Just click the mouse to pour sand where you want it. Use it to build ramps, slopes and bridges, and to turn the little walkers around. Beware of nightmares; however, they will respond to sand the same as the sleepwalkers do. Also, avoid water since sleepwalkers can't swim.
The game saves your progress as you complete each level. To resume at a later time, click the "load" button on the game's main menu screen. If you get stuck at any point during a game, click "Quit" and restart the level.
From Nitrome, the talented and gifted retro pixel-pushers that created the remarkably enjoyable Hot Air that was reviewed here in December. Sandman was designed by Mat and Jon Annal, with programming by Heather Stancliffe. Very nice indeedy.
I don't know if it's just me, but this game seems to load, but it is missing many icons. When I get it to start, which is impressive because the start,help,etc buttons don't have any graphic representation, it doesn't do anything. The little guys dance in their window and disappear. Then I'm stuck and can't do anything with the game. Has anyone else had this problem?
Hi Seth. I don't get the same behavior as you do. My guess is with all the bitmapped graphics this game contains, it is very likely to require Flash Player 8. The symptoms you describe are similar to those experienced when attempting to play Flash 8 content with an older version of the Player.
What OS/browser and Flash Player are you using?
That must be it. I need to upgrade.
I have XP, IE
I looked at the HTML code and the game does not require Flash Player 8, it is set in HTML embed as Flash Player 7. I suspect it is actually Flash 8 game, but the html code is wrong.
Unless I'm really ignorant, I don't think there's a Flash 8 for Linux yet.
It sucks I can't play any of these games.
Inexplicably and ridiculously I love this game. I can not stop. Help! I have real work to do. They need some way in which I can log in and save my game so that I can come back in a few hours after my work is done. Tks jay.
Like this one... found the glitch... I have a little guy stuck at the edge of the screen who just won't die!!!! :) Game without end. Almost as good as lemmings.
Peedl, I feel your pain. Macrodobe is passing on supporting Linux with Flash Player 8. Instead I have read they intend to support Linux with Flash Player 8.5, though not until after it is relased for Mac and PC. =/
me - the game does allow you to come back to your game later. Just click on "load" instead of "new game" to pick up where you left off when you return.
I liked the idea of the game, but felt that there was too much time spent waiting for sand to fall after you had figured out what to do. Playing felt more like a chore then a game sometimes.
i agree nalyd, i didn't play for very long for that very reason. it's pretty, though.
i'm with nalyd. boring boring. at least with hell of sand there was actually something fun to do.
I agree the sand pouring is a bit slow, and the game in general is a bit slow to get going. Later levels do get a bit more interesting and challenging, though.
These games are so cute lately.
the very last level was a bit difficult, took me hours. one of the sand bridges i had to build literally took over 8 minutes of pouring sand. i found something heavy in my room, put it on top of my trackpad, left it there, went out, got something to eat, came back, and it still was barely halfway finished pouring.
what really would've helped this game is a button you could click to increase the speed of the sand.
beautifully designed, however, i loved the colors, the stylization, and i'm impressed at the creativity of the mind that came up with this. yes, it is SOOOOOO slow, and i think having to push a button for 8 minutes is a bit much, but on the plus side, and i honestly am saying this practically, this game might work very well for people with clinical depression. all right, my depressed friend, just sit there, hold your finger in that button, watch the lights slowly flash...
very cute, also, i felt somehow empowered defending the little sleepwalkers from the evil nightmares.
the end, after congratulations, promised me multi-colored sand, but when i clicked to play again, it was just the same brown sand.
also, is it just me, or does that pouring sand look suspiciously like something i really wouldn't want to think about in a video game? seriously, just look at it, what does it look like to you? =)
@me - the review says it saves after every level, and you just click load when you come back to load back to your lastest level.
@jesikae - that is what the quit and finish buttons are for.
Also, instead of putting something heavy on the mouse or what not, you can hold the left button, and click the right button, and let go of both and it will continue to lay sand.
Hey "Neon m" The solution to your problem is
The multi colored sand needs to be changed in the sand menu. During game play check the top of the screen between FINISH and TIME. There is a sand changing bar. Not worth my hour of playing.
I know this sounds stupid, but how do I build bridges? I can only make... mounds/ That doesn't help my guys get onto a ledge.
Wow, this has huge potential! Though maybe that's just because I've always adored Lemming-style games...
Almost makes me want to create a spin-off, adding some features such as a child's shovel <-> dump truck slider for sand quantity. Something to allow sand removal would also be nice. It was frustrating when I didn't let go the mouse button early enough and ended up blocking the path for the sleepwalkers (especially in Access Denied).
Great game - brings back those good ol' Lemming memories.
It's not bad, just not inventive enough.
Pouring sand really reaches its best for me by about level three, and then its just boring. not enough variation, or at least early on, so it just doesn't seem fighting past the first few levels.
This game is fun! :)
Halbishlaba! i can't figure out lvl 9 T.T
I can't get level 2. I am like majorly stuck. Can some one help me pleas???
Try this! If you first drop sand, and then, while you drop the sand, drag the mouse down, then keep dropping sand, and now it would be a thick beam of sand! Cool, huh?
Yo, I need help with level 15! Thanks!!
hi i need help with level 5 it sounds dunb but i cant the the little guys to the door can someone help me
Don't you think its fun to trap, bury and make the little nightmares disappear into white light and thin air?