Ferry Halim has released another jewel in his premium collection of fine Flash games, and this one is a side-scrolling platformer starring an energetic squirrel with a fondness for apples and cupcakes.
Use your mouse to jump and run and help collect all the apples you can, but don't let the squirrel fall! Move the mouse to the right to go faster, move it to the left to go slower. Click the mouse button to jump. Collect cupcakes for a special 50 point bonus.
Graphically speaking, there just isn't anything that comes close to the beautiful vignettes that Ferry paints on his Flash game canvas. The Way Home features elegant animations of a squirrel as she leaps and glides through the air with her tail waving like silk in the breeze. A piano solo soundtrack adds a nice touch of tranquility to this game with soul.
Playing Ferry Halim's games always puts me in a good mood. Click.
ah a new ferry halim game! His games are so inspiring and always make me feel better! I love how you can see inside all the houses, what alot of detail!
Simple and elegant. What more do you want in a Flash game?
The pleasant ambiance of the games always make failing easier to bear ^_^
Aye, that it does, Harukio. An excellent observation. =)
that squirrel was hell bent for leather by the end.
what would have been fun is if there where tree branches you could jump on to, but they fall after a while.
but then again, i dont think the creator intended the game to be like super mario
I really liked how the squirrel moved but i got bored and quit half way through. I did want to see the end but figured it'd be boring too
does anyone know what the song used in the game is called?
O NO! I killed the squirrel!!!! =(
anyone know how to get over 1,930 on 'the way home'? after i hit the bushes...it was all over! somone received a score of 30,000. any theories?
Lola - bogus scores are often derived through cheat mechanisms and hacking. Ferry is aware of it, and yet there is not much he can do other than reset the scores regularly, which he does.
how on earth do you get it past 90????
I'm with Tiffany. Kinda neat but the same buildings cycling through got tiresome about halfway through.
he music is so ice that i concerntrate on listening to the music then the squrrel dies who wrote that piece anyway??
That game is so buataful and elegant...its just amazing because I have no words for how much i love that game.
the squirrel is so cute and elegant
I love this game and I got to the end but I didn't catch all of the apples.
P.S I think this game is sooooooooooooooooo cute
How d'ya get into the leaderboard because I finished it with collecting all the cakes and apples an when I got to the end it just said something like you made it home.
I love everything Ferry Halim does, but I do wish he'd just give a little more instruction on how to play. I realize that this is part of the mystique of a Halim game but it is most frustrating to lose repeatedly while trying out how to play.
How does anyone get past 90 is this game? No matter how or when I jump the poor squirrel plummets to her death.
Please help.
Hi Patricia - this game is controlled entirely with the mouse. Move it to the right to speed up the squirrel, to the left to slow her down. Click the mouse to jump. There's not much more to it than that.
I found that I needed to move the mouse left to keep her in place until a building appeared on the right enough to know where to jump. Some precise timing is required to get her onto all the ledges and home safely. Good luck! =)
Hey, what is the music for this little game?
the squirrel can jump very far i didnt know at first so it scared me
why would the squirrel jumping far scare you?
i realised the score can't get beyond 1930, so if you got it congrats.
What i do is i just hold my mouse to make the squirrel run in one spot, and when i see a building, i just jump. don't do this if you're a newbie at this!
i got 1920. I was so angry when i missed ONE LOLLL...
in the end, you just jump off into a bunch of lush green bushes .. ahhhh C:
arh i never get to finish and get home!
ARGH! There's a crack on my computer desk because it's two desks and the crack makes my mouse move all funny! I can't get past, like, four buildings. Any mouse and desk crack quelling ideas(short of just sealing it up, of course)?
Sorry for the double post but, I have figured out how to out-manuever the crack. Problem solved.
There are weired shingled posts at a later point, I don't like them.