The Several Journeys of Reemus

Analysis: If you played The Visitor, you'll recognize Zeebarf's signature style: vibrant artwork, punchy animation, and a blood-dark sense of humor. This adventure is much less restrained than the last, full of imaginative and surreal set pieces. The puzzles are more complicated and, unfortunately, not entirely logical. It will take some trial and error—and quite a few deaths—before Reemus can finally face the ant queen, but there's more than enough graphical detail and amusing death animations to keep you entertained till the end. If you get stuck, the bear Liam serves as a hint system. Click on him for occasionally helpful advice.
Zeebarf (his logo is literally a "Z" made out of barf, by the way) is still figuring out how to make a great puzzle. The first room in The Several Journeys of Reemus is a spectacular combination of experimentation and logic, but none of the rooms after that feel quite as inspired. As you go on, there are more ways to die, and more ways to get stuck, both requiring you to restart the chapter and redo everything up to that point again. The repetition really takes the shine off the gameplay, although the visual design and humor remains entertaining throughout. If this developer can find a way to consistently marry his formidable imagination with solid, intuitive puzzle design, I will be looking forward to his work for a long time to come.
Play The Several Journeys of Reemus
Cheers to Pixieash, Siriusxdremus, Federico and Jay for submitting this one! =)
Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
YAYS. My first walkthrough.
First level
Click on the compass thing in the top left. Click the brown brush on the top of the carrot thing. Click the battery-fly.
Click the rock between the two middle rasberry things. click the battery fly. Click the compass to close it.
Click the compass to change the season. Click through them to spring. Click the plant thing in the bottom right.
Go to summer. Click the rock at Reemus's feet. Click all the rasberry's. Click Reemus. When the brush burns away... your going along fine.
Click to winter. Click the tounges. Click Reemus. End of first level.
Second level.
Click the small balls on the branch beside Reemus. Once the flowers show up, click the Horned worm. Click Reemus.
In the bottem left you see an orange bug. Click it. Click the root right below the Orange bug.
Click the "straw" over the orange bug, to the left... then click the giant mosquito that appears... to fill spurt water and get the large rock spongy.
Click the long... thing, beside the fire bug, to get it to point straight up. Click the fire bug, to get it to fire at the large crystal.
Click the fire bug once more to fire at the spot where the large crystal was. A shard will fall, creating a way to blind the giant eye that opened. Click reemus. End of level 2.
Level 3.
This one is really annoying. Its fairly time based.
Before I get into the spoiler, Make note of the ant carrying a rock across the top.
Click Reemus, to get on the slug. Click the slug to move it across the bridge, which will collapse.
When the ant starts at the middle of its walk, click the large bat like thing on the right side. The bird will make an egg, and an arm will reach to grab it.
Once the arms' hand opens, click the rock the Ant was carrying, to drop it into the hand. The hand will feed it to... something, that will shoot it across at the bat, knocking it down, causing the platform to fall.
you might think the bat is dead. Nope. Click Reemus, then when The bat grabs Reemus, click the rock the bat was hanging from, to knock it unconcious... again. End of level 3.
Level 4.
Make note there is two ways to do this. I will do separate at the time of splitting.
click the cake the ant is carrying. quick.
Grab the unlit torch beside Reemus. Light it from the unlit torch.
There is a small Water bubble right above Reemus. Click it to boil it, and steam bathe the ant.
Click the ant, to cause the dirt to fall (can't explain) and have the ant head and spear now beside you. Put on the ant head, and grab the spear.
This is where the path diverges.
Path 1.
Click Reemus. When he walks up to the blue toad, click the ant by the button to kill it. Continue on to the next scene.
At the next scene, the ant queen will look at you. Click reemus to jump in its mouth. End of path 1. Enjoy.
Path 2.
This is more complex. Click Reemus. When he walks up to the blue toad, click the crumb that the ant dropped. You will feed it to the toad, who the ant says "ok" your able to walk past. You should still have the spear.
In the next scene, with the Ant queen's open mouth, click the Sponge rock in the bottem right. you will pry it loose with the spear.
Click the firebug 4 times. This will feed water to the sponge rock.
Click the Sponge rock to feed it to the ant queen.
Enjoy the ending.
There you go folks... A probably bad walkthrough. But its my first... so what can I say.
Posted by: Ashiel
May 22, 2008 7:10 PM
The Insect Exterminator's Survival Guide
(an alternative-energy walkthrough by SonicLover)
Page 1
How to Restore Power to a Seasonarium
A Seasonarium is traditionally powered by two battery-flies. They tend to hide out inside brambles, or behind cliff faces. Direct them to the appropriate slots inside the season dial to power it up.
How to Get Rid of Brambles
The best way to get rid of brambles that block your way is to burn them away. Find a flint rock near your feet and throw it at a flint stalactite above the brambles. This will only be effective in the warmest of temperatures; otherwise there will be too much moisture for a proper spark.
How to Use Sand Tongues As A Ladder
Smear Iron Berry juice on the berries' iron stems. (The berries are juiciest in summer; Blue Fuzzerpillars are the natural predators of the small insects that drain the berries of their juice.) Lower the room temperature as much as you can before allowing the tongues to lick off the juice; they will stick fast.
Page 2
How to Land on a Sponge Rock
Sponge Rocks are very hard. If one is stuck in the ceiling, lure a horned slug close with flowers, then give it a scare to jar the rock loose. Make sure it's in position, then pour water on it and it will puff out and become appropriately soft.
How to Take Out an Eye Trap
Use a Water Drop Cannon to jar a piece of crystal loose from the ceiling and reflect light into the Eye Trap's eye. To use a Water Drop Cannon, make sure it's pointing in the right direction, then heat the end of one of its roots to make it shoot. (You may need to pull on a root to get the end sufficiently close to the source of heat.)
Page 3
How to Break Down a Cliffside
An Acid Chicken will always lay an egg when it hears a Man-Eating Bat shriek. Frog Beasts love these eggs, and will eat them with the help of Clamp Vines, which they are natural friends with. Toss a rock into the Clamp Vine's grasp with proper timing, and the Frog Beast will spit out the rock, ideally knocking the Man-Eating Bat down on the cliffside and breaking it down.
How to Stop a Man-Eating Bat
Look for a loose stalactite on the ceiling, like maybe the one the bat was hanging from. Jar it loose, and it should fall and kill the bat.
Page 4
How to Kill an Ant Guard
Light a torch and heat a blue poison spore until it boils. The liquid should burst out and douse the guard, killing it.
How to Get Past an Ant Inspector
Ant inspectors use taste-test beasts to check the quality of their food, and they never look at anything but your head. Wear a dead ant's head over your own to disguise yourself, and swipe a crumb from another ant's gift to fool the taste-test beast.
How to Kill an Ant Queen
NEVER approach an Ant Queen without a weapon, such as a spear, in hand. There are two traditional methods for killing the queen. One is to march into the queen's mouth and kill her from within; the other is to fill a sponge rock with as much blue spore poison as you can find, then chuck it into the queen's mouth. The latter method is preferred by legendary insect exterminators.
Posted by: SonicLover
May 24, 2008 7:50 PM