torch (1) + Pyranosauraus Plushie (2)

10. Dino-Mite

Pyranosaurus Plushie (2) + Disgruntled Elf Plushie (2)

11. Watching You

Television (1) + Wandering Eye (2)

12. Magnetic Heart

Broken Magnet (1) + Cold Metal Heart (2)

13. Double Fan

Space Heater (2) + Cold Metal Heart (2)

14. Terrible Teeth

Eager Bunny Plushie (2) + Toy Leperchaun (2)

15. Time Bomb

Alarm Clock (1) + Mini Nuke (2)

16. LOL Kitty

Wandering Eye (2) + Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2)

Snooty Foodie (3)

17. Catfish

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Blowfish (3)

18. Bear in a Chinashop

Feelings Bear Plushie (2) + Fragile China (3)

19. Dinnerware

Wooden Spoon (3) + Fragile China (3)

20. Cornflakes

Corn on the Cob (1) + Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes (3)

21. Deadly Fish

Blowfish (3) + Discount Sushi (3)

22. Wake Up!

Alarm Clock (1) + Coffee (3)

23. Iced Coffee

Dry Ice Cubes (3) + Coffee (3)

24. Easter Bunny

Egg Pack (3) + Eager Bunny Plushie (2)

25. Liquid Diet

Future Fizz (3) + Coffee (3) + Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3)

26. Egg Sac

Spider Egg (1) + Locust Eggs (3)

27. Freaked Out Food

Marshmallows (3) + Coffee (3) + Toaster (3)

1st Person Shopper (4)

28. Wooden Block

Letter Blocks (1) + Building Blocks (2) + Tetronimos (4)

29. Arachnid

Spider Egg (1) + Giant Spider (4)

30. Zombie Garden

Instant Seed Packet (1) + Toy Zombie (4)

31. Eggcellent

Egg Pack (3) + Phoenix Egg (4)

32. Puzzling Adventure

Tetronimos (4) + Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4)

33. World of Goo

Goo Ball Pack (4) + Casual Game (4)

34. Airplane Mode

Cell Phone (4) + Handheld Fireplace (4) + Gaming Tablet (4)

35. Underwater

Blowfish (3) + Miss Hexopus (4)

36. Meta

Handheld Fireplace (4) + Beta Version (4)

37. Pixel Pixelated

Pixel Pack (4) + Beta Version (4)

38. Japanese

Discount Sushi (3) + Toy Ninja (4)

39. Brains Ahoy HIYA!

Toy Zombie (4) + Toy Pirate (1) + Toy Ninja (4)

40. Rosy

Valkyrie Doll (2) + Gravity Boy Action Toy (4)

Miss Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living (5)

41. Howl at the Moon

Howling Coyote (5) + Mini Moon (2)

42. Cat Lady

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Old Lady Doll (5)

43. Elderly Couple

Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4) + Old Lady Doll (5)

44. Terribly Mystery

The Terrible Secret (5) + Mystery Seasoning (3)

45. Change the Bulb

Fragile Bulbs (2) + Modern Lamp (5)

46. Cold War

Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (2) + Russian Nesting Doll (5)

47. Framed

Little Inferno Collector Poster (1) + Someone Else's Family Portrait (1) + Oil Painting (5)

48. Writer's Blocks

Letter Blocks (1) + Word Pack (5)

49. Stop Drop & Roll

Smoke Detector (3) + Fire Extinguisher (5)

50. Colorful Flame

Zesty Beetles (3) + Beta Version (4) + Powder Barrel (5)

51. Pollinating

Instant Seed Packet (1) + Cocoon (5)

52. Cat Bath

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Dish Detergent (5)

53. Clean Plate

Dish Detergent (5) + Fragile China (3)

54. Orchestral

Valkyrie Doll (2) + Cello (5)

55. Moonlight Melody

Mini Moon (2) + Cello (5)

56. Medicated Midlife

Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3) + Medicated Mommy Pills (5)

57. Pill Popper

Best Friend Supplement Pills (2) + Medicated Mommy Pills (5)

Shop & Awe (6)

58. Bearskin Rug

Feelings Bear Plushie (2) + Old Bear Trap (6)

59. Fireworks

Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (2) + Dynamite Daisy (6)

60. Spinning Blades

Super Juicer 4000 (3) + Drill Chain Thrower (6)


Drill Chain Thrower (6) + Lumberjack Hand (6) + Manly Odor Spray (6)

62. Poker Hand

Glass Cards (6) + Lumberjack Hand (6)

63. Duck Season

Gaming Tablet (4) + Game Bush (6)

64. Huntin'

Old Bear Trap (6) + Game Bush (6)

65. Nuclear Shave

Mini Nuke (2) + Manly Razor (6)

66. Manly

Manly Razor (6) + Manly Trophy (6) + Manly Odor Spray (6)

67. Brick 'n Mortar

Ordinary Brick (1) + Unstable Ordinance (6)

68. Texting Gurl

Cell Phone (4) + Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (6)

69. Sorority Party

Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (6) + Balloons (5)

70. Chain Puffer

Drill Chain Thrower (6) + Puff Pack (6)

71. Deadly Vices

Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3) + Glass Cards (6) + Puff Pack (6)

72. Legal Charges

Legal Briefcase (6) + Someone Else's Credit Card (1)

73. Injection

Snake Surprise (2) + Protein Powder (6)

74. Bodybuilder

Manly Trophy (6) + Protein Powder (6)

75. Deafening

Valkyrie Doll (2) + Sonic Boombox (6)

76. Road Rage

Wooden Bicycle (1) + Celebration Bus (1) + Mustache Rider (6)

77. Diseased

Toy Leperchaun (2) + Mystery Seasoning (3) + Book of Darkness (6)

Existence, NOW (7)

78. Chain Email

Drill Chain Thrower (6) + Email (7)

79. Wooden Applause

Lumberjack Hand (6) + Laser Pointer (7)

80. World Adventurer

Flaming Globe (7) + Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4)

81. Learning is Fun!

Celebration Bus (1) + Toy Rocketship (7)

82. Glasses & Staches

Fashionable Sunglasses (7) + Mighty Mustache (6)

83. Before the Internet

Television (1) + Old Timey Radio (7)

84. Sleeping Idol

Sleeping Idol (1) + Triangle Idol (5) + Rotund Idol (7)

85. Ice Planet

Dry Ice Cubes (3) + Mini Pluto (7)

86. Heart and Soul

Cold Metal Heart (2) + Transhumanist Action Figure (7)

87. Yellow Brick Road

Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2) + Scarecrow (5) + Transhumanist Action Figure (7)

88. Planes & Trains

Unstable Ordinance (6) + Railroad Xing (7)

89. Robotic Future

Clampy Bot (4) + Mom & Dad Bots (7)

90. Polar Bear

Feelings Bear Plushie (2) + South Pole (7)

91. Cardboard

Imitation Meatboy (4) + Cardboard Sword (4) + Decoy Lady Bug (7)

92. Sausage Factory

Sausage Links (3) + Clone Factory (7)

93. Book Club

The Terrible Secret (5) + Book of Darkness (6) + Creation Science (7)

94. Spam Cloud

Email (7) + Internet Cloud (7)

95. Online Piracy

Internet Cloud (7) + Toy Pirate (1)

96. It's a Sign!

Railroad Xing (7) + This Way Down (7)

97. Sun Flower

Miniature Sun (7) + Instant Seed Packet (1)

98. Mini Milkyway

Mini Moon (2) + Mini Pluto (7) + Miniature Sun (7)

99. Future's So Bright

Fashionable Sunglasses (7) + Miniature Sun (7)

With thanks to allanzelener for the TIMBER! combo!

allanzelener November 19, 2012 12:47 PM


Drill Chain Thrower + Lumberjack Hand + Manly Odor Spray


Huh - I could have SWORN that I tried that combination a number of times, apparently not. Thanks!


The game is NOT available yet on Mac or Linux. The page says so but it is written very small so I just dished out 15$ for a game I can't download...

Please at least fix your links - thanks.

[Fixed. We're sorry for the misunderstanding, we thought they would be released same day as the Windows version. The good news is that when the Mac and Linux versions are available, you will be able to download those versions since you already paid for the game. -Jay]


Hello Everyone. I really enjoy this game and right now I have 62 stars ( from 1 to 62 and I'm still going). I see that many walkthroughs are incomplete. If anyone has a problem with particular puzzle, just post it here. If I don't have a solution to your puzzle, just wait day or two. Maybe even faster,


does any one know whether or not keeping the items you receive in the letters changes the ending at all or if it it doesn't matter if you burn them?


Hi Cole! I don't THINK so, but

I do know at the end of the game you get an option to redeem the coupon for "one free hug" you got early on if you kept it.

Faliara May 15, 2013 2:26 AM

I've never played it, but I've watched walkthroughs. But I don't exactly understand the end...


This is how I interpret the story

The Fireplace and Catalogs

The Little Inferno Fireplace is a toy created partially for entertainment, but also to keep warm in the cold weather. However, we spend so long playing with the Fireplace, that we don't even notice the hours, days and weeks go by. Time just speeds on without us and when we are ejected from our home, we find that, although we played with flashy colors, the world is still the same, and will continue to be the same. This is a metaphor for (I think) gaming addiction. You see the pretty lights, but no matter what you do in the game, the outside world doesn't change for you.
The catalogs are a false sense of power and authority. After all, how can one get a profit from burning what they bought? This power also comes from the fire too. The ability to burn anything in sight speaks to something primal, the want to become powerful. However, various catalog toys, such as the marshmallows that scream in pain, or the school bus that explodes, speak instead to the little voice of humanity that asks 'is this right?'

The Characters

Sugar Plumps

Sugar Plumps is, effectively, you, but more naive. Thus, at the start, she often writes to you about her love of the Little Inferno. This may represent the initial love of products like iPhones, or MP3s etc. However, she is the first to be taken victim to the Fireplace, due to her self sacrifice for the fire. This may represent the backlash on products (e.g. addiction, harmful chemicals, choking hazard etc.) After her "death", her "ghost" tells us to burn the 4 items, destroying our house and setting us free, so to speak.

Ms. Nancy

Ms. Nancy and Tomorrow Corp. is a facade for what is truly happening. They constantly keep up an upbeat and happy attitude, despite the frozen weather and the destructiveness of their own toy. Not only that, when Ms. Nancy is confronted with the truth of the matter (i.e. The town will never be free of the snow and the fireplace is just a tool of destruction), Ms. Nancy skipped town and flew into space. I think this equates to companies not telling the truth, and hiding behind fake happiness and hard-to-reach complaints,and bailing when stuff hits the fan, leaving good people stranded in the aftermath.

The Weather Man

The Weather Man is the embodiment of hope and opportunity. His reports are not biased, nor fabricated or exaggerated, always the straight truth. He sees the world "over the smoke stacks, over the city", which is very different from the player's view: the back of a fireplace. He acts as a sturdy beacon that can be held onto as he can see much further than we can, both in time and space.

It is thus fitting that we end the game by riding his balloon, as it represents our freedom of our blindness and that we can see clearly without the smoke in our eyes.


"This can't last forever"

This phrase is spoken by all the characters about different things. The money, the weather, the catalog toys. No, nothing can last forever, but the game shows us how easy it is to believe that resources are infinite.
Money is pretty much free
The weather has gone on longer than anyone remembers
Catalog toys never run out, they simply restock
But it must end, but how? When humans die out? When we fix the problem? When the economy fails? Or when the player stops playing...?


(I'm staring directly at EA for this one)
Tomorrow Corp., who have been supplying us with endless volumes of toys to burn, is not doing so with a full heart.
Firstly, the Fireplace. They are letting children play with fire (and off go the parent alarms).
Secondly, the products. At first, they are rather innocuous. Daisy seeds, Photographs, Toy pirates, Dynamite? Then flammable oil boats, nukes and a mini-sun. Not to mention the Dry-ice, that does what a fireplace shouldn't do and lowers the temperature and effectively nullifies kindling.
This again shows the company's complete lack of care for customer's well being. True, a mini-sun is useful, but how do you think you're going to move it into the fireplace without leaving a big hole in the everything?

The Rooster

Just Kidding. There are no roosters in the game

These are all my OPINIONS and are nothing more than OPINIONS so don't don't murder me if my OPINIONS are different from your OPINIONS or the developer's official OPINIONS.
Thank you.


Hmmm...I'm curious if there are multiple endings?

I saved the hug coupon and wasn't asked if I wanted a hug at the end, so that prompts my question even more--do my interactive choices at the end have any bearing on what happens?

All in all, I loved the game. I started playing last night and other than sleep, I haven't done anything else since. Good thing I'm currently unemployed so I can spend all my money to burn...

I got a couple of different things from the story than others:

It felt a little like a comment on global warming to me--the "snow" was actually ash, wasn't it? There are lots of clues that that's the case. The frozen city is actually creating its own micro-climate.

I also thought the question about the sun rising or setting was important to this interpretation. Mostly, it was a feeling, but it certainly added to the ambience.

Weird comparison, but in terms of the emotional impact and the almost hypnotic aspects of gameplay, this reminded me in many ways of the lovely PS3 game, Journey. Thoughtful, personal, emotional and so different that there really isn't anything else out there that is quite in the same category.


BTW--the Mac and Linux versions are now available. I got this in a Humble Bundle, and they USUALLY require games to be multi-platform before they list them.


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